Naked and Defiant (8 page)

Read Naked and Defiant Online

Authors: Breanna Hayse

Tags: #spanking, #domestic discipline, #otk, #spanking romance, #blushing books

BOOK: Naked and Defiant
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"Now, I will ask you again. How many spanks
do you deserve for your behavior?"

"Griffon! I swear, I will … OW! STOP!"

"Guess we will try another fifty," he said
calmly, as the rapid, firm swats painted her sit spots and the
backs of her upper thighs. She began to struggle wildly, begging
him to cease as she fought back pain-filled tears. He paused after
the second set of fifty and repeated his question.

"I don't know! I've never been spanked
before, except by you, so I don't know how to answer! Twenty

"Twenty-five? Seriously, Jade?"

"Fifty! One hundred! I don't know!!!"

"One hundred sounds reasonable. Get your
bottom in the air, and don't move, or we start all over again."

Jade fought to stay still, failing miserably
by the twentieth count. True to his word, Griffon began at one, his
strokes neither lessening in intensity nor slowing down. Jade began
to bawl as his hand brought her backside to an unbearable sting,
covering every fleshy square inch with a deep cerise glow. Her sobs
grew deeper as he tightened his arm around her waist, assuring her
inability to squirm away for the remainder of her punishment, as he
aimed for the tender crease of her thighs.

The final ten swats burned like wildfire.
Jade screamed her protest before slumping in defeat upon his hard,
muscular lap. She wept pitifully into her arms, only aware of the
scalded condition of her bottom. The touch of Griffon's hand upon
her back startled her.

"I really didn't like doing that," he said
quietly, gently stroking her spine. His voice was soft and held a
hint of sorrow. "I don't enjoy hurting people that I care

"You care about me? Really?" Jade sniffed,
finding herself still pinned in place.

"Yeah, you have grown on me. Did you learn

"Yes," Jade answered timidly. "You are a guy
who doesn't play games. I promise I won't challenge you again. Not
intentionally, anyway."

"I think it is in your nature to challenge.
Just like it is in my nature to discipline. Come here," Griffon
ordered, pulling her to sit upright. He wrapped his arms around her
weeping form and rocked her gently, smoothing her hair as he
absent-mindedly kissed the top of her head. "Do we have an

"Yes, Sir," she whimpered.

"For now on, you will mind me. If you do not,
you will be spanked. The severity will depend on how blatant your
disobedience is. Got it?"

"I don't really act like that on purpose,"
Jade said, in a tiny voice.

Griffon pressed her to his chest with a sigh,
"I know. You just don't think ahead because no one has taught you
how to consider the effects of your actions on others. I will be
teaching you that lesson every day if I have to until it becomes
second nature."

"I don't like being spanked."

"Then learn quickly, otherwise you are headed
for some very uncomfortable nights."

Jade sniffed, allowing her head to rest in
the crook of his arm. He smelled of seawater and smoke, and his
skin was warm and soft against her cheek. She felt a stir of desire
run through her body, confusing her.


"What, baby?" his warm, gentle response
surprised her.

"I know this is a stupid question, but what
makes you hitting me any different than what Simon did?"

There was a pause as he nestled her closer.
"First, intent. I do not want to harm you for my own gratification.
I spanked you with a purpose and for a reason, not because I was
angry and wanted something that you refused to give me. That being
said, your obedience to my instructions are for your safety, not
mine. Second, spanking your bottom is not going to cause you any
lasting damage or harm. You cannot compare my hand against your
backside with Simon's fist, can you?"

"No, but he always apologized after he hit
me. And brought me flowers …"

"He's hit you before? How many times?" His
body stiffened with rage.

"Just a few. I made him angry, and he would
either punch or slap me. I know he felt bad, but …"

"Let's get something straight, sweetheart."
Griffon looked at her in the eye. "Yes, I do enjoy spanking a nice,
ample bottom, but I do not enjoy causing harm. There is never an
excuse for abuse. A man who is unable to control his temper and
uses his physical strength against a female to get his way or to
cause her harm is no man in my book. When I spank, it is not for my
edification, but for yours. It is to teach you the consequences of
poor behaviors and bad choices. I would never strike your face or
any other body part, except where nature intended. And you have
plenty of padding to ensure that no harm would occur."

