Neighbourhood Watch (15 page)

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Authors: Lisette Ashton

BOOK: Neighbourhood Watch
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Phil seemed genuinely puzzled. His erection started to wane. ‘What do you want from me? If I get to ride you bareback you know I’ll do almost anything. What do you want?’

She took hold of his hand and said, ‘Come back to my house. I want you in the garage.’


4 Cedar View

door. With a blink he acknowledged that the woman standing there wasn’t Megan. Instantly his gaze darted across the road to number five. His brow furrowed as he scoured the illuminated windows for a silhouette that might belong to Megan.

‘Mr McMurray?’

Still scowling at number five, not looking at the woman, he said, ‘Call me Max.’

‘Max. I’ve come to ask you a favour.’

For the first time he properly studied the redhead. It took him a moment to put a name to the face and, when he remembered who she was, he began to wonder why she was calling on him.

‘It’s Linda, isn’t it? Linda from next door.’

‘I’m here to ask a favour.’

She was blushing. Her gaze shifted from one side of the street to the other. Her fingers fumbled nervously with the buttons of the large coat she wore. Noticing her bare legs beneath the hem, Max wondered if everything under the coat might be bare too. The thought stirred a response in his loins and he regarded her with new and lascivious interest.

‘A favour? What do you want?’

Her mouth twisted in indecision. Again, she cast a glance up and down the street, as though apprehensive
the thought of being seen on his doorstep. The crimson colouring on her cheeks turned a painful shade of purple.

‘I want …’ Her voice trailed off. Her forehead creased with a puzzled frown.

Max drew a short, sharp breath. ‘What favour do you want, Linda? You’ll have to speak up and tell me. I’m not psychic.’

‘I’ve been told you know how to dominate a woman,’ she said quickly. ‘Dominate and humiliate a woman. I mean
.’ It was only with the final word that she dared to glance up at him. Her gaze lingered for a painful instant and then she lowered her eyes. Her eyes were glassy with threatened tears. Embarrassment coloured her décolletage and Max wondered how much further down her body the vibrant hue descended. He licked his lips and regarded her with a tight grin. As the silence stretched between them he said softly, ‘That’s not asking a favour. That’s just repeating gossip. What do you want, Linda? Tell me what you want.’

‘I want you to humiliate me,’ she whispered.

‘Say again.’

‘I want –’


She raised her head and glared at him. Her tears were now close to falling. He was surprised by the effect of his cruelty. He was used to teasing Megan until she glowered at him with the anger of a frustrated submissive. He was familiar with the triggers that took Megan’s sister, Aliceon, to the point of infuriated loathing. But he hadn’t expected to find his neighbour’s Achilles’ heel within seconds of her showing up on his doorstep. He stifled the urge to grin at his phenomenal abilities.

‘I want you to humiliate me,’ she hissed. ‘I want you to dominate me and humiliate me. That’s the favour I want.’

He considered his response without looking at her. His gaze trailed along Cedar View. There were more cars on the street than he was used to seeing. He had assumed the vehicles belonged to partygoers at Ted and Linda’s house but, with Linda standing on his doorstep, that seemed unlikely. What sort of host would abandon her party and go next door to ask a neighbour to humiliate her?

Max’s gaze came to rest on number five. He knew Tanya was still in that house and wondered what was keeping her so long. The property was similar to his: three bedrooms and a bathroom upstairs, two receptions and a kitchen downstairs. Max didn’t know if Joanne had a cellar at number five but he felt fairly confident that the house wasn’t large enough to merit Tanya spending so long inside, supposedly looking for Megan. The suspicion that she might be playing for time, trying to pretend she was doing more in her search for Megan than she really was, blackened his mood. When he turned back to face Linda, he was scowling.

‘You want me to dominate you?’


‘Humiliate you?’


‘Take your coat off.’

She faltered only for a second, but it was long enough for him to make his authority felt. A glimmer of hesitation appeared in her eyes and her hands, reaching for the buttons of her coat, paused rather than unfastening them.

‘Fine,’ he snapped. ‘If you don’t want me to do this for you I’ll say goodnight.’ Briskly, he reached for the door handle and started to close it in her face.

‘No,’ Linda wailed. ‘Please! No!’

