Never Kiss a Bad Boy (36 page)

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Authors: Nora Flite

BOOK: Never Kiss a Bad Boy
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Licking her lips, she bowed her head and leaned into me. My palms came around, gingerly stroking the outsides of her breasts. Her nipples were stiff when I finally brushed them; a single, light touch that left her wanting more.

Kite's sudden growl told me he'd felt her convulse. “Fuck, you're tight as hell, Marina.” He drove into her, rocking all of us in the booth.

Her ass bounced against my cock, eliciting a small grunt from me. I made a path down her ribs, enjoying every indent. I loved how my hands fit just right on her waist. Holding her, I nuzzled the sensitive skin under her ear.

She put her hands up, coiling fingers in my hair. I let her hold me, swaying against her spine in time with Kite's thrusts. I grazed her bellybutton, feeling the knob of one hip. When I came close to her clit, she held her breath.

My smile imprinted on her temple. “Would you like me to go further?”

Sweat ran between her breasts, as fragile as her tone. “Dammit, yes, you know I do.”

“True,” I agreed, tracing the groove the elastic of her panties has left just above her pussy. “But I want to hear you say it.”

her flushing, the warmth pushing through her skin and into mine. Tightening her plush lips, she bent towards me. I moved away, laughing at her hiss of frustration.

My laughter ended when she dropped her arms, reaching behind and between us to stroke my cock. That time,
was the one who chuckled. “You're ready to burst,” she said, so soft that Kite's groans almost muffled her.

Narrowing my eyes, I wrapped her fingers around my length. One hand bound her wrists there, the other went back to teasing just an inch from her swollen clit. “Maybe,” I admitted. “But so are you.”

“Stop arguing,” Kite snapped, digging his palms into Marina's ass so he could increase his tempo.

Lifting an eyebrow, I tangled my lips on hers before she could say anything. I was done talking; I wanted to see her thrumming with pleasure.

My fingertip glided right over her clithood, causing her to startle. Making lazy circles, I teased her cunt and drove her closer to the edge.

Not to be outdone, she fisted my cock, palming the head. Marina was on a free fall towards orgasm, but she wanted to take me with her.

Every time this woman came, I wanted more of it. I languished in how she lost herself, and ever since the first time I'd experienced it, it had become my obsession. I couldn't imagine a life without it.

But I might have to,
I reminded myself grimly.
I know what has to be done, what it will take to keep us safe.

Kite would hate me for it.

I'd hate me for it, too.

Marina's life... our lives... it all balanced on the edge of a bullet. Who pulled the trigger was still to be decided.

“Jacob!” she cried out, erasing my dark thoughts. Marina vibrated, her body bending into a sharp 'C' as her orgasm slammed into her. I was close to crumbling, but I was determined to hold off.

While she panted, I released her wrists. Licking my thumb, soaking it, I brought it low. Stroking between her ass cheeks, I thumbed her puckered entrance. Then, in a firm push, my finger was inside of her, fighting her tight walls.

“I'm not going to last through you doing that to her,” Kite groaned, understanding my plan.

Smirking, I swirled my thumb inside Marina. My brain was fuzzy with her sobs. “That's up to you, not me.”

Kite grumbled something, but it was cut off as Marina tossed her head with a desperate moan. “More, please, just give me more! I can handle it!”

Of course she could, I'd seen it before.

Spitting into my palm, I slathered my cock from base to tip. Gripping her tight, I guided myself into her asshole. Her muscles argued, screaming that they couldn't fit all of me.

She collapsed on Kite, exposing herself, making my penetration easier. Inch by inch, my cock spread her ass and sank deep.

Kite helped the process, keeping her pleasure high to balance the pain. He drove into her with slower strokes, making sure not to mess my pace up. Neither of us wanted to injure her.

Finally, with a groan that came from low in my stomach, I felt my balls brush the globes of her ass. Her sob was muffled; she was biting Kite's shoulder.

Sparks swam in my vision. She was clamping down on me, thrumming around my engorged cock as she came. The dominant beast inside of me was no longer hiding. Her whimpers had brought it to the surface, allowed it to grow and hunt and conquer.

