Neighbourhood Watch (11 page)

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Authors: Lisette Ashton

BOOK: Neighbourhood Watch
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‘What would you have done?’ Rhona insisted.

‘I’d have made you come your brains out,’ Megan murmured.

Rhona grinned. Her smile was polished white perfection.

‘I’d have opened my coat, shown you that I was naked underneath, except for a pair of hold-up fishnets and my ankle boots, and then I’d have screwed Charlie first, and then you.’ Keeping her voice low, making sure every word struck Rhona with the full force of the passion she wanted to invoke, Megan said, ‘Then, once you and I’d both got Charlie hard again, I’d have fucked both of you at the same time.’ She paused, licked her lips and then said softly, ‘That’s what I would have done.’

Rhona trembled. ‘You’d really have done all those things?’

‘I even brought condoms,’ Megan whispered.

Rhona’s grin inched wider. ‘And you’re really naked beneath that leather?’ Her gaze dropped to the open neck of Megan’s coat and her smile grew broader as she noted Megan’s bare décolletage, with no suggestion of blouse, bra or top. ‘Did you mean that? Or were you joking?’

Megan lit her cigarette. Coolly, she sat back in her chair and nodded. ‘But –’ she spoke through a mouthful of smoke ‘– like we agreed before, it’s a moot point. The letter was a mistake. You’d never intended to pay me for those kind of services. I’d got the wrong
of the stick.’ She took another drag from her badly rolled cigarette and realised it had already burnt down to a stub. ‘I can’t even see why we’re discussing it.’

Charlie dropped a handful of notes on the kitchen table.

Megan studied them and saw there were twenty fifty-pound notes. Her stomach churned. She stubbed out the remainder of her cigarette in the ashtray Rhona had provided and tore her gaze from the money to study Charlie.

‘What’s that?’

‘It’s a grand.’

‘I can see that it’s a grand. Why is it there?’

He flashed a broad grin. ‘You came here expecting to earn some money,’ he said slowly. ‘I’m just being a good host and doing what I can.’ Raising his eyebrows as he studied her, Charlie said, ‘You never answered Ronnie’s question and I’m dying to know: are you really naked underneath that coat?’

Nausea twisted Megan’s stomach. She glanced from Charlie to Rhona and realised she had talked herself into an inescapable corner. Quite when the dynamics had changed was a mystery to her, but she suddenly realised that it would be impossible to refuse the money and remain on good terms with her new friends. She wasn’t sure she did want to be friends with them, but the confusion of the moment swayed her decision.

Charlie was right to point out that she had come to their house with the purpose of earning some money. And Rhona’s lascivious interest had inspired a slick warmth between Megan’s legs. Studying the pair, trying to remember how she had intended handling the situation, Megan realised that she could only go along with whatever the couple wanted.

She snatched the notes from the kitchen table and stuffed them in her coat pocket. Trying to remain
, hoping the couple couldn’t see that she suddenly felt fearfully out of her depth, she sat back in her chair and began to roll another cigarette. This time it was properly made. By the time she had finished and had tucked it into the corner of her mouth, the anticipation around the table had turned as thick as treacle.

Megan snorted twin plumes from her nostrils and studied Charlie from across the table. Reaching for the top button of her leather, plucking it open with an arrogant flick of her wrist, she said, ‘Yes. I’m naked underneath this coat.’ Not allowing herself to think about what she was doing, certain that a moment’s thought would bring her to her senses and drive her from the Graftons’ house, she pulled open another button and said, ‘Do you really want to see?’

Charlie laughed. ‘You wouldn’t believe how badly I want that.’

Rhona clutched Megan’s arm with renewed force. When Megan glanced into her face she could see the earnest appreciation and genuine enthusiasm in the woman’s large sapphire eyes. The discovery that she was so ardently desired made the inner muscles of her sex clench with fresh excitement.

‘You wouldn’t believe how badly we both want that,’ Rhona whispered.

Megan pulled open another button. The flick of her wrist briefly exposed one small, pert breast. Rhona gasped and Charlie made a startled sound of approval.