* * *

‘No,’ Linda wailed. ‘Please! No!’

It had taken such a magnificent effort of courage to approach Max McMurray that she couldn’t believe the opportunity to learn from him was already being snatched from her grip. The door was closing. Max stepped out of the range of its arc with a grace that was almost feline. Linda pushed one hand against the glossy white door and cried again, ‘No. Please! No!’

A cruel smile rested on Max’s lips. He stopped the door closing and studied her with such intensity that she blushed again. He was a brooding, silent ogre of a man, dressed in faded denims and a brilliant white wife-beater. His brawny biceps were covered with an assortment of black and blue tattoos that looked like stylised bruises. Light from behind him made a halo round his shaved scalp. Linda felt intimidated and aroused in equal measure. If he had been a decade or two older, Linda thought, he would have looked like her idea of the ideal man.

She wrenched the coat open and shrugged it from her shoulders.

Common sense and the urgency of the situation had told her that there was no point in wearing anything beneath the coat. She was in a hurry to see if Max McMurray could provide all the wonderful illumination that Tom had intimated. It was true she had been admiring and envying Joanne’s gimp at the party. If, as Tom had suggested, Max McMurray was able to teach her how to enjoy the pleasures of servility and humiliation, Linda believed it could be the revelatory experience that she needed to change her life.

She allowed the coat to fall to the doorstep and stood naked. She had thought Max’s gaze had flicked over the road again, as though there was something at number five of more interest than her and her naked body. But when she dropped her coat his cruel smile
fixed directly on her. It didn’t broaden with approval or fade with disappointment. It simply remained inscrutable.

‘Very good,’ he grunted. ‘That should save us some time.’ He licked his lips and, for the first time, Linda noticed that his smile didn’t touch his eyes. ‘Now get down on your knees,’ he snapped. ‘Get down on your knees and suck my cock. If you ask me to repeat that instruction I’ll close the door now and no amount of begging from you will get me to open it again. Do you understand?’

A thousand questions sprang to the forefront of her mind. She wanted to ask him if he was comfortable with being blown on the front step, if he wasn’t worried what the neighbours might think, and if his partner, Megan, would approve or understand. Not only that: she also wanted to ask herself if she was ready to subjugate herself to this uncouth bully. He was younger than any man she had ever been with – very close to her own age – and she wasn’t sure it would be right to get intimate with someone who was only in their mid-twenties.

But she needed to find out if the experience of being servile was all that she had hoped it might be. Sure that Max wouldn’t tolerate a moment’s vacillation, she simply dropped to her knees and placed her mouth at the same level as the crotch of his jeans. Boldly reaching for the zipper, unfastening him and releasing his soft, stout length, she inhaled the scent of his sweat and arousal before putting her mouth around his cock.

Max sighed. Linda didn’t dare look up at him. His flaccid cock began to thicken as she sucked on his flesh and lapped the sweat from his shaft. There were flavours of pre-come and pussy musk on his burgeoning erection. As he grew stiffer and filled her mouth with more of his thickness, drops of salty pre-come
her mouth, collecting at the back of her throat and making her want to gag as she licked, lapped and swallowed.

The night’s chill air swept over her bare body. A cool breeze teased her stiff nipples, caressed her thighs and froze her labia. Her heart pounded loudly. The slurp of her mouth against Max’s shaft was deafening. She wondered if she should be listening for the sounds of approaching neighbours, or any other noise that might indicate someone was about to discover them, but she doubted she would hear anything over the sound of her own panic as she sucked Max’s cock. She felt dangerously exposed but that sensation brought with it a feeling of intense and overwhelming excitement.

‘Not bad,’ Max allowed. He managed to sound supremely indifferent. ‘It needs a little more sucking and a little less licking, I think. But, other than that, you’re doing OK.’

Immediately, she tried to make sure that she was blowing him the way he wanted. Instead of drawing her tongue against his length in long, leisurely licks, Linda concentrated on taking the end in her mouth and sucking. She worked her lips around him, trying to make her mouth into a tight vagina as she bobbed her head vigorously up and down. His thickness made the position awkward but she had to admit it was exciting to be working to his instructions.

