My Mr. Manny (6 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Garcia

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: My Mr. Manny
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With everything gone except our chairs, we sat and waited for the light show to begin. The kids were tired but excited. Lori, my dad, and I were sitting close together.

“Dad,” I began.

He looked over at me.

“I was talking to Lori, and she made a good suggestion. I think I’m going to hire a nanny to help me with Lucia and some things around the house.” I waved it off with my hand like it was no big deal. However, I still felt unsure about how hiring a manny would play out.

I wanted to tell him about my plan and get his opinion on the matter. I knew he cared about our safety, even if he came off as overprotective. I just needed support, another person to tell me this was the right thing to do. It didn’t matter because the whole thing was already set up, and I was nervous.

His forehead scrunched up, and his eyes squinted into little slits. “Where are you going to look for someone like that? And are you sure you want the trouble?” His eyes darted to Lori’s, then back to mine in a flash. “I mean, sometimes those things can be more headache than help.”

“I know, Dad. It’s just that I’m going to need help getting her from school and taking her to her activities and fixing dinner while I take her to ballet. I am always rushing to and from work so I can be where she needs me to be, and she is just going to get busier when she gets older. She wants to participate in all these activities, and I can’t deny her.” I hoped he would understand. “Lori recommended someone for the job, dad.”

I watched Lucia running around in the grass with a multi-colored, light-up fairy wand, happy and carefree. Her curly, russet hair was halfway down her back, and her eyes sparkled like the waters in the Caribbean.

“Uncle Paul, Chris’s brother lost his job and wanted a change. Dominic is who she’s considering for the position,” Lori broke in convincingly. “He’s a great guy — a stand-up guy. I would never have mentioned it if I didn’t think he was the best thing for Mia and Lucia.”

My dad’s eyes moved to Chris, and he asked, “What do you think about this?”

Chris stiffened momentarily at being addressed and then relaxed again. He was a reserved guy most of the time. “Well, my brother was dealt a shit hand and, without a doubt, wants a complete change. He’s an honest man, and we have a damn fine ‘pedigree,’ if you will.” He shrugged. “In my honest opinion, I think this whole plan will be beneficial for all of them. I have a feeling that they all will be better off in the long run. They can help each other,” he continued with sincerity.

I jumped in as soon as he stopped talking. “I trust their judgment, Dad, and I know they’d never put us in a bad situation.” While I bobbed my head up and down, I realized I was trying to convince myself as much as my father.

The lights began shooting up in the air and lighting the sky in red, white, and blue; it was breathtaking. I wrapped Lucia in my arms while she sat on my lap. I loved fireworks: the feeling of being free and childlike. Listening to all the “oohs” and “ahhs” just added to the excitement.

After the grand finale, we all kissed and hugged goodbye, with promises to get together soon. Then, as fast as we could, we folded up the chairs and made our way to our vehicles. The four of us piled into my car, while my dad went home alone.


Lori and Chris’s vacation ended much too fast for my liking, and I was sad to see them go back to New York. It always meant so much to me when my relatives visited; they were my connection to back home. I had always wanted a big family, and it was important to me that Lucia knew our relations and that she felt loved

Before she left, Lori arranged for her brother-in-law, Dominic, to arrive the following week for his interview. He reserved a room at the Marriot in the Fox Hills area, which was around the corner from my condo. I was nervous to meet him, especially since I needed to decide whether or not I wanted him to be a live-in nanny. It might be more convenient in the end to have him there all the time, but I worried about how I would separate his working time from his off time. Too many questions arose in my mind; I needed to do some research.

The day of their departure, I walked Chris and Lori to the security entrance to wish them a safe trip before they went to their gate.

“I’m going to miss you guys so much.” I looked at Lori sadly. “Would you consider moving here?”

Chris shook his head with a deep chuckle. “I don’t know. It’s not that we don’t like it here; it’s just that our jobs keep us there.”

I looked at Chris then, his body was tall and lean, and his skin was a dark olive color. He had short, black hair and colorful, hazel eyes. He was an okay-looking man, and it made me wonder what his brother looked like.

“I know, I just hate being here alone. Will you come and visit more often, then?” I asked with hope in my tone.

