Naked and Defiant (9 page)

Read Naked and Defiant Online

Authors: Breanna Hayse

Tags: #spanking, #domestic discipline, #otk, #spanking romance, #blushing books

BOOK: Naked and Defiant
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"Are you kidding? How archaic is that?"

"Not archaic, just my personal belief. To me,
there is nothing more exciting than seeing a hard-core executive
businesswoman—who spends her day kicking butt—come home, shed her
suit, and curl up like a little kitten in my lap. Or even better,
put her bare bottom across it."

"Does Tasha do that with you?" Jade asked,

"Tasha and I are best friends, and yes, there
are occasions where she needs my correction. She is a bit of a
masochist at times," he chuckled, fondly.

"You are insane."

"Maybe, but that is how I am. I love to care
for my partner and have her be able to trust me enough to depend on
me outside of the office."

"That is because you are a control

"That I am. I am also the king of this
island. See?" He placed a curved palm cuff resembling a crown atop
his head. "My word is law and I command you to be a sweet, gentle,
submissive woman whenever we are in camp." Griffon grinned
playfully, enjoying the conflict of emotions racing across her
features. It was obvious that she was intrigued by the idea, but
her stubborn facade refused to permit her to admit to it.

"Just because you wear the crown doesn't mean
you get to decide my fate."

"Wanna bet? I'll make a deal with you."
Griffon handed her some boards from the smashed boat keel. "Play
along, and I will take you back to the thermal springs."

That was enough to get Jade to agree.


The promise of sunny weather progressed
through the day, although with it came the heat and humidity of the
tropics. Jade collapsed under the shade of a palm tree. "Isn't this
when you begin to feed me grapes and fan me with giant elephant-ear

"Will this do, Your Majesty?" Griffon asked,
handing her a juicy mango.

"For the time being. Damn, it's hot."

"Are you in the mood for a swim?" Griffon
asked. "I saw a lagoon on the other side of the island that is
shaded with palm trees. We have enough food, water, and wood
collected for now that we can take a break."

"That actually sounds like fun. How will I
get there, though?" Jade asked, chewing on a flavorful reed that
they used to brush their teeth.

"You walk."

"You aren't going to carry me?"

Griffon grunted, "I am not your pack mule,
brat. Let's go."

"You would be if you knew what's good for
you," Jade giggled, ducking his swing.

"I'll teach you what's good, little girl.
Watch your step," Griffon laughed, taking her hand. He led her
along the shoreline to the east side of the island and helped her
climb over large, black rocks, polished smooth after centuries of
pounding waves. They came upon an untouched beach that was
protected from the elements by tall, foreboding rocks projecting
from the water's edge.

"That looks awfully deep," Jade hesitated.
"What if sharks are in there?"

"It's a blue hole. The sharks in this area
hang out near the reefs and around the easy food sources. It's a
lot colder here, too. Come in."

"Are you going swimming like that?" Jade
asked, pointing to his clothing.

"You are the naked one around here; not

"Oh, come on! Do you seriously think now is
the time to be modest? I'll swim with you, if you strip off those
clothes. I don't see how you tolerate them anyway; they are so
stiff from salt water."

"Very well, but no touching," Griffon
grinned, peeling the T-shirt from his heavily-muscled, bronzed

"Don't flatter yourself, Grandpa," Jade
answered snidely, her eyes averting only partially as the shorts
and swim trunks found their way to the ground.

"Grandpa? Isn't your bottom tender enough
that you don't want to provoke me?" he asked half-heartedly. Jade
blushed. "Or are you wanting me to provide you with another
spanking? I am more than happy to oblige."


"Liar. Okay, get an eyeful, and then we can

"There is nothing to look at."

Jade visibly swallowed before she dove into
the blue water. Griffon stood, hands on his waist, and waited for
her to come up for air.

"It's cold!" she screeched.

"I told you. Get out of the shade and swim in
the sunlight. Not too much, though. This is one type of sunburn you
want to avoid."

Griffon was glad for the cold, as he plunged
into the deep lagoon and dove down into the blue hole. The water
quickly chilled his body and calmed his growing erection; however,
it did not erase the thoughts of Jade's delectable bottom wiggling
under his hand.

