Oliver's Online (4 page)

Read Oliver's Online Online

Authors: Stephani Hecht,Amber Kell

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Oliver's Online
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Getting out of bed, he went to the window and rested his forehead against the cool glass. It felt good against his hot flesh. As always, the dream left him troubled and all shook up. He knew that he wouldn’t be able to go back to sleep that night.

He glanced at the clock. It read four in the morning. Which meant he had four more hours until he was due at work. Four more hours until he could escape from the memories. Four more hours until he could see Lane again.

A part of Oliver felt guilty thinking of Lane again so soon after having one of his nightmares about Dave. But another part of him told him that it was time to move on with his life. He knew that Dave would want him to find someone new. Dave wouldn’t want Oliver to wallow in his grief forever.

Oliver let out a sigh. It was so hard, though. He had loved Dave so much. It was difficult to let go of his heart again for fear that he would be hurt. He didn’t think he could survive another loss.

Then again, he didn’t think he could live a lonely life, either.

Pushing away from the window, he let out a soft chuckle. He really was getting ahead of himself. Sure, Lane had flirted a bit with him, but it was probably nothing. Guys like Lane never fell for men like Oliver. That only happened in fairy tales. Oliver knew he was an ugly duckling, and Lane was a prince if there ever was one. That was never going to change, no matter how much Oliver wished otherwise.




Chapter Four



Oliver checked his appearance one more time in the full-length mirror on his closet door. Yep, still pale and gimpy. Good thing he’d checked. If he’d turned into a gorgeous GQ cover model in his sleep, he would’ve hated to miss it.

A heavy sigh escaped him as he took in his too thin face and skinny frame. He’d never be as stunning as Lane, but when he had some weight on and before the accident, he’d at least been called cute. Dave certainly had never complained.


His heart clenched as memories of his brown-eyed lover filled his head. Dave with his sweet smiles and gentle loving touch had been Oliver’s everything. After the accident, the loss of Dave had been more painful than the wreck of his leg. At least his leg would heal. Nothing would bring his lover back from the dead. He wondered what Dave would think of Oliver’s new occupation. He’d probably laugh himself silly.

It might be time to move on, but the path wouldn’t be an easy one.

“You ready?” Patrick asked, popping his head into Oliver’s bedroom.

“Yeah, thanks for agreeing to drive me.” Oliver hadn’t figured out the bus schedule yet. He would soon, but for a first day, it had seemed like one too many things to calculate. Luckily, Patrick had stepped into the breach and offered to drive him.

“No problem. I have to go in now anyway. I can drop you off on the way to class.” Patrick flashed him a reassuring smile.

Oliver tried to offer one back, but with his hands shaking with nerves, he doubted he pulled it off very well.

Patrick had recently signed back up for college. He was taking his basics while he waited to see if he could get into the department of architecture. Oliver had no doubt that with Patrick’s portfolio he’d easily get a spot. Patrick had been designing buildings since high school. He had a pretty extensive collection of drawings by now.

Oliver was sure his friend would be a successful architect one day. Patrick only needed the opportunity to shine, and finally, life looked to be going his way.

The three of them stayed up late talking the night before. It had been a long time since they'd treated him like an equal, someone who could stand on his own two feet and didn’t need to be tiptoed around. He couldn’t let Ronnie and Patrick down, not after they had been so encouraging.

His nerves swirled around his stomach, threatening to make him hurl the cereal he’d choked down earlier. He couldn’t do this. How could he talk sex when he didn’t even feel sexy?

Taking a deep breath, Oliver nodded to his panicked mirror self. His reflection stared back in terror.

“I’m ready,” he lied.

He doubted he’d ever be ready for this but he asked for the job, and it would be rude to blow Lane off after he'd kindly agreed to hire Oliver against his own better judgment. He could tell Lane wasn’t sure about Oliver, and he hated to disappoint the kind man. After all, Lane had enough to worry about with starting a new company without dealing with extra staffing issues.

Oliver joined Patrick and Ronnie in the hall.

“If you’re having second thoughts, I’m sure we can talk to Lane,” Patrick offered.

Damn, his friends knew him well.

“Yeah, I know but I’m not going to do that. I’m going to take the job and do the best that I can,” Oliver said. He didn’t know what he planned to say until it popped out of his mouth but that didn’t make it any less true.

“Are you sure?” Ronnie pressed.

Oliver nodded. “I’m sure.”

“Then let’s get you to work,” Patrick said, shaking his keys. “I’ve got a class in an hour.”

“Oh, sorry,” Oliver said. He didn’t want to make Patrick late for his class because he was waiting on Oliver to find his courage.

“No worries.” Patrick patted Oliver on the back.

