My Erotica – Out to Dry

Read My Erotica – Out to Dry Online

Authors: Mister Average

Tags: #sex with strangers, #spanking stories, #cheating husband, #sex with the maid, #anal sex stories, #cuckhold husbands, #drunken sex stories, #farting during sex, #fembot and robot sex, #forbidden sex and cheating wife

BOOK: My Erotica – Out to Dry
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* * * * *


Published by
Mister Average



My Erotica –
Out to Dry


Copyright 2011
- 2013 by Mister Average



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For my other
eBooks, please go to the end of this book.






















Hello, my name
is Mister Average, and for the past three years I have been writing
and publishing erotica under a number of different names.

I am quite a
prolific short story writer, and have published nearly three
million words, mostly erotica.


It is quite an
interesting career - I guess it is my job to walk around thinking
sex all the time and looking for sex based ideas and scenarios and
then writing about it. I suppose researching sex, for me, is a tax
deduction – that’s funny, isn’t it.


I enjoy writing
erotica, it’s mentally stimulating, but it is also rewarding
because of the pleasure others get from my work.

I enjoy seeing
a review where the reader has clearly enjoyed my work - that makes
me feel appreciated.

I remember one
reader declaring that ‘The Girl Who Farted During Sex’ was the
funniest thing they had ever read. That inspires me to write


I enjoy knowing
that the reader is stimulated, and that they might please
themselves after reading my work. I sometimes wonder how many
orgasms I have been responsible for!


I am not a
famous or well-known erotica author, just one of the many plodding
along out of the limelight waiting for that break that never


Today I decided
to take a day off from writing, and instead just put together a
compilation of stories that have pleased me the most, and to share
them with you in a single volume. I hope you enjoy them.


There is a
varied selection here.

The Girl Who
Farted During Sex is probably the funniest story I have written and
gets good reviews, you have the human weakness stories like
Punishing the Wife and Ghostwriter, there is the story of betrayal
and counter betrayal in the Maid, I touch on cuckoldry in the
Cuckold Husband in the Park and I have added two of my futurist
erotica stories, Robo-Sex and the scary 23
Sex. To cap it all off there is my little story called Heaven,
which makes you wonder what choice you would make.


Oh, and whilst
I have your attention, just a little friendly word to those who
leave reviews stating that a story is too short. If you buy
something which clearly states it is a short story, and short
stories are usually under about 8,000 words, there is no point
complaining the story is too short.

Short stories
are exactly that – fast paced and to the point, no time to


I hope you all
enjoy my work, I write for your sexual and emotional pleasure.




Steve was away
for the weekend, with some work colleagues, and eager to get up to
no good, but after his friends ran off with college girls he was
left alone in the bar - until Carla turned up. Steve immediately
wanted the older woman, he followed her to Carla's hotel room and
enjoyed himself - until Carla's husband entered the room and caught
them at it, and punished them.


Steve didn’t
mind having a drink with friends when he was out on the town and
interstate. He had planned this for some time so that two of his
colleagues would also be in town over that weekend and they could
get up to a bit of fun whilst they were away from wives or


Funny how you
always plan these things to go a certain way, but in reality they
just don’t end up like that, and rarely is a night out as exciting
as you had hoped it would be.


He was out of
town, footloose and fancy free and he was after some nice and new
pussy - and to hell with his wife. In fact, he hoped he would get a
chance to bone some slut tonight and he hoped she was married to
some loser. He liked that idea - fuck the woman and send her home
to her husband with a pussy full of his muck. Steve smiled and
drained his drink and motioned to the barman to give him the same
again. He had high hopes for the night.


Of course, to
many of those looking at Steve on that night, it would have seemed
as though he was the loser, but he didn’t realize that.


The air of the
hotel bar was filled with the sad attempt at piano music provided
by a drunken old man sitting at the piano in the corner. Steve
looked at the guy as he continued nursing his drink; he was bored
now, horny and bored.

He had joined
two of his friends on what he thought would be a sensational
weekend of booze and girls, they were all away from home and
looking for sex.

But it hadn’t
worked out like that for Steve - instead his two friends had been
swept away by two young and gorgeous college cheerleaders who, oh
so conveniently, did not have a third friend. So Steve was left at
the hotel bar, all alone and knocking back drink after drink.


