Official Girl 3 (10 page)

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Authors: Charmanie Saquea

BOOK: Official Girl 3
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“Neicey we need to talk.”

“What do you want from me Mykell? You’ve already said what you had to say and made me feel like shit. You wanted me gone, so I left.”

“I want you Neicey,” he said in a low tone.

“What?” I asked confused.

“I said I want you,” he said speaking louder this time. “I want you and my son to come home so we can be a family. Make it like it was before all the bullshit happened. You know, make it like it was when we first got together.”

Before I knew it, I reached back and slapped the shit out of him. “I hate you Mykell! You never wanted me from jump. You were too busy fucking Kya and any other bitch. I loved you, I gave you my virginity. I was raped because of you, I lost my baby because of you, I was beat, my house was shot up, and I killed people. All for a nigga who never gave a fuck about me!” I yelled while punching him in his chest.

He just stood there and took it. That was it, I had finally reached my breaking point. He finally grabbed my hands and I broke down crying in his chest. “Shhh. I’m sorry baby. I’m sorry.”

He gently kissed my tears away. As much as I hate this man, I love him at the same time. He tried to kiss my lips but I turned my head stubbornly. He took that as an opportunity to kiss my neck. I felt his hands travel down to the front of my pants. “No Kell.” I tried to stop him but he only moved my hands out the way. He unbuttoned my pants and laid me on the bed, pulling my pants off.

He stared at me in my eyes while he took my thong off. He pulled me to the edge of the bed and got down on his knees. I tried to get up but he had a tight grip around my legs. I was mad at myself when I heard a gasp escape my mouth when his tongue found my spot.

My hand immediately went to the back of his head and I opened my legs wider for him. It was feeling too good, especially since I haven’t had any sexual contact since weeks before I was in the hospital. No lie, Mykell is a beast in the bedroom.

“Ahhh!” I screamed out when I felt myself explode in his mouth. I was shaking like I was having a damn seizure. Mykell stood up and took his shirt off, there was that big ass tattoo of my name he got for my 21

This nigga think he the shit.
I thought as he got undressed. He climbed in the bed and put one of my legs on his shoulder while he penetrated me. I let out another moan against my will. He started pumping and kissing my neck. I felt something wet and looked up to see Mykell was crying. “I’m sorry Neicey. I love you.”

“I love you too,” I said even though I hate to admit it.

I pushed him off me. “Get on your back.”

He did as I told him and I straddled him. I looked deep into his eyes while I rode him like my life depended on it.

I wiped his tears away and kissed his lips.
No matter how much I love him, I gotta make this move and do what’s best for me.

                                                        *     *     *

Mykell and I went at it all night. I laid in the bed thinking as Mykell slept. The clock read 11:45 and I knew it was time to make my move. I quietly crept out the bed and kissed Mykell softly on the lips before leaving out the room. I walked down the hall to the room Romell was sleeping in and seen my dad was getting him dressed.

“Daddy, Kell is in the room sleep. If he wakes up and asks for me, tell him you don’t know where I went. Please?”

“I got you Ladybug. Now just get out of here and get on that plane.”

“Love you, daddy.” I kissed his cheek.

“Call me when you get there.”

“I will,” I said as I picked up Romell and headed for the door.

The flight to Miami wasn’t so bad. Romell slept the whole way there. When we landed, Lakey was there waiting for us.

“How was your flight Snook?” he asked taking Romell.

“It was alright.”

“I’m happy y’all are here.”

“I’m happy to be here,” I said honestly.

“Like I already told you, I got a condo already set for y’all. It’s got everything you need in there, including clothes, which is why I told you not to pack anything. It’s a car there waiting for you so you don’t have to worry about transportation. Oh, and if you need me, I’m right around the corner.”

“Thank you LaShaun, I really appreciate it.”

“No need to thank me.”

I looked at the beautiful scenery right before my eyes and was happy about moving down here. This is exactly what we needed. Mykell blew up my phone the whole flight, I feel bad about sleeping with him then just leaving him in the middle of the night but that’s just how it played out.

