My Erotica – Out to Dry (5 page)

Read My Erotica – Out to Dry Online

Authors: Mister Average

Tags: #sex with strangers, #spanking stories, #cheating husband, #sex with the maid, #anal sex stories, #cuckhold husbands, #drunken sex stories, #farting during sex, #fembot and robot sex, #forbidden sex and cheating wife

BOOK: My Erotica – Out to Dry
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She obediently
let Erik lick her asshole and then felt him start to mount her. She
felt him sliding his thumb in and out to open her up, and then she
could feel the thick, blunt end of his prick trying to force its
way up her ass.


She screamed as
he pulled her hair and thrust hard and deep up her bum, but she let
him have his way. He obviously wanted this, she was going to be
submissive and let him use her completely.


His cock felt
enormous as he pounded away on her butt. She hoped he would cum
inside her soon, she didn’t know how much of this anal punishment
she could take.


Maybe that’s
what it was, she wondered. Was this Erik’s way of punishing her for
her wayward writing lately?


She screamed
more loudly as he hammered her ass, she was sure she would be
broken by his cock. Then she felt him tense and he bellowed as he
came like a wild animal, pumping his seed into her tight little
fuck hole.

When he was
finally done, she collapsed forward and lay there, totally


Minutes later,
surprisingly, there was a knock on the door and two men entered. It
was the guy from the front counter and some other man.


“Hey lady, if
you are going to make this much noise, you have to share – house
rules, baby.”


Kristen was
horrified and clutched at the sheets and looked at Erik.

He just
laughed, pulled his cock out of her slimy asshole and said to the
men, “Ok, guys it’s your turn to use her now. Fuck her hard, it’s
what she needs and it’s what I am paying you for. She needs new
ideas for writing erotica so use her until you are both done.”


“What the
fuck,” started Kristen as she saw Erik dressing.


He turned to
her and replied, “You said you wanted to get into more kinky stuff
so you could write more imaginatively. So when I came in tonight I
told the counter guy to come up here after half an hour and fuck
your brains out. These two are going to give you a threesome.”


“Enjoy it,
baby, I am going home. And I sure as hell look forward to your next
story in a few days.”


Erik left for
home and his loving wife, leaving Kristen to live out her slut
fantasies as the two men used her every hole for the next three
hours. At the end of it she was a cum dribbling mess, but over the
next few months her writing didn’t lack any passion, or





The world
sucked for Alan, he was an overweight, middle aged man and there
wasn’t a great deal of excitement left for him in his life. It was
just boring drudgery every day. One day as he stepped out the
elevator, the world turned a blinding white and suddenly he was
somewhere else, with naked women and outrageous sexual habits.
After an evening of torrid love making he had a decision to






Alan walked to
his dreary government job, as he did each day, trying to get up the
spirit to be happy, the spirit to go on, and the spirit to be

It was a

The world
sucked for Alan, he was an overweight, middle aged man and there
wasn’t a great deal of excitement left for him in his life. It was
just boring drudgery every day.


He turned the
corner, bid the footman a good morning and entered the cavernous
foyer of the enormous government building. It was new, modern and
totally without character. He expected it looked like something
straight out of 1984.

Once inside the
building, Alan greeted the security guard, Alfred, as he did every
morning and they exchanged the usual comments of amazement about
the weather even though the weather was completely predictable
these days.


Alfred looked
at Alan and asked, "Excuse my rudeness, Sir, but are you feeling
alright; you look a little pale this morning? Not feeling well,


"Ah, no,
Alfred, I am fine thank you."


Alan strode
across the marbled floor to the bank of elevators and pressed the
‘up’ button.

The elevator
doors opened in front of him and he entered. As the doors were
closing he saw his boss walking quickly towards him.


Oh shit,
thought Alan, he will want that bloody report.


He feigned to
press the ‘open doors’ button, but instead hit the ‘shut doors’ and
the two steel doors closed and excluded all other occupants. It was
a reasonable mistake, especially when these days the only options
were two smart arse symbols that one first had to decipher before


The elevator
moved smoothly on its journey to the 16th floor, Alan felt
momentarily relieved to have escaped from his boss, although he
noticed he was sweating.


Then just as
the elevator arrived at its destination Alan felt suddenly very
dizzy, everything around him started to rotate and then spin. The
spinning motion changed its plane of alignment and started tilting,
he lost his balance completely, falling to his knees to try to
recover his composure.


There was a
swift jolt in his chest and then a blinding light in front of him
and the elevator door opened, a glaring white light replacing the
expected office setting.

Alan couldn’t
stand; he crawled slowly out of the elevator and into this white
light environment.


Once out of the
lift he felt better, the spinning stopped, his balance returned and
he was able to stand.

The light was
so bright; he held his hand over his eyes in an attempt to see
around him.

Gradually the
surroundings cleared, but where there should have been a modern
21st century office there was instead some kind of platform and he
was standing on it.


Alan looked
about him, the sky was amazingly clear and blue, there was a scent
of tropical paradise in the air and all about him he could see
incredibly beautiful women. This was obviously not his work floor,
had he perhaps pressed the wrong button and alighted at the
executive floor?





He seemed to be
standing on some beach sand, it was warm and soft.

There appeared
to be music coming from a hut nearby and people were dancing, many
of them naked.


To his left
there was a small tropical hut bar, he walked over and sat down and
looked for a waiter, he needed a drink for sure.


Then he noticed
on the bar top a single glass, it said ‘click me’ to have a


Click me? he
thought, what is that shit?


