Read New Beginnings Online

Authors: Lori Maguire

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Literature & Fiction

New Beginnings (31 page)

BOOK: New Beginnings
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“Ella, you look flushed. Are you feeling all right?”

“I’m fine, Mom.” Xavier gave me a sideways glance with a raised brow and a smirk.

Stewart was waiting alongside the limo just outside the main entrance. It was a short drive to the restaurant. I think we were in the car for all of five minutes.

Once we got settled in our seats and had our dinner ordered it was then time to tell my parents about the twins.

“Mom, Dad, we’ve got some news.” Their anxious eyes looked from me to Xavier then back to me. “When I was at the doctor the other day, I had an ultrasound done.” I paused as I glanced up at Xavier. He gave me a small smile. “It’s twins. We’re going to have twins.”

Their eyes grew wide. “Twins?” my parents exclaimed in unison as they turned to look at each other before focusing back on me.

“Yes, twins,” I said, nodding my head at them.

Xavier reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out his wallet. He had a copy of the ultrasound picture with him. I shook my head, smirking at him. They weren’t even born yet, but he was already carrying around a picture of his children.

“Yes, twins,” Xavier repeated, handing them the ultrasound photo.

My parents stared at the picture in awe then they turned and smiled widely at each other. “Well, I guess it’s settled then,” my father said.

I gave them a questioning look. “What’s settled?” I asked.

“Your mother and I have been discussing the possibility of moving out here,” my father said.

“And now that we know that we’re going to have two grandchildren, it only makes sense for us to relocate here. We want to be close to both of you and our grandchildren,” my mother said.

I was stunned. I glanced up at Xavier and he had the same look of surprise on his face.

“Mom, Dad, I don’t know what to say.”

“Ella, sweetheart, you’ve made yourself a beautiful life here in such a short period of time. We have no reason to stay in New Jersey any longer. But we have every reason to come to Seattle,” my mother said.

My eyes welled up with tears. I could feel Xavier’s eyes on me. He placed his hand on my knee to give me a reassuring squeeze. When I looked up at him, I wasn’t surprised to see tears in his eyes as well. He would be gaining a mother and a father, something he hasn’t had in a long time.

Xavier cleared his throat. “Greg, Rae, I’d like to help in any way I can.”

“Thank you, Xavier, but that won’t be necessary,” my father said.

“I’m afraid I insist, Greg.” I knew that tone of voice from Xavier. It was his “don’t mess with me” tone. My father just nodded in acquiescence.

Over dinner, my parents impending move dominated the conversation. They were eager to get out here especially now that they knew about the twins. My mother knew I was going to need help and not just after the babies were born.

Xavier immediately jumped in promising to have his real estate agent meet with them while they were here. He recommended some suburbs around Seattle that he thought they might like. Arrangements would also be made to have his real estate agent in the New York area get in touch with them concerning the sale of their house, as well as make recommendations for reputable moving companies.

As Xavier took control over the situation, my father was starting to look a little annoyed. I knew he didn’t feel comfortable accepting so much from Xavier. I reassured my father, while Xavier excused himself following dinner, that this was just how he was. He knew they were perfectly capable of handling the sale of their house and the move on their own, but he had such extensive and reputable resources that he didn’t feel they needed to do it on their own.

“I know it takes some getting used to, but he considers you family.” I smiled at my dad. He nodded resigned.

It was after eight p.m. by the time we left the restaurant. Once back at the hotel, we said our goodbyes to my parents when the elevator reached their floor. As soon as the doors slid closed, Xavier pinned me up against the back wall.

“I don’t know what is turning me on more. The fact that by this time tomorrow night you are going to be Mrs. Xavier Hart or how you look tonight in that dress.” He leaned down and ran a trail of kisses done my neck to the swell of my breasts, which ignited that familiar fire deep in my core.

The elevator stopped indicating we were at our floor. Quickly, he grabbed my hand and pulled me out and down the hall. He paused before sliding his card key giving me a secret smile. What was he up to?

