Never Kiss a Bad Boy (35 page)

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Authors: Nora Flite

BOOK: Never Kiss a Bad Boy
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Turning towards me, his eyes glinted like black diamonds. “I'll always do that.”

My heart took a dive. “What?”

“I'll always step in.” I didn't see his hand until it was on my cheek. “Anytime another man tries to take you from us, I'll step in. No one else can have you. I couldn't handle it.”

His sincerity threw me for a loop. I thought about everything he'd done, everything
had done. My earlier decision about the letter tugged at me.

Leaning forward, desperate to keep myself quiet, I tasted his lips. My body twisted, his arms moving automatically to my shoulders.

His warm tongue, warmer with the coolness around us, caressed the roof of my mouth. When I shivered, he sucked in air, too. “Damn,” he murmured, eyes burning with unspoken hunger. There was an inch between us, it filled with our heavy breaths. “Every time we kiss, it's like the first one all over again.”

“Were you always such a romantic?” I asked, fighting down my surge of fluff and sugar.

Something stopped him. Following his gaze, I looked up.

There'd been no noise, but Jacob stood in the open door. His poise was casual, one leg crossed at the knee so the toe of his shoe touched the gravel.

When Jacob spoke, his voice was a baritone, coming from the deep valley of his heart. “It's the same for me, Marina. When we kiss... it's as fierce as the very first time.”

Kite didn't loosen his hold on me, but he did stand, bringing me with him. The two men shared a look, saying things without twitching their tongues.

On long legs, Jacob approached. His heels left nothing, not a peep, as he crossed broken glass to meet us in the near darkness. “Is it the same for you?” he asked me softly, forming the tip of our triangle.

I was trapped; Jacob in front, Kite to my left, and solid brick everywhere else. Tonight, there would be no running.

Not from them.

They waited, eager but pretending not to be. Shivering, I tucked my arm into Kite's, then reached for Jacob with my other. The skin of his hand was like polished stone in my grip.

“Yes,” I hushed. “When we kiss... when we do anything...” My stomach fluttered. “It's brand new. It never loses its strength.”

Unlike me, who was losing it by the second as I spilled my guts.

Smiling so that it touched his eyes, Jacob sank his fingers into my hair. He held my jaw, and though I saw the kiss coming, it didn't matter.

Static, whiskey, shadows and gluttony... that was what he was made from.

Our lips touched and relearned their curves, old friends or new friends or both. No matter how much we did any of this, I was convinced it'd never lose its shine. How could something so perfect exist between two people, never mind

“Is everything cleaned up inside?” Kite asked, breaking the moment.

Jacob released me, but kept his hand cupping the back of my skull. “Completely done, everyone is gone, too.”

“Then maybe we should go where it's warmer.”

Blinking, I looked between them and realized that I wasn't actually cold. Not anymore.

With Kite and Jacob, there existed a warmth that crept into my soul. It was wild and it fed off of this strange, insistent passion we all indulged in.

This warmth was special.


Was this really love?

Again, I thought about that damn letter—about my mission. My world had been simpler when all that existed was the threat of my own death balanced against my desire for revenge.

It wasn't long ago that I hadn't cared if I died.

Now... I didn't want just myself to live, but these men, as well. Could I manage that, keep all of us safe, and still spill the blood I'd hunted for so long?

Hands tugged at me, leading me to the door. “Where are we going?” I asked, stirring from my cloudy thoughts.

“Inside,” Jacob said, one arm coiling around my waist. Kite joined in, a palm on my lower back. Together they led me into the bar, a place that had been so loud, but was now eerily silent. I felt like I was walking to the ends of the Earth.

I scanned the room, amazed that Jacob had straightened it out as much as he had. He worked fast and efficient, had he needed us at all earlier?

The idea prickled me.
Wait. What if...

Carefully, I pried out of their arms. “Jacob, did you even
us this morning?”

His eyebrows went up. “Why would you ask that?”

I wasn't so easily tricked. “Look at how fast you cleaned this whole place up!” I gestured, then narrowed my eyes, voice going hot around the edges. “You lied to interrupt us. I'm right, aren't I?” I didn't let him say anything, my volume going higher. “Why? Why the hell would you lie like that?”