"He hated my fat ass. He always ridiculed me
about it."

"You do not have a fat ass, darling. It is
plump and shaped like a nice, round heart. It really is quite
beautiful, even when it's been colored several shade of red."

"You're just trying to be nice."

"You should know me a little better by now.
Like I just told you, I love a round, full bottom. In fact, I would
be happy if there was more of it."


"Excuse me?" Griffon raised his brow as he
viewed her warningly.

"No man likes a chubby girl. Everyone knows

"No, everyone does not know that. Think about
it for a minute. Why would I want to get into bed with something
that feels like a stick? If I wanted something that looks and feels
like a mannequin, then I would buy a mannequin. I can't speak for
all men, but I prefer a woman who looks like a female, who feels
like a female, and mostly," he tipped her chin to look at him, "who
acts like a female. I am not talking about being a whiney,
complaining, jealous shrew with no boundaries. I am talking about a
girl who knows her mind, expresses herself like a lady, and who is
not afraid to explore the things she desires. A woman who respects
herself and respects me, publically and privately."

"I really fall short, don't I?"

"You have a lot of learning to do, Jade. This
experience might be the best thing that ever happened to you."

"Are we really going to get out of here?"

"Yes, I promise. After my company notices
that I'm not back, they will find us. I am not worried at all."

"I am. What if they don't look for you? What
if they just write you off as being gone?"

"I set three flags on the high point of the
island to show we are here just in case someone comes by before my
expected return. That is the universal SOS display. As for my
company, believe me when I tell you that my board does not want me
to disappear. I have provisions set that, if anything ever happened
to me, all resources go to charity, and the board gets nothing,
including retirement. It is in their best interest to exhaust all
resources and find me as soon as possible. Plus, Tasha would kill
anyone who kept me from coming home. I told you about her."

"Yeah, she is your best friend and corporate
counsel. Griff? Did you mean it when you said I would never see you
again once we are off this island?"

"I might have been a bit premature with that
comment. Let's see where the cards fall. You might never want to
hear my name again after this month is over."

"I doubt it," Jade said, holding his arm
around her waist as she cuddled closer. "I do like you. Ever though
you are so mean."

"Good to know. Try to sleep now. I'm going to
add some fuel to the fire and then grab some shuteye."

"Will you hold me? Please? The storm is so
loud and it's scary."

"You're such a girl," Griffon sighed, a
little grin dancing on his lips.

"I'm trying," Jade answered back.


Griffon tossed and
turned that evening, his cock uncomfortably aware of the warm,
soft, naked body that slept tucked safely in his arms. The winds
swirled viciously around them through the night, their howls joined
by the sounds of pounding sheets of rain and claps of deafening
thunder. Jade shivered, scooting closer to Griffon for comfort. She
had sniffled throughout the night, and he had not missed the tiny
groans as she shifted positions and bumped her tender backend. He
was torn with both the desire to have her and the impulse to run
from her. Regardless, he could do neither at this time. With a
frustrated sigh, Griffon gently unraveled his arms, clearing his
throat as his manhood began to respond to the wiggling of her soft,
rounded bottom against him.

"Please keep still. You are, uh, you know

"If you want to make love to me, I wouldn't
stop you," Jade whispered.

"I'm not that type of guy. I believe in
commitment, and ..."

"Are you afraid you might start feeling
something for me?" Jade asked, turning to face him. His rigid pole
poked into her tummy through his shorts. "Two people can have sex
without needing anything but physical satisfaction."

Griffon pulled away and sat up against the
hard tree trunk, shaking his head. "I am not much of a hedonist,
sorry. As for your question: no, I am not afraid. I am protecting
you. You are too vulnerable right now. It would be too easy for you
to get hurt."

