Read New Beginnings Online

Authors: Lori Maguire

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Literature & Fiction

New Beginnings (30 page)

BOOK: New Beginnings
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The following morning I left with Marissa to get Renatta. We had our final dress fittings. Renatta looked nervous pacing back and forth on the sidewalk. When she spotted us approaching, a look of relief washed over her face.

She was opening the rear door before Marissa came to a complete stop. “Ella!” she said excitedly. She wrapped her arms around me squeezing tightly. “Oh my God. I knew you were okay. I had spoken to Xavier, but I knew I wasn’t going to feel better until I saw you for myself. How are you?” She pulled back but kept a tight grip on my shoulders.

“I’m fine.” I smiled genuinely at her hoping to put her at ease.

“And the baby? Xavier said the baby was fine. Is it true?” Her eyes widened at me.

“Yes, the babies are fine,” I said, trying to sound casual. I wanted to see if she would catch on to the plural.

“Oh, thank God. I was so worried. When he told me that you were at the doctor … I … wait a minute! Did you say babies?” Her voice shot up several octaves.

“Yes. I was wondering if you were going to pick up on that. The ultrasound showed twins. Everything is fine. The doctor said their heartbeats looked good and strong.”

“Twins?” she shrieked. “No wonder Xavier doesn’t want you returning to work.” She laughed and hugged me tightly. “I’m so happy for you both,” she whispered in my ear.

By the time we got to Laveta’s shop, I was a little nervous hoping that I still fit into my dress. Even though I knew I had gained only a few pounds, in my head I was thinking otherwise now that I knew I was carrying twins.

Once we got there and I slipped on my dress, I realized I had nothing to worry about.

“Laveta, you are amazing. You left just enough room for me to grow into it. It’s a perfect fit. Thank you.” I gushed.

“Sweetheart, you aren’t the first pregnant bride I’ve had to deal with,” she said with a throaty laugh. “Let’s complete the look with the veil,” she said.

She carefully attached the veil to my head. I slowly turned around to see myself in the mirror and froze. Wow! I almost didn’t recognize myself. The dress was perfect hugging me in all the right places. The red sash was tied around my waist in a bow that traveled three quarters of the way down the back of the dress. The red satin on the outer edges of the veil matched the red sash around my waist perfectly. It was just enough color. Even Marissa gave me a look of approval.

Renatta stepped out of the fitting room with her dress on. She stopped and gasped when she saw me. Slowly she approached. Her eyes never leaving mine. She came up behind me and we looked at each other in the mirror. “Ella, you are stunning. You’re going to knock Xavier on his ass when he sees you.” She smiled and we both chuckled.

“Xavier isn’t the only one who is going to get knocked on his ass. Look at you!” I exclaimed. “You look absolutely gorgeous.” Her red dress was a perfect match to the red accents on mine.

For the first time since we started planning this wedding, I was feeling excitement without hyperventilating. I was making progress.



Immediately following breakfast, Xavier and I packed our bags so we could head over to the Fairmont Olympic. My parents were already in the air and were due to arrive in Seattle at 12:30 p.m. Xavier wanted to make sure we were settled in our room so we could be in the lobby ready to greet them when they arrived.

Xavier wrapped his hand around mine as we headed over to the front desk. The girl working the counter is fairly young. She’s pretty with long, glossy blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes that widened as she took in Xavier heading towards her. She greets him just a little too enthusiastically. I give her my best “are you serious” look, but it went completely unnoticed. She paid no attention to me.

Once she pulled up the reservation and saw that we were booked for
suite of all suites, she started to bat her eyelashes at him. Every time she opened her mouth she spoke in a soft, breathy tone. Seriously?

Oddly enough I didn’t feel overly jealous at her reaction to him, but I did feel like I needed to stake my claim. I pulled on Xavier’s hand. He frowned down at me. I got up on my tippy toes and gently brushed my lips against his. “Baby, I’m going to go sit down. This pregnancy has me so tired.” I was sure to let my nose linger along his jaw while I inhaled his super sexy scent. A little moan escaped me before I could even stop it. I wanted to make sure this woman got the hint that he smelled as amazing as he looked. I was sure not to glance at her. There was no need. I could feel her eyes boring into the side of my face.

