Never Have A Vampire's Baby (13 page)

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The vampires that showed up at the graveyard were always different; once a vampire was tagged, they were off trying to figure out how to fix it. There were several groups out there that really wanted to kill the hunters and there was no doubt in Rita’s mind that they were going to find a way to come after them eventually.

“Alright, there’s three in the crypt and two out back smoking a cigarette, there’s also a group of three behind that tall long headstone over there,” her mother said pointing in each direction as she looked through her heat sensing goggles. Another thing about these vampires was they were still warm; they weren’t dead and they weren’t cold, they were just different.

“I’ll take the two out back, mom you handle the crypt, Rita, you take the three over there.”

“That works.” Rita’s mom signaled to her dad what they were doing and then it was time to move.

Rita didn’t really want to confront three vamps on her own for the first time out in forever, but she wouldn’t let her family see her hesitate.

Slowly, she moved through the grass towards the outer trees so she could see around the large stone. One tall vampire was arguing with two others. She couldn’t hear what they were saying, so she moved a bit closer. Tripping over a branch, she fell hard onto her knees and cursed at the crunch and the sharp pain. The three continued arguing and didn’t look up.

Moving closer, she could see the taller vampire very clearly. She sucked in a huge breath as she took him in; he was beautiful. He had dark brown hair that swirled up from his head in soft curls, his face was strong and he had chiseled cheekbones. They were also strong, and didn’t make him look like a heroin addict some men with sharp cheekbones had going on. He was built and muscular but not huge. She’d always been disgusted by vampires, not really wanting to look at them, just mark and go, but something stirred inside her as she stared at him, and then he looked at her.

Rita froze, she completely froze as he stared. His eyes were captivating and she felt like he was looking right through her. A good rule of thumb was not to look a vampire in the eye because they could hypnotize you, but she couldn’t look away from him. The other two with him were not vampires, as near as she could guess, they were shifters. They scurried off as soon as he started staring at her. She was still frozen in place with her guns inside her vest as he moved across the cemetery and headed straight for her.





Chapter 2


Asher Von Drake thought about the choices that brought him to this point. Here he was, a perpetually handsome vampire out in a cemetery working for shifters. His intimidation service gave him the money he needed to pay his fees to stay in the city and buy a few luxury items, like alcohol, but it was bitch work.

“You aren’t doing what you said you would, vampire.” The shifter wasn’t stupid enough to get in his face, but he was angry.

“Listen I can’t help it that your uncle isn’t intimidated by someone floating outside his window. He knows I can’t come in and he doesn’t ever come out.”

“So how does your service work if you can’t go in someone’s house?” the other shifter asked.

Asher hadn’t figured out what he was, but he got an alligator vibe from him for some reason. He wasn’t sure if there were even alligators in Wisconsin. He knew the one with his finger in his face was some kind of large dog, possibly a hellhound, but he couldn’t prove it. Somehow, he didn’t feel like a hellhound would need him to intimidate his uncle to pay him back ten thousand dollars.

“The people I intimidate come out of the house, your uncle just stays inside and laughs.”

The three of them were distracted by a noise in the woods and they all turned to see someone lurking in the woods.

“Hunter,” alligator guy exclaimed, and the two ran off through the woods back towards the truck they’d parked there.

The hunter stared at him. He could feel her interest peak as he slowly made his way towards her. She was appealing, with dark hair, dark eyes, and leather so tight you couldn’t slide a finger under it. He thought he’d like to try, as he held her gaze and made his way towards her. Her skin was pale, not as pale as his, but close in the moonlight. She could have shot him, but she didn’t. As he moved towards her, she just stared.

“Hi, little girl,” he chastised, grinning wide.

“I’ll eat you for dinner, vampire, I’m no little girl,” she said.

He liked that she had a bit of a bite, but she still didn’t make a move to shoot or attack him. “Why do hunters continually come out here? We hardly kill anyone in town anymore, and it seems more of us show up every day.”

“The key word there is
, you still kill people and turn them.”

He moved towards her again until he was close enough to touch her. He heard her breathing and heart speed up. She was excited by his closeness, and he in turn, was excited to be close. He leaned forward until their foreheads were almost touching. “Are you all alone out here, little girl?”

“No, I’m with my family. They’re each a much better shot than I am and chances are they have you in their sights right now,” she said but she didn’t sound confident, and a quick scan around told him there wasn’t anyone watching them at that moment. He chanced reaching up and brushing a piece of her hair from her face.

She quickly grabbed his hand and pushed it back towards his chest with a glare. “Don’t touch me vampire, you disgust me.”

