Naughty Angel (Sexy Nerd Boys #2) (17 page)

BOOK: Naughty Angel (Sexy Nerd Boys #2)
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“Stay here with me,” Asher offers immediately.

“I can’t move in with you,” I argue.

“You won’t be moving in with me, you’ll be staying with me over break. And, I already invited you for Christmas.”

“I’d like that,” I agree, not bothering to hide my huge smile.

              “Good, now let’s go take a shower and then I’ll make you breakfast.”



Chapter 20


As soon as we arrive at Dex’s mom’s house the smell of delicious food assaults me.

“Hi, you must be Eve and Asher.” A middle aged woman answers the door with a welcoming smile.

“Yes, you must be Dex’s mom.” I blush, I forgot her last name so I couldn’t say ‘Ms. Dex’s mom’.

“Please, call me Pam.” She ushers us in.

Everyone’s in the large living room watching Maya, Dex’s daughter perform a ‘Thanksgiving skit’ she’d learned in preschool. They all smile and greet us. I’m suddenly nervous about what their reactions will be when I tell them that Asher and I are together. I don’t want to lose my friends, but if they don’t like me with Asher then I already know who I’d choose.

“You guys are late,” Abby admonishes, pulling me into a hug.

“Yeah, that’s my fault,” Asher admits, putting his arm around my shoulder. “I’m sure Dex and Ethan understand how difficult it is to be anywhere on time when your gorgeous girlfriend is parading around your house naked.”

Everyone’s mouth falls open, including mine.

              “Well good, then I’m sure you’ve worked up your appetite,” Pam says cheerfully, everyone bursts out laughing.

              “Well, it’s about time,” Nikki says, pulling me in for a hug.

“Wait, what?” I’m dumbfounded. “You’re the one who told me not to date him.”

              “I just didn’t want you to make it too easy for him,” She assures me.

Well, I guess this really couldn’t have gone better.



              I probably could have been more tactful with the announcement, but I couldn’t hide our relationship for one more second. And, it was clear Eve didn’t know how to tell everyone.

On the bright side, everyone seemed to have seen this coming. I guess we weren’t so sneaky after all.

Dex pulls Ethan and I into the kitchen to help his mom with some of the food, and when we get back into the living room Eve is playing with Dex’s daughter Maya. They’re both laughing. Eve seems so natural with a child, and suddenly my mind takes a turn into what it would be like to see Eve with my child.

The thought stops my heart and I suddenly want something I’d never even thought to want before. Eve looks up and meets my gaze with a smile. And then, seeing what’s clearly written all over my face her smile turns into a threatening frown.

“Oh no, get those thoughts out of your head right this second, Asher Wright. I am eighteen years old and I still have three and a half years of college ahead of me, if you so much as mention having kids before I have a degree I will have you neutered,” She threatens.

I hold my hands up defensively, unable to control my smile.

              “Consider the thought forgotten.”

Across the room Abby smiles proudly at Eve, like a parent watching their kid do something that they taught them. I can’t deny that I love how strong and confident my Angel has become. I love that fiery woman.



“We should all go around and say what we’re thankful for,” Lee suggests once we’re all sitting down, with heaping plates of delicious looking food in front of us.

“Okay, but if everyone here starts getting all mushy about how ‘thankful they are for their significant other who they love so very much’ I swear to you I will puke,” Abby warns.

              “I for one am thankful to have such a romantic, sentimental woman as my future wife,” Ethan quips.

Abby gives him the finger and then he pulls her in for a kiss.

I look over at Eve who’s smiling contentedly, like there’s no where in the world she’d rather be spending a holiday.


After dinner Eve offers to help clean up, and I take the opportunity to pull Abby aside to set my long thought of plan into action.

              “Hey, I need your help with something,” I say quietly, glancing around to make sure Eve isn’t about to appear and ruin the surprise I want to organize for her.

“Sure, what’s up?”

