Neighbourhood Watch (14 page)

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Authors: Lisette Ashton

BOOK: Neighbourhood Watch
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Linda would have said more but she could feel hands moving against the insides of her thighs and heading towards her crotch. Thrilled by the casual caresses, she saw that both Phil and Joanne were trying to touch her pussy as they continued sucking and fucking the others on the bed. Linda’s thoughts of being ignored and unwanted were cast aside as she revelled in the sensual seduction of her neighbours. When Ted returned his mouth to Denise’s pussy, and Denise settled back contentedly, Linda couldn’t recall why she had felt she wasn’t being included in the evening’s activities.

Phil slipped a moist finger inside her sex. The smooth friction was delicious.

Joanne stroked the ball of her thumb against Linda’s clitoris. The pressure was exhilarating. Linda gave a sigh and wondered how long it would take the pair to have her gasping with satisfaction. She bit her lower lip, trying to remember something that had seemed important just before she entered the room.

Denise’s hand clutched Linda’s left breast. Ted grabbed her right. They both kneaded and stroked, Ted paying more attention to her nipple, Denise concentrating on exciting whorls of pleasure by teasing her areola. Linda’s worries were forgotten. The familiar excitement of being with naked friends, enjoying their bodies as they teased and toyed with her, thrust every other consideration aside. She shivered as a dozen different sensations reminded her she was in the company of likeminded hedonists who shared her devotion to sensual pleasure.

‘Someone should get Charlie and Rhona in here,’ Denise mumbled. ‘Have they arrived yet?’ She spoke with her lips around Phil’s erection, tucking the length into the corner of her mouth so that she could articulate the words. The suggestion made, she returned
sucking and licking him, devouring his cock as though it was a seldom enjoyed delicacy.

‘I haven’t seen Rhona or Charlie this evening,’ Linda responded. ‘And they both said they would be here.’ Her earlier worries about the couple from number seven returned with enough force to distract her from the thrill of being with Denise, Phil, Ted and Joanne. ‘I’ve not had a call from them and I’m getting a bit concerned.’

‘Maybe they just decided to stay home this evening,’ Denise suggested, briefly removing her mouth from Phil’s cock. ‘It wouldn’t be the first time they’d bailed because they’d got caught up in a private game.’

Linda considered this and then shrugged. She didn’t know Rhona and Charlie as well as Denise clearly did, but she thought the idea was unlikely. Both of them had seemed enthusiastic about the idea of attending the party. According to Ted, Rhona had said the only thing she could imagine that would stop them being there was if she and Charlie got a chance to play with Megan McMurray.

‘Maybe they’re here already?’ Phil suggested. He continued to kiss Joanne’s wet pussy as he made the comment; his interest in the topic was obviously no more than casual.

‘One of us would have seen them if they were already here,’ Ted grunted.

‘Maybe not,’ Phil argued. He dragged his mouth from Joanne’s hole. She gasped and glared at him but he was oblivious to her anger or her needs. ‘There are so many people here Charlie and Rhona could have easily got lost in the crowd. That could even be Charlie in the gimp suit.’

‘It’s not Charlie,’ Joanne told him. ‘If you don’t believe me, I’ll take you downstairs now and unmask him so I can prove it.’

‘I believe you,’ Phil assured her.

‘I mean it. I will. I’ll unmask him.’

Linda glanced at Phil and could see he was puzzled by Joanne’s sudden insistence on unmasking and exposing her gimp. He carefully returned his mouth to Joanne’s sex.

‘Let’s just get back to enjoying the evening,’ he murmured, lapping at the moist folds.

Joanne sighed and nodded. ‘I can unmask the little fucker later,’ she decided. She was about to wrap her mouth around Ted’s cock when a thought occurred to her.

‘I saw the McMurray girl headed towards theirs earlier this evening,’ she said. ‘If she’d turned up at my house I wouldn’t have come to this party.’ She gave a salacious chuckle that made Linda feel ill. ‘If she’d turned up at my house I’d be riding that little bitch until she screamed for me to stop.’

‘You’re sure it was her?’

Joanne nodded. ‘I’d recognise the McMurray girl anywhere. I’ve had her so many times in my imagination I know her better than I know my own reflection.’

Denise and Phil shifted positions. They started to mumble something about Megan McMurray being one of the most desirable women on the street. Then, as the four of them resumed their head-to-crotch daisy-chain, Linda realised none of them was concerned about the safety of their friends from across the road. Climbing off the bed, she thought it was time to take matters into her own hands.

