Official Girl 3 (14 page)

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Authors: Charmanie Saquea

BOOK: Official Girl 3
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“God, I know I’m not the best man in the world and I’ve done my fair share of sinning but I just ask that you protect Neicey and bring her out of this alive. She doesn’t deserve this, all she wants is to be happy but it looks like that will never happen. If you bring her home, I promise I will do right by her and actually make her my wife. Please God, just let her make it out alive and let us find her to bring her home where she belongs. Amen.”

“Amen,” I heard from behind me. I turned around to see my dad standing there.

“Why Pops? Why does this keep happening?”

“I don’t know son. But I do know that you can’t let this break you. That little girl in your arms and your sons need you. Don’t worry, we’ll find her and it will be soon,” he said before kissing Amyricale and walking out of the room.

I looked in my daughter’s eyes and she smiled at me. “I promise no matter what I’m bringing mommy home, baby girl. That’s my word,” I said, making a promise that I was sure to keep.



I can’t take it no more. I’m ready to give up. I’m tired physically, mentally and emotionally. My body can’t take it anymore, the abuse and the raping, it’s all starting to take a toll on me. I haven’t eaten or had anything to drink since I’ve been here, my right eye is swollen shut, my body hurts like hell and I’m weak.

I don’t understand why this shit keeps happening to me. Why does God keep punishing me? My life isn’t supposed to be like this, I’m supposed to be a very successful lawyer, living in a nice home, with a husband, and some kids.

I heard the door open and I already knew what time it was. The same routine has been happening since I been here. I would get raped and that bitch would stand there with a smile on her face like she was enjoying this shit. I just laid there and took it. I refused to shed one tear. I was not going to let this bitch know that she was winning.

Mykell please hurry up and come get me.



I just know that Kya is behind this shit. Sometimes I can’t believe that the scandalous bitch is my cousin. I’ve been trying to call her for the longest but she won’t answer the phone. She’s knows I’m on to her ass. So I decided to play her game. I’ll make her think I’m on her side and her gullible ass will fall for it.

I changed my number so she won’t recognize it when I call. I paced my hotel room back and forth waiting for her to answer.

“Hello?” she answered and I damn near jumped for joy.

“Damn, a nigga gotta go through all this just to talk to his cousin?” I said sarcastically.

“What do you want Kamil? I’m kind of busy.”

“Doing what?” I asked.

“Minding my business,” she replied smartly.

“I know you up to something, so let me in on it,” I said, hoping she would take the bait.

“What makes you think I’m up to something?”

“Because I’ve known your conniving ass all my life so I know where you’re up to something.”

“I’m all the way in Florida Kamil,” she said confirming what I already knew.

“You act like a nigga can’t travel,” I said.

The line was quiet for a while. “Alright, Imma text you an address I want you to meet me at tonight. You better not be on any bullshit either Kamil.”

“Never baby girl.”
Dumb ass.
I thought as I smiled.

“Whatever,” she said before hanging up.

Just like taking candy from a baby. I knew her dumb ass would fall for it.

Two minutes later she texted me the address and what time she wanted me there.

I sped all the way to Neicey’s house. I knew her brother and Mykell wanted to kill my ass but fuck them. I wasn’t doing this for them, I was doing it for Neicey. I love her just as much as they do.

I knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer.

“Hello Kamil,” her dad said when he opened the door.

“Hello,” I said walking in the house. “I came because I think I can have Neicey home by tonight,” I said getting straight to the point.

“How so?” he asked.

“Well I finally got in touch with Kya, she said she had a job for me but she’s all the way in Florida, which we already knew. She texted me an address she wants me to meet her at tonight.”

“What time we gotta be there?” Mykell asked from behind me.

“She said midnight,” I said.

“We’ll be ready.”

“We all can’t go in at the same time. If she does have Neicey, she’ll probably kill her if we just go in blazing. I have to go in first and make her think everything is cool.”

“Then how the hell are we supposed to know when to come in?” Ramone asked.

“That’s why I’m here, so we can come up with a solid plan,” I answered.

“Well, let’s do this shit then,” Mykell said.

We sat down and worked out a solid plan that would get Neicey out safely and home.

                                                        *     *     *

It’s show time,
I thought as I got out of my car and walked to the house that looked abandoned. Kya opened the door and looked around like she didn’t expect me to be by myself.

“The hell wrong with you?” I asked.

“Nothing, just come in,” she said.

I followed her to the back of the house and down some stairs that led to the basement. We walked to a little room in the basement and that’s when I saw her, my heart broke and it took everything in me not to put a bullet in Kya’s fuckin head.

“It’s just us?” I asked, looking at Neicey.

             "For now
," she said.