              “Well, a while back Eve told me how much she wished she could have gone to prom. So I’ve been thinking about organizing a sort of surprise prom. But, I’m not sure how to pull it off without her knowing about it,” I explain.

Abby’s eyes light up.

“That is the cutest thing I’ve ever heard. We could totally do it at the bar, decorate it with cheesy prom decorations and everything. And, I could use the excuse of wanting help with bridesmaids dresses to get her a dress without her knowing,” Abby suggests.

“Oh my god, you are the greatest.” I squeeze her in a tight hug.

“Whoa there Asher, making a play for my woman?” Ethan comes up behind me and claps me on the back.

              “Your woman?” Abby raises a challenging eyebrow at him.

              “Yes, and I say that with the utmost respect for your autonomy as a person,” He responds with a smartass smile.

“I’m sure Abby can fill you in on our conversation, later on.” I give her a look to remind her to keep this a secret from Eve.

Just then Dex’s mom calls out for everyone to come and have some pumpkin pie.

Once everyone has a piece, and we’re all seated in the living room, there’s a knock at the door.

Dex’s mom get’s up to answer it.

              “Chelsea?” She gasps in surprise.

The name tickles the back of my brain with a vague memory. I can’t recall why that name is reminding me of something. Remy stiffens beside Dex on the couch and his eyebrows pull together in confusion. A moment later Dex’s mom leads a blonde woman into the living room. It’s the same blonde woman who’d showed up at the house looking for Dex the other day. She looks worse for wear, her clothes dirty, her hair even rattier than before, and her sunken cheeks giving her the appearance of a skeleton. She looks around nervously and then her gaze lands on Maya and she lights up with a smile.

              “My baby,” She coos, crouching down so that she’s at Maya’s level.

Maya’s eyes go wide, clearly not knowing this woman, who seems to be her mother, and then she turns to grab Remy for protection. Dex’s mouth is still hanging open in shock but he finally comes around, clears his throat, and smiles weakly.

              “Chelsea, what are you doing here?” He asks cautiously.

              “Can’t I come see my baby on Thanksgiving?” She snaps, narrowing her eyes at Remy, who’s cradling a terrified Maya to her chest.

              “Maybe we should go talk in private for a minute,” Dex suggests before steering Chelsea outside.

“Well that was awkward,” Eve whispers to me.

“No kidding,” I agree.



After thanksgiving dinner, and the awkward surprise guest, who left after her discussion with Dex, Asher takes me to my dorm to grab some clothes for the rest of the weekend.

I spend the entire weekend at Asher’s and don’t return to my dorm until Sunday night.

I groan when I see another rose and note taped to my door. I keep thinking that Brahm has moved on because a week or two will go by with no contact at all, and then there will be another note or creepy text message.



A shameless woman shall be counted as a dog; but she that is shamefaced shall fear the lord”

I am getting tired of waiting Eve. I am getting tired of seeing you with that man who has defiled you. My patience is wearing thin.




              I shudder and consider throwing the note in the garbage along with the rose, but end up stuffing it in my desk drawer along with the others.

              Hadley returns from her thanksgiving weekend at her parents house around 9pm, announcing her return by slamming the door and flinging her suitcase against the wall.

              “Didn’t have a good thanksgiving I take it?”

I was excited to tell her about Asher and I finally making it official, and the whole losing my virginity business, but she’s clearly pissed about something.

              “It sucked,” She practically growls.

              “Want to talk about it?”

She takes a few calming breaths before laying down on my bed beside me.

“Love troubles,” She sighs.

              “Well, you’re in luck because I’m getting pretty knowledgeable about love. So, lay it on me.”

She laughs but complies.

“So I have a twin brother, his name is Ben, and he has a best friend Ravi. Ben and Ravi have been best friends since kindergarten, and I’ve basically been in love with Ravi since I was fifteen,” She explains miserably.

“How does Ravi feel?”

