Never Kiss a Bad Boy (32 page)

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Authors: Nora Flite

BOOK: Never Kiss a Bad Boy
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Hands that could slide over my body and make me moan.


Clearing my throat, I put on a frail smile. “Nothing to talk about, don't worry. It's fine.”

about that?” His eyebrows went up doubtfully.

I started to shrug, then flinched at the tight muscles. “Well, alright. I'm not entirely fine, but I can thank you and Jacob for that.” Grinning, I pointedly peeled my pants up to show him the bruise on the inside of my knee. “Paint balls aren't exactly feathers.”

Chuckling low in his throat, a sound that stroked up my spine, he unfurled his arms. “That doesn't look so bad.”

“Excuse me?” I scoffed, letting my cuff fall back to my ankle.

His shadow grew over me, erasing the sunrise and making me forget light even existed—that anything existed—beyond his wicked smirk. How had he backed me against the glass? Dammit, he moved too gracefully.

“I think,” he purred, one hand coming down on the window near my temple. “I've left marks on you with my teeth that were worse than that.”

A ripple darted through my chest and down to my lower belly. Pure heat, it threatened to turn me inside out. Here it was; this was the side of Kite that pulled me in and made me forget just what he could do to me.

I thought grimly.
This side makes me remember what he HAS done to me.

My attempts to resist Kite had floundered early on. With time, it only became more difficult. My body had imprinted on his existence. That muscle-memory made my breath short, heart swelling into my throat.

He saw the reaction he was getting, and his lips just spread further. When he spoke again, his tone was low and gritty. It scraped through my nerves. “I recall you getting hit with a paint ball somewhere else.”

When he touched the side of my neck, I jumped. His chuckle turned my skin pink.

“Where?” I managed to ask.

Kite flared his nostrils, palm crawling down and down until he was holding the bottom of my shirt. “Around here. Somewhere... ah.” The cloth peeled up, exposing my stomach, the bottom of my bra.

I knew the welt he was speaking of. The discoloration was the size of a quarter, sitting on the dip of my sternum. Kite breathed out, tracing his thumb like a whisper over my skin.

“Yeah,” he said, meeting my eyes. “This is the one. Want to know a secret?”

The beating of my heart helped me weigh the seconds. Kite had so many secrets. From his tattoos to his history with Jacob... I was constantly eager for answers. “If it's about you, yes. Always.”

He froze, considering me again. I liked surprising him, it felt good to be on the other side, for once.

Shaking his head, Kite's smile went sideways. A nail traced over my bruise, lifting goosebumps and making me shiver helplessly. “My secret... is that I'm not even sorry. I
seeing you covered in my marks, no matter how I get to make them.”

Oh, dammit—that throbbing need between my thighs was distracting. Kite's chest was nearly on mine, his scent washing through my skull. He
marking me? What a bastard.

Except... he was making my knees fail.

There was something primal about wearing the proof of his existence on my body. But Kite was getting too cocky, and I wasn't keen on being rolled over so easily.

Gathering myself, fighting for strength, I looked him in the eye and put my palm on his hip; static crackled. “There's just one problem,” I whispered, my tongue drawing over my bottom lip. “This mark?” I touched his hand, pushed it against my ribs and wondered if he could feel the heat of my blood. “I'm not sure it's from you. I think it belongs to Jacob.”

Kite's expression shifted, brows crawling low, challenging. “You're memory needs work, Marina.” His eyes were an abyss, drawing me deeper. “This,” he growled, pushing me by my collarbone into the glass, “Is
from me.”

Sparks exploded in my skull. His hard muscles brushed across me, but still, his mouth hovered just out of reach. My voice was hushed. “One of us remembers wrong, then. So what do we do about that?”

“Guess I'll just make you remember.” His hand wound in my scalp, forcing me to him. Again, he kept his smirk just out of reach. I could see the centers of his eyes, somehow darker than the rest. The edges of his teeth were waiting to dig into my skin.

My tongue took up my entire mouth. “And what if you can't?” I teased.

I wasn't ready for him to grip my bra, to rip it so hard it snapped uselessly. My gasp was muffled by his lips, but the kiss ended as fast as it had begun.