              "Is she dead?" I asked fearing the worst.

              "I hope so. She might just be unconscious though. I must say that bitch is a trooper though, not one time did she cry or give in," she said like she was mad.

             I heard footsteps upstairs
. I already knew who it was, but I still drew my gun just to be sure.

            "Hmm he's early
," Kya said walking to the stairs.

Wrong idea.
I thought.



        I waited ten minutes like I was supposed to. I was getting tired of all this waiting shit, I was ready to go in and kill everybody. I walked to the front door and shook my head because this bitch didn't have enough sense to lock the damn door. I followed the voices to the back of the house and sent Micah a quick text.

I'm in.

I walked to the stairs and heard Kya talking, she sounded like she was coming my way.
I thought reaching for my gun. I had a smirk on my face when I saw Kya walking up the stairs. She didn't notice me until my gun was right in her face. She looked like she was about to shit bricks.

         "Take yo stupid ass back downstairs."

          "Shit," she said as walked down the stairs backwards.

I followed her to a little room
. Kamil was in there standing next to Neicey. I just knew she was gone by looking at her, she didn’t even look like she was breathing.

“Tell me she ain’t dead
, man.”

“Naw but her pulse is real faint, we have to hurry up and get her out of here
,” he said, reaching to pick her up.

“Don’t touch her muthafucka
,” I heard from behind me, followed by the sound of a gun cocking. I looked at Kya and she had a smirk on her face. I turned around and found myself looking at a nigga I was cool with once upon a time. A nigga I actually looked at as a brother.
I should have known his ass was in on it too.

“Don’t look so happy to see me
,” Boogie said.

“Really nigga? This how we doing it now? What part of the game is this?” I asked with venom dripping from my voice.

“Fuck you nigga! What part of the game was killing my fucking brother? All over a bitch that wasn’t even yours to begin with,” he spat.

“Yo! Watch yo fucking mouth. If yo bitch ass brother wouldn’t have been like yo
grimy ass and out here raping women, I wouldn’t have had to kill his ass.”

“Mykell fuck him, we have to get Neicey to the hospital
,” Kamil said.

I turned to look at her
, which was a wrong move on my part. I saw Boogie moving out the corner of my eye and I turned around to, shoot but it was too late. I was hit in my shoulder but I still got off a shot that hit him right in the middle of his eyes. I heard another shot and turned just in time to see Kya hit the floor. I looked at Kamil and he shrugged his shoulders.
This nigga just killed his fucking cousin,
I thought as I emptied my clipped into her body to make sure she was dead this time. Kamil picked up Neicey and carried her up the stairs and I followed. I looked back at Boogie,
unloyal ass nigga.

Kamil put Neicey in the backseat of my car while I hopped in the passenger seat. “Me and Lakey will follow y’all
,” he said.

I looked over at my brother who was sitting in the driver’s side.
“Mack—“ I said, but he cut me off.

“I already know nigga. Traffic laws don’t even exist to a nigga right now
,” he said speeding away.

I looked in the backseat and looked at Neicey. I felt my blood boiling all over again. I’m just happy this shit is finally over with.



              I woke up to the sound of a monitor beeping. I looked around and noticed I was in the hospital.
How the hell did I get here?
I tried to sit up but I was too weak.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” I heard my dad say. I looked at him and he looked like he hadn’t had any sleep.

I was about to say something but two well-dressed men walked into the room. “Ms. Peake, I’m Officer Zaluchi and this is my partner Officer Calvin. We have a few questions to ask you, if you don’t mind,” the tall one with ocean blue eyes said.

“Is that really necessary right now?” my dad asked. “She just woke up.”

“Yes, we would like to get it out the way,” Officer Calvin said.

“Ms. Peake, do you remember what happened?” Officer Zaluchi asked.

Not really in the mood for this I just shook my head no.

He looked at me like he didn’t believe me. “Do you know who did this or who would have a motive to do this?” he asked.

I just shook my head again hoping he would get the hint and leave.

“Alright Ms. Peake, if you do seem to remember anything please give us a call,” he said, trying to hand me a card but my dad took it instead.

“We’ll call,” he said.

The officers left, then it was just me and my dad. “You know I’m not calling them right?” he said, coming to adjust the bed so I was sitting up some.

I nodded my head, “I know.”

In walked Mykell with his shirt off and a bandage on his shoulder. He walked over to me and tried to kiss me but I turned my head. He looked at me funny then went to sit down in a chair by my dad.

It’s crazy because I was begging for him to come and save me but now that I’m looking at him, I feel like he’s the enemy. I’m starting to feel like all this shit is his fault. No doubt I love him, but I feel like all the shit I have been through wasn’t even worth it.

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