Neighbourhood Watch (22 page)

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Authors: Lisette Ashton

BOOK: Neighbourhood Watch
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There would still probably be affairs. If Derek ever did come round to her way of thinking, she would have to make time for lovers like Jane and Joanne and Linda and the others she occasionally played with. But she would happily give up a lot of the extra-marital relationships if her husband stopped devoting his life to his car and give her some of the physical affection she craved.

‘We have to wait twenty minutes for that to dry,’ Phil told her. He dusted his hands against the thighs of his overalls and peeled off a pair of latex gloves.

She glanced at the tidy repair that now covered the gash in the paintwork. Her low spirits were instantly forgotten as she happily embraced Phil and smothered him with kisses. Knowing she would not have to sell
bike, realising there would be no bitter and punitive argument with Derek, she hugged Phil with genuine gratitude.

‘Tell me what you want,’ she panted. She pressed her bare body against his, enjoying the scratch of the overalls against her breasts. ‘I don’t care how kinky or depraved it is. I’m making you a serious offer here. I owe you big time for this and I’ll do anything you want.’

Phil’s hands were stroking her back and bare buttocks. His stirring erection nudged from the loins of his overalls and pressed into her stomach. ‘You must think a lot of your husband,’ he murmured.

‘I like to keep my man happy,’ she admitted. She wanted to say more but this wasn’t the time or the place to tell Phil that she wished Derek felt the same about her. Pressing urgently against him she said, ‘I like to keep any man happy if he does something good for me. Now, tell me what you want to do, and we’ll do it. It doesn’t matter how depraved it is.’

Her thighs were wrapped around his waist. His hands cupped her buttocks. When he flexed his fingers she could feel their tips brushing against the moist flesh of her pussy.

‘I’m not a kinky person,’ Phil confessed as he squeezed her into his embrace. He paused for a moment and then said, ‘Well, no kinkier than most.’

Wriggling her sex against him to encourage him, Denise breathed, ‘Anything you want, Phil. I’ll do it for you if you can complete that repair tonight.’

He pressed a kiss against her throat. The intimacy was maddening. Her gratitude for him had been transformed into a greedy need. She had promised she would do anything he wanted, and now that prospect filled her with a carnal urgency that was frightening. Writhing against him, delighting in his muscular
, she breathed in the aged and dusty scents of the garage as well as the sweaty vitality of Phil’s nearness.

‘I’ll need some sandpaper,’ he told her. ‘Another pair of latex gloves, meths, a few rags, and a couple of dust masks.’

Denise stiffened. She pulled her face away from his throat and stared at him in horror. ‘Jesus, Phil,’ she breathed. ‘That sounds a lot kinkier than I expected.’

He laughed and released her from his arms. ‘Those are the things I’ll need for finishing the car,’ he explained. ‘And you can get them once I’ve finished fucking you.’ A moment later he was inside her again as she bent over the bonnet, his bare flesh thrusting into her warm, wet pussy. Denise pressed herself against the bonnet of Derek’s Rover, allowing Phil to enter her from behind. Her breasts were squashed against the cool, glossy paintwork, her stomach chilled by the icy skin of the car. But the heat of her sex warmed her, and the frisson of his bare cock sliding smoothly into her. Phil’s hands fell to her hips and he gripped her hard as he thrust himself into her again and again.

A glance through the garage window told Denise that Ted and Linda’s party was still going strong. She wondered if Phil was disappointed that he wasn’t there, and then decided that the hardness of his erection, and his murmurs of satisfaction, suggested he was content with the way things were progressing in the garage.

It took him longer to reach his second climax, and he had pushed Denise through two orgasms before she reached between her spread legs and grasped his balls with one hand. Clutching him lightly, kneading his sac with delicate fingers, she said a silent prayer of gratitude, and squeezed him.

For the second time that evening – for the second time in years of barren disappointment – Denise felt her womb being sprayed by the hot rush of semen. Her orgasm was strong and provoked a grateful scream. She had to physically resist the impulse to scratch her nails down the bonnet of the car as the force of the pleasure buffeted her body.

Phil staggered away from her, clearly drained by the experience.

