Neighbourhood Watch (21 page)

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Authors: Lisette Ashton

BOOK: Neighbourhood Watch
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Charlie groaned. Megan barely heard the sound as her body was instantly convulsed with a rush of sheer animal excitement. Ordinarily she didn’t take a great deal of pleasure in penetration – she preferred Max’s cruel domination and her own sexual servitude – but with the thickness of Charlie’s cock, and the control she had over the couple, Megan couldn’t imagine a more arousing scene.

It crossed her mind that she would have liked to share this experience with Max. Charlie and Rhona clearly got a lot of their satisfaction from sharing things with each other, and she wished she and Max had a similar attitude. Depending on how he reacted when she told him what she had been doing this evening, she might be able to convince him that they needed the Graftons’ honesty and openness to complete their own relationship.

Then that thought was pushed aside as the tidal wave of satisfaction convulsed her body. She teetered on the brink of collapse, then the ripples of her climax undulated through her frame. She had to bite her lower lip to stop herself from shrieking with joy.

‘That was you, Megan? Am I right?’

Megan ignored him.

‘Megan?’ Rhona called. Her blindfolded head twisted from one side to the other. ‘Have you just fucked Charlie?’

‘Why are you asking that?’ Charlie demanded. ‘You can see what she’s doing, can’t you?’

Megan said nothing. Finally pulling herself away from Charlie, she collapsed on to her knees and took a long, lingering kiss at Rhona’s sex. Wearily she stood up, drained the contents of her glass and stared at the bound and blindfold couple.

‘Where’s my duster?’ she asked quietly.

‘Where’s your what?’

‘You want a duster? What are you going to do? Clean the house?’

‘My coat,’ she said patiently. ‘My duster. I left it in here when I went to the bathroom. It’s gone. Where is it?’

‘Ronnie hung it up in the kitchen cupboard.’

‘That’s right,’ Rhona added quickly. ‘I put it in there while you went to the loo. But you don’t need to get it now.’

Megan glanced around the room and saw the kitchen cupboard Charlie had mentioned. Like the rest of the cupboards and units in the Graftons’ spotless kitchen, it was designed to be unobtrusive. She retrieved her coat, reached inside the pocket and was not surprised to find her money was no longer there. Shaking her head with disappointment, she retrieved her tobacco pouch and cigarette papers. Then she shrugged the coat back over her shoulders and sat down at the kitchen table.

Rhona and Charlie sat in restless silence as she rolled a cigarette. Neither of them spoke until she lit it.

‘What’s happening?’ Rhona asked.

‘What are you doing?’ Charlie demanded.

‘My money’s missing,’ Megan said quietly. ‘And I don’t want either of you insulting my intelligence by pretending you don’t know what’s happened to it.’

‘You cheap shit, Charles,’ Rhona spat viciously. ‘Did you have to take her money back? That was very mean of you.’

‘Climb down from your high horse, Ronnie,’ Charlie grumbled. ‘It was your idea.’

‘You lying …’

‘… greedy …’

‘… told you …’

‘… going too far –’


Megan said the word loudly, silencing them both. She drew thoughtfully on her cigarette and regarded the bound and blindfold figures in front of her. Glancing at the kitchen window she saw Tanya Maxwell staring avidly into the room, watching the three of them. A smile of marvelling appreciation split the woman’s lips.

Megan grinned back at her. She dropped a heavy, conspiratorial wink, placed a finger over her lips in a shushing gesture and beckoned for Tanya to come in. Tanya crept stealthily into the room.

Megan stood up, went to Charlie’s discarded trousers and retrieved them from the floor. She found his wallet in a back pocket and removed the money he had given her earlier in the evening. Shaking her head in disappointment at his greed, she stuffed the notes back into her coat.

Tanya stared at the wallet with wide-eyed wonder.

‘What’s happening?’ Charlie demanded. ‘Everything’s gone quiet. And it’s cold, as though the kitchen door has been opened. What’s happening, Megan? What are you doing?’

‘Untie us,’ Rhona insisted. ‘Untie us and take these stupid blindfolds off. Once you’ve done that Charlie can sort out giving you your money back.’

‘Yes,’ Charlie agreed. ‘That’s what we should do. Untie us.’

Beneath the stiffness of his tone Megan could detect a rising note of panic. ‘There’s no need for you to give me my money back,’ Megan said softly. ‘I’ve just taken it out of Charlie’s wallet.’