“We will — you know it. And I hope we can soon,” Lori reassured me.

“I’ll miss you.” I hugged Lori with all my might, and then gave Chris a light squeeze. “Take care of her,” I teased.

“I will.”

Chapter 9

Duck, Duck, Goose

The next week flew by, and my nerves sent me into a whirlwind of cleaning. I spent the whole weekend scrubbing every inch of my condo and rearranging the guest room to look more masculine. Dominic wasn’t staying here on this initial visit, but I wanted him to look at the room and feel like it could be a space he would want to stay in.

He was to arrive in town that morning at eleven, and it was now eleven thirty. Knowing he should be there soon, I walked around with a dust rag wiping down every surface, but I was still startled when the phone rang. Looking at the caller I.D., I saw that the call came from the guard-shack.


“Hi, this is Kevin from security. I have a Dominic Roberts here to see you.”

“Send him in. Thanks, Kevin.”

Lucia was at the park with my dad, who would bring her back in a while. I wanted to meet with Dominic before Lucia did, so the experience didn’t scare her or confuse her. She still wasn’t sure what a nanny — manny —was.

About fifteen minutes later, there was a knock on my door. When I opened it, I gasped, blinking. My mouth opened and closed several times, and I couldn’t form a word.

The first thing I saw were his eyes, which were a shade that transcended the most beautiful green things in the world: peacock feathers, limes, and lush leaves. They were small, slanted, and topped with thick dark eyebrows, which added a hint of mystery. His hair was dark black and slicked back. The bone structure of his face was strong, masculine, and angled. I couldn’t stop looking at him.

He cleared his throat and put out his hand. “I’m Dominic.” I grabbed it in a firm shake, and I felt like I could see my future in that instant. Pictures of Dominic and me together in our old age flashed before my eyes. I felt comforted, as if I were wrapped in a warm coat of love. It was an amazing feeling.

After much too long of a handshake, I pulled my hand back and said, “I am so sorry, Dominic. Please excuse my manners.” I waved him in with my right hand, while holding the door open with my left. “Come in. I’m Mia, by the way. Let’s have a seat in the living room to talk.”

I led the way to the sofa, and we both sat. I felt the need to explain myself, and the verbal vomit began. I turned bright red and said, “Please excuse my behavior at the door, it’s just . . .” I looked up at him through my lashes, not trying to be cute, just truthfully embarrassed that I was going to be so honest. “It’s just that you’re beautiful.”

I stood up in a flash when he paled before my eyes. His olive skin lightened to a pasty color. “Oh, God, I’m sorry. You want to leave, don’t you? I don’t act like this, usually. I swear I’m not crazy,” I rambled. I turned away from him in embarrassment. God, this was one time when my big mouth was not productive.

Dominic stood up, walked toward me, and grabbed my shoulders, turning me to face him before saying, “No, I’m not leaving. I was just taken off guard, embarrassed.” He grabbed my hand and guided me back to the sofa.

The whole situation had turned ridiculous. Leave it to me and my awkward behavior to ruin an interview with this . . . this . . . Adonis. I squeezed my eyes shut and filled my lungs with air. I tried a couple of cleansing breaths to start over, but it wasn’t enough. “Excuse me, I’ll be right back.”

I walked like a bat out of hell to the bathroom, grabbed a washcloth from the drawer, and drenched it in cold water. Once I placed it on the back of my neck, it cooled me off in an instant.

Now, I needed to compose myself and not act like a teenager with raging hormones. With a big sigh, I smoothed down my blue tank top and pulled the hem over the waistband of my jean shorts. I made my way back out to the living room, still quite nervous, but ready to see if he was a good fit for Lucia’s and my life.

With a very apologetic and sheepish smile, I said, “Dominic, I am so sorry. My behavior is very unprofessional. I hope we can start over.” I could tell he was still sort of embarrassed, but he seemed much more comfortable after I spoke.

“It’s quite all right,” he said with a tilt of his head, making me feel better.

I knew that I would be calling Lori as soon as the interview was over. She would be getting a tongue-lashing for not warning me about how handsome he was. Once I got situated on the sofa again, I prompted, “So, tell me about yourself, Dominic.”

