Oliver's Online (9 page)

Read Oliver's Online Online

Authors: Stephani Hecht,Amber Kell

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Oliver's Online
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They spent the next ten minutes coming up with outlandish tales of how Oliver came about his injury. They were all having a great time until Ronnie came into the room, a worried look on his face.

“What’s going on?” Patrick asked.

“Niles just got kicked out of his house. He said he came out to his parents and they threw him out with nothing but the clothes on his back. They aren’t even paying for his college anymore.”

“Oh my God, how horrible,” Becca said.

“I hope you guys don’t mind, but I said he could come here. He can share my room,” Ronnie said.

“Of course,” Patrick assured him.

Ronnie grabbed his car keys. “I have to go. I told him I would wire him the money for a bus ticket.”

After Ronnie left, Becca said, “Buses really aren’t that safe.”

“Don’t even start,” Oliver warned her.

A few minutes later, the pizzas arrived. Lane insisted on paying, and Oliver was too tired and hungry to argue. He hadn’t eaten all day, and his stomach felt ready to eat itself by that point.

After they had eaten, they all settled in front of the TV and watched
ID Discovery
for a while. Eventually, everyone either left or drifted off to bed until it was only Lane and Oliver on the couch.

“We should get to bed,” Lane said. “I have a busy day ahead of me tomorrow.”

“Don’t you mean
have a busy day ahead of us,” Oliver corrected.

Lane put an arm around Oliver’s shoulders and pulled him in close so they were snuggling. “You don’t have to come in tomorrow. Take the day off. You hurt yourself pretty bad.”

“It’s okay. I’ll go stir crazy if I stay in alone. Besides, I want to be with you.”

Lane’s lips curled up into a sexy smile. “Really?”

“Why does that surprise you so much? I know I was a dick the other day, but I didn’t mean that. I just freaked out because you were the first guy I was with since Dave and then I had a nightmare, and it brought back all kinds of bad memories.”

“I know all about the accident. Becca told me. Or rather I kind of pried it out of her.”

“You did? Why?”

“Because I decided you were worth fighting for.”

Oliver sucked in a breath. That had been the last thing he’d been expecting to hear. “Really? Even after all I’ve put you through?”

Lane dipped his head down and feathered their lips together. “Yes, now are you ready to go to bed? I know we can’t have sex, but I really would love to hold you for the night.”

Oliver grinned. “I like the sounds of that.”

Lane stood then held out his hand to help Oliver to his feet. Once they got to the bedroom, they stripped down to their underwear and crawled in under the blankets. It was a tight squeeze, but they managed, and soon they had a comfortable cuddle position.

“I was so worried about you today,” Lane said.

“It was just a little bump on the head,” Oliver assured him.

“Maybe Becca was right, and we should cover you in pink bubble wrap.”

“You can’t do that.”

“Why not?”

“Pink is so not my color.”

They were silent for a bit longer before Oliver finally decided the broach the topic that had been nagging him the most. “Can I ask you a question?”

“You want to know how I ended up in the porn industry, don’t you?”

Oliver nodded. “Only if you want to tell me. If not, you can tell me to mind my own business, and we don’t ever have to talk about it again.”

Lane stretched a bit. “No, that’s okay. I don’t want there to be any secrets between us. My story started out pretty much like Ronnie’s cousin’s did.”

Oliver’s stomach clenched. “Your parents kicked you out for being gay?”

“Yeah, they did it the same way Niles’ did, too, with nothing but the clothes on my back. I was young, didn’t have much work experience, was desperate for money, and Vance took a chance on me. I was lucky to have found him.”

“Do you ever regret doing it?” Oliver asked.

“Honestly, no. It’s what made me who I am today. I wouldn’t change a thing.”

“Have you spoken to your parents since they kicked you out?”

Lane grabbed Oliver’s hand and linked their fingers together. “I tried calling them once, but they hung up on me.”

Oliver could feel his heart breaking for his lover. While his own parents hadn’t exactly thrown a party when he’d told them, at least they hadn’t completely turned their backs on him. He couldn’t imagine how hard that must have been for Lane.

“I’m so sorry that happened to you,” Oliver said.

“Yeah, me too,” Lane replied with a sad smile.

Oliver leaned up and placed a soft kiss on Lane’s lips. “You don’t need them anyways. We’re your family now.”