This woman is mine.

Nothing was as satisfying as knowing I owned Marina, that I could claim her tight, hot ass and stretch her to the brink. And she
loved it.

Marina constantly amazed me.

Speared between us, she shuddered and drooled. With a brief, shared look, my friend resumed his thrusts. We created a tempo, driving ourselves into this luscious girl and sharing her delight.

With us battling for her attention, her pussy rippled. This was passion,
was pure ecstasy.

Breathing heavily, I went dizzy with how she crushed me. My cock swelled, her pressure almost too much. Each stroke, I pulled out until just the ridge of my cock-head was inside of her. The sight was erotic, my length pulsing between her cheeks.

“I'm so close,” she sobbed, shaking with the sensations. “I don't—I can't handle it, fuck, I don't think...” Rambling away, she was a contradiction. She claimed she couldn't take it, but all the while, she slammed her ass and pussy back onto the both of us with gusto.

We were our own symphony, each of us at the helm of an instrument. Marina's strings snapped, her voice keening as she lost control. I closed my eyes, arched my back and snarled. I was going to bury my cock to the hilt inside of her, filling her with my come.

Grunting, I held her steady as my climax shook me. Come shot down my shaft, soaking into her walls again and again. This was as close as we could ever be. My essence was inside of her, and it was only the location that guaranteed this wasn't a terrible risk.

I couldn't think, I only endured the universe that Marina was a part of.

How was there room for me—for all of us—in this world she filled so easily?

Kite was done, too. I felt him finish, knew it had happened because Marina was moaning again. I settled my weight on her, kissing the salt of her skin. Her breathing was labored, I thrilled to feel each twitch of her against me.

Kite went limp, but in mere seconds, he started to speak. “Guys?”

“Hm?” I mumbled, nuzzling Marina's hair.

“You're sort of crushing me.”

He'd ruined the moment, and we all knew it.

Sighing, I adjusted backwards, finding my footing. Pulling my cock out, I grimaced at the sensation of loss. The booth was slick with our sweat. “Guess we aren't done cleaning up here, after all.”

Marina gave me a bemused stare. Then she laughed, drawing all of the light in the room into her dark eyes. That vision of her; nude, damp, and flushed from our activity... I wanted to jump in for seconds.

Kite sat up, spreading his arms over the back of the booth. “Chill out, Jacob. It'll be fine. It's not the first time someone has fucked in here.”

I lifted my eyebrows, pausing as I grabbed my shirt. “Excuse me?”

Turning away, Kite cleared his throat. “Anyway, let's get changed and get out of here. I could use some food.”

Marina tugged her shirt on, then scowled as Kite grabbed her panties, keeping them out of reach. I looked on as they cavorted, her mock anger turning into giggles soon enough. It was surreal, imagining that this was even happening.

My lips went down on the edges.

But inside, I was smiling wide.

There was something so... genuine, so perfect, about all of this.

This is the future I want.

The thought warmed me, but it also scorched. Quickly I zipped my pants, leaning on the wall. If I made no movements, no sound, could this world keep existing, just like this?

I pictured a rabbit in the woods, enjoying the grass and sun, unaware that there was a hawk waiting to strike in the trees above. If you took a photo, right before the violence, you could pretend the rabbit would live forever.

This perfect moment with Marina's laughter filling the air...

It was the rabbit.

Did that make me the hawk?


Blinking, I saw her staring at me. I shook myself, adjusted my shirt. “What's wrong?” I asked, glancing around for Kite. He was halfway down the hall.

She saw my look. “He went to warm up his car. Hey, are you alright?”

Judging her, I considered my answer. There was so much weight on my heart. It smothered me, leaving me confused when it lifted, only to return and crush me again every time.

Why had things happened this way?

Why couldn't Marina have come to us without such a dark cloud being involved?

Was there another universe in which we all lived, free of the pain brought on by blackmail, by revenge, by death?

This majestic girl, she was everything I wanted—that
wanted—but we would never have met without the scent of gunpowder. Everything, from the start, had conspired against us.

