Neighbourhood Watch (25 page)

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Authors: Lisette Ashton

BOOK: Neighbourhood Watch
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‘You don’t have to do anything …’ he began.

Joanne wasn’t listening. She wanted the gimp’s cock to be soft before she brought about his final humiliation. Also, she wanted Jane to watch the gimp being exceptionally intimate with her. Telling the gimp to hold his position, slowly lowering herself to her haunches, she took the gimp’s thick cock in one hand and began to work her mouth round him. He groaned and tried to pull away, but she still held his lead.

He was desperately hard. She could sense his need for climax as soon as she placed her lips around the ruddy end of his length. Slurping greedily at him, trying to coax the climax from him, she teased his balls with her fingers and urged him to climax.

‘Come in my mouth, gimp,’ she muttered. ‘Obey me now and come in my mouth.’

‘Please, mistress,’ John hissed. ‘Just let me go home.’

Joanne sucked harder. She wasn’t comfortable on her haunches, and she didn’t like having the gimp’s cock in her mouth. Making the small daisy-chain in Ted’s bedroom, Joanne had not minded licking and sucking Ted’s cock. Ted was neither superior nor subordinate – simply a neighbour and the party’s host. Swallowing his cock had not been a power exchange between a servile gimp and his superior mistress. That had been a mutually satisfying exchange of pleasure.

But blowing a gimp in front of a crowd of partygoers was something she had never done before. The entire action screamed of servility and she wished there was a different way to do this. But, knowing that time was against her, sure that the party would be winding down soon, Joanne hurried to urge the climax from the gimp’s length while there were enough people remaining to see what she had planned.

‘Come,’ she insisted. ‘Come in my mouth, now.’



The gimp sighed. His sibilant whisper seemed to say, ‘Yes.’ But his shaft remained frustratingly rigid and his climax refused to come. Joanne kneaded his balls with more force. She worked her lips backwards and forwards along his shaft, slurping at him and willing his muscle to erupt. As the seconds passed into minutes and he still refused to ejaculate, her feeling of annoyance turned to outright anger.

Behind her she heard someone giggle. From the corner of her eye Joanne saw Connie and Corinne emerge from the pool’s changing room. One of them pointed at her and the other laughed.

‘She’s blowing the gimp?’ Corinne chuckled. ‘I had no idea Joanne was such a cock monster.’

Her frustration turning to fury, determined to find some way of coaxing his climax, Joanne wriggled a finger against the gimp’s anus. The flesh was wet and open from a night of too much use. He stiffened as soon as she touched the sphincter. ‘Come,’ she urged him, raising her head from his cock. ‘Do it now.’

‘I can’t come in your mouth,’ the gimp protested. ‘You’ve always said I was never allowed to do that. You’ve always said you’d punish me more severely than ever if I dared to come inside any part of your body.’

‘And now I’m telling you to do it,’ Joanne growled. ‘Come in my mouth, gimp. Come in my mouth.’

She squirmed a finger deep into his bowels and placed her mouth over the end of his length. When she sucked firmly on the swollen end and kneaded his balls at the same time, she was rewarded with the pulse of the gimp’s ejaculation. Her mouth was filled with the salty flavour of his spend. The length of his cock juddered against her tongue.

Joanne stood up, pressed her lips to his and spat his spunk into his mouth as she kissed him. She felt him trying to pull away from the exchange but it was easy to hold him in place. When the last of the semen had been transferred from her mouth to his, she pulled her face away and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. She felt satisfied and triumphant. There was only one more thing she needed to make the evening complete. She forced him to his knees.

‘You came in my mouth, gimp,’ she growled.

‘You told me to.’

‘You came in my mouth, and I’ve always told you that you’re not allowed to come inside any part of my body.’

The gimp started shaking his head. If his face hadn’t been covered Joanne knew she would have seen an expression of panic on his features.

‘I was only doing what you told me,’ he stammered. ‘I was only doing …’

‘I’m going to have to punish you for that,’ Joanne advised him solemnly. ‘I hope you’re ready for this.’ She stepped back and watched the gimp stare up at her with wary resignation. Turning her attention to the rest of the room Joanne shrieked, ‘Quiet! Right now! All of you! I want some quiet!’