That wasn’t true; she was turned on by him. He could tell she was lying and all he wanted to do was push up against her, kiss her until she couldn’t breathe, and then take her in the dirt. She’d look good covered in dirt while he slammed into her.

“Are you sure I disgust you?” She might stab him but he was going to try to kiss her, it would be a challenge. He’d not had a challenge in a long time, and the intimidation business wasn’t exactly a way to get your rocks off unless you counted the occasional grateful housewife.

“Rita,” a female voice called for her. “Where the hell are you? It’s time to go.”

Shit, now he knew her name and she didn’t know his.

“You going to make your move, little girl,” he asked her.

“I already did, vampire,” she said and smiled at him as she backed away and made her way back to her family while he watched.

The little amount of cleavage he could see above the zip of her leather jacket made his mouth water. He wanted to taste her blood and take her at the same time. He hadn’t felt compelled this way by a woman in a very long time, and it was unsettling.

He had another job to do besides the hounds, so he figured he better get to it. Moving through the woods back towards town, he spotted his target through the window of the bar. Jessie McCullough needed to start paying his ex-wife alimony. Man, his job was lame; he should be killing people for a mob boss or something way cooler than that. This was what he had to do to get by though, so he did it. Maybe Lila McCullough would let him fuck her after he got Jessie to pay up. He’d just be thinking about the hunter, but at least he could sink into a warm body for a few hours. Lurking outside the bar he lit a cigarette and waited.

Jessie continued to drink away the money he owed his ex and started to stumble around the bar. He finally looked like he was ready to go when he found a big breasted redhead who wanted to go home with him. The two stumbled out into the parking lot towards his truck. Mistake number one, he certainly shouldn’t be trying to drive, he might kill himself in the process, but Asher wanted to get away from the bar before he approached him. He watched as Jessie clumsily groped the redhead’s breasts and kissed her as he threw her in his truck and struggled to start it up.

Asher could move fast when he needed to, so he followed the truck as it swerved all over the road until he was far enough down the road that no one would see, then he darted in front of it causing Jessie to run off the road and get stuck in a ditch. The redhead screeched as Asher leapt onto the hood of the truck and stared at Jessie who still hadn’t figured out they’d crashed. He pulled Jessie from the truck and slammed him onto the hood.

“What the fuck man, who the hell are you?”

“I’m Asher. You need to start paying alimony to your wife, or you’re going to see me every single time you try to get a piece of pussy. Do you understand me?” He was calm; there was no reason to yell during intimidation. The people usually got it right away.

“Are you fucking that bitch? I don’t owe her any money.”

“You do; the court says you do.” He glanced at the redhead whose eyes were wide and noticed her head was bleeding. Fighting the desire to rush over to her, he turned his attention back to the dumbass on the hood. “I’m not fucking Lila, she’s a good woman. It’s not her fault you couldn’t keep your dick in your pants. You make decent money with the construction business, you need to pay her.”

“Or what?”

“I’ll turn you,” Asher let him see his fangs and growled for effect. “Or drain you.” He let an evil smile spread across his face so Jessie knew he was serious.

“Fine, I’ll pay her, okay? I’ll pay her.” He held his hands up and Asher backed off of him.

“I’ll know if you don’t,” he said, “now get the fuck out of here.”

“This is my truck,” Jessie said looking back at the redhead.

“You’re drunk and you need to go find somewhere to sober up. Get the hell out of here,” Asher said flashing his fangs again. He turned his attention to the redhead in the truck. She was pretty with tiny shorts and a tank top that left nothing to the imagination.

Smiling at her, he approached slowly and she looked up at him.

“I’ve never fucked a vampire before.” She said it in almost a whisper.

“But you want to, don’t you, Tammy?”

“How’d, how’d you know my name,” she stammered. It was on the nametag attached to her shorts from the bar, but he didn’t figure she needed to know that.

“I’m a vampire, Tammy, I know everything.”

She bit her lip and lay back in the truck holding a hand out to him. He climbed into the truck and pinned her to the seat licking the blood from her head and groaning. She didn’t make a noise or move.

“Don’t be scared, Tammy.” He reached between them and ripped her shorts off, pushing a finger inside her as he licked the blood so she would calm down. Soon he’d buried himself inside of her while he lazily licked the blood that ran from her head and she was screaming in pleasure. His mind moved to the hunter a couple of times before he found his release and collapsed on top of the bar maid lapping the blood from her.