The cruel fact was, none of this would have been set in motion without death.

All of us were cursed.

How could I be okay with that? How could
be alright?

My smile was cool as morning dew. I said calmly, “Of course I'm alright. How could I not be, after what we just did?”

Her blush was enticing. Her words were less so. “I know something is wrong. You don't have to lie to me.”

Stepping close to her, I set my fingers on her jaw, tilting her towards me.

No need to lie?

My lovely Marina... you have no idea.
I looked into her eyes, my tone pure cotton. “Don't worry about it. In this moment, what's wrong doesn't matter. And that's not a lie.”

She seemed unsure. I appreciated that, her cleverness was part of why I was falling for her. Marina was quick, and that made everything so much more difficult. Appeasing her was a challenge, but even when it worked...

I didn't feel like I'd won.

“Alright,” she sighed, reaching down to take my hand. Our fingers wove together, fitting better than they had any right to. “Come on, let's get out of here. We can come back to clean up in the morning, I'm starving.”

Grinning, I traced the inside of her wrist. “After being so stuffed, how could you ever be hungry again?”

Stumbling, she shot me a tiny glare. Then it was gone, and she was pulling me towards the backdoor. Marina was leading me, something so novel.

If she could lead me into a future where we all existed together, a place of joy and love and anything but devastation and blood...

I would go there with a smile.

The night air was chilly. It cleared my head, but her hand leaving mine was what really crisped my thoughts.
Focus. Stop getting so lost in all of this. You have a mission, you HAVE a plan, even if you don't know all the threads yet.

Protect Kite, protect yourself, protect your future.

If she could fit into that, then fine. But if not, I had to be willing to do anything. No matter how brutal, or how soul-crushing, I had to remember my oath.

Kite was saying something to her, the two of them smiling. I left them alone, my keys jingling as I pried them into my car door. Opening it, I looked up at the sound of feet on the gravel. I was baffled to see Marina approaching me. “What's wrong?” I asked.

“Nothing,” she shrugged. “I just want to ride with you.”

Lifting my eyes, I sought out Kite. He had his hands in his pockets, looking a little too pleased with himself. Squinting, I unlocked the passenger door.
What game is he playing?

“Is it okay?” she asked.

“Yes,” I said, smiling at her as I climbed inside. “You can ride with me, I'd appreciate the company.”

Marina ducked her head, closing us into the vehicle and snuffing out the white noise of the city. In that tiny pocket, I was assaulted by her scent all over again.

I had a strong suspicion about why Kite looked so happy.
He thinks she's won me over.
Tightening my jaw, I let the engine rumble. Kite was pushing when he didn't need to. This was no longer about emotion, my feelings had played their part when I'd agreed to give Marina a chance.

Kite, you just don't get it,
I thought sadly. Guiding the car over the dark roads, my headlights reflected off of every surface.
But if this all falls apart...

I hope you can forgive me.

As we tore down the streets, back towards the building I called my home, I had a sickening sensation. A hard, jagged razor that swam in my guts and refused to leave.

Glancing over at the girl beside me, I saw she had the tiniest of relaxed smiles. Her eyes were wide, sparkling like fresh cider. She was more alive than any other person on Earth.

If I decided she had to die...

ever forgive

“Jacob,” she whispered.

I looked away from her quickly. “Yes?”

The seat squeaked with her shifting weight. “What's wrong this time?”

The same thought that's plagued me since I allowed you into my heart.

Squeezing the wheel, I stared straight ahead. “Honestly, it's nothing.”

Our private pocket filled with grim air, a black mood that I should have expected. I waited for her to speak, to say a single thing that confirmed she could read my mind.

But as we made our way to the apartment... she never did.

We sat in silence, and I think, that was somehow worse.

Marina didn't need to speak. Not about this. Without disturbing a speck of air, she told me what she was thinking in that cloak of choking quiet.


The word branded my soul.

When it came to Marina and my sanity, lies were all I had these days.

And if I was the one who was forced to sentence her to death...

They were all I would ever have.

- Chapter 32 -


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