Megan covered the breast again, then reached down for the final button. Before going to the Graftons’ she hadn’t been entirely sure how the evening would work out. She had intended to put on a display of outrage and disgust, and then give them what they wanted once a decent price was negotiated. Thoughts of Max had been easy to push aside. With Aliceon taking her place
the cellar, Megan knew her husband would be having adulterous fun with her sister while she fucked the neighbours.

It was an arrangement that met the conditions Max had set for their relationship. At drunken parties, and when they were entertaining friends, he claimed they shared a tacit agreement that allowed some degree of infidelity. ‘There are only two conditions,’ Max always said. ‘If one of us is screwing someone else, we owe it to our partner to try and get them laid. And, while we don’t have to tell each other everything that we do with other people, we never have anyone at home on the sly.’

Megan had never tested whether Max really wanted to live by this credo. It wasn’t a topic that lent itself to regular conversations. Because their sex life often involved either her sister or one or more of their friends, Megan had never thought it was something they would need to nail down in such fixed terms. But, now that this opportunity had presented itself, she felt sure she had met both her husband’s conditions. She had arranged for Aliceon to satisfy him while she was out of the house, and she was making sure her liaison with the Graftons didn’t happen in the home she shared with Max.

And yet, the worry that Max might be upset by what she was doing made her wonder if she should rethink the situation. In the past they had played some sexual games with other couples. Aliceon occasionally joined them in their marital bed, always making herself available on Max’s birthday. There had been a few Christmas parties where Megan publicly demonstrated her skills in Shibari, the Japanese art of bondage, much to the satisfaction of one or more of their naked female friends. There had also been a handful of evenings throughout their marriage when Megan had
herself being spit-roasted by Max and his best friend Daniel: Daniel’s cock in her mouth, Max’s length sliding into her pussy. But those events had always happened while they were together, as a couple, and she felt certain she was breaching some unwritten protocol by not having mentioned anything to her husband before leaving the house. Troubling her conscience even more was the niggling suspicion that Max knew she wasn’t with him and was worried about her and trying to find her.

Drawing again on her cigarette, deciding there was no time to fret about such considerations now, she pulled open her coat and shrugged it from her shoulders. Rhona gasped and Charlie raised his glass in silent salute.

Megan sat back in her chair, allowing the couple to admire her nudity. She raised one booted heel and placed it on the edge of the kitchen table. The change in posture meant she was showing off the length of one fishnet-covered leg and concealing her pussy from Rhona’s view.

She felt exposed. Rhona and Charlie both remained dressed.

Megan couldn’t breathe for the charge of sexual electricity that crackled in the kitchen. The sensation of being the focus of their attention brought a prickle of gooseflesh to her forearms. She wanted to squirm on the chair but she knew that would make her look like a woman who didn’t have full control of the situation. Knowing the couple wouldn’t notice if she was discreet, Megan clenched the inner muscles of her pussy to try and vent some of the arousal that had built in her loins.

Rhona leaned close and reached out a hand to Megan’s breast. As her fingers cupped the orb, squeezed and kneaded bare flesh, she moved her
closer. Her lips met Megan’s. The kiss was warm and intrusive. A tongue slipped between her lips, shocking Megan with its swift intimacy. Her excitement grew more profound. She couldn’t tell if it was the sensation of Rhona’s tongue sliding into her mouth, or the weight of her fingers squeezing her nipple, but, whatever the cause, a surge of fluid urgency rushed through her body.

Without thinking, not allowing herself to consider her actions, Megan gave into the kiss. She stubbed out her cigarette and moved against Rhona’s lips. The pleasure of meeting her mouth was sensational.

Hesitant at first, then with a little more confidence, Megan found the shape of Rhona’s breast. A thin layer of silk covered the flesh. Her thumb slipped against the pliant swell until it touched Rhona’s nipple. Teasing it until it became hard, delighting in the way the stiff bud responded to her caress, Megan sighed against Rhona’s kiss.

‘Are you going to take off your sunglasses?’


‘I’ll bet you’ve got beautiful eyes.’

Megan laughed. Feeling suddenly charged by the control she had over the couple she said, ‘Neither you nor Charlie are interested in looking at my eyes. Not now my tits and my pussy are visible.’

‘She’s got a point,’ Charlie grunted.