Kite bristled, facing his friend with disbelief. “Is she right?”

Tension rolled over Jacob’s shoulders. I spotted it, saw how it made the contours of his jaw turn jagged. Finally, he tucked his hands into his pockets and sighed. “This place
need to be fixed up, but I didn't need to stop you both to get it done in time.”

A lump formed in my throat. “If you cared about us doing things without you, why not just admit it sooner?”

care.” The words fell out, and he considered them in the air. “Not the way you're thinking.” When he locked his gaze on me, the intensity made me back up. “I wanted
Marina. Just the smell of you, the way you slipped into my ears.” He inhaled sharply. “I needed you, and I couldn't have you. Not then. If I hadn't forced you here tonight, just to have you by my side, I might have gone insane.”

Too much blood pounded in my ears, it made thinking a chore. Jacob always had new surprises for me.

Kite itched his nose, watching us both. “Fuck, man. Next time, just tell me. I'd have come here to start stuff while you got it out of your system.”

“That's just it,” he said, a murmur I hardly heard. “I'm not sure that would have satisfied me. All the time in the world might not be enough.”

Licking my lips, I whispered, “Jacob.”

His eyes were a glacier, rolling over me with unstoppable pressure. He moved with a purpose, locking his lips on mine, but Jacob didn't stop there; he shoved me into a nearby booth, the large, curved cushion becoming my landing strip.

Everything was ringing in my skull. I felt detached, hot and cold warred within me. It was impossible to make a choice on how to feel.

Jacob... is he that obsessed with me?

I tried to think back, to find more proof. I became lost, pulled back by his hands on my hips, one squeezing my thigh.

“Wait,” I breathed out, muffled by his teeth.

Sitting up, he arched my throat and dove in to suck at my skin. Over my moan, he whispered, “No. I promised you I'd reward you for your patience. And have you
been patient.”

So have you,
I thought, shutting my eyes.
So have you.

- Chapter 30 -



watched them both, digesting the situation.

Jacob had revealed something important to Marina, but she couldn't understand what it really meant. Not the way I did.

Jacob had been friends with me since we were just kids. I knew him, knew what it took for him to care about someone so much.

I wanted this to be a sign.

If Jacob was falling for Marina, the way
was falling for her... then maybe he finally believed in her. Could I be allowed to hope for that?

All I was sure of was that
believed in Marina. It was impossible not to.

Stepping forward, I knelt on the opposite side of Marina in the booth. Jacob was kissing her furiously, turning her lips redder than berries. She made a sound of pleasure, wriggling her hips. My view let me see the swell of her breasts, hard tips cutting through the fabric.

Reaching down, I adjusted my growing erection. My cock was thickening fast, reacting to the excitement of this astounding girl. We hadn't finished earlier today, and I was throbbing with a wanton need that had gone on for too many hours.

Marina looked up, spotting me. The centers of her coffee eyes dilated; she was losing herself already. “Come here,” she told me, stretching out in the giant booth.

That was an easy request to fill.

Inching closer, I knelt over her face. She shifted onto her side, fingers stroking the front of my obvious bulge. I hissed through my teeth, and she copied me, caught up in how she'd made me react.

Suddenly she was jostled. We both looked; Jacob had undone her jeans and was peeling them down her juicy thighs. In the harsh lights, her panties were a rosy peach.

“Keep going,” he said to me, not even glancing up. I didn't blame him, it was hard to look away from the shape of her sweet pussy.

Taking his cue, I grabbed her wrist and guided her hand back. My eyes fluttered, her palm jerking me through my jeans. “I need to get these off,” I groaned, popping the brass button.

She chuckled, then shuddered with a gasp. Jacob had spread her knees wide, crouching between to nuzzle her cunt.

Catching her by the cheeks, I turned her to me. My eyes burned, as heated as my lower belly. “Stay focused,” I demanded.

Licking her lips, Marina inhaled. One quick movement, and my jeans came down, cock bouncing into the air. The tip was shiny, precome already dripping. My balls were heavy with my delayed release.