Kite held my temple to the glass, talking into my ear, nuzzling my throat. “If I can't?” His teeth lifted new goosebumps when he slid them down to my shoulder. “I'll just have to make brand new ones.”

I think my eyes had stopped working. My lashes fluttered, blinding me and helping me sink deep into the sensations.

This man—how easily he could dive into my core and stoke the fires, like he'd done it a million times. There were so many reasons not to give in. So many reasons to push him away, or at least

But I never bothered.

Kite was an assassin who was perfectly capable of ending my life and erasing my existence. I had no family, no friends. No one would bother looking for me.

Of all the people to make vanish... I would be one of the easiest.

So I knew that how I felt was crazy.

I fucking

He slid his palm higher, dragging the hem of my shirt over my pebbled nipples. “Fuck,” he hissed, pushing his hand deeper in my hair. He had me pinned. “Marina, how are you always so beautiful looking?”

Blushing furiously, I tried to shrug him off of me. Kite would have none of it, he kept me where I was with a mere tension of his forearm. “Don't say things like that.”

“What? That you're beautiful? That you're getting my cock so stiff it might rip my shorts in two?”

Chewing my lip, I groaned. “Yeah, exactly that. You're too much. It's embarrassing.”

Chuckling, Kite kissed my jugular. “It's the truth.”

He certainly made arguing difficult. Kite ran his hands over my curves and tasted me so eagerly, he'd have won an Academy award if his performance was false.

A sudden, sharp suction between my breasts made me squeal. “What the hell?” I gasped, shoving against him with all my strength. He didn't budge, a living boulder that held me where he wanted.

Glancing down, I saw the top of his head. I knew what he was doing, even before he pulled away and grinned up at me. “Well, do you remember now?” he asked.

Kite had given me a bright purple hicky.

I wanted to slap him. Instead, I found myself laughing. “You asshole. All because I said the other bruise was from Jacob? I thought you guys didn't care about who did what to me.”

“I care that you remember what
do to you,” he said, finally easing his hold in my hair. My scalp tingled as he released me, standing there with a level of seriousness in his face that I hadn't expected. “Jacob and I might share you, but our experiences? The ones between you and me?” Kite's lips twitched at the corners. “Those aren't for sharing, Marina. Not at all.”


The concept had originally blown my mind. But somehow, this triad was working. The two of them had done things to me I'd never predicted. I kept expecting to break from it, to say they were too much. Yet... so far? Each encounter just made me ache for more.

That was the really terrifying part.

Kite filled his lungs with air. He was watching me, hands on my hips while mine hung at my sides. There was a line between us, a tangible string from my mouth towards his.

He bent to close the distance, but I beat him.

Crushing my lips on his, I coiled my arms around his bare shoulders. My thigh bumped into him, finding the hot, solid bulge of his erection. The window echoed when he bounced my spine off of it.

Finally, I broke away and stared at the fire in his eyes. “Idiot,” I said, my smile coy. “Of course I know this stupid mark is from you. As if I could forget who shot me where and when, I was doing my best to keep the tally so I could beat you two.”

His shock melted into amusement, eyebrows knotting. “Damn it, so you were trying to rile me up.”

Had I been? The thought gave me pause, and a confusing rush of emotions. Shaking myself, I went to speak—was cut off. Kite swept his tongue over mine, erased my worries.

And I let him.

I didn't want to think about anything serious or bad. I wanted to just forget it all and be in the moment with this man who was a living razor blade. He could cut my throat and rip me to shreds, and still, I wanted him to hold me in his arms.

Hands turned me suddenly. My cheek pressed on the glass, the view stretching below me. We were high up, and it made me feel like I stood on top of the world.

Kite's hips ground into my lower back. His palms took hold of my ass, digging in fiercely—desperately. The heat of his breath burned on the nape of my neck almost as much as his words. “I've wanted to take you here, right here, since the first moment you walked through my door.”

I remembered that night; I'd been boiling with so many things. Not one of them had been fear. How
I have been scared? I was finally on the path to getting what I'd chased for so very, incredibly long.

But when I'd crossed the threshold into Kite's apartment... I hadn't expected this. He was a killer, and I had imagined a home that reflected a man who had to hide what he did—who he was.

It was nothing like I had expected.