He emerged shortly afterwards and swam to
where Jade treaded water in the warm sunlight. She looked beautiful
with the glow of the mid-day sun shining over her. She lifted her
face, eyes closed to the brightness, and slightly parted her lips
as she hummed with contentment. Griffon was a strong man, but a
saint he was not. Those lips were too enticing … too irresistible.
He grabbed her face between his hands and pressed his mouth to
hers, demanding her to yield and join the embrace.

He was not disappointed; as the shock of the
approach settled in Jade's mind, she returned the kiss with
passion, wrapping her arms around Griffon's neck and opening her
lips to take in his tongue.

"Mmm, you're salty," she murmured, crushing
her lips harder to his.

"And you are so sweet. Tell me you enjoy
following my directions," Griffon whispered into her ear, as he
began to nibble at the nape of her neck.

"What? And have you gloat? Never!" Jade
snickered, stretching her throat for his attentions.

"You know you will admit it eventually."

"Perhaps, but certainly not now. I want you,
Griff. Please."

"No. I told you, I am strange that way. I
need a commitment before I give myself to anyone."

"You are so like a girl," Jade sighed, with

"Does this feel like a girl to you?" Griffon
asked, as his hungry manhood pressed against her naked stomach.

"Not sure. Maybe if you put it somewhere
else, I will be able to tell."

"You are a brat," Griffon grinned, squeezing
her bottom cheeks in both hands as Jade wrapped her legs around his
narrow waist.

"And you are a tease. How can you even think
of putting that cock so close to me and not letting it slide in?
That is so cruel."

"I told you I was into BDSM play." Griffon
nipped her jaw. "Making my partner suffer is part of the fun."

"Is all sex off the table?" Jade asked,

Griffon held her at arms' distance, looking
at her in the eye. "Right now, yes. I know you don't understand,
but even this kiss can hurt you. You are much too vulnerable. When
I see your fear is passed, then I will consider more. Until then,
please respect my request."

"How about if I play with myself?" Jade
asked, seductively. Griffon's cock rose in interest as she
continued. "I could get a banana or a plantain and show you what
you are missing."

"That would be wonderful, especially if you
perform with a bright red bottom," Griffon countered.

"You are such a prude!"

"Yep, and you are stuck with me for now.
Let's go rescue those floating coconuts," came the answer, as he
quickly swam away. "Last one there makes dinner."

"Hey! Wait for me. No fair, you're bigger
than me!"

The two collapsed on the beach, surrounded by
a dozen green coconuts and covered with fine, white sand. Griffon
glanced over at Jade. "Your lips are blue."

Jade blatantly looked down at his flaccid
organ. "Betcha my lips aren't the only thing blue around here."

"Don't be crude. Let's go find that sulfur
pool and get warmed up a tad."

"Wanna see how well I could warm you without
the pool?" Jade giggled, as he took her hand in his.

"Wanna see how well I can warm your buns
without a switch?"

"Not right now," Jade stuck her tongue out at
him and ran ahead. She scurried up a bolder, pausing to throw a
handful of leaves at him. "Maybe later, if you think you are man

"You have lost your mind, girl. Get off that
rock, before you hurt yourself. Off you go," Griffon commanded,
reaching his arms up for her. Jade smiled, allowing him to pull her
down. He hugged her before administering a solid swat to her
backside, ignoring the protesting yelp.

Moments later, they settled delightfully into
the hot water. Jade purred, submerging to her neck. "Mmm, when we
get home, I am gonna ask Dad to install a sulfur tub next to the
pool. This is heaven."

"Of course, you would expect him to agree,

"Please don't sound so disapproving. After
what I have been through, I deserve a special something."

"Have you already forgotten what put you into
this situation and
you have been through this, little
girl?" Griffon asked, sliding closer to her so he could grab a
length of her hair.

"Yeah, but it doesn't change the fact that I
still was here, doing this survival thing." She paused for a
moment. "Griff?"

"What, Jade?"