Jane stepped to the nearby CD player and turned the music off. The house fell quiet in expectancy. The only sounds were the clatter of heels on the poolside tiles and the lap of water echoing in the conservatory. Joanne stood at the head of the pool with the gimp kneeling by her boots.

Jane stood by the conservatory door, watching the scene with an air of cool detachment. She could see, from the way Joanne kept glancing in her direction, the woman was trying to make a point, a point intended exclusively for her. But Jane had no idea what that point might be. The woman had just blown
gimp and, although Jane would be the first to admit that she didn’t know much about the exchange of power-play that was expected between a gimp and his mistress, she felt sure that getting down on your knees and blowing a gimp was not something a competent dominatrix should do. It crossed her mind that she should mention as much to Joanne and then she decided that wouldn’t be the first point she needed to make. Clearly Joanne wasn’t very good at oral sex and ought to practise more. The gimp had seemed distinctly uncomfortable while the woman was gobbling him and his climax looked painful and unpleasant. Jane also didn’t think it was becoming for a supposedly dominant woman to have a gimp’s come trickling from her lips. But, because she had decided that Joanne wasn’t worth the trouble of her animosity, Jane simply relaxed against the wall and watched the impromptu show that Joanne was providing.

‘You all know this is my gimp, don’t you?’ Joanne called out.

There was a polite murmur of assent. Joanne’s interruption of the party’s activities was obviously unprecedented and Jane could see that no one was sure how to respond.

‘Has everyone who wants to use him had an ample opportunity?’ She glanced pointedly at Jane and added, ‘I know some people have had more than ample opportunity. But I wanted to make sure everyone else – everyone who wanted to play with my gimp – has had that chance.’

No one spoke.

Jane sensed a shift in the atmosphere. The fun and pleasantness of the party had evaporated. The sound of laughter had been replaced by Joanne’s grating voice. The mood of sexual playfulness had been dispelled by the chill of impending disaster.

‘How many pussies have you eaten this evening, gimp?’ Joanne demanded. ‘A dozen? More? How many women have played with your cock? What would your wife think if she discovered what a naughty little boy you’ve been?’

Jane leaned forward, wondering why Joanne was labouring this point and where she was going with it. Denise appeared by Jane’s side, looking uninterested in Joanne and clearly anxious to say something about her evening, but when she started to whisper in her ear Jane pulled away and indicated Joanne and the gimp.

‘I want to hear what this bitch has to say,’ she murmured.

Nodding agreement, Denise fell silent and watched.

‘We’ve all had a lot of fun with this gimp tonight,’ Joanne said loudly. She glanced in Jane’s direction and added, ‘Some of us have had more fun with him than is decent.’

Jane pursed her lips and said nothing.

‘And so,’ Joanne went on. ‘So that we can all properly thank him whenever we see him out on the street, I think I should take his mask off and reveal his identity.’

‘What a bitch,’ Denise murmured.

Her words were lost in the uneasy whispering that echoed round the conservatory. Ted and Phil both shook their heads and gestured to Joanne, shouting that it was inappropriate, not right. But Joanne was clearly lost in the moment of her own power.

‘I’m doing it,’ she declared.

Jane thought it should have been impossible to know what the gimp was thinking. He was encased in a sheath of black leather that hid his features completely. But his body language revealed a man who desperately did not want the domineering woman above him to expose his identity.

‘I’m doing it,’ Joanne insisted, pulling the zip at the back of the gimp’s neck and exposing a layer of pale flesh. ‘I’ll show you all who my gimp is!’

She wrenched the mask from his face as a piercing scream came from the street outside.


4 Cedar View

Max pushed into her.

She had spent so much time holding back her orgasm that when it finally tore through her the pleasure was infinitely worse than the punishment Max had inflicted. Her buttocks were ablaze with heat. If she concentrated, she would be able to feel each individual line of the criss-cross pattern that now tattooed her cheeks. Her anus felt sore and stretched and overfull. But it was the sensation of having Max push his length into her, and the subsequent superlative orgasm, that ignited the scream. The sound of her joy ricocheted from the walls of the facing buildings.

‘That’s it,’ Max grunted. ‘Take every damned inch.’

‘Yes,’ she gasped. ‘Give it to me. Make me take it all.’

He laughed. ‘You’re a greedy bitch, aren’t you?’

