My Best Friend's Brother (7 page)

BOOK: My Best Friend's Brother
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Just then her phone started to ring, playing a song I had never heard before.


She looked at her phone before answering it.


"Hello." I heard her greet the person on the other end of the call.


I watched her from the corner of my eye as she nodded her head.


"You know they can't see you right" I tease.


She sent me a playful glare before sticky her tongue out.


Taking her attention back to her phone she said, "Oh yeah, yeah, I'm still here. I am at Heather's house. Yep they are one min." She held of the phone for me to take.


I gave her a confused look.


"It's Ricky." She said seeing my look of confusion which she returned.


I took the phone and press it to my ear.


"Hello." I said curiously.


"Hey man, is that you Nate?" Ricky asked on the other end.




"You and Matt sound so much alike." I laughed. We got that a lot.


We were non identical twins, but we both had similar features and very similar voice.


On the phone it was almost impossible to tell the difference.


One thing that I think Hope is unaware of is that Ricky, Matt and I all attend the same college.


We were unaware of this at first.


But get me wrong we did speak and hang out once in a while when we were younger.


But since all the stuff with Hope, not so much.


Well not until college anyway.


At first he would keep his distance from us, but after bumping into him at one of a rare amount of parties I attended we had it all out and talked about all the crap that had happened.


In the end he realized we were just stupid boys being boys and never meant any malice.


After that we became great friends and became somewhat of a trio around campus.


Ricky agreed that when he thought she was ready he would try and clear the air between us and Hope.


But I'm hoping now that isn't needed.


But then again it couldn't help he having a word with her, could it?


Now you’re probably wondering if we are such great friends why is he calling his sister's phone and not mine nor Matt's.


Well that's easy. I hate these things. All they ever do is ring and beep.


I tend to 'accidently' forget it and leave it off or in our room.


I spoke with Ricky for a couple of minutes while Hope watched.


We agreed to hang out at his place tomorrow and he told me about Hope's upcoming party.


After we finished I hung up and passed her the phone back.


"So I hear your having a party for your 18th?" I asked her in general conversation.


She nods, but Heather interrupts her before she can say anything.


"Yes a masquerade party." Heather smiled putting antsiest on masquerade.


"Really? That's cool. Am I invited?" I ask her even though Ricky already invited us.


She seemed to think about it for a minute before saying anything.


"Yes you can come, but remember a mask. Also it has a dress up thing where women wear princess type dresses, while men wear suits".


"Am I invited too?" Matt yells out even though he is only a few feet away.


"And me?" Dean adds.


Hope smiles. "Yes you can, but remember the dress code" she tells us again.


"And no eyeliner." Heather adds grinning.


It’s good to see we are not the only ones who don't like Dean's new look.


Hope's phone beeped again.


She took it out and read through what I guess was a text message.


She sighed. "I got to get back home now. Kira wants me home to speak about something." She said nonchalantly.


She stood up from her seat and so did my sister.


"Come on we'll get changed and I'll walk out front with you." She told Hope.


I'm sure she just wanted to get her alone to talk about something though.


Heather pulled on her robe, while Hope just carried hers in her arms.


"I'll see you all another time. Bye." Hope said with a wave before walking away.


We all shouted bye back and I heard the two yaks laugh.


As the two walked away I couldn't help but watch Hope and scan over her body, like I had been doing all day.


God if she only knew what she did to me.


They finally reach the house and disappear through the door.


I turn around too see Matt smirking at me.


"What?" I asked when he gave an accusing stare.


He gets up and moves to the lounger next to me.


"She's quite the hottie now, don't you think?" He asked with amusement in his voice.


He must have caught me checking her out.


Not that him and my little brother were any different.


Dean especially. He made no secret at the fact that he was watching her, she seemed to like the attention or at least I think she did.


I'm pretty sure she had no romantic feelings for him or that's what I guess by what me and Matt heard earlier.


When our evil sister was trying to pimp her out to 'fix' my little brother image crisis.


"Um I guess." I muttered lowly.


By now Dean was out of the pool and sitting beside us.


I guess he wanted to bond with his older brothers. Especially when heard our conversation topic.


Me and Matt had never been especially close to Dean.


He much preferred our sister’s company or his video games.


Matt grinned at me while Dean just listening while laying back in his seat with his eyes closed.


"Come on man, I saw you"


I gave him an 'I don't know what you are talking about' look.


He smirked "So you’ve been perving on her since we first came out of here?" Matt said amused at himself.


Dean looked at me, angry. As if to say 'she's mine'.


"I have to admit though if she wasn't little Hope then I would. She's hot" Matt admitted.


Dean nodded and saidm "She always has been, you just never looked before." He was now sitting and starring at us.


I was starring off into space.


"I know. I've always thought the same." I said out loud without thinking.


I quickly cover my mouth and hoped no one heard my secret thoughts.


No one said anything. It was so quiet you could hear the now slight breeze causing the water in the pool to waver slightly.


I turned my head back to my brother to see their shocked expressions.


Dean had an uncertain look.


While Matt's was first confusion, but soon after his mouth feel as he realized.


I have a secret.


That's right since the first time I met Hope I have been in love with her.


The pranks were all Well most were my idea so I could get her attention.


All the good they did


I know there was only a slight age gap between us, but when you are young even a couple of years can seem like ten.


No matter how much I would have liked to have done something about it, I knew I would have to wait until she was older.


And then she stopped coming.


I was heartbroken.


I started to date and sleep with any girl who would have me.


But nothing worked. The truth is I still love her now.


It broke me when Heather told us how we hurt her, I really messed that one up.


All I ever wanted was her and now she hated me


I know she doesn't feel the same way but maybe one day she could. I hope and she could really forgive me.


"Nate." Matt said breaking me from my thoughts.


"Yes man?" I say nonchalantly.


"Do you have something you want to tell me?" Matt looked at me hopefully.


While Dean was now almost looking through me.


"Yes. Do you?" I heard a voice I didn't expect hear.



You do?






I turned to the door to see Heather standing there with her hands on her hips.


"Oh hello," I paused "How long have you been there?" I ask her.


She began to smirk "Long enough.”


She started to stroll over before sitting next to me in the lounger where Hope was sat before.


Heather was now dressed in a t-shirt and denim shorts.


"So Nate. " She gave me an amused looked.


I heard someone getting up behind me.


Matt walked over and sat on the lounger next to our sister.


He had the same amused look on his face.


"Yes. So Nate," Matt gave me a huge smile


"How long have you been crushing on your little sister’s best friend?" Matt asked his voice full of amusement.


I looked away "I.. I haven't been" I stutter out.


"Really?" Heather asked, trying not to laugh.


The two looked at each other and laugh.


"You are such a bad liar." Matt laughs.


"I'm not."


"So is this a recent thing or is this an old thing?" Heather teased.


"No Hev, it has to be recent right Nate?" Matt quickly said asking for me.


I don't answer, still looking away.


"Right Nate?" Matt asks again, this time in a more serious tone.


I coughed but didn't say anything still.


Heather’s mouth dropped open but quickly closed it again as if realizing something.


"Longer?" She almost whispers.


I slowly turned to them and purse my lips.


"Oh my god Seriously man?" Matt asked shocked.


"How long has it been?" Dean asks, making me jump.


"Since I first saw her." is all I say.

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