Charlie groaned. Rhona released an impatient sigh through her nostrils. ‘If you’ve been through his wallet then you should untie us now, Meggy.’ Despite the fact
she was naked, bound and blindfold she still spoke with the authority of a woman used to having her orders obeyed. ‘It sounds like we’ve all exploited each other enough for one evening, don’t you think?’

Megan glanced at Tanya. They shared a knowing smile.

‘It’s not quite over,’ Megan began carefully. The tone of her voice made them both respond with suspicion.

‘What else do you want?’ Charlie growled.

‘This is no longer funny, Meggy. Untie us both. Untie us now.’

‘I had thought of leaving you both tied up here,’ Megan admitted. She took a final draw on her cigarette and then tossed it into the Graftons’ stainless-steel sink. ‘After the way you two got me here through manipulation and deceit …’

‘There was no deceit in getting you here,’ Charlie insisted.

‘We didn’t manipulate anything,’ Rhona protested.

‘That was just a genuine mistake,’ Charlie agreed.

‘A misunderstanding.’

Megan ignored them. ‘After the way you two manipulated me, I would be justified in walking away and leaving you both tied naked to your chairs.’

‘Come on, Megan.’

‘Don’t you think you’re being a little bit silly?’

Megan ignored their interruptions. ‘After the way you stole that money back from my coat, I should have just stormed out of here and left you to work your own way out of the blindfolds and bondage. But I’m not such a vindictive person. I’m going to forgive you. And I’ve even arranged to do you both a favour.’

‘What favour?’ Charlie’s voice was sharp with suspicion.

‘You wanted to employ Tanya Maxwell as a cleaner, didn’t you?’

Guardedly, Rhona said, ‘Yes.’

‘Well, she’s here now,’ Megan said brightly. ‘She’s here now and I think she’d be quite interested in giving you her services for a couple of nights each week.’ Megan snatched another fifty-pound note from Charlie’s wallet and pushed it into Tanya’s hand. ‘I’ve just given her fifty quid for tonight’s work,’ she explained. ‘I’ll leave Tanya to clean round now and she might think about untying you before she leaves for the evening – unless there’s anything else you want her to do for you?’

Megan didn’t bother to wait for their response. She made a quick gesture to Tanya, signifying that they would talk later, and then rushed out of the kitchen and into the night. She was trying to hold in a splutter of laughter, amazed that she had come out of the Graftons’ house one thousand pounds richer, having triumphed over their duplicity and theft. But, when she saw what was happening outside her own house, her mirth instantly vanished.


8 Cedar View

think?’ Denise asked, pointing. ‘Do you think you can do anything with it?’

Phil frowned. For the first time since they had met, Denise thought he looked preoccupied, even sombre. At the party he had been cheerful, constantly making jokes and encouraging her to smile. Now his expression was solemn and businesslike.

‘It’s a pretty big gash,’ he mumbled.

Glancing round the garage, staring at the shelves packed with tins, labelled boxes and her husband’s tools, he said, ‘I should be able to repair it, but it’s going to take me a couple of hours or more. And that’s only if your husband has got all the stuff I need in here.’ His gaze shifted back towards the garage doors, as though he was looking through them towards his brother’s house at number six.

Denise jumped into his arms and kissed him. At the party she had fucked two men and one woman. She had been involved in a group daisy chain, had played a little with Joanne’s gimp and, before the party, had spent two hours with her tongue in Jane’s pussy. But none of those experiences had filled her with the thrill of hearing Phil say he could repair the scratch on the door panel of Derek’s car.

‘I can’t wait to have your bare cock inside me,’ she whispered. Pressing her lips close to his ear, determined to distract him from the notion that there might be other pleasures available at the party – other pleasures that weren’t so hard won – she said, ‘I’m hot for you now. Slide a finger inside me and see how eager I am to have your bare cock.’

She had her legs around his hips and her arms over his shoulders. It was a clement night and she hadn’t bothered dressing to walk the paltry distance from Ted and Linda’s back to her own garage. When his hand moved to her buttocks and then slipped closer to her sex, she knew he would have no problem penetrating the exposed flesh of her pussy. His thick middle finger slid against her wetness before pushing easily inside.

‘Damn,’ Phil marvelled. ‘You really are ready for me, aren’t you?’

She kissed him. The bulge at the front of his pants had already been firm but she felt it thrust into eager hardness as her tongue slipped into his mouth.