Denise turned, found her legs and grinned dizzily at him. ‘We can do that again when you’ve finished.’

He laughed. ‘You’re insatiable.’

‘Does that mean you want to?’

‘Do you really need to ask?’

Denise gave Phil paint sprays and masking tape. In the kitchen she found gloves and rags and made them fresh drinks. Phil took his and started his final work on the car.

Denise watched him for a while and then saw that a clutter of boxes circled Phil’s feet. Off their shelves, they made the garage look surprisingly untidy. Anxious to hide the fact that a repair had been effected on the car, she started to move the boxes back to where they belonged. As she passed the garage window, she heard something that sounded suspiciously like a footstep.

Her heartbeat raced at the idea that Derek might be nearby and that she might be in danger of being discovered with another man. The thought inspired a chill of apprehension that shivered down her spine. Denise had never made a big secret out of the fact that she slept with other men, but her serial infidelities weren’t something she had gone out of her way to share with Derek either. While Jane clearly craved the thrill of John discovering that she had lovers, Denise
the simplicity of a life where she could believe that Derek was oblivious to her habits – even if that meant he seemed oblivious to her.

She stepped closer to the window, trying to peer through the dirty glass and see if someone, hopefully not Derek, was outside spying on them. She caught the shape of a silhouette. It might, she thought, be Derek, or it might be the outline of one of the shrubs that grew near the garage door. She took a tentative step closer.

Music suddenly filled the garage. It was deafeningly loud and wholly unexpected. Denise flinched as though she had been struck. She turned and saw that Phil had switched on the Rover’s radio. He stood by the door panel, grinning at her as he pulled the latex gloves from his palms.

‘Finished,’ he said simply. ‘What do you think we could do to celebrate?’

As she stepped to his side she brushed away her worry about the noise she had heard outside the window. His hands were warm and sweat-slick from being inside the latex gloves. When his fingers curved around her backside she trembled at their oily touch. Their mouths met in a slow, passionate kiss.

As her tongue entwined with his, Denise felt Phil’s fingers creeping to the lips of her sex. She caught an excited breath as his hand moved towards the centre of her pussy, then released a sigh when he pushed one finger inside. He opened the car’s rear door, lay her down on the back seat and, for the third time that evening, Denise was treated to the glorious pleasure of having him ride her to orgasm and then pump his ejaculate deep into her pussy. It was fast, vigorous and deeply exciting. She caught the scent of her own overused pussy and its fragrance, as much as his passionate and furious rhythm, impelled her to her climax.

She lay exhausted on the back seat of the car as he climbed out.

‘I’d best get back to the party,’ Phil muttered. ‘Ted will be wondering where I am.’

She nodded and found the strength to reach to the dashboard and switch off the radio. Wearily getting out of the car, wishing she could just go to bed and not bother with the remainder of the party, she said, ‘I’ll be over there myself in a few minutes. I’ll just tidy round here so Derek doesn’t notice anything out of place when he gets back.’

She glanced at the repaired door panel and tried to remember where the gash had been. Phil had expertly removed all trace of the scratch and it was now no more than a memory. Her gratitude made her feel weak and humble. ‘You did a good job.’

He was stepping back into his trousers and pulling on his shirt. Treating her to a cheeky grin he asked, ‘On you, or the car?’

Denise laughed and kissed him, then went back to replacing the boxes on the shelves. She had just put away the last when she turned and saw her husband. She placed a hand over her mouth. He didn’t seem to have noticed she was there. As long as she remained concealed by shadows, Denise thought it unlikely he would see her.

But then she realised what had happened. Derek had been watching while she fucked Phil. And, seeing the familiar jerking motion at his groin, she knew Derek had been doing more than watching. In the dim light of the garage his wrist moved quickly back and forth and Denise gazed open-mouthed at her husband masturbating.

Derek was a good husband and she loved him dearly, but she had never known him to be interested in her sexual antics. The thought that she might have misjudged him filled her with dismay. If he was
interested in watching her, she didn’t think it would be long before he might want to join her, and possibly provide the family she so longed for.