"I'll be fine! Don't try to convince me that
you aren't interested, either. Your body gives you away," Jade
snapped, sitting up as best as she could.

Griffon reached over to stroke her face. "See
how hurt you are just by imagining that I am rejecting you, when I
haven't? The time is not right just yet ... for either of us. Let's
work on becoming friends first."

"That is so stupid!"

"Please, trust my judgment. Bottom still
stinging?" When Jade did not answer, Griffon simply reached over
and grabbed her wrist, pulling her deftly over his thighs. He
calmed her struggles with a quiet 'shush' and began to gentle rub
her sore, swollen mounds with a surprisingly gentle hand.

He felt her relax under ministrations and was
rewarded with the sound of weeping. He hushed her again, gently,
allowing his soft touch to reassure her that she was safe and

"I ... I can't stop crying," she sobbed.
"What is wrong with me?"

"Nothing. You're going through some changes
in your heart, that's all," Griffon answered.

"That makes no sense."

"It makes total sense. You are learning to
trust and how to submit."

"I don't like how I feel," she whimpered.
"Please, let me up."

Griffon drew her into his arms. "You will
learn to like this feeling in time, believe me. It looks like the
rain's letting up a bit. Wanna go outside? Bring your bow and show
me if you are any good."

He held her hand as they picked their way
over the debris and down to the beach. Griffon grinned, holding up
an object. "My captain's chair looks like it has seen better days,"
he laughed.

Jade cringed at the mangled mess. "It looks
like the reef beat it up. Oh, here's the radio. Geesh ..."

The sun shone brightly as the two gathered
pieces of Griffon's boat from the shoreline, talking about how to
effectively use the debris. Griffon spontaneously hugged Jade when
she shot a good-sized lizard for dinner.

"I am so proud of you," he said. "You are
learning the essentials of survival."

"Like making a beat-up boat chair into a
throne for me?" Jade asked.

"You might think you are the princess, but I
am still the king. What I meant is that you are accepting your
circumstances for what they are and learning to make the best of
them." Griffon chuckled. He held up the anchor chain. "What can we
use this for?"

"To dangle me from a tree so you can whip me
with a feather?" Jade said, mischievously.

"Would you like that?" Griffon asked, raising
his eyebrow.

Jade blushed. "I was just kidding."

He studied her for a moment. "Tell me the
truth. Is that something you might like?"

"I don't know exactly. I really like things
kind of rough. Not harmful, but so I have no control. Simon was so
... well, boring. I never told him this because I was afraid he
would use it as an excuse to start slapping me around."

"Hmm ... so you have a little adventurer in
you, after all."

"Maybe ... stop looking at me like that! I'm
not a freak."

"I never said you were a freak. I really
enjoy playing in the scene, and I don't consider myself strange. I
like it a bit rough at times, too. Why do you look so surprised?
I've spanked your bare bottom, remember?"

Jade bristled, "Like being spanked is
something I could forget. I just assumed you were one of those
old-fashioned guys that thought things should regress to the 1950's
or something. You know, keep the girl barefoot and pregnant; no
talking unless permitted; don't let her read, so she is dumber than
dirt. You know the type."

"Put your quills down, girl. Besides, that
view is more from the 1600's than the 1950's," he chuckled. "My
belief system is quite contrary to what you think. If you knew
anything about my company, you would see that over 60% of my
employees are women and that my board members are comprised of six
women and five men. My corporate attorney is a brilliant woman, as
are my accountants. I am very pro-female-advancement in the
business world, and I support women's education and even provide
scholarships for my employees who want to better themselves. This
was my mother's influence. She was an amazing woman, and also a
very submissive one. I just believe that, at home, things need to
balance out."

"Balance out? Like how?" Jade looked at him

Griffon snapped a twig in his hands, noticing
how she immediately cringed. Good! She was catching on! "It is my
desire that a woman be allowed to have the chance to be in her
female role at home. The responsibilities of the modern world
forces you gals to be in your male role so much that I think a lot
of you forget the pleasures of simply being a woman."

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