He found his
surroundings to be mind-numbingly boring and he was so pissed off
he thought of going to bed soon. The few women who were scattered
around the bar were either with someone, or he could easily see why
they weren't - which was a bit uncharitable since he was no hot
looker himself.

He figured
after a few more drinks his mind might be dizzy enough to take
anything with legs and breasts that walked through the door, that
would do him just fine – at least he would get his dick into some

Steve was one
of these guys who thought a bit of pussy was better than no pussy
at all!


But instead
what greeted his eager gaze was a sight he never expected and
suddenly the evening changed for him.





Her legs were
long, and her breasts were full beneath the low cut collar of her
burgundy dress. Its colour accented her skin tone which was pale
and flawless. Her hair tumbled in loose chocolate curls that made
him ache to run his fingers through it. She was older, but he was
most impressed by the way she walked and how she carried herself
with confidence and authority, this was a woman of style and


He watched her
as she strode across the bar to a small table not far from him. She
was instantly served her drink of choice. As she sipped it, she
glanced in his direction. He thought it was his imagination, that
she was gazing at him sexily while she took another swallow of her
drink. He told himself, as the heat rose in the base of his
stomach, that she could have any man she laid her eyes on, yet she
was looking at him. Her eyes lingered on him, and he could feel
them slowly surveying his physical prowess from his broad shoulders
to the youthful curve of his ass on the bar stool.

Slowly, she
stood from her chair. She picked up her drink and wandered toward
the bar.


Steve could not
believe his luck when she sat down beside him. He was too nervous
to speak as she leaned across him to pick up his glass. She held it
up to the bartender and pointed to her own, indicating that the
young man should have what she was drinking. Steve couldn’t believe
it; this was the material of dreams, not of any reality he had ever
lived in.


“I thought you
would like it, by the way, I am Carla,” she whispered just beside
his ear. Steve could feel his heart pounding harder and his cock
was starting to twitch in his pants. This woman was hot and so
confident, he wanted her badly!

She lifted her
glass toward his lips, and he willingly took a sip. The liquid was
strong and sweet, their eyes were locked onto each other’s as Steve
sipped the sweet nectar. Her perfume wafted around him as she
leaned just a little closer, letting her breast’s brush along his
arm as she pretended to take a peek at his watch.


“Hmm, getting
late, isn’t it honey?” she murmured as the bartender set down
Steve's drink. Steve could not take his eyes off of her as she
downed her own drink, and waited expectantly for him to do the
same. He did not hesitate. When the strong alcohol struck him it
made him a little dizzy. The sensation mixed with the heat of his
arousal led him into a heady place of pleasure. He ached to touch
her, but he was not sure that he should, was she just a tease, or
was she for real?


Carla stood
from the bar and began to turn away, Steve’s eyes following her
every move. He reached up to grasp her hand, afraid to let her
disappear, and she slid her room key into his palm. Without looking
back she left the bar and took the elevator up to her room, Steve
watched as her ass wiggled, inviting him to enjoy it.

It only took
him a moment to get the message and jump up from the bar stool. He
followed behind her and took the next elevator up to the floor
designated on the room key. As he rode the elevator up to the floor
he mused about this sudden change in fortune. Fifteen minutes ago
he had been feeling down and out, a weekend wasted, but here he was
now heading for a rendezvous with a stunning older woman.


He considered
her for a moment, she was very attractive, very confident, and
probably in her fifties. He had never screwed a woman that old
before, but he was sure she was very experienced and he would be
treated to a lot of very hot sex. His cock stirred again in his
pants as the elevator door opened in front of him.






It had been a
long day for Angelo, his work in government security kept him away
from home often. Today had been no different; he had been in the
President’s entourage as the head of state conducted the business
of meeting’s, pressing the flesh and more meetings. Angelo’s day
had started at 4am, in another city and he had worked until 5pm.
Then it was a quick trip to the airport to catch the shuttle back
home only to find a note from his wife saying she was having drinks
with her girlfriend Sharon at a city hotel.


Angelo was no
fool; he knew his attractive wife was a slut and that she took
advantage of his absences. He kind of accepted it as one of the
hazards of his important job that he was away from home, and his
wife left to her own devices.

Angelo knew
there would be no Sharon and there would be no girl’s night


Angelo knew his
wife would be downtown in some posh bar looking for some younger
man to fuck and he guessed she would be in the bar of one of a
handful of hotels.

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