As the first trickle of pleasure teased her loins, Linda conceded that Tom had been right when he said Max McMurray knew how to dominate a woman. She couldn’t remember a time when she had felt so much at risk of embarrassment and so unable to do anything about it. Ted would never have placed her in such an invidious situation and there had never been a boyfriend or partner before him who would have expected
to risk such humiliation. She tried to recall the last time she had put herself and her well-being entirely under someone else’s control. She was naked, she was out in public, she had her neighbour’s cock in her mouth and her safety and satisfaction were wholly reliant on the whim of a comparative stranger. The sense of her own vulnerability was exhilarating.

‘Now that’s too much sucking,’ Max said dryly.

His tone was dispassionate, cool. He sounded so uninvolved in the intimacy that, if she hadn’t been sucking his cock and had only heard his voice, Linda would have thought he was discussing a piece of machinery.

‘A BJ should be a combination of sucking and licking,’ Max informed her. ‘There should be no fingers or hands involved. That’s just cheating. And there should be a perfect balance of sucking and licking. Not an even balance: that would be wrong. The perfect balance would be about seventy per cent sucking and thirty per cent licking. Please do it properly or I’ll simply take my cock out of your mouth and close the door.’

Frightened that he might act on the threat, Linda threw herself into the task of sucking and licking Max’s cock with renewed fervour. Her lips were slippery against his flesh. She could feel him stiffening against her tongue, as though he was ready to explode. Taking him at his word, and believing he meant what he had said about a seventy-thirty balance, she licked him for three seconds, then sucked him for seven. Counting inside her head, anxious to do things just as he demanded, she realised that her own pleasure had been all but forgotten. Admittedly, it was a humiliating situation, and, when she reminded herself that she was being subjugated, the thought did stir a warm rush of responses. But she remained aware that she was giving Max far more pleasure than he was giving her.

‘Carry on,’ Max urged. ‘You’ve just about got the balance right there.’

Daring to glance up at him, she wondered if she would see the telltale signs of his impending climax etched on his face. Because she didn’t know Max very well, she wasn’t sure what those signs might be. His jaw might grow tense, she thought, or his expression might become more focused. There was even the possibility that his austere features would be broken by a smile.

Instead, when she looked up at his face, she saw Max was still glowering across the road, his gaze dourly fixed on number five: Joanne Jackson’s house. He seemed oblivious to her and what she was doing to his cock.

His length filled her mouth and she sucked harder on his glans.

‘Don’t make me come yet,’ Max said. ‘If I’m going to properly punish and humiliate you, I want to spank your arse and then fuck you.’ He said the words absently, still staring at the windows of number five. Tanya had been in there too long now. Either she had found Megan and was talking with her or she was simply messing round in Joanne Jackson’s house, wasting time and trying to make it look as if she was conducting the search, in order to claim her rent-free week.

Acknowledging the two options left him no wiser about the truth of the situation. He vowed, the next time Tanya was scheduled to clean his house, he would find some reason to cane her backside. It wouldn’t matter if she cleaned the house perfectly from cellar to attic: he would find fault with something and stripe her broad buttocks until she begged for forgiveness.

Irritated by the impotence of his situation, he leant back into the house without moving his erection from
mouth. He had to concede that she was quite competent when it came to sucking cock. She had already taken him to the point of climax and the only thing stopping him from releasing his ejaculation and shooting into her mouth was a heroic effort of willpower. Determined that Linda wouldn’t see how hard he was working to resist his climax, he kept his features a mask of indifference.

‘Aliceon!’ he bellowed, calling back into the house. ‘Aliceon!’

Aliceon’s voice came from the TV lounge. ‘I’m watching the telly,’ she complained. ‘What do you want?’

‘Fetch me a beer,’ he called. ‘And I’ll need my crop. There’s an arse out here that needs properly striping.’

His length stiffened as he said the words. Glancing down at Linda, admiring the sight of her ripe lips around his flesh, he contemplated simply letting go and spurting into her mouth. It would be satisfying to watch her gag and swallow. There would be a brutal pleasure in seeing a dribble of his white spend trailing from her lips. He could slam the door in her face once he had climaxed, telling her that his ejaculation ended the first lesson on humiliation. But he resisted the urge, sure he could have far more fun if he waited until Aliceon brought him his crop.

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