It was proving to be a hell of a party, Jane thought, the best she had ever attended. Hiding behind the eye-mask, amazed that such a simple little device could keep her identity a secret from everyone around her,
could enjoy the evening without fear of repercussions.

She eased a third finger inside the gimp and paused until his muscles had clenched tight. Either Ted or Linda had made sure there was lubricant available throughout the house in tubes, tubs and jars. Jane had never used it before. She’d always thought that if a woman needed lubricant she had some sort of problem, and if a man needed it he was some sort of pervert. Yet, scooping the glistening jelly into her palm, then sliding her fingers into the gimp’s slowly widening anus, she had decided that lubricant was neither an aid to perversion nor the last resort for those who should have given up. Lubricant was wonderful. Her hands were sticky with the viscous fluid. The tactile thrill was another delicious memory she intended to take from this evening. Her fingers were crushed by the gimp’s sphincter clenching against her. She had never realised such marvellous pleasure could be had from sexually dominating a man. Her pussy tingled with the rush of warm arousal. Because the lips of her sex were pressed tight against the heel of the strap-on, it was like being deftly teased by a talented lover. That thought added fresh wetness to her excitement and she threw herself into the pleasure of being a dominatrix for the evening.

‘How does that feel?’

‘That feels wonderful, Goddess.’

‘Do you feel stretched?’ She kept her fingers inside him, twisting them against the pressure of his muscles and enjoying the warm velvet throb of his flesh against her hand. She lowered her mouth to the side of his face and spoke where the mask covered his ear. ‘Do you feel full and really stretched?’

‘Yes, Goddess.’ He panted the words as though trying to bite back an ejaculation. ‘Yes. I feel stretched.’

‘Fully stretched?’

‘Yes, Goddess.’

‘Good.’ She slipped her fingers from him and stood up. Towering over him so that her strap-on waved in front of his face, she said, ‘Then you may now suck my cock. You may suck my cock so it’s wet and ready to slide inside you.’

‘Where the hell did Linda go?’

Denise had been teetering at the more pleasurable end of the satisfaction spectrum. Someone – Ted, she believed – had been lapping at the moist flesh between her legs. The scents of cock and pussy, a cocktail of carnal perfumes, tainted every breath. Phil’s erection was in her mouth, stretching her lips and making her tremble each time she drew her tongue against his tightly stretched skin. But, when Ted sat up to ask the question, the pleasure was abruptly brought to an end.

‘Where the hell is she?’ he demanded.

‘She was here a minute ago.’

‘Didn’t she say she was going to check on Charlie and Ronnie?’

Neither of the answers seemed to satisfy Ted. Perplexed, he glowered around the room. ‘Well, if she’s gone across the road to get those two, who’s hosting our party?’

Joanne sighed. Denise tightened her jaw, not wanting to complain but bitterly frustrated that the passion and intensity of the group dynamic were evaporating. She had to clench her teeth when Ted climbed off the bed and said, ‘I’d best go downstairs and be a good host.’ He grabbed a towel to put round his waist and left the room without another word.

‘I’ll join you,’ Joanne called after him. She made the bed tremble and squeak as she pulled herself away from Denise and Phil. ‘I think it’s about time I went
and tormented my gimp a little bit more.’ There was a vicious smile on her lips. Her eyes were bereft of amusement or good humour. ‘It’s probably about time I tore the mask from his face so everyone can see who he is.’ She hastily got back into her boots and leathers, then disappeared from the room in Ted’s wake.

‘And then there were two,’ Denise mumbled. She stopped Phil leaving the bed, holding him tight to her naked body. ‘What’s your hurry? Where are you wanting to go?’

He shrugged but made no attempt to distance himself from her. Turning slightly, resting one broad thigh between her legs and using his free hand to tease her bare torso, he said, ‘I’m in no hurry to go anywhere. I’m just trying to enjoy the party, the same as you.’ He grinned and added, ‘Unless you want us to have our own little party in here now we’re alone?’