“Yeah, and you guys are way better than they ever were. Trust me.”

Somehow Oliver didn’t have any trouble believing that. Anybody that would just throw Lane away didn’t deserve him. At least, not in Oliver’s book.

“Go to sleep, Oliver, I’ll keep watch over you,” Lane assured him.

No sweeter words were ever spoken to Oliver in his life. He snuggled deeper into Lane, breathing in to savor his scent. As he drifted off to sleep, all he could think about was how he could get used to this if he wasn’t careful.


The sound of the blaring alarm jolted Oliver awake. He reached out for it, only to smack Lane in the face by accident.

“Sorry,” Oliver mumbled.

“’s 'kay” Lane muttered back.

Lane leaned over and slammed the alarm off then got out of bed, depriving Oliver of his yummy warmness. Oliver groaned in protest. He didn’t want to get up. He wanted to spend the rest of the day in bed with Lane, where it was nice and cozy.

Lane slapped him on the ass. “Time to get up. We have a busy day ahead of us.”

Oliver let out another groan, but he rolled out of bed and stumbled to the bathroom. There he took care of business, brushed his teeth, then got out a spare toothbrush for Lane. When he came back out, Lane was still as chipper as usual.

“Are you always this much of a morning person,” Oliver groused.

“Be nice and we can take a shower together. I have a surprise for you,” Lane promised.

That perked Oliver up. Not only did he like to share showers, but he loved surprises. He quickly gathered up his clothes for the day and followed Lane into the bathroom.

While Lane brushed his teeth, Oliver got the water going and made sure it was at a warm temperature. He didn’t make it his usual scalding heat, not wanting to burn Lane. Once it was set, they both stripped off their boxers and stepped under the spray.

Lane grabbed the soap and began to slowly wash first himself then Oliver, taking great care to make sure that every single inch of him was clean. Oliver let out a moan as he tilted his head back, loving the sensation of Lane’s hands on him.

“If this is my surprise then call me happy,” Oliver said. “I could get used to this kind of special treatment.”

Lane gave Oliver’s neck a soft love bite. “That’s not your surprise.”

“Then what is?”

Lane answered by reaching down and wrapping his hand around both of their cocks. “This is.”

Oliver let out a gasp as shock and arousal jolted through his body. That had been the last thing he had been expecting. Guess that’s why they called them surprises.

“Oh God, yes,” Oliver said, his voice coming out shaky.

Lane began to move his hand up and down, the water and soap acting as the perfect lubricant. Oliver could feel his leg beginning to get weak. Not wanting to give a repeat performance of the day before, he reached out and grabbed onto Lane’s shoulders for support. He then gave himself over to the pleasure.

It was all so good, the feel of Lane’s hard body pressing against his chest, the warm water cascading down his back and the friction of Lane jacking them off. Oliver didn’t last long. Letting out a cry, he came, shooting off hot jets of cum.

“You look so beautiful right now, baby,” Lane said in a tight voice.

He then found his release, too, his spunk covering his hand and Oliver’s stomach. Lane dropped his head so it rested atop of Oliver’s, and they stayed that way for a few moments while they both caught their breath.

“Look at what you did. Now we have to clean ourselves up again,” Oliver chastised, once he could talk again.

Lane let out a laugh. “It was so worth it.”

“Yes, it was,” Oliver agreed.

They cleaned up again, before getting out and getting dried off. They then got dressed and went to the kitchen to look for breakfast. When Oliver realized all he had to offer was
Apple Jacks,
he blushed.

“Sorry, we’re pretty big on kid’s cereal,” he said, feeling like he was eight years old.

“I happen to love
Apple Jacks
,” Lane assured him.

They ate quickly then left, stopping by Lane’s quickly, so he could change into some fresh clothing. When they arrived at the office and found Eddie waiting for them at the doorway, Oliver knew they weren’t in for a good day.

“It’s about time you got here, Lane, people were beginning to think that you were going to be a no show,” the jerk said.

Oliver tried not to gag over the outfit Eddie was wearing. It was so tight that it looked like it was spray painted on and left nothing to the imagination. Oliver could even see the size and shape of Eddie’s cock through the thin material of his jeans.

“I didn’t know that I answered to you,” Lane said tightly.

“We were just worried about you,” Eddie cooed, completely ignoring the fact that Oliver was standing right there.

