Oliver's Online (6 page)

Read Oliver's Online Online

Authors: Stephani Hecht,Amber Kell

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Oliver's Online
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“I’ll try not to make you regret accepting a ride.”

Oliver shook his head. “It’s not like I don’t ride around in a car. I just don’t drive or ride with people I don’t trust.”

Lane grinned. “So you trust me?”

“As long as you keep your hands on the wheel and your eyes forward. We’ll see how much further the trust goes.” Oliver wanted to trust Lane, but his mind and his stomach were at odds.

“Fair enough,” Lane agreed.

Lane pulled up in front of Oliver’s apartment, and all talk stopped. Oliver stumbled from the vehicle, narrowly preventing his fall by grabbing onto the door handle.

“Easy.” Lane rushed out of the truck and wrapped an arm around Oliver’s waist.

Oliver blushed. He resisted the urge to shove Lane away. Not only was Lane his boss, but Oliver knew he was only trying to help.

“My leg is a little stiff from sitting so long today. I usually remember to stand up and stretch.” Oliver had been so excited over feeling useful he’d become too immersed in his work and forgot to do the exercises to remain limber during the day.

He regretted that lack now.

“We should set a timer on your phone to remind you to get up every hour or so,” Lane said.

Oliver brightened. “That’s a great idea.”

If he had an alarm going off to break his concentration, he’d be able to stand up and do a bit of yoga to keep limber. He had a few exercises he did. He wouldn’t need anything more than a clear bit of floor space.

Lane escorted Oliver away from the vehicle, making sure to close and lock the door behind him. Oliver nodded over at the care Lane took to lock his truck. They didn’t live in the best neighborhood. It wasn’t exactly crime-ridden, but a break-in wouldn’t be completely unheard of, either. They’d rented the place because of the cheap rent, but they didn’t have high standards when they chose it. Now with Patrick working, and if Oliver was able to keep his new job with Lane, maybe they could move to a nicer location.

Maybe once they paid off some bills.

Oliver’s hospital bills were crushing them, but Oliver was determined to pay them off even if it took years. Ronnie had already talked them down a bit with the hospital finance people.

Lane kept his hand light on Oliver’s back, ready to help if Oliver’s leg collapsed out from under him while not hovering. Oliver couldn’t stop the smile or the surge of desire coursing through his body from Lane’s touch.

He fumbled, dragging the key out of his pocket, his fingers clumsy and awkward. Unable to concentrate, he nearly dropped the damn things while trying to unlock the door.

“Sorry,” he muttered, ducking his head.

“Hey, honey, take it easy. I don’t have to come inside if you want to be alone. There’s no rule stating I have to come in.”

“No!” Oliver cleared his throat before lowering his tone. “I mean. I do want you to come inside. I want to tell you about Dave.”

Lane’s touch fell away. “Are you sure you're ready for that?”

“It’s about time,” Oliver said. He didn’t try to hide the sorrow in his voice.

“Okay.” Lane’s touch returned. He rubbed a soothing hand up and down Oliver’s back. “I’m sorry.”

Oliver shrugged. “It wasn’t your fault. It wasn’t really anyone’s fault.”

Flashes of the car careening out of control, flipping through the air and the sudden impact with the earth surged through Oliver’s mind. The sounds of crunching metal and screams still followed him into his dreams. His screams, Dave never said a word after the accident, he just quietly died. Only in Oliver’s dreams did he plead for help with blood dripping down his face.


A shaking of his arm snapped him out of his memories. Blinking, he turned his head to focus on Lane’s concerned expression. “Sorry.”

“Let’s go inside.”

Oliver nodded. Shoving the door open, he scanned the room. “I guess no one’s home yet.”

“What time do they get here?” Lane asked, stepping inside and locking the door behind him.

Oliver glanced at the clock on the wall. “Patrick will get home in about an hour. I think Ronnie works later today, but I can never remember.”

Lane wrapped a hand around Oliver’s biceps and turned him to face Lane. “Let me know if this is out of line.”

After tilting Oliver’s chin with one hand, Lane leaned down and kissed Oliver. The difference in their heights was never more apparent than at that moment. Oliver didn’t care. He’d stand on a step stool if it got him more kisses. Lane didn’t press for more intensity, only a slide of lips across lips.

A moan poured out of Oliver. He tightened his grip on Lane’s shirt to steady his balance.

