Not Planning on You (27 page)

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Authors: Sydney Landon

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Women, #General

BOOK: Not Planning on You
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Surprisingly enough, she found exactly what she was looking for in the store next to the Gap.
Now I see how it goes. You buy a sexy dress and a pair of ‘do me’ shoes and then in nine months you end up shopping in the Baby Gap. Note to self, buy a case of condoms and double bag that sucker!


Beth and Ella stood outside the dressing room as she went inside to try it on. She hoped it looked as good as it did on the hanger. The dress looked simple from the front. It was an emerald green in a slinky, jersey material with boat neckline. It almost looked demure until you got a look at the back. The dress draped very low and exposed her back almost to the curve of her hips. It was both elegant and sexy, exactly the combination she’d been searching for.


Even though she knew it was crazy since she could only wear one, Suzy found a beautiful pair of sandals with mile high heels in a tan color. The sandals were simple with thin leather straps over her toes and ankle. Surely she could wear one heel along with her cast. If it was too uncomfortable, she’d make do with a flat shoe. She couldn’t wait until she finally got the cast removed in a few more weeks.

Finally everyone had their purchases and they grabbed a quick sandwich in the food court before heading back to work. There must be something to retail therapy because she did feel better when she got back to the office. Hopefully if she just stayed busy, the rest of the week would fly by.
Chapter Twenty One





When Thursday evening rolled around, Suzy had to admit that she’d done pretty well even though there were moments when she wanted to pick up the phone and call Gray. As she was lying in bed that night, her cell phone chimed with a new text message. She smiled when she saw that it was from Gray. ‘I know I’m not supposed to call or text, but I wanted to make sure that we were still on for tomorrow night. I’ll pick you up at seven for your birthday extravaganza. I love you baby. PS, I guess asking what you’re wearing is out of the question?’


Suzy threw back her head and laughed. He had no idea how much she needed this tonight.
Just being able to go to sleep knowing that things were still ok between them was such a relief. She clicked on the reply to the text and typed, ‘seven is fine slick. Of course you can ask what I’m wearing. I’m already in bed so I have on my best granny panties, flannel pajamas and knee socks. See


Her phone almost immediately dinged back with another message from Gray saying, ‘you’re a cruel woman, but I love you anyway. Sleep well.’


Suzy slept the best that she had in days and woke tingling in anticipation of the evening ahead. She literally floated through the day at work. Even when an order was messed up from one of her suppliers, she simply told them that ‘these things happen.’ The poor guy had actually just stood looking at her in shock. Normally she’d have ripped him a new one, but she just didn’t have it in her to be pissed off.


Beth was going back to her apartment for the weekend and Nick had mentioned something about having plans. She certainly had plans of her own. She’d asked Beth to stop on their way home to pick up some whipped cream. Beth had literally thrown it at her when she got back into the car saying, “Ugh, I don’t even want to know. FYI though, you’re washing your own sheets.”


With an exaggerated wiggle of her eyebrows Suzy said, “Loosen up, sis, we can get you your own can of whipped cream and I’ll let you borrow my handcuffs. I saw the way Greg was chatting you up at work earlier.”


“Oh please, he’s like five feet tall which means his eyes are right on level with my boobs. He stared at them the entire time while I was forced to look down at his shiny, bald head. I’m glad you have such high hopes for me though.”


“Hey don’t worry; we’ll get you laid yet. It’s next on my to-do list right after Gray and I


“Ok, stop! I don’t want to hear what’s on your list for Gray. I’d like to be able to look him in the eyes again without imagining where his mouth or your mouth has been.”


Suzy laughed as they pulled in the driveway. Beth followed her in to pick up some clothing that she’d left, and within a few minutes, she had the house to herself. She flipped the television on in the bedroom and put on a music video channel. Soon she was dancing around the room. It wasn’t exactly graceful since she had to work with her cast, but hey, at least no one was around to witness the train wreck.




With fifteen minutes to spare, Suzy walked in the living room to wait for Gray. She had to admit that she looked and felt great. She was freshly washed, shaved and groomed. She thought Gray would really get a kick out of the design she’d managed to make in her downstairs area with her bikini shaver. She’d applied her favorite lotion to every inch of her body and the new green dress looked even better than it had in the store. She was wearing her one high heel, but had tucked a flat shoe in her purse in case she needed to change.


She could feel her nipples harden as the clock ticked seven. Gray should be here at any moment. Traffic was probably heavy on Friday between Charleston and Myrtle Beach. She got up to pour herself a glass of wine to take the edge off of the hunger that was humming in her body. Would they even make it to a restaurant without making love first? She’d missed him so much this week and heat was pooling between her thighs just thinking of the last time he’d been inside of her.