He rubbed his palms on the front of his jeans and answered. “Well, I know Chris and Lori told you my story or at least the basics. So, after I lost everything, I needed to do something I knew I’d enjoy and that was very different than what I had been doing. I wanted to make sure it was something I could do as a career.” He cleared his throat, which made me realize I hadn’t even offered him anything.

I jumped up. “Can I get you something to drink? Water? Soda?” I asked.

“Oh, yes please. Water is fine.” I jogged to the kitchen and pulled two water bottles from the refrigerator. Speeding back, I handed him one. He opened the bottle and took a long pull. His head was back and his throat exposed. I watched while his Adam’s apple moved up and down with each swallow.
Shit, it’s getting hot in here again.
Then I admonished myself.
Knock it off and pull yourself together.

His beauty knew no bounds. He was perfection personified. My eyes scanned him from head to toe. His legs were long, clad in jeans, with a pair of black leather dress shoes peeking out at the bottom. He looked very clean cut in a blue short-sleeved, button-down shirt. With an attempt to cool myself off again, I took a couple of swigs from my bottle.

Dominic finished his water and put the empty bottle on the coffee table. “So, after I decided I didn’t want that lifestyle anymore, I thought long and hard about what I wanted to do. Before, I thought finances and stock markets were my life, but I learned that what I wanted more than anything was stability and a family.” He breathed in a deep breath and closed his eyes for a long moment, calming himself.

“Anyway, after my fiancée walked out on me, I doubted I would ever have the chance to have the family I’ve always wanted. So, it seemed like the next best thing was to take care of someone else’s. After I figured it all out, I begged my friends to let me watch their kids for them. It’s not always easy, but it’s been rewarding so far.” His eyes bore into mine, pleading for me to understand and not to judge.

The one thing going through my mind was the desire to pull him into a hug and nuzzle him to my breast like a mother would. I wanted to soothe him, comfort him, and offer all that I had. Lucia and I could give him what he wanted.
Whoa, lady. Back up. You just met the guy.
I nodded in understanding, and the words just fell out of my mouth once again without my brain’s consent. “Well, you can be a part of our little clan.” I could feel my ears and cheeks heat up when I flushed. “I mean, that is, if you want the job.” Could I blush any more?

Then I laughed when I realized I was getting ahead of myself. “Um, I suppose you should meet Lucia first.” I looked at my watch and knew my dad would be there any minute.

Dominic laughed with me, showing he was just as nervous as I was. “Can you tell me about a normal day for you and Lucia, Mia?”

“Oh, sure. Monday through Friday, I work while she’s in school, and then she goes to afterschool care until I get out of work.” I took another sip from my water and continued. “I want to be involved as much as possible. I mean, I don’t want to give over all of her care-taking to someone else.

I considered the live-in situation for a moment. “Would you consider being a full-time caregiver in our home?”

He nodded and answered, “I think that’s best. That way I can be here for whatever she needs. Or you.” His right hand gestured toward me. I looked into his eyes and smiled wide at the thoughts that flooded my mind.
Yeah, I might need something in the middle of the night.

At that moment, I heard a key wiggle the doorknob and knew that my dad was home with Lucia. I stood suddenly as the excitement poured from me in waves. “She’s here.” I turned toward the door and waited for it to open, feeling more nervous than ever. Because I didn’t want to see him go, I wanted nothing more than for Lucia to like Dominic. The thoughts I was having were unbelievable, but they were taking over. I felt a weird connection with him and I wanted to see where it could go.

The door flew open with a bang, and in bounced my little girl. Her pink, flowery shirt was stained with what looked like chocolate. My dad must have taken her for ice cream.

“Hi Lucia, Dad. I would like you to meet someone.” I gestured to Dominic, who was now beside me. I looked at him, and his eyes were on my baby, sparkling with excitement.

Lucia, reserved for the moment, stood next to my dad waiting for something to happen.

“This is Dominic Roberts. Dominic this is my dad, Paul Balducci, and Lucia, my daughter.” My dad and Dominic shook hands, and Dominic bent down to say hello to Lucia. “Hey, there. It’s so nice to meet you. Your Aunt Lori told me all about you.” His smile spread across his face.

She looked him in the eyes, shaking her head with a little pout and said, “She didn’t tell me about you.”

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