Naughty Angel (Sexy Nerd Boys #2) (20 page)

BOOK: Naughty Angel (Sexy Nerd Boys #2)
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I smack him in the chest.

“You are so mean,” I accuse. “I thought you loved me.”

“I do love you, that’s why I’m going to kiss you again even though your breath is like hot garbage,” He jokes, leaning in for another kiss.

I dodge his lips and try to squirm away from him.

“Stop, you’re being mean,” I protest with a giggle as he places kisses all over my cheeks and nose, trying to reach my lips but failing each time I dodge him.

I hear my mother gasp as she walks into the room and sees Asher leaned over me, our lips pressed together, and likely hearing my teasing words as well. I blush bright red and pull away from Asher.

“Hi mom, hi dad,” I greet them sheepishly.

“I’ll be back with your food in a little while,” Asher says before giving me one more kiss and then skirting around my parents to leave.

              “How do you feel?” My father asks, pulling up a chair beside my bed.

My mother continues to stand off to the side with an expression on her face that looks like she’s been sucking on a lemon.

              “I’m okay daddy,” I assure him, reverting to the quiet, respectful tone that I’m accustomed to addressing him with.

“If you tell us where your dorm room is we can pack up your stuff today so you’ll be ready to come home when you’re released tomorrow,” My mother suggests.

My mouth falls open.

              “What? I’m not coming home. I still have another semester to finish. I’m glad this happened while I’m on winter break, I would’ve never been able to catch back up if I missed three weeks of classes,” I argue.

              “You can’t stay here. Look what’s happened! Is this about that
?” She asks, distaste dripping from her tone.

I bristle at the implication of her perceptions of Asher.

is the love of my life. He’s intelligent and kind, he’s my best friend. However, he’s not the reason I’m not coming home. I’m not coming home because I still have school, I’m not going to quit halfway through the first year. I’m going to finish my degree here, I’m sorry if you don’t approve of that.”

              My mother gapes at me, taken aback by my defiance.

              “Eve, you can’t be serious about him. He’s clearly a delinquent. Why don’t you date a nice Christian boy whose values parallel your own,” My mother suggests.

I feel like I’m in the twilight zone.

              “First of all, it was a ‘nice Christian boy’ who tried to murder me,” I inform her.

She narrows her eyes, clearly not believing me. She must think that Asher told me to lie about Brahm, or something equally ridiculous.

“And, second of all, I’m an adult now and I can make my own decisions. I don’t know what my values or beliefs are yet, I’m still working that out. But, I do know that Asher loves and respects me. So if you want me to be happy then you’ll be nice to Asher, or you won’t see me ever again.”

              My mother chafes at my ultimatum.

              “Of course we want you to be happy,” My father breaks in quietly, always the antithesis of my mother. “Perhaps the two of you could come stay with us during your spring break so we can get to know him better?”

              “I’d like that daddy.”


              The next evening Carrie Anne comes by my room, shortly after I’m examined by the doctor, to let me know that I can go home.

“The doctor wants you to take it easy for the next week or so,” Carrie Anne explains. “The three weeks of inactivity as well as the extreme dehydration, malnutrition, and general stress that your body has endured could cause you to feel fatigued or dizzy over the next few days. The biggest thing is we want you to be careful to avoid any head injuries in the next few weeks. So I’d say just listen to your body to decide what you feel up for, and as long as the headboard is padded then go to town.” She gives me a wink before turning to leave.

              “Let’s get you home. Everyone wants to come over and see you in a few hours.”

My legs feel stiff and a little weak as I get out of bed.

“I have to get my clothes and stuff from my dorm before we go to your house.”

              “No, I already had Hadley get your stuff and take it to my house. I was wondering if maybe you’d want to stay indefinitely instead of just until the semester starts,” Asher suggests nervously.

A smile plays at the corner of my lips.

“That sounds okay,” I say with forcing a casual tone.

“Good, then let’s go home.”



              As soon as I get her home, god it feels good to refer to my place as her home, It’s
place now, she pins me with a lustful look that has me fighting against a hard on.

“I need to take a shower, immediately, do you want to give me a hand...or two?” She suggests, licking her lips.

My dick immediately sits up and takes notice of her invitation, but my brain managed to retain enough blood to see that it would be a dick move to make love to my girl the minute she walks out of the hospital.

“Maybe it’d be better if I gave you a few days to recover.”

I pull my lip ring between my teeth, trying to keep a firm resolve. Because, right now all I can think about doing is kissing every inch of her to reassure myself she really is okay.

