My Best Friend's Brother (2 page)

BOOK: My Best Friend's Brother
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This year would be my final year and I managed to convince my parents to let me transfer to the same school as Heather so I didn't have to take time off from school every time they went away.


I was often forced to take a long bus or car ride back and forth, which I didn't want this year.


You would of thought at my age I would be OK too stay at home alone, but no, my parents wouldn't let their 'little baby' alone.


Oh well, at least my sister and her husband are great and I get to see Heather a lot when I'm there.


Robbie (Kira's husband) was a great guy too and like a much older brother or a second dad, which I love since my own wasn't around much.


I knew this year would be different, but I didn't mind.


I had met most of Heather's school friends and we got on pretty well, so I didn't have to worry so much about school.


The only thing I had to worry about now was her brothers, who were returning from college.


It would be impossible to avoid them now I was living in the same town.




Real Home






I pulled up outside my sister’s house.


With a smile on my face, I opened the car door and stepped out.


I pulled out my phone and checked the time before putting it back.


Just then I heard a squeal and I fell to the ground.


"Arrr. I think an elephant has fell on me!" I yelled, knowing it would probably my sister judging by the weight of her stomach on my back.


"Hey! I'm not that big." She said, confirming my suspicions.


I laughed "In that case can you please get off, I can't breathe."


"Oh yeah ha ha." she said sheepishly and I felt her try to sit up and get off me, but to no success.


I laughed and shouted "Seriously?" I heard the door of her house open.


"Oh crap, are you OK? What happened?" I heard Robbie say as he ran over.


He pulled up my heavy pregnant sister before he saw a almost flat me.


He rolled his eyes knowingly and held out his hand and pulled me up too.


"So?" he asked, trying not to laugh.


Kira looked at him and to me as if to say 'Say nothing'.


I gave a mischievous smile "Well Miss Turtle here, decided to surprise me with a hug when I got out of my car and managed to knock us both over and she landed on me and I couldn't get back up again." I said, embarrassing her.


She blushed like a tomato, causing us all to laugh.


After a minute like that Kira hugged me again, but this time more careful.


"I'm so happy you are finally living here properly." She said to me with tears in her eyes.


"And so is Robbie." she said breaking the hug to poke her husband in the stomach.


He smiled and nodded, I returned the smile.


"But seriously we are happy to have our little sis around." he said to me, making Kira smile brightly.


He had always been like a older protective brother, he was great and I'm glad my sister was married to him.


Robbie helped me take the stuff from my car that I had brought with me and take them inside to my room.


I had lots of stuff here already, but there were more at my parents.


'As I would be living here from now on, I should probably bring more with me'  I thought at the time, forgetting how much stuff I actually had at Kira's.


After somehow fitting everything in, we all went into the dining room where dinner was now waiting for us.


Siting down I said "Thank you." I smiled "But seriously, you shouldn't be jumping on people in your state." I said, shaking my head at Kira. Robbie agreed.


I continued. "You could really hurt the little one and not to mention kill me." I said trying to lighten the now serious mood.


The rest of the day was pretty much uneventful and so I decided to spend the day unpacking.


Then after I finished, I decided on an early night after a long hard day.


I wanted to be well rested for tomorrow for when I saw Heather.


She was always hopping about full of energy, a lot like Kira before her pregnancy, not that it stopped her much to Robbie's dismay.


Waking up, I opened my eyes and screamed falling off the bed.


"Ricky what the hell?" I shouted.


My brother laughed and exited my room.


"I swear this family is trying to kill me." I muttered under my breath before getting showered and changed.


I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen, where everyone was sat at the island eating pancakes.


I looked at Ricky and asked "Anyway, what you doing here? Not that I'm not happy to see you, but shouldn't you be at college or something?" I said sitting down next to him and grabbing a spare plate of pancakes.


"It's the end of term." is all he said, before continuing to eat.


"I heard you scream earlier." Kira said "What did he do now?" she asked.


I glared at Ricky, who was smirking.


"When I woke up and opened my eyes... this melon" I said poking his head "Had his face right close in front of mine scaring to hell out of me and made me fall off the bed." they all laughed.