Chapter 1

              Since the family meeting, Ramone and I have been on better terms. We’ve been working on our relationship, I moved back in and I’ve gotten to know Keiyari better. Ever since he and Ranyla have met, they’ve been inseparable. He’s so overprotective of his sister. I’ve even been getting along with Carmen. She made it very clear that she doesn’t want Ramone, she just wants him to be a father to his son and I made it clear that I never had a problem with her.

I woke up to the smell of food being cooked. I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. When I got downstairs Ranyla was in her highchair and Keiyari was feeding her pancakes. Ramone was standing over the stove fixing some eggs.

“Hi Lani!” Keiyari said.

“Hey honey.” I kissed him and Ranyla on the cheek and sat down at the table with them.

“Damn, I don’t get no love?” Ramone asked faking jealous.

“Oooh! Daddy say bad word,” Ranyla squealed.

“Watch ya mouth big head,” I said before kissing his lips.

“Umm I missed that.”

“Just nasty,” Keiyari said shaking his head.

I laughed at him. “Mone have you heard from Neicey?”

Her ass been missing in action for three weeks. Nobody has talked to her or nothing.

“Nope but I got a feeling that Pops and my dad know where she at. She not just gon disappear without letting one of them know what was up.”

“I agree, she could have at least let us know she was going somewhere though. I’m hurt, especially since we tell each other everything. Well, I thought we did.”

“Baby don’t feel like that. You know Ladybug doesn’t make moves unless she has a good reason to, she won’t be MIA for long. She’ll call.”

Yea so you say. Shit not the same without my best friend here with me.



I’ve been in Miami three weeks now and I love it! I swear moving here was the best thing ever. I’ve truly been happy since I moved here. Lakey has been here with me all morning because for some reason for the past three days, I haven’t been feeling too well.

I barely made it to the toilet before everything I ate that morning came up.

“Snook you okay?” Lakey asked wetting a rag and wiping my mouth.

“Yea, I think I caught a bug or something.”

He just looked at me funny. “When was the last time you had a period?”

“LaShaun, you know the day after I started my period you, Mone, Howey, CJ and Jason took me to get on he shot and I haven’t had one since.” I shook my head at the memory of me sitting in the doctor’s office with five grown ass men that were filling in the role of my daddy.

He chuckled. “I remember that day, you was mad at us for going with you. Talking about we were embarrassing you.”

“I hated that.”

“Okay then, let me ask you this. When was the last time you had sex?”

I got up from the floor and rinsed my mouth. Walking back into my bedroom I fussed at him. “I haven’t had sex in…”

I stopped dead in my tracks as flashbacks of the night I left Detroit came back to my memory. Not one time did Mykell pull out.

“Oh my god, noooo!” I whined as I fell back on the bed. “That hazel eyed bastard has struck again.”

“See, you stay here. Imma run and get you a test so we can know for sure,” he said walking out the room.

Lord, please don’t let this be happening to me again.


              Twenty minutes later Lakey came back with some ginger-ale and a First Response Early Pregnancy Test. I took the test and went to the bathroom. I went and peed on the stick and put it on the sink and walked out.

“So wassup?” Lakey asked laying on my bed with his shoes on, knowing damn well I hate that shit.

I walked over to him and took his shoes off. “I have to wait three minutes.”

“Cool, I got you some crackers and something to drink. I already put Fat Fat down for a nap so he’ll be straight for about five hours.” He laughed.

“Leave my baby alone,” I said hitting him in his chest.

We sat and reminisced about the past before he reminded me about the pregnancy test.

“Can you look for me? Pleaseeee?” I pouted.

“Alright man.” He got up and went to the bathroom.

“Ummm I think the two pink lines mean positive.”

At that moment, I felt my heart fall into my stomach.
This can’t be happening.

*    *    *

              Finding out I was pregnant yet again was the worst thing ever. Normal people under normal circumstances would be happy but I was the farthest thing from it. Having another baby, especially his baby was not in my plans. I know what I gotta do, it’s the best choice for me right now.

I called Lakey up and told him my plans. He had my back, like always. I walked into my appointment with a heavy heart.

Do I really wanna do this?

I walked out of the clinic with my eyes full of tears. That was the hardest decision I’ve ever had to make in my life but I was satisfied with it.