Megan glanced up and saw he had risen from his seat on the opposite side of the table. An erection pushed at the front of his trousers and, although he was trying to look as though his arousal wasn’t an issue, Megan could see that every step was causing him some discomfort. She smiled as she leaned back towards Rhona and extracted another long, lingering kiss.

Rhona’s fingers slid over Megan’s breast. The light tease of her caress was so delicate it made Megan catch
breath. When the woman’s hand slipped from her chest and began to glide down her stomach, Megan stiffened with the prospect of greater excitement. She allowed Rhona’s tongue to slip back between her lips. A thrill built in her stomach as the woman’s hand crept closer to her cleft.

‘You look as good as I’d hoped,’ Rhona breathed.

‘I’m flattered you had a mental picture,’ Megan replied.

Her heart raced. Charlie had stepped closer and, even though she wasn’t looking in his direction, she could sense that he was smiling greedily. Still savouring the pleasure of Rhona’s kisses and caresses, she decided to ignore him. She even managed to feign uninterest as Charlie unzipped his trousers and extracted a large, meaty erection.

‘I thought your plan involved servicing me first?’

‘It did,’ Megan admitted, breaking away from Rhona and shifting her pelvis so the woman’s fingers could delve deeper. Rhona was on the brink of touching the trimmed thatch of curls that led down to her pussy. Speaking without a stutter was almost more than Megan could manage. She regarded Charlie through the comforting darkness of her shades and grinned at him. ‘My plan
to service you first. But I never suspected your wife could be such a great kisser.’

She lowered her gaze to Charlie’s cock. It was on the same level as her mouth and she could have kissed it without shifting position. The bulbous end was so close to her face she could catch the scent of pre-come as it leaked from the open eye of his shaft. Her appetite for arousal peaked with fresh fury. She reached out and held him between two fingers, as though his cock was a cigarette. Lowering her head, she paused with her lips apart and ready for him, then glanced back up at his face.

‘Surely we’re not just going to spend this evening sticking to my loose plans, are we?’

Charlie was surprisingly cool in his reaction. ‘What else did you have in mind?’ His erection trembled between her fingers with every word. ‘I’m sure we can accommodate any particular interests you have. There’s not much that we won’t try.’

Megan smiled at him. ‘There are so many things the three of us could do together.’ Glancing at Rhona she said, ‘I once made a woman come with my Shibari.’

Charlie said, ‘That’s the Japanese art of –’

‘I know what Shibari is,’ Rhona interrupted. ‘You’re not the only one in this house who’s ever had sex.’

Megan continued to study Charlie’s face. His cock remained between her fingers and she longed to encircle the glans with her lips. ‘I’ve made men come with my bondage too,’ she admitted coyly. Flicking her tongue against his flesh, she saw him flinch with pleasure. ‘But I also like to have my backside spanked, and I can endure so much nipple torture you’d come your brains out just watching me.’

‘I’m on the verge of coming my brains out just hearing about it,’ Charlie confessed.

Megan laughed. Bobbing her head close to him, opening her mouth and taking his glans between her lips, she sucked gently on his length before moving back to receive another kiss from Rhona.

‘I can taste Charlie’s cock on your lips,’ Rhona told her.

‘You don’t sound like you object.’

They giggled together as Rhona’s kiss became more intrusive and her fingers found their way to the lips of Megan’s sex. Her hands were warm, oily with perspiration and deliciously gentle. As one finger and then another slid against the moist folds of her pussy lips, Megan shook with mounting desire.

Although she was trying to remain in control of the situation, Megan quickly perceived that Charlie and Rhona were adept at working together. Rhona’s teasing was a maddening distraction. Charlie’s looming presence made Megan hungry to do more than simply kiss his cock. Telling herself she needed to distance herself from the pair for a moment, collect her thoughts and decide how the evening was going to progress, Megan pulled herself from Rhona’s kisses and reluctantly eased Rhona’s hand from her pussy lips.

‘I need to pee before we carry on doing what we’re doing,’ she said. She slid out of the chair, leaving her coat, and glanced towards the kitchen door. ‘Does your loo face the top of the stairs? The same as at my house?’

Rhona nodded. Charlie opened the door for her.

‘Are you two going to get undressed for when I get back?’ Megan asked. She grinned to show it was a question and not a command.

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