Hadley makes a sour face.

“I lost my virginity to him on our graduation night. It was perfect, and amazing, and I was so happy that after three years of pathetically pining after him I finally had him. Unfortunately, by the time our clothes were back on he freaked out. He said Ben was going to kill him and we’d made a big mistake.” She lets out a bitter laugh. “We made the same
several times over the following summer. Every time he pulled the same crap afterward. I’m an idiot. So anyway, he came to our thanksgiving because his parents are from India and they don’t celebrate thanksgiving. It was horrible. He basically avoided me the entire time and when I tried to talk to him he hardly even acknowledged me and would get away as fast as possible,” She explains and then buries her face in my pillows.

“Well it sounds like he’s either a jerk or he’s really conflicted.” I give her my two cents.

“He’s the nicest guy in the whole freaking world,” She explains sadly. “What would he be conflicted about?”

              “Maybe about your brother? He would probably feel like he’s betraying his best friend by hooking up with his twin sister.”

“Stupid boys. If he likes me he should grow some balls and just tell my brother.”

“I agree,” I assure her. “So, I have some news.”

              “Please tell me you finally gave it up to that yummy man of yours.” She pulls her head out of my pillows and looks over at me. I’m smiling and blushing. “Shut up! You totally gave him your v-card?”

“Yes I did. And we’re officially a couple now,” I announce excitedly.

              “So is he amazing in bed?” She asks.

I blush even deeper red.

“Let’s just say the man knows what he’s doing,” I confide and we both burst into a fit giggles.

              “Thanks for listening to my bitching,” She says patting my butt before getting off my bed to head to her side of the room.

              “No problem. Night Hadley.”


Chapter 21


Asher: Why don’t kleptomaniacs like puns?

Angel: why?

Asher: because they always take things literally

Angel: lol, I love your corny jokes

Asher: I love you

Angel: I love you

Asher: Get ready, I’m taking you on our first official date tonight

Angel: yay, can’t wait!


              I pocket my phone and return to my work in the physics lab.

              “Christ is that the same goofy look I get when I’m talking to Remy?” Dex asks with a laugh.

“I’m afraid it is.”

“Eve’s a sweet girl, I’m happy for you guys.” Dex claps me on the back.

              “Thanks man.” I hand Dex what I’ve been working on for him and he looks it over with a pensive look.

“This is fantastic.” He looks it over with awe. “Seriously, you’re the next Stephen Hawking.”

              “I don’t know about all that, but thanks,” I laugh and shake my head. “Now I’ve gotta get going so I can take my girl out for our first official date.”


              I knock on the door to Eve’s dorm and seconds later she pulls it open and my mouth falls open in awe. She’s wearing a tight sweater that’s showing off a generous amount of cleavage and a pair of tight jeans that are just begging to be slowly peeled off.

              “Mm, I can’t let you go out in public like that.”

Her face falls, clearly thinking of Brahms dislike of her outfits when they were dating.

“Because you look so sexy in that outfit you woke him up,” I say gesturing to my pants. “And, once he’s up he’s got a one track mind.”

Eve’s gaze drops to my hard on and she steps forward to palm me through my jeans.

              “I didn’t think he ever went to sleep,” She purrs, rubbing me slowly.

Fuck, if she keeps this up we’re never going to get to dinner.

“You better stop before I take you to bed and keep you there for the rest of the night,” I warn.

“I’m sure that can be arranged,” She says, leaning in to whisper in my ear. “After our date of course.” Her teeth graze my ear and I shudder with anticipation.

“Then let’s go, Angel.”



“Oh my lord this is the best burger I’ve ever tasted in my entire life,” I groan around a mouth full of meat like a barbarian.

Asher laughs.

“Told you so.”

              Asher took me to what I could only describe as a burger shack, on the other side of town from campus. He’d claimed they made the best burgers on the planet. I hadn’t believed him. I take a sip of my strawberry milkshake before leaning in and planting a gentle kiss on his lips.

