Obsession (A Bad Boy's Secret Baby) (20 page)

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Authors: Nora Flite,Adair Rymer

BOOK: Obsession (A Bad Boy's Secret Baby)
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Spotting a white robe behind the door, I slid into it smoothly. It was a little big, but it would work for now. My wet hair tumbled over my shoulders, fighting my attempts to untangle it with my fingers.
I need to think. How do I get out of here?

Peeking from the bathroom, I confirmed that I was still alone. I couldn't resist testing the doorknob once more. There was no surprise that it jiggled uselessly, but my frustration still grew. What was that guy thinking? What gave him the right to make me some weird sort of prisoner?

He called me a damsel.
That word floored me with disgust.
I'm not a damsel.

What would Claudine do if she were here?

Pacing, I studied the room for inspiration. There was very little to look at, just a tiny dresser that held nothing but a Bible, the bathroom I'd already explored, and a bed that was good for one thing only—sleep.

There was a small window as well, but when I spread the blinds, I saw it would be no help. It was a straight fall to the ground below, nothing to grip or help me climb down. I'd snap into several pieces if I tried to scale the painted sides of the building.

Downstairs, something loud crashed. Jumping, I froze, ears straining to listen for more noise.
What the hell?
Whatever had happened, it had a distinct, destructive edge to it. Minutes later, nothing beyond silence kept me company.

Chewing the inside of my cheek, I went back to pacing. Adrenaline was rising in me, fueled by the unknown. I was out of my element, dropped into a new world with drugs, guns, and slavery.
Here I am, wanting to go back to the latter,
I thought with a laugh.
That's why Ronin thinks I'm crazy. Or suicidal. Or both.

Thinking about the biker again, I warred with my mingling emotions. If he really thought he'd been saving me, it was hard to be mad at him. Then again, when I'd tried to reason with him, he'd responded by calling me a junkie and a liar.

He was my only method back to the brothel... back to Claudine. He had transportation, and he also knew the way. But, if I couldn't get his help, I had a vague idea of the direction we'd driven. If I just had access to his damn bike, I could get to a main road. Surely, I'd find someone who knew
the brothel. It had been too busy for it to be an unknown.

So much was up in the air, and all of it relied on me getting out of here. Eyeing the room again, I crinkled my mouth.
A weapon, maybe. I could catch Ronin off guard, knock him out and run. Would that work?

It was an exciting idea, but beyond the Bible, there was nothing to wield. Plus, I was much shorter than the guy. Hitting him in the head with a book was comical.
If I had anything bigger, it still might not work. He looks pretty tough, guess he'd have to be to stand up to those bikers.

Even with my foggy memories, I knew Ronin had been stunning in his confidence. A straight on attack from me was pretty stupid to try.

But what else was there?

My attention roamed back to the bed, gliding absently over the blankets.
I stood perfectly straight.
Beds can be used for more than just sleep.
Oh god, was I really going to do... that?

Lowering my hands, I tightened the strap around my bathrobe. Never in my life had I tried—or even thought about trying—to seduce a man. It wasn't a skill in my possession, not by a mile. I wasn't some shy virgin, sure, but handling a boyfriend was nothing like tempting the enemy.

The enemy...

Rustling my hair, I rocked on my heels.
This is a dumb idea. You won't know what to do.
Then again... Ronin
'won' me in that crazy poker game. He hadn't known me from a hole in the floor, didn't that mean he had to like me, even just a bit? Who would risk their life for someone they weren't interested in?

Crunching my molars, I glanced at the door.
Don't over think this. Just give it a shot. If he falls for it, he'll be vulnerable. I can probably slip the keys to his bike from his clothes.
My stomach did a little flip.
Fuck. That means he'll have to take his clothes off.

How far was I going to go to get out of here?

In my mind, the smiling face of my sister flickered by. Clenching my hands, I took a deliberate step towards the bed.
Claudine needs me. I can do this. I told Ronin I'd do anything to get what I want and I...

I meant that.

Stretching across the blanket, I splayed against the pillows. I'd seen enough lingerie magazines to know the 'sexy' pose the models would strike for their shoots. Logically, I did my best to contort into that position.