She holds my gaze as she strips out of her clothes right there in the living room, leaving them in a pile at her feet. I suck in a breath as I take in her naked body. She’s really here, she’s really mine. Still holding my gaze she steps closer to me and gets up onto her tiptoes to whisper in my ear. I clench my fists to keep from reaching out to grab her body.

              “Suit yourself, but I’m unbelievably horny so I guess I’ll just be in the shower using my own fingers to get off.”

She turns and saunters off to the bathroom leaving me standing there for several seconds, my mouth gaping and my brain short circuiting on the image of Eve in a steamy shower getting herself off.

I shed my clothes right in the living room like she did and I practically sprint after her.

I pull back the shower curtain and step in behind her.

              “I’m glad you decided to join me.”

My gaze travels down her body, slick and inviting. Then my eyes latch onto the purple and yellowing bruises smudged throughout her body. My hands tremble as I reach out for her and pull her gently against my chest, trying to breathe around the lump in my throat. Once I've gotten myself under control I reach for a shampoo bottle and fill my hands before massaging the shampoo through her hair. She moans appreciatively and my cock twitches, but I do my best to ignore it.

“Angel, I don’t know what I would’ve done if you’d....” I can’t even bring myself to say the words.

I’d come so close to losing her and the thought of it absolutely punches a hole in my chest every time I think about it.

“I’m going to marry you one day.”

“Okay,” She says simply, grabbing the shampoo and turning to face me. She reaches up and I duck my head so she can wash my hair like I just washed hers. “I love you, Asher.”

“I love you too, Angel.”

I kiss her gently, almost afraid that she’s going to turn into a wisp of smoke and disappear.




              After our shower all I want to do is sleep. Which is crazy because I’ve basically done nothing but sleep for the past three days.

“You look tired,” Asher notes as I pull on one of his t-shirts and a pair of jeans.

              “I’m fine,” I lie.

I’m sure that everyone is dying to see me and see for themselves that I’m okay.

“Liar,” He accuses, his lips quirking up in a smile.

“Everyone’s going to be here soon. At least let everyone visit for a little bit then you can go all macho man and kick them out so you can take care of me,” I offer.

He kisses my cheek and tucks a strand of my wet hair behind my ear.

“I’m so glad you’re okay,” He says for the tenth time since I woke up yesterday.

              “Me too.”

Soon Nikki, Lee, Abby, Ethan, Remy, Dex and Hadley all show up and I’m overwhelmed with hugs and tears.

“We’re so glad you’re okay,” Nikki says over and over again.

              “So is that fucker in jail or what?” Abby asks, cutting right to the chase in true Abby fashion.

              “The police stopped by this morning, right before I left the hospital, to let me know that he’s in custody. I’m going to have to testify. And, Ethan, you’re probably going to be subpoenaed to testify about that time he showed up while I was working. Hopefully this will all be behind us soon enough.”

“Listen, Eve, if you feel like you need someone to talk to just let me know. I can give you the number of my therapist, she’s really great, and there’s no shame in needing help coping after a trauma,” Abby offers.

“Thank you, I’ll keep that in mind,” I promise.

Maybe I’m still in shock from the whole thing, but so far all I feel is happy to be alive. I have my friends, I have Asher, and I have my whole life ahead of me. I reach for Asher’s hand and smile up at him. It’s hard to believe the person I’ve become, and I couldn’t be more excited for the future.



Chapter 26


              I stand in front of the bathroom mirror, naked, reveling in the fact that the last of my bruises have finally faded. Every time Asher had looked at me naked over the past ten days I’d seen him flinch or sadness fill his eyes when he would catch sight of one of the bruises covering various parts of my body. Maybe now he'll finally have sex with me again.

“Have I told you lately how much I love living with you?” Asher asks with a smirk as he steps into the bathroom and catches me standing naked.

His eyes rake over my body appreciatively.

“I love it, too,” I assure him, stepping close and looping my arms around his neck.

His lips come down and meet mine gently, but instead of ravishing me like he normally would he sighs and steps away.

“I have to go do some stuff,” He says looking over my body once more. “But I am going to make it up to you later.”

“Where do you have to go?” I ask with a pout.

“It’s a surprise,” He answers evasively.

My eyes light up.

“What is it?”

              “If I told you it wouldn’t be a surprise,” Asher points out the obvious before kissing my nose and turning to walk away. “And, you’re testing my willpower, so I’d better get going.”