Xavier shook his head at me giving me a knowing smile. He knew what I was up to, and he played right along with me. “Twins will do that, sweetness. Go sit.” He kissed me chastely before glaring at the desk clerk. “I shouldn’t be much longer,” he said, sounding slightly annoyed.

That did the trick. I didn’t get more than five steps away from him when suddenly he was done at the front desk. He wrapped his arm around my waist. “You’re a little minx,” he whispered in my ear.

We arrived at the Cascade Suite and nothing could have prepared me for what was on the other side of that door. It was like a two bedroom apartment. The decor was done in brown and gold colors, huge picture windows, and a fireplace in the living room. The master bedroom housed a huge canopied king-sized bed and a jetted tub in the master bathroom.

Xavier waggled his eyebrows at me concerning the tub. “We’ll be trying that out later,” he said huskily. “And then the bed,” he whispered in my ear. I stared at him dumbfounded watching his retreating form leave the bedroom.

We had just gotten done unpacking our bags when Xavier got word from Stewart that he had just picked my parents up from the airport. Once Stewart was within a few minutes of the Fairmont, Xavier and I made our way down to the lobby to greet them.

Just as we reached the lobby, I spotted them walking in. My mom saw me right away and made a beeline for me. She wrapped her arms around me squeezing me tightly. “Ella, sweetheart. Let me look at you,” she said as she held me at arm’s length. “You look as beautiful as ever. Pregnancy agrees with you. How are you feeling?”

“I’m good, Mom.” I kissed her on the cheek.

“Xavier, thank you so much for everything you’ve done for us this weekend.” She wrapped her arms around him.

“It’s my pleasure, Rae. Good to see you again.” He blushed slightly as he returned her hug.

“Hello, Dad.” I hugged him tightly.

“My baby girl,” Dad said as he squeezed me tightly.

“Xavier, thank you for letting us know about what transpired this week. I appreciate hearing from you. More importantly, I appreciate you taking care of our little girl,” my dad said sounding a little gruff.

I was surprised for a moment. I hadn’t realized that Xavier had contacted them about the attempted kidnapping. Clearly, he didn’t tell them about the twins, though.

“I promised you, sir, that I would always take care of her. She will always come before me,” Xavier said returning my father’s handshake. “I’m sure you both must be exhausted from the long flight. I’ve made dinner reservations for 6:00 p.m. at the Metropolitan Grill. Please, allow me to go check you in.” My father went with Xavier leaving me with my mom.

My mother grabbed my hand and pulled me down to the couch in the lobby. “Has Xavier been able to find out anything else about what happened?” she asked, sounding concerned.

“No, Mom. The police don’t have any leads.”

“Does he still think Stephen is involved?” she asked, sounding worried.

“Yes,” I replied softly.

“I have to tell you, Ella. I asked around yesterday and Stephen and Carline were seen around town right up until Christmas. Neither one of them have been spotted since Sunday. They are supposed to be staying in the area through New Year’s, but they seem to have up and disappeared,” my mom said frowning.

“Mom!” I grabbed her arm in a sudden panic. “I don’t want you playing detective like that. Please let Xavier take care of things,” I implored. If Stephen was behind this and not afraid to hurt me, I knew for sure he wouldn’t hesitate to go after my mother.

“Let Xavier take care of what?” he asked from behind me. Shit!

I widened my eyes silently imploring with my mother to keep her mouth shut, but she went and told him anyway. He stared off at the entrance lost in thought for a moment before he grabbed his phone and started typing furiously.

“Stewart?” I asked.

He nodded. “I have to meet with some of the staff here concerning some last minute details for tomorrow. Laveta is also on her way with your dress and my tux. Why don’t you show your parents to their room,” Xavier kindly suggested.

I gave him a quick kiss. “No peeking with the dress now.” I shook a finger at him.