He reached out
to touch it and somehow a menu came up in thin air in front of his
eyes and it invited him to select from many options, including one
that said ‘Drink’.


By thinking
that he wanted to select that option, somehow it was selected and
before he knew it, a copy of the drink was in his hand and full of
coloured liquid.


He brought the
glass to his lips and sipped the drink.

It was
sensational; it was heavenly - and nice and intoxicating too.


He took a long
drink and then set the glass on the counter. As he released it from
his hand he noticed the glass rim had lipstick on it.


Fuck, that’s a
bit slack really isn’t it, he thought to himself. At least the bar
staff could have cleaned the damn glass – slack bastards.


Again he looked
around for bar staff, but there were none.


As he turned to
his glass again he caught sight of his image in a small mirror on
the bar, and he froze.


He looked
around him, looked back at the image and then looked down at
himself, and nearly died.


For all of his
life Alan had been a portly gentleman, but now when he looked down
he was a woman, and an attractive woman at that.


Whereas moments
ago he had been 53 years old, and a male, now he was in his
mid-twenties, an attractive 25 year old woman.

He was stunned,
had he fallen down and hit his head and was now in some absurd and
perverse dream?


This was not


He stood up, he
looked at himself again.


He was tall,
slim with attractively sized breasts; he was wearing a see through
mesh vest and tight black leggings with white leather ankle


His hair was
short, shaped forward on the sides and black and he looked fucking
fantastic - except Alan knew he was really a man and he was looking
in the mirror and seeing a woman!


He looked
around to make sure nobody was looking directly at him and tried to
recover his composure.


He needed
another drink; this was all too much for him.

He motioned
towards the glass again and selected ‘drink’ and his glass filled


He liked that
idea. He didn’t know where he was but he wished he could take that
nifty little invention back home with him – he would make a


He took the
glass and stood up. To his left there was a small bridge heading
out to the sky and a sign that read, ‘Lovers Leap’.

Curious, Alan
walked onto the bridge and out along it. As he made his way along
the ten feet of its length he realized that he was on some kind of
sky platform and it was fucking thousands of yards down.


He couldn’t
even see the bottom!


Not a great fan
of heights he eased himself back onto the terra firma of the main

Nothing made
sense to him in this odd world. He continued taking in the scene,
the smells and the sounds.


He listened to
the announcer key in the next song, J’ai Envie De Toi.

It seemed to be
some French radio station, was he in France? Maybe that explained
it all, somehow the damned frogs had kidnapped him. If he was in
France, things had changed since he had last visited. It now seemed
like heaven - they had clearly moved ahead of his nation.

The place had
atmosphere, energy, there was thumping, pumping euro pop music
blaring through the air.


Alan moved back
to the safety of the bar, this world was too unusual for him to
walk around, who knew what trouble he might get into.


He watched the
women walking around the club and saw one appear out of thin air
onto some mat about ten feet in front of him. It seemed to be some
focal point, some kind of entry point, perhaps?


How the fuck
did they do that, he wondered.

Another woman
nearby just turned into vapour and disappeared.

This was
clearly some bizarre dream he reasoned, people don’t just appear
and disappear in normal life.


He took another
drink and was trying to observe as much of this odd place as
possible. He then noticed a sign near the entry mat. It read
‘Shemale and Lesbian Love Club’.


What the fuck,
that explained it. He was in some fucking weirdo club. There would
have to be a manager somewhere, a door to the outside. He looked
around for assistance, but there was none.

It was then
that he noticed a woman standing a few feet away and looking at





She was
stunning. She was petite, and brunette with lips that men would
kill for and a body to match it all.

He noticed that
he still seemed attracted to women even though he was technically a
woman, somehow, so that was good.

She smiled at


She offered her
hand and said, “I’m sorry I wasn’t here to meet you, I was held up
with another person and couldn’t get back here on time. I hope you
aren’t feeling too disoriented and uncomfortable. But, to the best
of our knowledge this is exactly what you wanted so here you are,
it should be familiar to you.”

The woman
continued, “And I am sorry for being so rude and not introducing
myself to you, Alahna.”

“My name is


Alahna? Who the
fuck was Alahna, he wondered and then it occurred to him that maybe
Alan the man had become Alahna the woman - what a world!


The woman gave
him that melting smile again, she nodded, “Yes honey, your name is
Alahna. Didn’t you get an information pack when you arrived today?
Oh my, we have slipped up, haven’t we? I am so sorry.”


“Here come with
me, it’s nearly time for the sunset, you will love it.”

She reached for
Alan’s hand and walked with him past many people dancing, couples
kissing and past the elevated huts on the beach sand. They walked
through an area of palm trees and came to the edge of the platform
but on the other side.


“Well honey,
four times a day the sun rises and falls here, it’s time for the

She held his
hand and stood close to him. Alan watched as the bright red globe
descended through some broken clouds near the horizon and then shot
its rays across the ocean and across this weird world as it sunk
into the waters many miles away.


Alan was amazed
at this place, sunset four times a day? Where the fuck was he, it
clearly wasn’t on Earth. And how had he gone from an elevator at
work to this crazy land?



Suzi took the
lead again, “Here, lets’ find somewhere with a little more
privacy.” She led him through the palms and then they came out into
a serene setting. In front of them there was a little hut
surrounded by water with a wooden bridge going across to it. As the
darkness of night descended, torches flared up and their flames
flickered to light the way.

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