Excited, she continued to watch as Derek tugged himself to climax. A trickle of Phil’s semen seeped from her pussy lips, the wetness like an unexpected tear. Denise clutched her stomach, nauseated by the thought that she might have wronged her husband by getting pregnant with another man.

Continuing to wank himself, Derek stepped closer to the car. He pulled on his length with one hand while the fingers of the other hovered over the freshly repaired scratch.

Denise wondered what was going through his mind. Most likely he was remembering how she had looked when Phil took her over the bonnet, or when the mechanic’s fingers had been inside her sex, or that climactic moment when Phil had thrust into her pussy and filled her with spunk. Thinking back on those moments, and remembering the raw excitement of each incident, she supposed her husband could be recollecting any of those private moments as he pulled himself to orgasm.

Derek groaned. A spatter of his semen shot across the door panel of the car. He fell to his knees as he continued to milk himself. Pulling a handkerchief from his pocket he wiped the ejaculate from the paintwork while sighing contentedly.

‘Beautiful,’ he murmured, allowing his fingers to linger over the freshly restored surface. ‘Absolutely beautiful.’

Denise waited until her husband had left the garage before going back to the party. The evening had offered the small hope that Derek might have some sexual interest in her and she was determined to use that to full advantage. She only hoped that Phil hadn’t spoilt things by giving her the pregnancy she had so desperately craved at the start of the evening.


6 Cedar View

conservatory splashed on to the garden and its furniture. Jane could just make out the shadowy shape of her gimp in the darkness. The insatiable thrill of arousal swept over her again. She had thought, approaching the house from the rear, they were less likely to be seen by any of the other guests at the party. It had been an effective plan, bringing them back to the party with no one realising that she had stolen the gimp in the first place.

But she still needed to use him again. Her body craved the satisfaction of having the gimp’s cock inside her, filling her and satisfying her need for climax. She still didn’t warm to the idea of taking him in full view of a cheering crowd of swingers and swappers. But she was determined that, before the party was over, she was going to have the gimp once more. And she was going to have him on her terms.

‘Lie down on that bench,’ she said, gesturing behind him towards the garden furniture. ‘I want to fuck you again.’

He adjusted his mask – the head covering of his gimp suit was too large and kept falling over his eyes, effectively blindfolding him – and studied her silently. For a moment she feared that he had grown weary of
domination and incessant commands and was no longer in her thrall. It was only when he whispered, ‘Yes, Goddess,’ that she realised he truly was her devoted slave.

‘Lie on your back,’ she told him. ‘I want to ride that thick cock of yours this time. I want to feel you buried deep in my pussy.’ Not sure he could hear through the thick mask, which covered his ears, and taking a delightful satisfaction from expressing her needs so boldly, she said, ‘Lie down, gimp. You’re going to fuck me.’

The gimp gasped. ‘How would that be possible, Goddess?’

She frowned, not sure what the question meant. He was a gimp and, if he didn’t know how a man and a woman were supposed to fuck, Jane thought there was a serious deficit in his knowledge.

‘Your cock,’ he explained, nodding towards her crotch. His gaze was fixed on the huge dildo that protruded from her loins. ‘Won’t that get in the way if I’m going to

He whispered the expletive, almost as though he was too timid to say the word. His coyness made her feel as though she was exploiting him and the cruelty of that idea added to her growing wetness. Jane reached down and unsnapped the strap-on with an elegant flick of her wrist.

‘I can take it off while we
.’ She tried to mimic his coquettishness. Holding the girth of the dildo in one hand she asked innocently, ‘But I can’t think where I should put this dildo for safety while we
. Do you have any ideas?’

The gimp chuckled as he lay across the top of the garden table.

John chuckled as he lay on top of the garden table. The Goddess had a wicked sense of humour and a
sense of fun. He didn’t think he had ever encountered a woman who embodied everything he ever wanted and was so in tune with his own thoughts and desires. He watched as she stepped closer with the dildo in her hand. She grinned as she rubbed an oily palm along the length and he squirmed with mounting excitement. His arousal reached a new peak when she unzipped his suit and pressed the end of the rubber length hard against him.

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