‘I think we’re ready for each other.’

He turned her around and laid her across the bonnet of the car.

It took him only a few seconds to shrug his clothes off. At the same time Denise wondered if she should make him wait for his prize until he had finished the repair. She knew such bartering was more suited to Jane’s temperament than her own but she had vowed to follow her friend’s advice and become more forceful in her interactions with men. Jane had said Denise should just tell Derek what she wanted and continue telling him until he relented. If she had been in the garage with them now, Denise knew that Jane would have told her to make Phil wait for his reward until he had finished repairing the car. And, being honest about
, Denise thought Jane’s advice would make good, sound sense.

But as soon as she saw Phil naked, Denise told him to take her across the bonnet of Derek’s Rover. She needed him badly and she was desperate to feel his cock inside her.

Across the bonnet was an awkward position. The metal beneath her back was hard and uncomfortable. If not for the layer of sweat that oiled her body, Denise would have slipped to the floor. Her legs kicked air until Phil was between them, holding her calves and pressing his erection against her cleft. Staring up at the cobweb-covered ceiling, Denise thought it was an awful place and position to have sex. But she stopped thinking about that when Phil’s length slid into her pussy.

She didn’t know how long it had been since Phil had last ridden anyone bareback, but she knew it had been too long since
last enjoyed the pleasure. Feeling the solid, warm flesh fill her hole, basking in the knowledge that she was being properly fucked by an unsheathed cock, Denise forgot about the discomfort of the bonnet beneath her shoulder blades and gave herself completely to the moment, focusing entirely on her wet sex, aware only of his thick erection sliding into her and the greedy palpitations of her inner muscles.

‘You really are ready for this,’ he grunted, as he thrust into her.

A gurgle of satisfaction welled in her chest but she suppressed the sound, not wanting to spoil his rhythm or mood. Squeezing her sex around him, she yearned for the rush of a climax to hurtle towards her.

‘Fill me, Phil,’ she whispered.

The words sounded ridiculous and she could no longer contain the burst of satisfied laughter inside her
. Squeezing hard as she chuckled, wrapping her arms around him in a passionate embrace, she laughed as he came quickly and spurted deep inside her. His cock pulsed and pulsed. The hot jet of his semen douched her inner muscles. Denise’s own climax felt small in comparison to the blatant power of Phil’s ejaculation. But she didn’t think a short, quick fuck had ever been so satisfying. Rising gingerly from the bonnet, she let his length slip from her, but continued to kiss him.

‘I’m sorry that was so quick,’ he muttered. The rose of a blush coloured his cheeks. ‘I’d forgotten how good bareback could be.’

She drew her fingers down his chest to his stomach, then wrapped her hand around the spent, sticky flesh of his cock. The smell of his ejaculate was heady and intoxicating. ‘I’d forgotten too,’ she admitted. ‘But if you get this repair done quickly, we can both have another reminder before we go back to the party.’

Immediately, and to her surprise, Phil became coolly professional after his climax. He found a pair of Derek’s old overalls in a corner of the garage and wore them over his naked body as he worked on the car. The neck was open to the torso, revealing a long, exciting V of his manly, hairy chest. Manoeuvring briskly around the car, accepting Denise’s offer of a drink, he started to prepare the gash in readiness for masking and filling.

Denise had time to glance around the garage – a place she seldom looked at, even when she was parking her bike – and was amazed by the orderliness Derek had imposed on the room. The shelves were lined with cardboard boxes, all clean and uniform and each neatly labelled. Her first thought, a thought that was cruel enough to have come from Jane, was that her
clearly spent too much time in the garage and this was the damning proof. If Jane had been with her, Denise knew her friend would be saying this wasn’t a hobby, it was an obsession.

But Denise couldn’t help feeling a tug of affectionate gratitude for her husband. The garage was the only room in the house that was considered Derek’s responsibility and he clearly kept the place punctiliously tidy. But as she dwelt on that notion, her mood began to spiral downwards. It was a shame that Derek didn’t pay her the same amount of attention as he devoted to the gloomy garage and his beloved car. If he had shown a modicum of sexual interest in her, her life would have been complete. It would only take the slightest suggestion of carnal curiosity from her husband and Denise knew she could introduce him to her passion for a wealth of sexual pleasures. They could enjoy the fulfilment of a normal and satisfying love life. He could give her the family she craved. And they could grow old and happy together like every other normal couple she had ever envied.

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