              “Oh my god, Asher?” A skinny brunette with too much makeup stops and stares at Asher as she passes our table on her way to the bathroom.

“Um…” Asher struggles to come up with her name and I do my best not to stick out my tongue and say ‘nah,nah,nah,nah’.

“It’s Jess,” She supplies, undeterred. “It’s been awhile.”

She flips her hair and licks her lips like I’m not even there.

Asher looks over at me helplessly, like he’s afraid I’m about to flip out.

              “Listen sweetheart, Asher is too nice to blow you off so I’m going to help. He’s not interested, but thanks for the offer.”

Jess looks at me with venom in her eyes and then casts her gaze back to Asher, clearly hoping for some sort of sign from Asher that if I wasn’t here he’d be all over her.

Asher just looks at me and ignores her until she walks away.

              “I have to say, I’m a little disappointed about how you handled that one,” Asher says once she’s gone.

“What do you mean?”

“I was a big fan of the way you reacted the last time a former lay approached me.” His eyes flash with lust, clearly remember the night in the alley behind the bar.

I lean in to whisper in his ear.

              “I’m sure I can be inspired to come up with something.”

“I have a confession to make,” Asher looks over at me with a look of endearing vulnerability in his eyes. “This is my first date.”

My mouth falls open in surprise at his revelation.

“What? How?”

“In high school I was popular with the ladies, but I grew up on the wrong side of the tracks so to speak. Add in the piercings that I started to get when I was sixteen and I was a guy girls wanted to have a good time with, but only secretly. So, basically I was relegated to being the sexy bad boy who girls would give their virginity to in the back seat of my car, or the bathroom at a party, but none of them wanted to be seen in public with me because they didn’t want it to taint their image.” His tone is casual but the pain in his eyes is anything but.

My stomach plunges and I feel like a complete jerk.

“I did that to you, too. I’m so sorry. It wasn’t like that though, I wasn’t ever embarrassed by you. I just didn’t think you’d want to be the guy dating the weirdo virgin,” I tell him.

              “Well, how about from here on out we promise to be honest with each other instead of making assumptions about what the other person wants,” Asher suggests with a laugh, crunching down on a fry.

“Deal,” I agree.

The notes from Brahm pop into my head and I wonder if I should just tell Asher about them. But, I don’t see what good could come of that, I’m sure Brahm has finally gotten the hint anyway. No need to upset Asher over nothing.



After dinner I take Eve to a movie, some romantic comedy that we only watch about five minutes of before we can’t keep our hands off of each other. By the time the movie is over the idea of taking Eve right there on the floor of the movie theater isn’t sounding so bad.

“Let’s get you home,” I growl in her ear as I usher her towards my car.

She giggles and looks up at me through her eyelashes.

“Why, do you have something planned?” She asks with mock innocence.

              “Yeah, I hope you’re not tired because I’m keeping you up all night.”


She leans over the center console once we’re in the car and she tugs my earlobe between her teeth.

My already straining cock is trying to convince me to fuck her in the backseat instead of taking her all of the way home. She glances towards the backseat as though she can read my mind.

              “It’s kind of small,” She notes with an incredulous tone. Although, she doesn’t sound completely opposed to the idea.

I reach down and stroke myself absentmindedly through my jeans.

“Yeah, I’m going to need more space than that for what I want to do to you,” I decide with a resigned sigh. I’ll just drive fast.


As soon as we’re through the door I pull Eve against me and devour her mouth. Her hands toy with the button on my jeans and I moan against her lips.

I still can’t believe she’s mine. Every moment of rejection and hurt I’ve experienced up to this moment has been worth it if Eve is my reward. The sound of a throat clearing behind Eve has us jumping apart.

Dex grins at us.

“Hey,” I nod at him.

Eve blushes and waves at him as well.

