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Authors: Erika Ashby

No Going Back (25 page)

BOOK: No Going Back
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She laughs. “Well, everyone is different and with every piercing. The piercing itself does take a month to heal and that is if you follow the instructions and keep up with it. But just because it isn’t healed doesn’t mean the pleasure factory isn’t in full working order. Plus, if it’s sensitive, there are still plenty of ways to have sex without it being touched. So you’re wedding night won’t be screwed…well, in a bad way.” She winks and she rolls her chair towards me. “Okay, I’m going to use this clamp to clamp the skin together. For the most part that’s the only type of pain you will even feel.”

“Alright,” I say hesitantly. Jesika is beside me holding my hand, looking down watching the Lacy chick who is about to stab my clit.

“I’m going to count to three, okay?” I don’t reply as she starts counting. “One, two…” I scream.

“Shit! Motherfucking shit!” I’m sure I’m going to be doing the walk of shame out of this place knowing that everyone and their dog heard me screaming bloody fucking murder.

“All done,” she says as she takes her gloves off and throws them in the trash. “Here’s your cleansing instructions. If you have any problems feel free to call me and I can assist you with as much as possible. Other than that, it went really well and I think it should work out great for you.” She winks.

I pull my panties up and my skirt down and slowly start taking baby steps. “Everything feel okay?” Jesika asks, amused by the fact that I’m walking like a granny.

“Mmmhmm.” I start feeling a bit of the sensation from the piercing. “I’m just testing out the waters.”

“God, are you going to freaking moan every time you walk?”

“Hey, don’t judge. You would to.”

I’m known for somewhat being a fashionista. I like to be different and add my own flare, which is exactly why I didn’t go for the typical white wedding dress. Nope, mine is silver. Yes, a dark silver that is strapless. It’s form fitting all the way to the knees, where it then flows out some with a very small train. The bodice is bedazzled along with a part near the waist. It’s freaking gorgeous, and as soon as I saw it I knew it was the one. I had Seth wear black pants and a silver button up to match my dress. I told him he could totally rock his white and black Adidas, because let’s face it, he’s a rocker and he’s fucking sexy in anything he wears.

We are facing each other in front of the manmade, but still beautiful, rock waterfall. Seth’s hair is combed his normal crazy way, going in all directions, making me want to get my hands in it even more so. His blue eyes are sparkling orbs of happiness staring back at me.

“You look fucking gorgeous babe.” He eyes me up and down, licking his bottom lip. I want to lick that lip. “I can’t wait to strip that dress off of you.” He looks at the officiator. “How much longer till I’m able to do that to my wife?”

The dude is actually super down to earth and just laughs at Seth’s eagerness to bed his soon-to-be wife.

“Well, if you’re ready to do this, then I am too.” He opens the folder that holds the paper he reads word for word from, along with what I’m assuming is our wedding certificate. He goes through the whole typical spill of the do you’s and we say our I do’s, and as quickly as Seth presses his lips to mine as we’re announced husband and wife, he hikes me up and tosses me like a bean bag over his shoulder.

“Seth!” I try to hold back the moan. The sensation that my new barbell sends through my body is almost too much. “Put me down. We still have to sign our certificate or we aren’t married.”

“Oh yeah,” he says as he turns us around with me still perched up across his shoulder. “I’m not putting you down until we are in our room and I’m stripping you. So, you’re just going to have to sign upside down,” he states with determination in his voice.

They make sure to snap plenty of pictures of me being not so pleasantly whisked away by my now husband. Wow, I’m married…to Seth. He opens our door, quickly shuts and locks it and walks over to the bed. He lets me slide down his body which almost has me coming undone again. I bite my lip tightly hoping the sensation of pain will weaken the sensation between my legs. The bed is covered in rose pedals and the room is dimly lit with candles. There’s even music on. Rock music. Go figure. But it’s low enough where as it won’t cause any distractions. He turns me around facing away from him and pulls all the pins from my hair allowing it to cascade around my face and neck. Pushing all of my hair to one side he then kisses along my shoulder blade up to my neck working my zipper down along the way.

He slowly pushes the bodice of my dress down letting it slowly work its way down my body until it’s a puddle around my still heeled feet. I turn to face him standing in nothing but my lacey thong and red heels.

“You look so fucking gorgeous Mrs. Jordan.” He proudly smiles.

“I love the way that sounds.”

“Well, I love you and all the sounds I’m about to have you making.” He says as I start to unbutton his shirt. I push his shirt back over his shoulders and let if fall to the floor. I gasp as I instantly see a newly added tattoo addition that is resting on his heart. I go to trace it with my finger but quickly pull back realizing that I shouldn’t touch it since it’s brand spanking new. I have tears as it hits me what his new permanent fixture is.

“I hope you like it. I wanted to give you something meaningful for our wedding night. I guess me getting a tattoo isn’t necessarily giving you something, but…” I place my finger over his lips to shut him up.

“It’s perfect.” I take in the detail of the pair of red heels placed perfectly over his heart with the read and silver-ish mask that’s blended in behind it with the word
scrolled across it. It’s fucking gorgeous. “What made you get this?” I look up at him.

He grabs my hands into his and kisses each one, “The masquerade ball. It was the first night I ever really noticed you. I knew that night I had to have you, but not in the typical way I was used to having women. I wanted to know you. So, to me this tattoo represents the night my life changed for the best…the night you walked into my life.”