Placing his hand firmly at the small of my back, he guided me through the room. I gasped as I stood on the threshold of the bedroom. The room was alight with the soft glow of candles that were placed on every surface. There had to be close to twenty. The scent of fresh roses hung in the air as three-dozen arrangements in red, white, and pink were placed around the room in crystal vases. Rose petals were strewn on the floor and over the sheets of the turned down bed.

“It’s beautiful,” I murmured.

“I want your last night as Ms. Martin to be special,” he whispered against me neck. “And I want you so happy and sated that you won’t be able to run in the opposite direction from me tomorrow,” he said with a little chuckle. “Now, as much as I love this dress on you it’s time for it go.”

His hand grasped the zipper at my back and slowly dragged it down. My heart started to pound. I held my breath as I waited for his reaction to what he would find under my dress. Suddenly, I heard the sharp intake of his breath. He’s uncovered my bustier.

I found it at Laveta’s. It was strapless, black velvet with lace and rhinestones complete with G-string, garters and black, silk stockings. I felt unbelievably sexy in it and I couldn’t wait for him to fully see it.

He paused for several seconds before he continued to unzip my dress. “Good God, woman. Are you trying to kill me?” I smiled widely. He quickly finished unzipping my dress letting it fall and pool at my feet. Moving in front of me, he held his hand out so I could step out of my dress.

“Don’t move. Let me look at you,” he said softly.

I stood and watched as his eyes ran greedily down my body. He reached out and ran his fingers over the velvet along my waist. His fingers lingered on the velvet as he came around behind me. I started to breath heavily.

Grabbing my hair at the nape, he pulled my head back and to the side so he could give me a deep kiss. I reached around behind me grabbing him by the waist and pulling him into me. He broke away and nipped my neck. “You look incredible,” he whispered against my shoulder.

He released my hair so he could run his hands down my sides and to the front. Slowly, as if he wanted to make it last forever, he ran his fingers along the bottom edge of my bustier grazing the top of my G-string. He was breathing heavily as his lips brushed the top of my bare shoulder.

“I hope you aren’t too attached to these,” he said, as he hooked two fingers under the string that rested on each hip. Giving both sides a little tug, he easily snapped the delicate strip of material causing me to gasp. He tossed my ruined G-string to the floor in front of me.

I reached down to undo the garters. His hands quickly covered mine and pulled them away. “No. Leave them on. Leave it all on including those fuck me heels.”

Oh my God! I let a soft moan escape in response to his words. It was quite possible I was going to burst into flames on the spot. If the night before our wedding is this heated then what could I expect tomorrow night?

Before he could say another word, I spun around and grabbed his jacket by the lapels. He gave me a scorching look. Quickly, I pushed it off his shoulders and down his arms so it was now pooled on the floor on top of my dress. His vest was next to go.

I pulled his shirt out of his pants. “I hope you aren’t too attached to this,” I repeated his words to him before I grabbed his shirt and ripped it open. Buttons scattered around the room. As my fingers ran down his bare arms, pushing his shirt off, he closed his eyes as a shiver rocked his entire body.

Hooking a finger in one of his belt loops, I pulled him forward as I backed up to the bed. He gazed down at me lovingly with a smirk on his face.

Sitting down on the edge, I undid his belt. Slowly pulling it through the loops, I never broke eye contact with him. Once his belt was free, I dropped it onto the floor next to the bed.

Keeping eye contact with him, I scooted up to the middle of the bed. I lay back onto my elbows. “Lose the pants and the briefs. Now,” I breathed. I watched him in awe as he striped himself bare. I was hardly able to contain my need for him.

He stood before me wearing nothing but a loving look on his beautiful face as he stared down at me. All it took was a crook of my finger and he was on me.



Strong, warm arms tightening around me woke me up. The hotel room was still shrouded in darkness thanks to the heavy drapes that were closed. I had no idea what time it was and I really didn’t care.