A knock at the door a few hours later has me jumping off the couch, hoping that it’s whatever Asher’s surprise is. I open the door to find my girlfriends all standing on the front stoop with dress bags and smiles.

              “What’s going on?”

              “We’re going to get you all dressed up and then we’re taking you to your surprise,” Hadley announces and they all hug me as they push past me into the house.

Abby holds out the shimmery blue dress I tried on at the mall with her and Lee. Then, Remy sets about doing my make-up. Once I'm all dolled up, they all get dressed in fancy dresses and do their make-up as well. I’m dying to ask what’s going on, but I know that they won’t tell me.

              Before long they’re ushering me out the door to a waiting stretch limo.

              “What the-?” My mouth falls open and I stop in my tracks.

              “Come on, come on,” Nikki urges me forward.

Once in the limo I’m passed a glass of champagne.

The limo ride is far too short and I’m soon being shuffled out onto the sidewalk in front of…

“Why are we at the
Bad Wolf
?” I ask with confusion.

All of my friends smirk at me conspiratorially and then Asher steps out of the bar wearing a tux and a goofy grin.

              “Eve,” He says my name like it’s a prayer and then he steps forward and scoops me up in his arms.

              “What is all of this?” I ask.

“Well, I’m hoping that a beautiful girl like you, Eve Moore, will do me the honor of being my prom date?”

              “What?” My mouth falls open in surprise once again.

“Will you be my prom date?” Asher asks again.

              “Um, sure?” I laugh as he spins me around.

              “Good, let’s go.” He sets me down and grabs my hand to lead me inside.

              The bar is decorated like an honest to goodness high school prom. There are balloons, streamers, a table with a punch bowl, and even an archway with a photographer.

              “How? When?” My eyes are wide as saucers and Asher just smiles widely at my reaction.

“I asked Abby to help me get this together at Thanksgiving. I wanted to give you the one thing you missed the most by not going to high school.”

              Tears spring to my eyes. How did I get so lucky to land such an incredible guy?

              “Honestly, I jumped at the idea because we all had pretty shitty high school experiences, so this is a great do-over for all of us,” Abby tells me enthusiastically.

“Come on baby, let’s dance.”

              My cheeks heat at the memory of the last time Asher and I danced together. The sexual tension between us had almost been unbearable. It’s amazing how much has changed in only a few months.

Asher takes my hand, entwining our fingers and pulls me towards the dance floor.

“There were church dances but they were so stupid. They would say things like ‘when you dance make sure you leave room for the holy spirit’,” I explain with a laugh as Asher and I sway to the music. “Thank you so much for doing this for me by the way. You are the sweetest man alive.”

“I don’t know about all that, I’m just trying to impress a girl who’s way out of my league,” His lips press against my temple. “Now, I don’t know if you know this, but it’s pretty customary to give your prom date your virginity.”

              “Oh, shoot I actually gave my virginity to this really hot, tattooed bad boy just a few weeks ago. I think he’s in a band or something,” I tease.

He throws back his head and laughs.

              “I know that guy, and I think he’s actually the president of the mathletes.”

My eyes go wide with humor as he admits this.

              “Oh my gosh, you are such a nerd,” I gasp with a laugh. “I feel like I need to give you a wedgie now or something.”

Asher nips playfully at my bottom lip.

“Come on, am I getting lucky tonight or what?” He asks before slipping his tongue into my mouth.

Heat floods through me and I think at this point I’d let him have his way with me right here in front of everyone.

“Absolutely,” I murmur against his lips.

We dance to slow songs and fast songs, which incidentally are much more difficult to dance to. We dance until I’m sweaty and out of breath. Nikki, Abby, Lee, Remy, and Hadley pull me into several giant girl dance circles. Basically, the prom that Asher organized for me is the most fun I’ve ever had in my life.

              “I think it’s time to crown our prom king and queen,” Abby announces while Asher and I are getting some water.

Asher smiles over at me knowingly and I feel myself blush.

“You did not make them vote me prom queen,” I say, knowing that he obviously did.

“I didn’t make anyone do anything. The prom queen thing was Abby’s idea,” He holds his hands up in defense.

              “Our prom queen is Eve Moore,” Abby declares.

I blush deeper but I have to admit I feel so lucky to have such amazing friends. I go up on the stage at the front of the bar and Abby puts a plastic tiara on me and a sash that says ‘prom queen’. Then she announces that Asher is prom king and he comes up as well to receive a crown and sash.

I smile over at him on the stage and he mouths ‘I love you’ before pulling me in for a kiss. All of our friends cheer and I blush as I pull away.