“And ruin the surprise? I wouldn’t dream of it, sweetness,” he said teasingly.

“I’ll see you in a bit.” I winked at him. Before turning to head to the elevator with my parents, I spotted Stewart entering the lobby heading straight for Xavier. With Stephen’s whereabouts suddenly unknown, I’m sure Xavier is going to have Stewart on heightened alert.

Xavier had my parents set up in a deluxe executive suite. It wasn’t nearly the size of the Cascade but it was very well appointed and opulent enough to impress them greatly. I kissed them both goodbye telling them to get some rest and headed back to our suite.

I curled up on the bed and turned on the TV. The next thing I know, Xavier is snuggling up next to me. With his nose nuzzled in my neck and his insanely sexy scent filling my nose it caused my skin to explode with goose bumps.

“Have I told you lately just how freaking hot you are?” I mumbled, my voice thick with sleep.

His silent laughter shook me from behind. “I’ll show you just how hot I think you are later.” He nibbled my neck.

I tilted my head back granting him better access. He took advantage making me moan softly. “You’ll show me now,” I demanded.

“Hate to disappoint you, sweetness, but we have dinner reservations in less than hour. May I remind you those plans include your parents?”

“You are such a tease,” I whined. When I rolled over to look at him, he was only wearing a towel wrapped low around his hips. I groaned. He laughed. I resisted the urge to smack him.

Reluctantly, I rolled out of bed and made my way to the bathroom. But not before I slowly stripped out of my clothes as I walked across the room. I smiled when I heard his groan.

“Payback is a bitch, baby.” I spun around in the doorway of the bathroom making sure he got an eyeful before I kicked the door closed.

Feeling fresh from my shower, I took one more glance in the mirror before I exited the bathroom. I gave myself a conspiratorial smirk knowing that the dress I chose for this evening was going to drive him crazy.

It was a beautiful, black, strapless, chiffon dress with a ruched waistband that led down into a knee-length skirt with a sheer finish. Under the sheer skirt, the actual dress only came down to my mid-thigh. I paired the dress with black patent, red sole, Christian Louboutin pumps that made my short legs look a mile long. But the real surprise was hidden under my dress waiting to be revealed later.

I opened the bathroom door eager for his reaction. He was waiting for me in the bedroom and spun around when he heard the door open. His mouth hung open, as his eyes grew wide. Slowly, he made his way over to me, which allowed me the time to ogle him.

He was dressed impeccably in a black, three-piece suit. For the first time, he was minus any kind of a tie. The crisp white dress shirt had the first few buttons left undone revealing just enough of his chest to make him look off the charts sexy. I wanted to run my tongue up his chest so badly it was making my mouth water. Geez, my hormones were so ramped up! I was turning into the nympho he always playfully accuses me of being.

He stopped before me grabbing my face in his hands. “Ella, I’m running out of adjectives to express how beautiful you look. You’re breathtaking, stunning, gorgeous, and sexy. I’d say pick one, but to me you are all of the above and then some.”

He sealed his mouth over mine kissing me hungrily. I ran my hands up his abdomen until I made contact with the warm, smooth skin of his bare chest, but I didn’t stop there. My hands glided up his neck to the back of his head where I wrapped my fingers into his silky strands. A low, sexy grumble vibrated through his chest.

When his lips started to trail kisses down my neck, it was enough of a respite to snap me out of my Xavier-induced lust-filled haze. “Dinner,” I gasped as he continued to kiss and nip along my jaw.

He sighed heavily. When the rush of his hot breath hit the sensitive skin on my neck, I closed my eyes trying to fight the sudden urge to rip his clothes off. Later. There will be plenty of time for that later.

“I get caught up in you so easily, Ella,” he whispered in my ear. “You drive me to the point where I could forget everything and everyone but you.” He planted a soft kiss behind my ear before he pulled away. “But we have plans. Let’s not keep your parents waiting.” He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the room.

Sure enough, my parents were waiting for us down in the lobby. My cheeks heated at the thought of how I almost blew them off. It didn’t go unnoticed by my mother.

BOOK: New Beginnings
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