Leaving Tammy asleep in the truck, he set out to find Lila so she could pay him for his services. He didn’t have a doubt Jessie would pay her, at least until he needed reminded again. His mind moved back to the hunter; his hand stung still where she’d touched him.

“Wait a minute.” His hand shouldn’t sting, that wasn’t something that happened to him. That bitch had tagged him. The tiny tag wouldn’t be visible and, if she hadn’t put it so close to the surface, he wouldn’t have even felt it. He hadn’t tried to bite the barmaid because she’d already been bleeding, but if he’d wanted to, he couldn’t and that made him angry.


Rita didn’t tell her parents or sister about her encounter with the handsome vampire. She was mad at herself for even thinking those two words in the same thought. He wasn’t someone who would leave her head though and she kept thinking about him. She wondered if he compelled her, but she thought if he had, she’d be going to him.

“I think that was a rather successful night,” Rita’s dad said as he pulled back into their driveway.

“Except for Rita disappearing when it got hairy,” Greta said. She eyed her suspiciously and it made Rita uncomfortable.

“I was checking out a noise that could have been someone ambushing you, but it turned out to be nothing,” Rita responded.

Her sister would do anything to make her look bad, that was what she did. They all went into the house and stripped off their weapons. Rita made her way upstairs to her bathroom, she didn’t want to go through it with her parents. She’d tell them thanks for inviting her out, but she’d rather just stick to being a paralegal. There would be an argument about her duty as a hunter and she’d end up saying hurtful things.

They didn’t push and let her head upstairs so she raced into the bathroom and shut the door. The warm water was nice on her body and she tried really hard not to think about the vampire in the graveyard. She’d tagged him so he couldn’t bite her. The tags the powers gave them were inserted into the vampire’s skin, but she’d not gotten this one deep at all. He’d touched her and she’d grabbed his hand. He would notice it and be mad, which caused her to laugh a little to herself. Big bad, sexy vampire mad at a little chick like her... And now she’d called him sexy in her mind. It was time to go to bed.

Snuggling in under the covers, she set her alarm for six o’clock and drifted off to sleep.

She was in the cemetery again spinning in circles. There was a lot of fog and she’d lost track of her parents. Calling out to them, she turned some more but couldn’t see in any direction.

“Mom, where the hell are you?” She hoped they could hear her, but she got no response.

“They’re not out here, little girl,” a low voice said from behind her. “It’s just you and me.”

No matter what direction she turned, he was behind her, chuckling lowly. It was unnerving, like he was attached to her back, so when she turned she took him with her.

“Show yourself, vampire, I’m not afraid of you,” she yelled.

He did; he appeared in front of her in the fog, shirtless. Her mouth went dry and she let him take her hand.

“You tagged me earlier.” He made a tsk noise and pulled her closer. He brought his mouth to her arm and started to plant soft kisses on her skin. “Now I can’t taste you.”

Her insides turned to mush and she had never wanted anything as bad as she wanted him to be able to taste her at that moment. His mouth continued blazing a trail up her arm. Everything inside of her said stop him, why are you allowing this, but she didn’t stop him. When he got to the top, he put his forehead against hers and brought her hands to his chest. She could feel the slow beat of his heart, much slower than a human’s, and her breathing sped up.

She held her breath as he moved his mouth to hers and felt nothing but pleasure as he pushed his tongue inside. Allowing her arms to wrap around his neck, she kissed him back, the heat of the moment causing warmth to pool in her stomach and head down. She wanted this man, this vampire, more than she wanted to admit. The more he kissed her, the further in she fell to his trance. Despite telling herself to pull away, she sunk deeper into the kiss. His hands moved down to her ass and he pulled her body against his.

This was not the proper behavior of a hunter. He lifted her and pressed her back against a large tomb as she wrapped herself around him. She was hot for him and her sex throbbed wishing he would take her. She could feel his hardness and was delighted he was turned on for her, too. The vampire ripped her shirt open and moved his lips over the tops of her breasts. She pushed herself into him feeling his hardness grow and allowed a low moan to escape her lips. His fangs came out and grazed her skin, but she knew he couldn’t bite and she almost ached for it. He pushed her shirt down and let his fangs graze over her hardened nipple, causing her to whimper. Setting her down gently, he took off his pants and she watched in fascination as he freed his erection.

Moving towards her, he undid her leather pants and pushed them down her legs. She stood in the cemetery with a vampire, in only her underwear and an open shirt. He moved to her kissing her again and lifted her into his arms. Their skin touching was almost too much for her to handle. She reached between them and grabbed onto him to bring him to her entrance. She was hot and wet. There was no way she could wait another minute.

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