Shuddering, I rocked my ass against him, felt him respond. Even through my jeans, his bulge was obvious. “Can anyone see us up here?” I asked.

“Why, feeling shy?” His fingers came around, popping my button and inching my zipper down.

“Not shy,” I said. “Just... it seems risky. What if someone calls the cops on us, you'd get in trouble.”

Freezing with his fingers in my empty belt loops, Kite chuckled. “Shit, you're looking out for me?”

To change the topic, I yanked my shirt fully over my head. “Forget it, I'm sure I'm not the first girl you've done this with here. If you'd gotten busted for it, you'd have said so by now.”

Kite was quiet, and that heaviness sank into my bones. I started to twist, to check his eyes for a hint of what he was thinking.

He kissed my forehead, then mixed our lips together so neither of us could say a word, so neither of us could do what we were so good at; fucking up this fucked up situation even more.

I had the sudden, most invigorating feeling that Kite didn't want to think about other girls. That was... encouraging.

I'm the one always wondering how neither of them can be jealous, but here I am, fretting over girls who aren't even involved anymore.

“Ah!” I breathed in sharply. Kite had crushed my breasts into the cold glass, his hands brushing down to the indents above my lower back. He licked the back of one ear, then nibbled his way across my shoulder blade.

One hand ducked into the front of my pants, inching them down as he stroked just outside the edge of my panties. He knew what got me hot, lavished in driving me wild. That was fine; I knew he'd give in and take me all too soon.

We were both terribly weak.

Two fingers spread, curling over to cup my pussy through the damp cloth. My growl was very unlady-like, but who the hell could act like a 'lady' in a situation like this?

“You're drenched,” he said, voice thick. “I need to fuck you so badly right now.” He dipped further, slid right over my slit and across my swollen clit.

I mewled, flushing with lust down my back as sweat began to form.

Kite inhaled, smelling me in the air. He said, “I bet I'll slide into you without a hint of resistance. Bet your pussy will spread for me and put out the red carpet like I'm a damn celebrity.”

Then, he slipped under the elastic band of my panties and rolled right over my cunt, wetness coating us both.

I just... broke. “Stop playing with me, Kite,” I hissed, arching into him and trying to grab his arm. I wanted to force him deeper or force him away so there'd be room for his cock. “Fuck me already!”

“Yes, ma'am,” he chuckled. “Guess I like seeing you squirm.”

“Fuck you,” I breathed out.

Kite ripped my jeans down, taking my panties with them. “I already said yes, no need to beg me twice.”

I was spread across the glass, my panting turning the surface foggy. This time, I wasn't able to write a name on it. I could barely spell my own, if asked.

Kite rocked his cloth-covered shaft across my ass cheek. In a second, he adjusted, and the next caress showed his cock was freed in the air.

That sensation alone had me squeezing my thighs together. The heat was rising in me, demanding I do something about it. I'd grown used to the release Kite or Jacob—or both—could bring me. Now, my body was screaming for it; eager to be filled.

In his bedroom, a phone rang.

Both of us glanced that way, though Kite didn't stop his slow grind over my skin. He didn't need to say it, only one person would be calling him so early.


Kissing my neck, Kite kicked my ankles wide. “Ignore it,” he said, pushing the plump head of his cock along the softness of my inner thighs. “He'll leave us alone, trust me.”

Dizzy with lust, I just nodded and tried to get him to slip inside of me. “You said you'd stop teasing me!”

“No, I said I'd fuck you.” Slapping me on the ass, the sound cracked the air; my gasp was louder. “And I will, just at my own pace.”

Screw that,
I thought, pushing off the window. Kite was stronger, he leaned into me and shoved my nipples back onto the hardness. “Come on,” I moaned, “You're killing me!”

Kite angled his cock so that it spread my lower lips. We both heard the sound of my wetness. “So greedy.” His chuckle was close to cruel, but he was fracturing. It was on the edge of his voice, the husky way he said 'greedy' and the speed of his breathing. “I'm greedy to. I want to feel you, all of you.”

I grasped his meaning.
No condom.
A roar of fierce electricity slammed into my cunt. My belly convulsed, eager for this. I knew it was risky, but I was too gone... too hot.

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