Chapter 1

              A nigga could get used to this Miami weather. Don’t get me wrong, I love Cali but this tropical weather is the shit. I can’t even believe I’m here. I’m happy as hell but shocked at the same time. I’m staying at the Marriot on Bayshore Drive and as I was getting dressed to go see Neicey, I thought back to the phone call I received a few days ago.

I had just got out the shower when I heard my phone ring. I saw Neicey’s name on the caller I.D. and I rushed to answer it. “Hello?”

“Hey Kamil, how are you?”

“I’m good ma, so what do I owe the pleasure of this phone call?”

“I need someone to talk to, besides I need to pick yo brain about something.”

“Ok, that’s cool. I’m listening.”

“I actually want to talk in person.”

“Uhh, you want me to come to Detroit.”

She chuckled. “Oh I forgot you don’t know, I moved to Miami two months ago.”

“Oh shit, ok. I can do that.”

“How soon can you get here?”

“How soon you need me?”


“Alright, I’ll look online and see what flight I can take then I’ll call you and let you know.”

“That’s fine.”

Now here I am three days later, in Miami. I drove to Terrazas River Park in anticipation of seeing Neicey. I knocked on her door and felt nervous as hell. Usually niggas would feel like this was a setup but I don’t get that feeling.

The door open and I saw the most beautiful face that I thought I would never see again.
Damn she is so beautiful.

“Hey Kamil,” she greeted smiling.

“Wassup,” I said leaning in for a hug.

My dick stood at attention when she hugged me. She still has that effect on me.

“Come in.” she moved out the way so I could enter.

I nodded my head in approval, this was a bad ass condo and of course she got it decked out.

“Where’s Romell?” I asked.

“He’s with his Godfather.”

“How’s he doing?”

“Good, he’s just ready to get his cast off now so he can move more but the doctor said he wants to wait two more weeks.”

“That’s wassup.” I sat on her couch. “So what did you want to talk to me bout?”

She sat by me and sighed. “Ok, before I moved here I had this feeling that I was being watched or followed. You’re the only person that I’m telling this because I didn’t want anyone thinking it was you. I thought I had eliminated all the key players except for you. I could be wrong or I could just be paranoid. So I need to know who else was in on the plan to take me out.”

Before I could answer, the front door came open. Romell came in running full speed.

“Mommy, look…” he stopped dead in his tracks when he seen me. “Mil?”

He never could say Kamil when he was little so he called me Mil.

“Wassup lil man?”

“Neicey, yo son is too much work.” In walked one of this niggas I remember from Romell’s first birthday.

“What the fuck is he doing here?” he said going behind his back for what I assumed to be a gun.

Neicey jumped up and I smirked.
I wish this bitch nigga would, he must have forgot I kill people for a living.



I walk in Neicey’s house using the key she gave me and see this bitch nigga sitting there looking a little too comfortable for me. By instinct my hand went to my gun.

“LaShaun, chill. Not in front of Fat Fat,” Neicey said.

I looked at Romell and thought he was the only thing saving this nigga life right now.

“Romell, go to yo room while I talk to yo mom.”

“Bye, Mil,” he said before taking off.

“Yo what the fuck is really good Reneice?”

“I invited Kamil here because I needed to talk to him about something that has been bothering me. Now you know me, you know I don’t do shit without reason so chill. You can stay, listen and help out or you can leave and let me do this shit on my own like I intended to do. You pick.”

I just looked at her stubborn ass then back to the bitch in the room. “I just want to know why?” I asked.

“If you would shut up and sit down, we could figure that out,” Neicey sassed.

I just sat down and stayed silent to hear what he had to say.

“Ok, Kamil. You can continue,” Neicey said sitting back down.

“Well, I was only in the D for about two months when Kya had approached me about some business. She said she was working with this girl to take somebody out. I never asked questions. Why, because I really didn’t care, all I knew was I was about to get paid. They day I met you at Hooters, I didn’t know you were my target. We got close, you moved in, we dated, I fell in love and I proposed. All that shit wasn’t a part of the plan but it happened.”

“So you knew I was going to get raped that night? You left early because you had some business to handle.”

“I knew Kya wanted to have you roughed up, the rape was never supposed to happen. I left early to go talk to her about leaving you alone, when I got the call about you being in the hospital it killed me.”