Suzy could easily picture Gray walking into the kitchen as he had the first time they’d made love. He’d mold his body to hers, pushing her against the counter. His big hands would come around her front to cup her breasts while his hot mouth would lick and nip down the curve of her neck. He’d then raise the back of her dress, lower her panties and part her legs. She’d hear his zipper lower and then the head of his cock would nudge against her sex. Still without saying a word, he’d surge into her heat to the hilt. He’d pound into her over and over and she’d be helpless to resist.


Suzy’s body was tight with desire, her fantasy had her so aroused that she was desperate to relieve the hunger that raged inside of her. Surely she could make it until Gray arrived. A quick look at her watch showed he was already fifteen minutes late.
Oh screw it, I can’t even walk now, my clit is so sensitive.
Suzy pulled her dress up and slid her hand into her soaking wet panties. As she flicked her fingers against her swollen sex, she knew it would only take a few strokes to make her come. She worked her throbbing clit between two fingers. She could almost feel the heat of Gray’s tongue sliding inside her as she increased the speed of her hand. Her body clenched, starting to crest as her orgasm washed over her. She continued to work her fingers, trying to relieve the exquisite pressure that still throbbed inside of her. Just as she was slowing her hand, another orgasm took hold of her as the release that she so desperately needed washed over her.


Limp with relief, Suzy sagged against the counter surprised that she’d just pleasured herself in the kitchen.
Have I lost my mind? What was it that Nick had called it, barbequing alone? I think that was more like a four alarm fire. Good grief what if he or Beth had walked in? I’d never live it down.
Of course imagining Gray walking in was enough to set her body humming again. She hurriedly grabbed another pair of panties from the bedroom and discarded the now damp ones. Another look at her watch showed it was almost eight. Where was Gray?




Suzy had roamed every inch of the house for hours it seemed. It was now after ten and Gray had never shown up. She’d called him and left several messages wanting to make sure he was ok. She’d even resorted to checking the internet to make sure there were no accidents reported locally. As midnight approached she had to look at an option that she’d tried to avoid. Maybe this was his way of telling her that it was over. One of the fastest ways to get rid of a woman that you no longer wanted was to stand her up on her birthday.


It was obvious that he was spending time with
and she was pregnant with his child. He was clearly torn between what he felt was his duty and Suzy. Maybe duty had finally won out. She couldn’t believe that Gray would just not show up though.
You knew it was a mistake to show him how much you loved him. You gave him your heart and what if he doesn’t want it either? How many more times are you going to let someone crush you before you learn?




Suzy must have dozed off at some point. She had no idea how long she’d been sitting in the chair in the living room when the light being turned on woke her. She blinked like an owl, trying to adjust to the sudden brightness of the room. She was able to focus just as Nick walked by her towards the back of the house.


Almost as if he knew someone was watching him, Nick suddenly stopped and looked around. When he saw her sitting in the chair, he had almost a comical look of disbelief on his face. My God, did she actually look that bad?


Turning, he smiled and walked back to where she was sitting. As he drew closer, the smile slipped uncertainly from his lips to be replaced by a look of confusion and concern. “Suzy, what’re you doing sitting out here by yourself?” Then looking around he asked, “Where’s my brother?”


Bitter laughter spewed forth from her lips as she answered, “I don’t know Nick; your guess is as good as mine at this point.”


Nick crouched down on his knees, squatting in front of her. “Did you two have a fight or something? I can’t believe he’d just bail on you like that.”


“No….He’d have to show up for us to fight. I haven’t seen your brother tonight. I guess he had a change of plans.
Nice of him to call, right?”


Alarm crossed Nick’s face as the impact of her words sank in. “Suzy, that’s not like Gray. Have you tried to call him?”


“Of course I have, Nick,” Suzy snapped.


Suzy couldn’t miss the hurt expression that crossed his face at her nasty tone. She took a deep breath trying to remember that although they were brothers, Nick had never been anything but good to her. “Nick, I’m sorry. I did try to call him several times, and he didn’t answer my calls or call me back. I also checked the traffic reports and there wasn’t any accidents reported.” Running a hand along the back of her neck trying to relieve the tension there, she asked, “What time is it?”


“It’s just after one. I’m supposed to fly out in the morning and needed to pick up some papers that I left here. I thought I could be in and out without bothering you guys. Suzy let me make some calls. This just isn’t Gray. Something must have happened.”


Fatigue was bearing down on her fast. She wanted nothing more than to slip under the covers and bury herself in the bed until she stopped hurting again. She gave Nick the best smile that she could manage and let him help her up from the chair. Her muscles were stiff from hours of sitting. He held onto her arm as she made her way to the bedroom and softly closed the door. She was safe in here. She didn’t have to look into Nick’s sympathy filled eyes. Or were they filled with pity instead? She didn’t even bother to undress; she simply pulled the covers back and curled up in a ball in the bed. Sweet oblivion reached out to claim her as she drifted
to sleep with a heart so heavy it was almost hard to breathe.

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