Curling her fingers around my base, she stroked experimentally. “Holy hell,” I grunted. Leaning into her, I wrapped my fingers in her silky hair. Some of it tickled over my cock, tingles coursing over the back of my neck.

Marina worked with patient, determined pumps. Her fist closed on the swollen head, then rolled back down, over and over. Gazing down at her with sweltering desire, I tried to be calm—to hold back.

I fucking failed.

Catching her by those thick curls of hair, I forced her lips over my cock and groaned. I heard her mirror me, and then she choked, wriggling from something Jacob had done. I wasn't watching, my world existed here; the edge between pleasure and delirium.

Nothing but wet suction and a swirling tongue mattered.

Contorting, she put one elbow down for leverage. Her other hand swung, coaxing me forward by the middle of my back. I was eager to be guided, hammering my length down her throat as I hunched over her. My breathing was ragged, torn from me in great, heated waves.

Something bounced off my chest. Blinking, I stared down at the foil packet—a condom.

Jacob sat up, wiping his drenched mouth. “Go ahead,” he said, eyes as mysterious as the bottom of the ocean. “Take her. She's more than ready.”

Gritting my teeth, I pulled Marina free. Drool spilled down her chin, wide eyes sparkling and making my cock stiffen even more. I didn't think it was fucking possible.

Lying down in the booth, I peeled the condom free. Marina grinned, snatching it from me with a wink. “Let me do it,” she said.

Chuckling, I folded my arms under my head to create a makeshift pillow. “Be my guest.”

Sitting on her knees between my thighs, she paused with the condom just over my reddish tip. The look she tossed to Jacob was brief; over her shoulder, then away again.

What had they communicated with just a look?

And then she slid the condom over my shaft, and I stopped caring.

- Chapter 31 -



ne by one, I removed the buttons of my long-sleeved shirt, air kissing my bare skin.

Through it all, I knelt and watched as Marina ground her hips across Kite's thighs. She straddled him, panties clinging to one ankle, hanging on for dear life.

I had a wonderful view, her perfect waist swaying, ass lifting with each of her movements.

Between her sweet legs, I could glimpse the hungry slickness of her cunt. This woman drove me wild and made me think every vulgar word in the human language.

Shedding my clothes was making me naked, yes, but it was what she did to me that really made me vulnerable.

This was a dangerous game. I'd given her the keys to the softest parts of me, and I didn't think she knew it. Would she ever?

I thought about the men I'd killed. Each of them had left a mark inside of me, buried deep where no one should explore.

I'd killed to keep Kite and I safe.

I'd ended lives to make us money, to build our future.

For Marina, I had killed, too. She just didn't know it.

I wasn't sure I would ever tell her.

The swell of her ass lowered, she impaled herself onto Kite with a low hiss. The sound went into my blood, down into my own cock as it jumped. Smoothly, I detached my belt and lowered my trousers. Palming my erection, I caressed the solid shape through my briefs.

I was made from diamonds, only one thing could melt me.

Leaning forward, I ran my fingers down her spine, felt the sweat pooling. She gasped, like she'd forgotten I was there—but I knew better.

“Shh,” I soothed, sliding her shirt over her head. It was only then that I remembered she'd never put a bra back on earlier.

Those pert, heavy breasts trembled with the rest of her.

Turning, she watched me from the corner of one eye. It wasn't fear or shock that she wore, this girl looked... eager.

Smiling sharply, I nudged Kite's feet away so I could crouch closer behind Marina. My bare chest brushed her back, my belly tightening with her warmth. I could smell her everywhere, yet I inhaled ever deeper. I wanted more.

I always wanted more.

Pushing her hair off of her neck, I kissed the very nape of it. I lavished in her heartbeat through her skin, hugged her to me.

She'd started to slow down, distracted by my presence. Gripping her by the hips, I gave her an encouraging squeeze, lifting her slightly before shoving her weight down onto Kite. Her throaty mewl was ambrosia.

“Don't ignore him on my behalf,” I whispered, nipping the edge of her ear. Her whimper had me smirking, the flush of power swelling my prick. I rubbed it against her, pressed it between us. It seared us both, leaving a shiny smear of precome on her caramel flesh.

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