She squirmed against his thigh, pressing the wet flesh of her pussy lips against his flesh. She felt the scratching of wiry leg hair. After the gentle stimulation of a warm wet tongue upon her sex, the brutal caress of his thigh was exhilarating. She wondered if Ted’s brother might be the man she needed to ride her bareback. Common sense told her it was irresponsible. She had never considered having anybody at one of Ted and Linda’s parties without making sure they wore proper protection. But she felt as though she knew Phil, and the idea that he might impregnate her made the prospect incredibly tempting. Even if he wore a rubber, she thought bitterly, he was more likely to get her pregnant than Derek and his current performance in the bedroom.

He sucked her breast, teasing her nipple between his teeth. She shivered.

Reaching down to stroke his thick wet cock, Denise contemplated just guiding his length into her hole and squeezing until he came. It would be so easy: Phil would be inside her before he remembered he was unsheathed. And she so needed to feel a man ejaculate inside her. The urge was so strong it took the strongest effort of will to pull herself out of his arms.

‘I should really go and make sure Jane is OK on her own,’ Denise told him. It was an excuse: she didn’t want to leave him, and she didn’t doubt Jane would be enjoying herself without an escort. She desperately wanted to feel him inside her, without any protection, but she knew that wouldn’t be sensible. Trying not to think about her sudden craving for Phil’s bare length and his seed, she said, ‘It was naughty of me to leave Jane to her own devices but –’

‘Jane’s here? Jane Smith from number three?’

Denise remembered that, as Ted’s brother, Phil knew most of the residents on Cedar View. His garage regularly serviced and repaired a lot of the cars on the View and Phil was sufficiently conscientious to remember most of his customers by sight.

‘Jane’s here,’ she assured him. ‘You must have seen her. She came in with me.’

Phil shook his head. ‘I haven’t seen Jane. I would have remembered.’

‘She’s wearing an eye-mask and a –’

‘Dear God! Is that Jane?’ Phil sounded surprised. Denise studied his face, not sure if he was joking. She had thought Jane’s disguise was completely inadequate and had expected everyone to recognise her. Yet Phil seemed genuinely amazed to learn it was Jane behind the mask. He was climbing off the bed and she had to grab hold of his wrist to stop him leaving her side.

His brow furrowed. ‘What’s the matter?’ He glanced briefly towards the door and she could see that he was
to hurry back to the party and try to negotiate an intimate encounter with Jane.

‘I’ve been wanting to ask you a favour.’

His hesitation lasted only a second, and he fell back to her side on the bed. Teasing her breasts with casual caresses and placing his thigh back between her spread legs, he said, ‘You know I’d be happy to do you any favour. What do you want?’

She giggled and moved her mouth up to meet his lips. Phil’s kisses tasted of Joanne’s pussy. It was a flavour Denise knew intimately and she savoured the sweet perfume in a rush of giddy excitement. Although Ted’s swift departure had tempered the mood of the room, she was pleased to note that the excitement hadn’t completely vanished. The thickness of Phil’s erection, still sticky with her saliva, nudged at her labia.

‘How long has it been since this cock was inside a woman?’

Phil raised a questioning eyebrow. ‘You were sucking it a minute ago,’ he reminded her. ‘So I think the honest answer is: not that long.’

Denise shook her head and eased herself closer. The thought of thrusting her hips down and being impaled on his unsheathed shaft was almost too tempting. With a huge effort of restraint she remained on the brink of penetration. Holding her breath, resisting the urge to slide on to him, she asked, ‘How long since it was
a woman?’

‘I screwed Linda just before the party began.’

Still toying with his length, stroking it slowly against her sex, Denise stiffened herself in anticipation of his rebuke and asked, ‘How long since it’s been inside a woman without a rubber?’

He studied her in stunned silence. Denise held her breath, ready for a blunt refusal.

Phil licked his lips. ‘Bareback?’ he muttered. The end of his cock trembled against her sex. ‘Are you serious?’

‘Why not?’ To pique his interest, Denise rubbed the slit of her sex more forcefully against him. He was hard, naked and ready to slide inside her pussy, and she was desperate to feel him. It was increasingly difficult to appear cool about this conversation. ‘You haven’t ridden anyone unsheathed for ages, have you? I’ll bet you’re ready to slip inside me now and feel my wet pussy gripping your cock.’

The shaft in her hand twitched.

‘Is that what you want?’ Phil asked. He started to raise himself on the bed, urging his shaft closer to the point of penetration.

Denise stayed him one hand. ‘That’s what I’m offering,’ she said carefully. ‘But I’ll want you to do something for me first. It’s something that needs doing urgently – tonight. And it’s something that only you have the skill to do.’

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