‘I’m greedy for cock,’ she told him. ‘Greedy for your cock.’

As she said the words, Linda was aware of footsteps and conversation. She looked up and saw that the party guests were coming out of her house and glancing curiously – concernedly – in her direction. Max, clearly untroubled by two dozen scantily dressed onlookers, continued to slide his thick cock in and out
her bowel. Linda stiffened, uncertain if she wanted everyone from the party to see her being used by her uncouth and rather menacing neighbour. At the party, she supposed, any of the guests could have seen her doing all manner of sexual things, if they had bothered to notice her. She had joined in the daisy-chain with Phil, Denise, Ted and Joanne. She had pumped up her pussy lips and paraded them round the party for everyone to admire or ignore. Until she stole away on Tom’s advice, the party had not been dissimilar to any other she had hosted or attended. But never before had she been watched by a crowd while she was brutally serviced by a domineering bit of rough. The rush of satisfaction was enormous.

She glanced towards number one and tried to make out Tom’s silhouette in the shadows. She could see only darkness there but she fervently hoped that he was watching, with the appreciation he seemed to reserve specially for her, and admiring the show she was putting on for him.

Savouring the sensation that Max had awoken inside her, basking in the interest and attention of so many people as they pointed and exclaimed, Linda clenched her anus round the length of his shaft and screamed as another wave of joy ripped through her body. Fireworks flashed at the back of her eyes. The inner muscles of her sex contracted in a spasm of pure bliss. His erection remained hard as it pushed in and out of her anus and she wallowed in the rush of the orgasm.

Slowly, as the world round her crept back into her consciousness, Linda became aware of approaching footsteps. Unlike the guests from the party, this person was close and moving swiftly. She stiffened and glanced up to see Megan walking down the path.

As usual, Max’s young wife looked stylish in her desirable gothic fashion. The long leather coat made
appear tall and graceful. The sound of her boot heels was almost hypnotic as she strode rhythmically up the path towards them. It was close to midnight but her eyes still remained hidden behind her ludicrously large dark glasses.

Linda had the impression that Megan gave her no more than a brief, uninterested glance. If asked, she would have guessed that Megan looked at her long enough to recognise her and to note that Max’s erection was buried deep into her. Realising that she now craved the attention of being noticed, Linda found Megan’s lack of interest in her strangely exciting.

As Megan briskly approached, Linda wondered if she was going to bring the evening to an unpleasant end by being upset at finding her husband having sex with a neighbour. The thought made her stomach churn with mounting dread. It was bad enough to hear the sounds of raised voices coming from the direction of her own house. Phil and Ted seemed to be shouting at someone but Linda couldn’t tell who or why. Whatever unpleasantness had happened at number six, Linda was glad she had missed it. She didn’t enjoy argumentative confrontations and she hoped that wasn’t what Megan intended now, as she strode purposefully up her front path. Linda could easily imagine the woman bursting on to the scene with the fury of an apocalyptic explosion.

Joanne burst on to the scene with the fury of an apocalyptic explosion. ‘Where did everyone go?’ she demanded.

Ted flinched as she stepped closer and Joanne wasn’t surprised by his reaction. She had barked the question in his ear. Even if she hadn’t been shouting she supposed her furious mood was obvious: her hair was
disarray, she brandished a riding crop as though she was ready to flail anyone who met with her disapproval, and she suspected her eyes were wide and staring with maniacal outrage.

‘Where the hell did everyone go?’

‘We came outside to see what the noise was,’ Ted explained. ‘Linda’s scream brought everyone running.’ He nodded towards the doorway of number four.

Joanne could see Max McMurray riding Linda from behind. It wasn’t something she had ever seen on a quiet suburban street before. The sight made her nose wrinkle and her upper lip curl. ‘That’s disgusting,’ she hissed. ‘Aren’t you going to go over there and stop her?’

Ted laughed.

‘What’s so fucking funny?’ Joanne snapped.

‘Why on earth should I stop my partner having fun?’ He sounded incredulous that Joanne could even think of such an idea. ‘Linda tries her hardest to enjoy the parties but she never seems to get the full benefit from them. This is the first time I’ve heard her scream through an orgasm at one of our evenings. Why would I go over there and stop her enjoying herself?’

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