“God I love you!” I jump into his arms, wrapping my legs around him and making sure not to lose my heels in the process. The same heels that are now on his heart. I moan as my piercing rubs against his bare stomach.

“You have been moaning all fucking night woman.” He laughs against my mouth as he lays me back on the bed. I push myself back so that my head is resting on a pillow. I love the feeling of the soft rose petals against my body. Go fucking figure, the song Bed of Roses starts to play on the radio. I look at Seth and raise my brow at him.

“Did you plan that?”

He raises his hands. “I promise you I had nothing to do with that. It’s perfect fucking timing though.” He pushes me back and blankets my body with his as he works his lip magic on me. He lets his hand slide in between us and work its way down my body until his palm is covering my clit. He slowly adds some pressure as he moves it in a circular motion while letting his fingers run up and down the lace of my panties, right over the place I’m growing wetter by the second. He stops all movement and pulls his head away from mine, giving me an awkward look.

“What is it?” I ask, trying to figure out what made him put the brakes on. He doesn’t answer me. He pushes himself back so that he’s positioned between my legs, resting on his knees. His eyes make their way down my body as if they’re playing hide-and-seek until BINGO, they stop. He keeps his gaze down and I can see him biting his lip. Almost as if he’s anticipating what he’s about to uncover. He uses both hands to slowly inch down my thong until its right at the piercing. He looks up at me and I give him an innocent shrug while biting on my finger and trying to look all seductive.

He flashes me his wickedly sexy smile as he uncovers his prize. I let him sit back and admire his new toy and even play with it. As soon as he touches it my body is thrown into overdrive. I want to come, like

“Hot damn baby! When’d you get this?” He lets his finger run back and forth across it. I use both hands to grip the blanket as I’m about to get off. He can totally sense it too and doesn’t bother trying to keep me from doing so.

“The other day,” I pant out. “God, Seth. I’m about to come.”

“I know you are baby. Can I lick it?” he asks with hope in his voice.

“Ahh, you can try, but I was told that it takes a couple days for oral to feel good, but damn that finger of yours has me spinning out of control.” He lies down between my legs and looks up at me from down under before lightly swiping his tongue over my pussy piercing. It feels good, but weird. Almost tickles. I actually giggle. “Okay, yeah, that’s not gonna work just yet.” He lets his finger take the place of his tongue as he licks his way down and pushes his tongue inside me. I buck underneath him from the double pleasured sensation of having him rubbing me and licking my insides. I’m a goner. I come undone around his tongue and he makes sure to lick up every bit before standing up to undo do his pants. Normally I’d be all about helping this fine ass man undress, but I’m pretty much in orgasm overload right now. That damn thing was intense and I have a feeling it’s going to be a long intense filled night.

He quickly undoes his belt and pants and pushes them down. He kicks them off along with his shoes. I go to kick mine off but the sad look he gives me has me changing my mind. He positions himself between me and traces his finger from my temple down to my chin before asking, “What made you get that? Not that I’m complaining, I just never thought you would.”

“I wanted to do something for you…something special for our wedding night. And you’ve dropped hints about me getting a clit ring for a while now so I figured what the hell. It’s pretty crazy how you decided to get the tattoo for me — that we both did something crazy for each other.”

He bends down and gives me a gentle kiss. “I told you, you are my ying, baby.” And with that he pushes himself into me. “I’m going to spend all night making love to you.”

“I’ve always wanted to make love in a tub…to you of course, but I’ve never had a big enough one for it to work. So, this will be a first for me.” He gets a cheesy ass grin on his face. “This will be two firsts for me today. I’ll be making love in a tub and to my now hot wife. I’ve never been married before, you know?” He winks. He’s such a dork sometimes, but it only intensifies my love for him.

“Well, it’s two firsts for me as well Seth. I know we’ve both been around the block a few times before finding each other, but I hope we still have plenty more firsts that we can share together.” I look into his eyes that are filled with so much hope and promise of our future together. I can see how much he loves me along with how he shows me every day. Over a year ago I would have never thought Seth had a heart of gold. A heart of sterling silver, maybe. Do I blame him for the way he guarded his heart by pretending not to fully have one? No way; anyone who has been hurt like him would surely do everything in their powers to never let it be destroyed again. For that alone I have to make sure he knows that I will never hurt him.

I place my hand on his heart. “Your heart is safe with me Seth. I will treat it as if it’s my own, because now it is. You own my heart. You own my soul. All that I am belongs to you and I know that with you it is safe.” Sex is something we both use to use to hide our insecurities and pain when we hooked up with random people. It helped us temporarily forget. We used it as a drug. Making love doesn’t have to be sweet and slow. It can be hard and fast. It can be what most would consider fucking, but when you love each other it will always be more. Showing each other what you feel through every touch, kiss, moan, lick and thrust, making sure to put everything you have into it, can say more than words ever will. It’s true that actions speak louder than words. And with Seth and I actions speak volumes in the bed…well, in this case the tub.

Chapter Thirty-Two


This is my fucking wedding day and I’m going to make damn sure that it’s perfect for Mallory. For me it’d be perfect no matter what, but Mallory deserves it to be memorable in every way possible. As I’m staring at her beautiful body, all I want to do is take my time with every inch of it. I want to rub her feet and slowly make my way up her body until she’s jumping my bones. I know she can’t hold out for very long with being teased, and it’s not that I want to tease her; I just want to show her whole body the attention it deserves.

BOOK: No Going Back
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