              “Thanks everyone for coming, this was so amazing.” I turn back to Asher. “I love you so much, this was amazing. And, if you take me home I’ll show you just how much I appreciate this,” I whisper into his ear.

“Alright, thanks for coming folks, night’s over,” He announces before flinging me over his shoulder and practically sprinting out of the bar with all of our friends laughing at our departure.



              I walk the entire two blocks to my house with her slung over my shoulder, while she laughs and squirms the entire way.

“If you don’t stop wiggling I’m going to drop you,” I warn, giving her a firm slap on the ass for good measure.

              “Well if spanking is the punishment I may just have to ignore your instructions,” She teases in a sultry tone.

“Keep it up and you’ll find out exactly what happens to naughty angels.” My mind is one track right now and that track is getting Eve home, naked, and burying myself deep inside of her. Preferably repeatedly.

              As soon as we’re through the door I toss her onto my bed and hover over her.

              “Did you have a good time tonight?”

              “It was perfect.”

Her sweet lips trail kisses across my jaw and down my throat as her hands work on unbuttoning my dress shirt.

“You’re really sexy all dressed up like this. All I could think about all night was getting you home and getting you naked.”

              “Great minds think alike.”

She get’s my shirt open and continues her journey with her lips along my chest, her tongue flicking over my nipples. I moan and start to fumble with the back of her dress.

“Sorry, this dress isn’t exactly easy access. Give me a second.”

Eve gets up and disappears to the bathroom. She returns in nothing but the black stilettos that she’d had on with her dress. My eyes travel up her shapely legs, over the thatch of soft hair between her thighs, and then up over her unbelievable tits, finally ending on her face where her eyes are filled with longing and need. I make quick work of discarding my pants and make my way over to her.

“Fuck, you are so hot,” I murmur as I run my hands over her soft, warm body.

“Lay down, I want to try something,” She instructs.

“Yes ma’am,” I obey readily.

She climbs onto the bed near my head and positions herself right over my face, I definitely like where this is going. I wrap my hands around her thighs and run my tongue through her hot, wet folds, groaning my appreciation. Her tongue flicks over the tip of my cock before taking it into her mouth greedily. I thrust my tongue deep inside of her, doing my best to focus on my task while she sucks me hard and deep in her hot mouth.

She moans around my cock, sending a jolt of pleasure up my spine. I remove my tongue and find her sensitive bud with my lips and suck her deeply, distracting her from her own task. Her legs start to tremble as she grinds against my lips until she’s crying out my name.

As soon as she catches her breath she wraps her lips once against around my throbbing cock. I nip and lick her inner thighs as she feverishly sucks me deep into her throat. Release thunders through me violently.

“Fuck that was hot,” She mutters once I’ve finished and she’s rolled onto her side on the bed next to me.

              “Where did you learn that?” I ask, still trying to catch my breath.

God damn this girl constantly surprises me.

“Porn,” She responds simply.

I look over at her incredulously and she gazes at me with a demure smile.

“Are you serious? You’ve been watching porn?” That thought has the blood already rushing back into my cock.

“Yeah, at first it was just for research. You know, I wanted to make sure I knew a variety of moves so I could keep it interesting for you. But, surprisingly I found it kind of a turn on. Sometimes I watch something and then I imagine doing it to you while I touch myself.”

And, there’s my erection back full force. I roll on top of her and kiss her deeply, sinking into her without preamble. We both let out long, low moans before I grab her ass for leverage and begin to thrust into her feverishly. Her legs wrap around me, her stilettos digging into my thighs.

“Fuck, Asher, harder,” She pleads desperately.

I grab her leg and put it over my shoulder so that I can sink deeper into her and she immediately starts to pant and her body tenses beneath me as waves of pleasure wash over her. I pound into her, burying my face in her neck until I feel pleasure shoot through me. We collapse in a mass of sweaty limbs.

              “Holy shit,” She gasps.

              “That’s what you get for being so unbelievably sexy. Keep it up and we’ll have to spend the rest of our lives with my cock deep inside you,” I warn.

“Mm, is that supposed to be a deterrent, because it’s not working.” I pull her close and feel her heart pounding against my chest. “And you should be more careful about promising a girl the rest of your life,” She teases.

              “I thought my intentions with you were pretty clear Eve Moore, you’re it for me,” I tell her honestly, placing a gentle kiss on the tip of her nose. “You’re my naughty angel, and no one else will ever compare.”

              “And, you’re my nerdy bad boy.”


The End



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