“Sorry to interrupt, just figured I should let you know I was here before you guys started going at it right here in the foyer. Although, I get the feeling it would be one hell of a show.” He grins.

I give him the finger and he laughs. Eve blushes even deeper red.

“Just playing with you sweetheart,” He assures her. “You kids remember to practice safe sex.” Dex winks at us before we disappear into my room.

“Now where were we?” I lift her up and pin her against the wall, kissing her fiercely.

“Can we do it like this?” She asks with a devilish grin.

“Fuck Angel, you are such a dirty girl.”

I nip at her bottom lip and then soothe it with my tongue. I set her down momentarily and make quick work of removing her clothing and then my own.



              I can’t get used to the perfection that is Asher’s naked body. He’s all hard lines and beautiful ink. I lean forward and flick my tongue over the silver hoop in his left nipple and he growls low in his throat. His strong hands grasp my thighs as he hauls me against him and presses my back against the wall again as though I weigh nothing.

I feel the metal in the tip of his manhood pressing against my entrance and I clench with anticipation.

              “Asher, please,” I gasp desperately.

He doesn’t make me wait. He thrusts inside of me, filling me completely in the most delicious way. My body is on fire as he digs his fingers into my thighs for leverage and thrusts deeper and harder.

When he told me that his piercing had a way of hitting the g-spot just right he wasn’t kidding. It’s like there’s a magnet, making sure that every thrust delivers the most pleasure possible.

My legs start to shake as heat builds in my core with each long drag of him inside of me. I'm stretched to perfection

              “That’s it baby, come for me,” Asher encourages, nuzzling my neck affectionately.

              “I’m yours Asher, always yours,” I moan just before waves of pleasure erupt throughout my body.

He shudders as he finds his own release.

Asher stands holding me, breathing heavily for several minutes before he finally lowers me to the ground, and then yanks me over towards the bed, where he pulls me against his chest and snuggles me close.

              “I thought that we were going to go at it all night? One round and you’re already half asleep,” I taunt playfully.

Asher grabs my hand and places it on his already hardening manhood, clearly already preparing for round two.

              “Be careful what you wish for,” He warns with a chuckle before capturing my mouth in a sweet kiss.

              “I love you.”

“I love you, Angel. My Angel.”


I grumble sleepily as my noisy phone rouses me from the cocoon of Asher’s arms.

“Don’t answer it,” Asher argues half awake.

I’m inclined to agree, but as soon as the phone stops ringing it starts again. I grab the phone and hit the ‘answer’ button without looking.

“What?” I murmur into the phone with irritation.

“Sorry, am I interrupting something?” Abby asks with a laugh.

“Yeah, sleep,” I complain.

Asher’s warm body is still wrapped around me and all I want to do is roll over and give him a proper ‘good morning’.

“Sorry, sometimes I forget that other people like to sleep in past seven in the morning,” Abby says with a laugh.

“It’s okay. What’s up?”

“Well, I was hoping you could do me a favor. I have a cousin who’s going to be one of my bridesmaids but she’s nine months pregnant. You’re about her size, you know when she’s not pregnant, so I was wondering if I could use you as sort of a doll to help with dresses. Lee and I are going to the mall today to look at dresses. What do you say?”

“Um, yeah, sure,” I agree with a yawn. “What time?”

              “I’ll pick you up at noon?”

“Okay, see you then.”

I hang up my phone and let it fall to the floor.

“What’s up?” Asher asks as he gently caresses my stomach, slowly working his way up to my breasts, while kissing along the back of my neck.

“Abby wants me to help her with bridesmaids dresses today,” I explain.

“Oh?” Asher sounds confused. “Oh,” He says again, seemingly having realized something.

“What?” I ask curiously.

“Nothing, just remembered some work I need to get done today. Now, do I have some time before you have to go or what?” His erection pressing against my back.

“There’s time,” I assure him.

And then we have a proper ‘good morning’.


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