Reaching down, I tugged the front of my robe open until I thought I was showing the right amount of cleavage. Then, as an afterthought, I lifted the hem of the cloth over my hip. With nothing on beneath, I was sure I had to look at least a

Now, just act casual, and when he gets here—

I'd figured I had plenty of time to think my plan over. I wanted to predict the possibilities, and to practice my sensual, casual smile when Ronin arrived.

When the brass knob suddenly turned, letting him into the room, I wasn't ready.

Wide-eyed, I froze in place, the both of us locking stares. Clearly, he was just as surprised to see me as I was to see him. Maybe he'd expected me to be sleeping, or to have tried my little 'surprise attack' plan. Whatever he'd predicted, it wasn't this; me, sprawled out invitingly on the bed.

Slowly, one corner of his mouth lifted. “Don't you look comfy.”

It took every ounce of control not to clasp my robe shut. “That's... um.”
Shit shit think! Just get talking!
I grasped for a thread of useful conversation. “What was that noise earlier?”

His confident smile cracked. “The gentle rapping of consequence, of course.”

What the hell is he talking about?
Pushing aside his strange answer, I shifted on the mattress. It was subtle, but the motion revealed more of my upper thigh. Ronin watched me, not hiding his interest.

The comfortable tilt to his hips went deeper, arms crossing. “Good to see that there's still some life left in you. You seem much more 'revived' than earlier.”

Again, I stretched my leg out. Ronin's eyes twinkled, sending shivers up my spine. Could he see my goosebumps from where he was? “I... I
alive. All because of you.” My nails dug into the pillow under me. Walking the line between the truth and my calculated lies was making me nervous. “If you hadn't saved me tonight, who knows what would have happened to me.”

“Hmph,” he chuckled skeptically.

“I'm sorry, I'm not very good at this kind of thing. But...” I sat up quickly. It was a wonder that the robe didn't fall straight open, exposing me entirely. “I want to apologize for how I acted earlier. I was confused—terrified, really.” This came easier, my reality something tangible to mix into my facade.

Ronin tilted his head, the rest of him an ancient stone. “Can't say I hate the idea of an apology. Don't get many of those. Lot's of begging, crying and 'sorries,' sure, but that's just another day at the office.”

He said it so casually, referencing the death of others like an afterthought. And how could he still be smiling? Everything about this man stunned me, but I didn't have the time to wallow in surprise.

Standing, the squeak of the bed springs rang louder than thunder.
I told myself. Impossibly, I did, swaying towards Ronin as sexily as I could manage. If he sensed my unease, he didn't show it. He wore that same mask; a smirk that could cut diamonds and eyes that pierced through my flesh.

My mouth was dry, words frail. “What I'm trying to say...” Reaching out, I bumped the door shut behind him. The click was as good as a gunshot. “Is that I want to thank you, Ronin.
thank you.”

I caught the glint of his teeth. “Yeah? Propriety isn't exactly my strong suit. How does that kind of thank you work?”

Though I was panicking inside, I ran my shaking hand down his arm, grazing his vest as I went. He didn't pull away, and that by itself was encouraging. “I have a few ideas.”

He leaned a mere inch forward, the simple motion sending that intoxicating scent of his right into my brain. “Enlighten me,” he whispered.

For a second I locked up, lost in the heady, warm aroma of his being. We were close enough that I could see a small scar on the side of his jaw, the ruddy color of his unfairly full lips. Men shouldn't have such glorious eyes, especially men I was supposed to seduce.

My confidence was cracking under the rumble of warmth in my stomach. Ronin hardly blinked, eyes half-lidded, lazy in his expectation. I was learning the type of man he was very quickly, but each new layer I revealed just exposed a more enticing one.

Was the situation making me unstable, or was it the heat of his body?

His lips twitched, and my inhale was so crisp and loud I made myself blush. “So,” he said, drawling out his word. “If 'proper' is to just stand here, blessing me with silence, I'll take the alternative. It's not a terrible thank you, I guess I just expected a bit more.”


