Official Girl 3 (11 page)

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Authors: Charmanie Saquea

BOOK: Official Girl 3
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It feels so good to have my family back together. Me and Lani worked out our differences and have been fine ever since. I guess that family meeting helped us out. My kids love each other and are inseparable, their mothers get along fine so I don’t have any baby mama drama. The only thing that is off in my life is my sister.

This is the longest we’ve ever went without communicating with each other. I still don’t understand why she just up and left like that, my dad and Pops try to act like they don’t know where she is, but I know better. I have a feeling that I know where she is and who she with, all I have to do is make a phone call for confirmation.



I can’t believe I’m actually about to be a dad. I’ve always been around my nieces and nephews but to have one of my own is a feeling I can’t even explain. I hope it’s a boy so I can have me a little Micah junior running around. I already got my lil mama Ranee, even though I’m not her birth father, that girl is still my daughter. Now I’ll have two kids to spoil.



It has officially been seven months since I found out I was pregnant and here I am, big round belly and all. I know in the beginning I wanted an abortion but I changed my mind. An abortion really wasn’t for me. I remember how I felt when I miscarried my first baby so why would I turn around and intentionally kill another baby?

I am nine months pregnant with a healthy baby girl. I can’t wait to meet her. I feel real bad about the fact that Mykell will miss out on her birth; he hasn’t missed the birth of any of his kids. Lakey and Kamil have been excellent at helping me with this pregnancy.

I can tell Kamil was upset when I told him I was pregnant again. He expected that if I got pregnant again, it would be with his baby. He fucked that up, not me. Even though he knew about all that shit that happened to me and even was in on it at one point, I forgave him.

I was sitting on the couch with my feet elevated because my feet were swollen as hell. Romell was being a good boy and rubbing his mommy’s feet, Lakey was cooking dinner and Kamil was watching TV.

“Kamil, I never got a chance to tell you that I’m sorry for your loss.” I smirked knowing damn well I didn’t mean it.

“Who you talking about?” he asked confused.


He tilted his head to the side. “Kya?”

“Yea, you remember that day,” I said thinking he was playing crazy.

“Neicey, Kya isn’t dead.”

“What!” I said scaring Romell. “I’m sorry baby.”

“I thought you knew that,” he said.

“How? I put a bullet in that bitch’s head Kamil.”

“Correction, that bullet grazed her head. She only had a flesh wound. When the ambulance came and got her, she was breathing.”

‘FUCKKKKK! Lakey!” I yelled.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” He asked with his face screwed up.

“We have a serious problem.”

That was the biggest mistake I have ever made in my life. I should have made sure that bitch was dead, now this could come back to bite me in the ass.

Chapter 1




              I was fixing me and MJ breakfast when my phone rang. It said it was a Florida number. I wasn’t going to answer but I decided against it.


“Mykell, we have a problem,” a man said.

“Who the fuck is this?”


“Oh, my bad man. Wassup?”

“It’s Neicey. She might be in trouble, hell I could be in trouble my damn self if she knew I was calling you.”

Neicey? The hell he mean she in trouble?

“What you mean she in trouble? How you know where she at?”

“She been down here in Florida with me since she left, she begged me not to call and tell anybody. But enough of that, how soon can you get down here?”

“I’ll book a flight right now.”


*    *    *

I pulled up to the address Lakey gave me and I had to admit that I was fucking impressed. I called him and told him I was outside.

“I’m on my way down.”

Five minutes later he walked out and came to my car.

He got in and sighed. “Okay look, there is somebody up there that I know you don’t want to see but I need you to know that they are more useful to us alive than they are dead, especially now knowing this new piece of information I just found out. So when you get up there please try to keep it cool and don’t react too fast.”

“Who is it?”

“You’ll see when you get in. second, Neicey cannot know you are here until it’s time to reveal that. I don’t want her crazy ass going off on me and putting a bullet in my ass.”

I laughed. “Cool, man let’s just do this.”

We walked up to his condo. As soon as he opened his door I saw who was sitting on his couch and damn near pulled my gun on this bitch. I just stood there mugging this nigga and he had a smirk on his face.

“So we meet again,” he said smugly.

I snapped. I punched that bitch right in his jaw. I kept punching him, letting all my frustrations out on his ass. He better be glad I left my fucking gin at home.

“Alright, enough Kell! Chill out man,” Lakey yelled.

That bitch was wiping his mouth off looking like he wanted to kill me when his phone started ringing.

“Why you ain’t tell me this nigga was here?” I snapped

“Yo! Lakey we need to go, the baby is on the way,” Kamil said before Lakey could answer.