Lane lifted his head, eliciting a whimper from Oliver.

“Easy, I thought you might want to sit down.” Lane indicated the couch.

Oliver nodded. “I’d like that.” A flash of pride went through him at his calm tone. He even resisted the urge to pounce on Lane and rip off his shirt.

“You are damn sexy, Oliver, but I don’t know if you are ready to go any further.” Lane sat on the couch and patted the spot next to him.

Oliver knew this was his chance to either take what he wanted or to forever let the opportunity for another relationship fall by the wayside. That wasn't what Dave would’ve wanted for him. He knew this without having to consult his dead lover’s ghost.

Dave had wanted Oliver to be happy. Being alone for the rest of his life wouldn’t achieve that goal. Instead of sitting beside Lane, Oliver boldly climbed onto his lap. Setting one knee on either side of Lane’s hips, he cozied up to the other man and ruthlessly ignored the screaming of his leg. He wouldn’t let his disability hold him back. He wanted Lane, and he would have him.

Lane’s eyes widened at Oliver’s actions. “Is there something you want to tell me?”

“I like you, Lane. I don’t think you are taking advantage of me. It is time for me to move on. I loved Dave, but he’s dead.” He swallowed back the knot in his throat before he continued. “I can’t promise I won’t have issues, but I do want to see where this attraction can go.”

Lane’s eyes darkened with lust. “I want you too. I’m not exactly issue-free either. I’ve had my share of bad relationships. None of them ended as badly as yours, but I haven’t lived a completely pristine life. I can offer you a body that is disease free and a slightly battered heart. Anything else will have to be a wait and see.”

Oliver smiled. They each had their own problems, but if they wanted to work things out, he thought they could at least give it a try. It was the best offer he’d gotten in a long while. He couldn’t remember the last time he'd felt this optimistic.

Confident the attraction went both ways, Oliver kissed Lane. He didn’t stop with just a quick press of lips. Instead, he slid his tongue inside Lane’s mouth, savoring his flavor. Lane tasted slightly of peppermint. He must’ve slipped a mint into his mouth sometime in the past few minutes, and Oliver had missed it somehow.

Lane made a soft noise of need that transmitted to Oliver’s cock, and Oliver's cock rose to attention as if it received Lane’s transmission and was ready for activation.

Oliver smiled at the thought. “Let’s take this back to my room. I don’t want Patrick to walk in on us.”

Lane nodded. “I’ve had enough of people watching me have sex.”

“I can imagine.” Lane’s past as a porn star probably cured the man of any voyeuristic tendencies. Odd that he chose to have a company that revolved around sex, but maybe he was only sticking to what he knew.

Oliver climbed off Lane’s lap, careful to set his right foot firmly on the ground before adding his left. Pain jolted through his body, making him gasp.

Lane stood quickly, ready to offer aid if the placement of his hands on Oliver’s hips was any indication. “Easy. You know we don’t have to do anything, right?”

Oliver scowled at the dense man. “We do have to do something.” He pointed at his erection. “Oliver Junior said so.”

Lane burst out laughing. “Well, we shouldn’t ignore Oliver Junior.”

“Exactly,” Oliver nodded, pleased his new lover understood the issue.

Oliver turned and led the way back to his room. He could hear Lane’s footsteps following behind. Anticipation shivered up and down his spine. He hoped he could do this. He hadn’t tried sex since before the accident. Physically and emotionally, he’d been a wreck for the past year, and he never wanted to go back to that dark place.

Finally, he reached his bedroom. For a moment there, it had felt as if he were in one of those horror movies where the hallway stretched to be three times its usual length as the hero struggled to reach the end before the monster got him. Except this time, Oliver wanted to be caught. Not by a monster but by the man behind him.

Oliver swept a quick glance around the room, glad he’d picked up a bit before he left. He wasn’t exactly Mr. Clean, but he wasn’t a slob, either.

Turning, he found Lane stripping off his shirt. “Do you need any help?” Lane asked, nodding toward Oliver’s dressed status.

“No, I think I’ve got this part.” Oliver pulled his shirt over his head and pushed off his shoes with the toes of his opposite foot, glad he’d worn loafers. Laces often took too long to tie, and contorting himself hurt more than it was worth having neat bows on his feet.

Before long, they were both standing naked, Oliver self-consciously hunched his shoulders as he surveyed Lane’s beauty. Damn, the man had a great physique. Probably from years of being naked before the camera, Lane had no problem standing stripped bare before his lover.