The word implied a million things. All of them were decadent, sinful and tantalizing. My plan was fading in the wake of Ronin's impossibly raw presence. It wasn't supposed to go this way. How did women make this look so easy in the movies? They'd touch a guy on the chin and he'd drool right into her palm.

Except, with Ronin's mouth inches away,
felt like drooling. Dammit.

Biting my tongue, I dove into the brief pain—chased it and let it clear my mind.
Claudine, the motorcycle keys, the escape. Focus!
With new determination, I pushed my body against his, driving him into the wall. The 'thud' was cathartic, the glimmer of intrigue in Ronin's stare enhancing my awareness.

In just the bathrobe, my collarbone scraped over the smooth surface of his leather vest. Lowering my palms, I stroked the material, trying to covertly feel for his keys. Ronin made a small noise. “That's more like it.”

Glancing up at him, I tugged his vest away. He watched it go, following it as it landed on the floor. I thought there was a shade of something tragic in his eyes, but I couldn't be sure. I had other things to worry about.

I reached for his belt, planning to carefully search his pockets next. His fingers darted out, catching my wrist firmly. “Slow down,” he hushed, pulling my attention back to him. “You don't need to rush. Not like we're going anywhere tonight.”

Hot guilt mixed with my paranoia.
Why would he say that?
Did he suspect something? Looking into his cocky expression, I didn't think so. But the man was a damn enigma. One second he was rescuing me, another imprisoning me, and now...

Now, I'm wondering how far he'll let me go with him.

In my head, the idea of luring Ronin into disrobing had seemed efficient. I wasn't ready for the way he affected me. And fuck, definitely not ready for the way his skin felt when it touched mine. There was a wickedness in his face, an alluring thing that made this encounter too real. I wanted to lock my mind away and act on impulse, but Ronin was a magnet that wouldn't allow me to withdraw.

He took my hand, slid it up over his shirt. Beneath the material, I felt the hard valley of his stomach muscles. Without looking, I could tell he was magnificent. Something low and hot and primal twinged within me, the pressure rolling down until I clenched my thighs.

My shiver went from my toes to my scalp; there was no hiding how I shut my eyes to endure it.
What the hell? What's wrong with me?
I was supposed to be the one in charge of this situation. This was
secret escape attempt!

Between us both, an impossible fire was burning. I didn't know who had started it, just that it was clawing at my center, tightening my chest and my heart. This man was too exciting for me, he was pulling me under and taking my air.

Why did drowning feel so damn


I jerked my head up, blinking at his calm gaze. My lips were both swollen and dry. “I—yes?”

“I said slow, not stop.” His grin was slanted charmingly.

With great effort, I nodded—my whole head felt full of iron ball bearings. I didn't dare try and explain.
Just find the keys
. I didn't have to sleep with him, I told myself that fact over and over. I'd get the keys, shove his pants around his ankles, then push him aside and just
before he could react.

The door wasn't locked right now. If I was fast enough, I could do this.

Swallowing, my stare drifted lower. I saw his belt, my fingers perching above it. Summoning control, I forced my hand against the leather strap. The metal clasp dangled free after I tugged it, a gate that waited for me to go further.

I can do this.

Each thump of my heart entranced me.

It's nothing, just unzip him.

Yes. It would be so simple. Even with my trembling hands, surely I could get his jeans down, and then... then...

Oh god. Oh fucking god.

I knew, logically, the keys had to be in his pockets. On my way there to confirm, a challenge on its own, I'd come across something else. Something that stole my breath and demanded my attention far more than my stealth.

Ronin's jeans outlined the entire length of what had to be the biggest cock I'd ever imagined. It strained against the material, proclaiming its existence and tempting me to set it free.

Just seeing it, picturing what it might look like—how it would feel—had my lungs testing the strength of my ribs. My legs shook, my muscles wavering. The sheer, violent pressure that rocketed down into my lower belly left me delirious.

This... this situation... no. It was beyond me. I couldn't do this.

“What's wrong?” he whispered, his hand curling around to cup my lower back. He'd hardly touched me this entire time, but my cells lit up like he'd been intentionally stoking my arousal. “You're not giving up already, are you?”

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