“So you knew about all the shit that was about to happen to her but not one time did you put her up on game or put two in each of them bitches’ domes?” I spoke up tired of his bullshit.

“I know I should have told her, I wanted to tell her but I just didn’t know how. I never even met the other bitch, she was the mastermind behind all of that shit. Kya’s ass was too dumb to do shit.”

“So who else was working with y’all?” I inquired.

“Them, but all I know is some other two niggas. She said one of them was her baby daddy but she never introduced us. She said she wanted to keep him on the low because she knew Mykell would surely kill his ass if he found out.”

“You didn’t at least get a name?”

“Naw,” he said dryly.

This shit is too crazy.

Chapter 1

              It’s been three months since Neicey decided to pull a damn disappearing act in the middle of the night. No lie, a nigga was hurt. I went over to her pops’ house with hopes that we could work things out and put all the bullshit aside. I wanted to be a family, just the four of us. I guess I was the only one that felt that way. I thought I heard her say she loves me, no, I
I heard her say she loves me, but her ass pulled a damn hit it and quit it on my ass.

I knew the exact person to talk to about this shit, even though I knew I was going to get my ass chewed out.

“Hey Pops.”

“Mykell,” he said dryly.

“Why you gotta say it like that?”

“Because I already know what you want and all I have to say is I told you so.”

“I know Pops,” I sighed. “I know.”

“I don’t want to see you sit up here and cry like a lil bitch, I want to know what you are going to do about this situation,” he said.

“I don’t know Pops, I cried to her like a lil bitch and she played my ass to the left. I showed her how much I really loved her and her actions showed she don’t really give a fuck.”

“Oh, so you’re telling me that you finally know how she felt. She finally treated you the way you treated her.”

I took a deep breath and sat back. “Yea but I’m to the point where I say fuck it. I really give up. If she wanted to be a family then she never would have run off with my son. That was a bogus ass move.”

“So basically what you’re telling me is that fighting for your family really don’t mean shit to you?”

“Not if I’m fighting a losing battle.”

“If you really wanted her back and wanted to be a family again, you would do anything to get her back. Oh, and stop thinking that dick of yours can always fix something. That’s the reason you’re in this shit now,” my pops said before getting up and walking out the room.

*    *    *

I’ve been trying to figure out who could have been trying to get at Neicey; another reason I hate that her ass disappeared. Her ass pulling some AWOL type shit and she still got somebody gunning for her head. I do know that whoever it is, is responsible for putting my son in the hospital. When I find out who it is, there will be hell to play.

“Dad, guess who I talked to today?” MJ said with a mischievous ass grin on his face.


“Mom,” he said smiling.

I looked at him like he was crazy. “MJ don’t play with me,” I said seriously.

“Ok, you don’t believe me.” He laughed before running to his room.

Imma whoop his lil ass.



Here I am in the bathroom looking at a positive pregnancy test. I’m going through so many mixed emotions right now.
How will I tell Micah? Does he even want to have children? Am I ready for another child? Will he think I tried to trap him?

“Yo baby, you don’t hear me talking to you?” Micah said standing in front of me.

“Huh?” I said coming out of my thoughts.

“What’s wrong…” he stopped when he noticed the stick in my hand.

“You’re pregnant?” he asked.

I put my head down and let the tears fall from my eyes. “I’m sorry,” I whispered.

“Sorry? Sorry for what?”

“I didn’t do this on purpose and I wasn’t trying to trap you.”

He kneeled down in front of me. “I know, have you ever thought about the fact that I was trying to trap you?”

I looked at him like he was crazy. “What?”

“I knew what I was doing when I never pulled out, I wanted you to get pregnant. I think it’s time we give Ranee a little brother or sister.” He smiled.

“Are you sure?” I asked.

“Why wouldn’t I be? You don’t want any more kids?” he asked.

“I do, I just didn’t know how you would feel about it.”

He wiped my tears. “Girl stop crying. We gon be good, you, me, my lil mama and my junior,” he said rubbing my stomach.

I laughed. “I can’t believe you trapped me.” I shook my head.

“Well believe it, now you’re stuck with me for life.”

I just smiled and kissed his juicy lips that I love so much.

“Girl, you better stop. That’s how we ended up with this one.”

God I love this man. I don’t know what I would do without him.

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