“Oh shit, come on y’all.”

Twenty minutes later we pulled up at Mercy Hospital. I was confused as hell about what was going on but I went for the ride anyway.

Lakey ran ahead of us and went to the nurses’ station. He ran into a room and I sat in the waiting room. Five minutes later he came out to come get me.

“Come on Kell.”

I looked at this nigga like he was crazy. He laughed, “Nigga just come on.”

I followed him to the room to see a very pregnant Neicey cussing the doctors out.

I looked at Lakey and he smiled. “Nigga will you get over there and help deliver yo baby?”

I didn’t say anything, I just walked over to Neicey her eyes damn near popped out her head when she seen me.

“I hope you didn’t think you was having his baby without me,” I said grabbing her hand.

“Tell Lakey I’m going to kill him,” she said breathing hard.

The monitor Neicey was hooked up to started to flat line.

“Diane! Go get the doctor and tell him we need to deliver this baby now! We’re losing her,” one of the nurses said.

I felt my heart drop in my fucking stomach when I heard that.

“Wait, what’s wrong with my baby?” Neicey said panicking.

“Keep calm Ms. Peake, right now you just need to push and push hard,” the nurse said.

I stayed quiet silently praying that my baby would make it. Hell, I didn’t even know I was about to be a dad again until a few minutes ago.

“AHHHHHH!” Neicey screamed while pushing. My hand was going fucking numb from all that squeezing she was doing. The doctor ran into the room and took the nurse’s place.

“Okay, one more big push,” he said.

She pushed once more, then I heard the familiar sound that I could get used to. My baby crying.

“”Hook her up to a machine and get her some oxygen now!” the doctor said.

She was born 6lbs 7oz and 21 inches long.

“Amyricale LeNae Jones,” Neicey said looking at me. “Our little miracle baby. She escaped death twice.”

I was wondering what she mean by twice but I’ll leave that alone for now.

           While Neicey was sleep, I went to go see my baby girl in the nursery. She is so beautiful, she looks just like Neicey but with my hazel eyes. That's a feature all my kids shared so I have no doubts
about her being mine.

         I asked the nurse if she could bring her back to Neicey's room
and she said she would see if she was ready to come back. When I got back to the room, Kamil’s bitch ass was in there and Neicey was woke.

       "I hope I'm not interrupting anything
," I said sarcastically.

   "Actually, you are," Kamil said like he was annoyed.

        "Frankly, I don't give a fuck. I already told
you bitch, don't fuck with me. I already fucked yo lip up and you better be happy that’s all I did."

        "I got yo bitch
," he said getting up.

         "Hey guys, not today. Please?" Neicey begged.

        At that moment, the nurse brought Amyricale in the room. I looked at her and all the bullshit left my mind.

       "We make some pretty babies huh?" I asked.

       "Yea, I guess you're good for something," she joked.

        I could feel Kamil burning a
hole in the side of my face.
Too bad bitch nigga, you'll never get to taste that again, ever.



Mykell hasn’t left my side since I had Amyricale. I’m still confused as hell why he’s even down here in the first place, but I know who called him.
, his ass ain’t slick. Today Amyricale and I get to go home. Romell loves his sister so much, he keeps calling her his baby. The moment I put her in her cute pink car seat, he tried to pick it up and carry her but she was too heavy.

“Man, let daddy handle that,” Mykell said grabbing the car seat.

The drive back to my house was quiet besides Romell telling Amyricale all about his toys and how he wants to teach her how to play football. Out the corner of my eye I kept noticing Mykell stealing glances at me. When we got to the house Lakey and Kamil came out the house to greet us. I saw this look in Mykell’s eyes when he saw Kamil.
I hope these two crazy niggas don’t kill each other,
I thought as I walked in my house.

“Damn Kell, her ass look just like a mixture of you and Snook. She’s a cutie though,” Lakey said taking Amyricale out her car seat.

“Okay, y’all better be careful with my baby, I’m going to lay down. I’m still sore and a little tired,” I said walking towards the stairs. “Oh, and no smoking around my baby.”

I was getting undressed when I saw my bedroom door open and in walked Mykell. He just stood there staring at me like he had something on his mind. He was standing there looking sexy as hell, even though he only had on some baggy grey sweatpants, a black wife beater and some all black Air Forces, and he was wearing his black Detroit Tigers fitted cap low.

I climbed in bed with only my bra and panties on. I wasn’t surprised when I felt him climb in bed with me. As much as I try to deny it, I can’t. I truly love this man. No doubt about it. Now I was feeling bad that I just up and left him like I did.

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