"Please don't get grumpy. I know that this
whole mess was my fault. It started with Simon and my dumb-ass
choices, but I don't regret anything that has happened since the
moment you rescued me. I have learned so much, and I think I have
really grown. Don't you?"

Griffon considered her words before nodding,
"Yes, you have learned to survive out here. But have you learned to
take care of yourself in the real world? What is going to happen
when using your skill and wits is no longer needed? What if Daddy
won't buy you a sulfur tub?"

"Then I guess I will have to find a spa that
has one." When Griffon raised his eyebrow, Jade sunk into the pool.
"You are such a grump. I guess I will just do without one."

"Believe it or not, people can survive
without spa treatments and Lamborghinis. What will you do if your
daddy cuts off your expense account?"

Jade frowned. "Seriously? There is only one
answer to that. I move in with you!"

"I know that you think I am messing with you,
but these are serious questions about the condition of your life
and how you intend to conduct yourself once we are out of here. Do
you have any plans, other than shopping?"

"Actually, I was thinking about going back to
school. I had just done some basic classes before Simon stepped

"That is an excellent goal. Anything

"Don't laugh. I was thinking of maybe taking
some survival courses. It was so embarrassing to see how little I
know about the places I go to, including my own country. I've been
coming to these islands since I was little and knew nothing about
any of them."

"I'll put you in contact with the team here.
They are all natives and will teach you anything you want to
learn." Jade did not respond. Griffon leaned forward, looking into
her face. "What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

"I had hoped that you would want to keep
teaching me," Jade confessed.

"I have to go back to the States. I have
responsibilities back home, kid. I'm sorry."

"Will you keep in touch with me?"

"I would love to. Now stop the sniveling.
Save your energy for making dinner. You lost the coconut

"You cheated." A little smile snuck up on her

"Yup, but I still won."


"That was absolutely amazing, my girl,"
Griffon said, leaning back after finishing the
coconut-conch-lemongrass soup that Jade had made for dinner that
night. She had also roasted a banana slowly over the fire, waiting
for it to caramelize before putting it over steamed breadfruit.

He patted his thigh. "Come to me."

"Why did you put your shorts back on?" Jade
asked, settling comfortably on his lap.

Griffon wrapped her arms around her shoulders
and kissed her cheek. "I didn't need you to attack me."

"I would not have attacked you. Maybe just
persistently suggested that you could do something fun with your
little man instead of hiding it from me."

"Little man? Oh, Lord. You do understand that
comments like that are not the way to get a guy to prove himself to
you," Griffon grunted, resting his hand on Jade's naked thigh.

"So how, exactly, can I get a guy to prove
himself to me?"

"It depends on the guy."

"Okay, how can I get you to prove yourself to

"I think I have more than proven myself,
Missy. What are you doing? Stop wiggling."

"I am trying to wake up the sleeping dragon
without being obvious. Is it working?"

"You are one horny little brat, aren't

"Yup," Jade mimicked Griffon's favorite
response. "You know we only have, like, one more week here before
they start looking for you."

"So? What are you doing?"

"Nibbling on your ear. Hey! What are
doing?!" Jade yelled, as she was unceremoniously
deposited across his knees. She yelled out as his palm administered
a sharp smack across her golden mounds.

"I am showing you what I think of your
defiance," Griffon said calmly, smacking her again and grinning as
she squirmed. "All this time, I've kept you naked to humble you,
and now—" he slapped her bottom twice, watching as she tried to
wiggle away— "you defy my requests about intimacy. What should I do
about it?"

"Stop spanking me, that's what! Griffon!

"Actually," another four well-placed swats
resulted in additional squeaks, "this is rather enjoyable."

"Glad you are having fun. Please stop!"

"Nope. Not until I'm done." Griffon's words
were followed by a series of stinging slaps that easily covered the
span of her upper thighs and the protruding curve of her rump. He
could feel her juices seeping through his shorts and glimpsed
hungrily at the glistening sweetness of her lightly furred,
pale-pink pussy. He resisted the urge to dip his fingers into her
and explore her tightness. His manhood began to rise as his mind
quickened with ideas of how to bring pleasure to both of them.

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