“I had some things to take care of before I came in,” Lane said, giving Oliver a secretive smile.

Oliver coughed to hide the laugh that threatened to bubble forth. Eddie still caught it anyways. He turned and gave Oliver a disgusted look. “I’ll bet you just did. It must be nice having a cushy office job instead of having to work the phones. Although, I bet your knees must be tired at the end of the day.”

“Excuse me?” Oliver shot back. “Did you just accuse me of what I think you did?”

“If the shoe fits,” Eddie drawled.

“I’m not the one wearing an outfit from sluts-r-us.”

Now it was Lane who had to cough to cover a laugh. He gave Eddie a stern look. “Get back to work before I fire you.”

Eddie had to the gall to look outraged, but he did as told. After he left, Oliver turned to Lane. “You’re going to have trouble with that one.”

“Tell me something I don’t already know.”

They went into Lane’s office and went to their separate desks. Soon, Oliver got lost in the numbers, but he couldn’t help but keep thinking back to Eddie. Somehow, he didn’t think that he’d heard the last from him.





Chapter Ten



Curses from Lane’s desk pulled Oliver out of his absorption over the numbers. He’d just about finished straightening out all of Lane’s records when Lane’s voice distracted him from his task.

“What’s wrong?”

Lane’s eyes stayed pinned to the monitor. “I’m going over auditions for the webcams, and a lot of them are really bad. Where’s the imagination? The artistry?”

Oliver didn’t know how much artistry was involved in jacking off in front of a camera but he wasn’t the professional. Curiosity hounded him until he stood and went to join Lane at his monitor.

A guy was wearing pink bunny ears and a pair of lace panties around his knees. He had his large cock in both hands. With his focus on the camera, he jerked himself off until cum splashed across the screen.

“Um, well that’s different” Oliver offered.

Lane sighed. “And that’s one of the better ones.”

“Oh, dear.” Oliver massaged Lane’s shoulders. “I’m sorry you’re having problems finding people.”

“It’s not like I’m asking for a lot. Don’t any of these men have any normal fantasies? I’m all for giving attention to the fetish crowd but more than two people have to like this for me to make money off of it.”

“You’re not targeting the big penis, fluffy bunny crowd?” Oliver guessed.

Lane glared at him over his shoulder. “You’re not as funny as you think you are.”

Oliver nodded. “Yes, I am.”

He stepped back as Lane stood. Oliver squeaked when Lane jerked him into his arms. “How are you feeling?”

Oliver’s head throbbed but his attention had turned onto the confinement of his erection. “I ache.”

“Oh, babe.” Lane pulled him closer, urging Oliver to put his head on Lane’s shoulder.

Grinning, Oliver rubbed against Lane.

Lane laughed. “Oh, I see. It is the little head that hurts.”

“It’s not that little,” Oliver countered.

“No, it’s not,” Lane soothed, rubbing a hand across Oliver’s back.

Oliver snorted. “You can rub me other places, too.”

“Hmm? How about here?” Lane gripped Oliver’s ass in both hands.

“Um, that’s good but I was thinking more in front.”

Lane slid his hands to the front of Oliver’s thighs. “Here?”

Oliver groaned. “Do I need to draw you a map?”

“Possibly,” Lane agreed. “But could you do it in braille? I want to follow the bumps with my fingers.”

Lane pressed his fingers along the rigid outline of Oliver’s cock. “Like this one. Where do you think it leads?”

“To a very happy place,” Oliver said through gritted teeth. Lane’s touch sent flickers of desire through Oliver. Little licks of electricity straight to his balls.

“Hmm,” Lane dipped his head. Oliver sighed as Lane bit his neck.

“Oh!” He sighed, leaning into Lane’s touch. The heat and wetness of Lane’s mouth had him aching even harder than before. He couldn’t resist Lane. The sexy man punched all of Oliver’s hot buttons with melting heat.

Lane slid his finger to cradle Oliver’s face in his hands. Mouths clashed for dominance as Oliver silently tried to convey the level of his need, and Lane proved his ability to drive Oliver out of his freaking mind.

Loud breathing and moans floated through the air. Oliver broke away to gasp for oxygen. “We can’t do this here.” Eddie’s words came back to haunt him.

Lane shook his head. “No, that would be completely unprofessional,” he agreed.

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