“No, don’t do that. Let me see,” Lane protested. He stepped closer to Oliver and slid the fingers of his right hand down Oliver’s scars. He had plenty of them. Several short ones from where broken glass had punctured his skin and others from the multiple surgeries following his accident. His skin was like a mile of rough road.

“It’s a miracle you survived,” Lane said in an awed tone.

Oliver’s erection began to flag. “I’m sorry.”

“For what?” Lane tilted his head like a puppy trying to figure out a particularly difficult problem.

That was a good question. What was he sorry for? Not for surviving or for making it through some hard times after surgery. Some days, he wished it had been him instead of Dave, but mostly only on his darkest days. “I’m sorry I’m not as beautiful as you deserve,” he said finally.

“Honey, you are everything I deserve.” Lane swept Oliver off his feet and laid him on the mattress with exquisite care. “I’m going to make you feel so good.”

Oliver had no doubt about Lane’s intention, but the size of Lane’s cock had him clenching his ass. “I don’t think you’re going to fit.”

Lane laughed. “I’ll fit just fine. Do you have lube?”

“Yes, but not condoms.” His stomach sank as he realized they might have a problem.

“No worries.” Lane waved a foil packed between his fingers. “I have one.”

Oliver frowned. “Always carry one around the office?”

“Old habit to keep a backup in my wallet.”

A wave of relief went through Oliver. He didn’t want to think of Lane as always on the prowl. He didn’t expect a lifelong commitment from Lane, but he wouldn’t be a quick conquest either.


“Can your hips take pressure? Do you want to lie on your stomach or have a pillow? How do you usually do this?” Lane asked.

“I don’t know. I haven’t had sex since the accident.”

Lane’s open-mouthed shock made the honesty worthwhile. “Let’s put you on your stomach and we’ll put a pillow under your hips. That should put the least strain on you.”

Oliver nodded his agreement with that plan. The fact Lane asked the right questions made him even more pleased with his choice of lovers.

Handing over the lube, Oliver draped himself over his pillow. Tension filled him. He couldn’t stop the jolt shooting through him when Lane touched his ass.

“Easy,” Lane soothed.

Another shot of pain ripped through him. “Ow, I think maybe on my back would be better.”

Damn, he undoubtedly was making Lane rethink the entire sex with a gimp scenario.

Without a word, Lane guided Oliver onto his back, making sure to slide the pillow beneath Oliver’s hips for better comfort. Oliver sighed from the new position.

“Better?” Lane asked.

Oliver nodded. “Thanks.”

“I don’t want you to hurt when we make love. I want it to all feel good.”

Oliver didn’t know if that was possible, but he appreciated Lane’s goal. Lane rifled through Oliver’s side table and retrieved the lube. After slicking Oliver up with enough lube for ten men, Lane added more to his cock before attempting to breach the tight ring of muscles.

Taking a deep breath, Oliver tried to relax. It wasn’t like he’d never had sex before. He’d been quite the slut when he was younger. Coming out of the closet had resulted in him sleeping with Dave every chance he could get.

After Lane carefully entered, pushing back and forth in slow rocking motions. It took several pauses and minute motions before Lane was fully seated inside of Oliver’s ass.

“Made it.” Lane’s smile lit his eyes, evaporating the anxiety clouding them before.

Oliver let out a slow breath, relaxing around the hard rod impaling his body. He nodded. “You did, now move.”

Lane laughed. After a few cautious motions of in and out, he set a careful rhythm guaranteed to hit Oliver’s prostate with each stroke and drive him out of his mind.

Oliver groaned as Lane continued to show him how much experience counted in all the right ways. Bliss poured across his body like a full body liquid aphrodisiac.

“Lane,” Oliver moaned.

“Let it out, honey.” Lane wrapped a hand around Oliver’s erection giving him the attention he craved.

“Yessss,” Oliver hissed. His body jerked from the sensations coursing through him as if it belonged to another, as if he belonged to Lane.

“Come!” Lane commanded.

Unable to resist the order, Oliver gave in to his pleasure, liquid spurted out of his cock in long sticky streams, splashing across Lane’s stomach. He clenched around Lane and smiled as Lane came with a shout.

Happy with his ability to please his lover, Oliver closed his eyes and tumbled into sleep.

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