I love my family, but they can be such pains.


I just rolled my eyes and continued to eat.


After breakfast I walked out of the kitchen with Ricky.


"So you got a new car this year?" he asked.


I nodded and he hugged me "Well it's big eighteen this year, we should have a party for you." he said cheering me up.


"Yeah, but we'll have to ask Kira first." I said just as she walked in.


"Ask what?" She asked.


Ricky told her his idea and she agreed, but only if she could choose a theme.


"Alright, just try and not to choose something too..." I said back to her.


Kira had her thinking look on, her eyes looking up and her mouth partly open with her tongue out slightly.


I looked at Ricky and he looked from Kira to me and we both laughed.


Kira jumped up. "I have the prefect idea." she grinned.


We both waited for her to continue. "Yes?" I asked.


As if realizing she hadn't actually said anything yet she slapped her forehead and said "Oh yeah, I should probably tell you first." Her face was reddening. "How about a masquerade party? I've always wanted one of those." She grinned as someone knocked at the door.


"I'll answer that and give you a second to think about it." Kira smiled walking over to the front door.


A short time later she returned with Heather in tow.


Me and Ricky said "Hello." to Heather at the same time.


Heather rushed over to me and Ricky and pulled them both into a group hug before releasing them.


"Hey guys, I missed you both." She told us.


The three of us spent so much time together growing up, that she was more like another sister to us than a friend.


I rolled my eyes and exclaimed,"I've only been gone just over a week!"


Heather sighed "And it was the longest week of my life." This made us laugh.


"Anyway, Kira was just telling me about her wicked party idea for you." She smiled.


What was said next surprised me.


"Yeah it’s a great idea isn't it?" Ricky said, cheery.


I looked at him to see if he was being sarcastic.


"What?" He asked "There will be lots of cuties around for me and I will have my mask on, so no one will ever no it’s me and bother me afterwards." He smirked to himself.


I rolled my eyes in disapproval. "That sounds more like you." I said out loud for everyone to hear.


We all moved into the living room and sat down.


"So Ricky, how long you back for?" I asked him.


He shrugged "Long enough." Always the secretive one.


"So the big eighteen soon." Heather grinned.


I grinned back. "Yep only a few days more. Do you think that's long enough to make a few new friends and invite them and some old ones to the party?" I ask her.


"For sure." She said, nodding.


Me, Kira and Heather all sat around speaking about the party and what to wear, serve and etc.


After about ten minutes of this Ricky stood up, bored.


"I'm just heading out to see some friends. I'll see you all later." He said as he exited the house.


In the end we decided on princess inspired dresses and the boys would have to also wear tuxes as well.


"This will be so great." Kira said,


"Yep we will look just like Cinderella." Heather said.


I could see them now dreaming their Disney style fantasies, but who wouldn't want a handsome prince at her party.


"Speak for yourself. I'll look more like Princess Fiona." I laughed.


They both frown at me and Heather hits my arm.


"I've had enough of your self loathing. We need to get you a boyfriend." She told me.


Kira got up.


"Why don't you two go to one of your friend’s house of something." Kira said trying to get us out of the house.


"If you want us gone you just have to ask." I say to her.


"I'm sorry honey, it’s just for a couple of hours." She said, shooing us out of the house and closing the door behind us.


I looked at Heather "So, where you wanna go?" I ask.


"Wanna go to mine? My mother's been baking." she said grinning at me.


Her mother was the best cook ever. I am just glad she wasn't my mother, because if she was I swear I would weigh three hundred pounds.


I nod 'yes' and we walked over too my car.


"Nice car. Birthday gift?" Heather asks, knowing from previous years.


"Yeah." I said getting into the car, shortly followed by Heather.


Heather lived about a mile away, so we were there pretty fast.


I drove into her driveway and parked the car, before stepping out.


Following Heather into the house, I was almost knocked off my feet by the smell of baking.


I could feel myself starting to drool.


I wiped my mouth as we made our way to the kitchen.


"Hiya mom." Heather said stepping into the kitchen.


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