I sighed snuggling deeper into this familiar and welcomed embrace, inhaling his intoxicating scent with each deep breath. I leisurely ran my hands along his forearms, tracing over the bulging tendons and thick blood vessels as his arms squeezed just a little tighter around me. His skin was soft and warm and lightly dusted with hair.

“Finally, you’re awake,” he whispered in my ear. I could feel his smile against the sensitive skin of my neck. His deep, sexy tone sent erotic images from the evening before flashing through my mind like my own personal porno. “Today is the day I officially make you mine. Forever,” he breathed.

Mmm-hmm. That sounded exactly right. Wait! The wedding! That’s today! What is he doing here? My eyes flew open as I tried to pull the blanket over my head. Xavier chuckled.

“What are you doing here?” I yelled at him.

“What do you mean? Why wouldn’t I be here?” His tone was laced with confusion.

“You aren’t supposed to see me before the wedding. It’s tradition.”

He chuckled again. “Like I could ever stay away from you. Besides, I’m breaking tradition.” He tugged on the blanket. I tried to hang on to it tighter. “Ella, I won’t see you in your dress until you walk down that aisle. That’s tradition enough.” He pulled on the blanket again. “Look at me,” he said in that commanding voice that always makes me instantly respond.

Slowly, I pulled the blanket down. My big, brown eyes peeked over the sheet into his big, beautiful, blue eyes that were smiling at me. He pulled the blanket down the rest of the way, grabbed my face, and kissed me passionately.

“I have something for you.” He turned and reached for something from his night table. “I am honoring the something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue tradition.” I chuckled when I saw the garter in his hand. It was a beautiful blue that matched the color of his eyes. “This garter covers the something new and something blue part of the tradition. No one is going to see this. We aren’t doing the traditional garter toss. This is for my eyes only. I plan on peeling it off you with my teeth later.” I nearly convulsed at his words and the passion that was present in his eyes.

“Now for the something old and something borrowed.” He turned back to the night table. I gasped when I saw the Harry Winston box.

I shook my head at him. “Xavier,” I said in warning.

He opened the box. Inside was a beautiful, simple, diamond tennis bracelet. It sparkled beautifully even in the low light. My hand shook as I reached out to touch it.

“This was my mother’s. That covers the something old. My father gave this to her on their first wedding anniversary. I plan on doing the same, but I wanted you to have it to wear for today. That covers the something borrowed.”

The smile he gave me was spectacular, but it didn’t reach his eyes. The touch of sadness that was always present in his tone when he talked about his parents tugged at my heart.

“It’s beautiful,” I said softly.

“Let me.” I held my right wrist out as he gently clasped the bracelet on. Once it was in place, his fingers ran over the diamonds reverently. He clasped my hand in his and softly kissed the back of my hand. He was always the gentleman.

He frowned, suddenly looking troubled. “What is it?”

“I wish they could be here today.” His voice was thick with emotion. I could see he was struggling to fight back the tears.

I hugged him hard. “Shhh. I know, baby. It’s all right,” I said softly, as I ran my hand down his back in a comforting manner.

I could feel his body quake as he silently cried into my neck. It was an emotionally charged day to begin with. Of course, his thoughts would turn to the absence of his parents.

When he pulled away from me, I held his face in my hands and wiped the tears away then I placed my hand over his heart. “They are here with you, always. For our wedding, for the birth of our babies, they will be here for it all.” I lifted my hand off his chest, and grabbed his hand in mine pressing it onto my abdomen. “And just like you, they will continue on through our children.”

He leaned his forehead into mine. “You’re my lifeline, Ella. My incredible, amazingly beautiful, strong lifeline.”

After our tender moment, I reluctantly rolled out of bed knowing that I needed to start the day. Wanting to be comfortable, I threw on my favorite pair of yoga pants and a comfortable t-shirt. Renatta sent me a text to let me know that our dresses and flowers had arrived. They were safely waiting for us in her room. Now, we were off to enjoy our spa day before the wedding.

BOOK: New Beginnings
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