He wished there were no worries. Unfortunately, he had enough insecurities and stressors for a boatload of people. Now, he needed to overcome his scruples and talk dirty to a series of unknown callers.

Ronnie gave Oliver a quick hug before sending him on his way with Patrick.

Oliver took a deep breath before following Patrick to his car and setting off to his new job.


* * * *


Lane paced back and forth as he waited for his new employee.
Oliver should be appearing any minute now.
Hopefully, before Lane wore a bald spot into the carpet.

“Hey, Lane, is everything set up? I’m ready to begin making some money,” a petulant voice said.

Holding back a sigh, Lane spun around to face his employee. Eddie Carmen stood behind him, scowling. He wore leather pants and a tight t-shirt even though Lane specifically told him he didn’t have to look the part. He hoped he didn’t regret hiring his friend’s cousin, but he knew he probably would. If Eddie showed up in a jock strap tomorrow, Lane would give him the axe.

“Eddie, the phone lines are just about done. I’m waiting on our new employee, so I can start training.”

“I hope it wasn’t that guy from yesterday,” Eddie snarked.

“Why not?” Lane frowned.

“He looked like he’d need a map to find his prostate. How is a guy like that going to turn people on?”

“I’m sure he’ll do fine,” Lane argued. He didn’t really believe Oliver was a good fit for the job, but no way would he tell the damaged man that. Oliver’s self-confidence needed a boost, and Lane refused to crush him. If it took a few days of Oliver answering the phone before he admitted he needed a different type of position then so be it.

Eddie rolled his eyes. “Whatever, man. I’m ready to get started.”

“You’ll get started when I say everything’s ready,” Lane snapped. He didn’t appreciate attitude. He’d worked hard to get the company up and going, he didn’t need employee issues so soon after he opened.

Eddie raised his hands in defense. “Sorry, I didn’t know he was your new pet.”

Lane started to tear into Eddie but he caught sight of Oliver.

“Hey, Oliver,” Lane said. He wanted to tell Oliver how great he looked, but that probably wasn’t the right thing to do first day on the job. Oliver should feel comfortable walking into work without harassment from either Lane or Eddie.

“Hi, Lane.” Oliver’s shy reply had Lane trying to think unsexy thoughts to keep his cock under control.

Lane reluctantly introduced Eddie. “Oliver Lansing, this is Eddie Carmen, one of your coworkers.”

Oliver’s eyes went wide as he examined Eddie’s outfit. “Suddenly, I feel underdressed,” he said.

“You should,” Eddie said, curling his lip.

“Eddie.” Lane added a hard edge to his tone so the other man knew he wasn’t kidding. He wouldn’t tolerate any rudeness toward Oliver.

“Okay, okay, I’ll behave and not antagonize the newbie,” Eddie said, raising his hands in mock self-defense.

“Since I just started the company, you are all newbies,” Lane growled. He wouldn’t let Eddie put Oliver down with any pretend seniority.

Eddie flipped his hair with one hand. “Let’s get started. I need some cash.”

He turned and sauntered back to his desk.

“Don’t mind him. On the plus side, you won’t have to deal with him much. You’ll both be working on your own calls and not with each other.” Lane gave what he hoped was a reassuring smile to Oliver.

Oliver’s hesitant nod grabbed at Lane’s heart. “I won’t. I’ve dealt with a lot worse than him.”

It almost physically hurt not to hug Oliver right then. Instead, Lane patted him Oliver on the shoulder. “I know you have. Come on, I’ll show you where you’re gonna sit when you’re at the office.”


* * * *


Oliver let out the breath he’d been holding inside. His attraction to Lane threatened to derail his job even before he’d really begun. Lane pushed all of Oliver’s buttons. He needed to get over his misplaced lust for his new boss. Maybe taking a job working for someone he wanted to rub all over might not have been his smartest move.

Biting his lip, he followed Lane to a cubicle by a window. The desk had a cell phone, a headset, a bottle of water, a laptop and a pad of paper. Nothing else.

The phone had a read out display.

“The computer at the reception will keep track of your minutes and can forward it to you if you decide to work from home. As long as you are picking up calls, you will get paid for your time.”

“Thank you.”

Oliver sat down in the office chair. Lane leaned against the desk to continue their conversation.

“I’ve opened up the website for people to start calling. I also put some ads out and flyers at local adult-only nightclubs. I’m hoping it will start soon,” Lane smiled.

Nerves made Oliver’s hands shake.

“Now remember, the important thing is never give them personal information. Feed into their fantasies without giving any details about yourself. In fact, you might want to start thinking of a fake name.”

Oliver’s mouth dropped open. “A fake name?”

“Like I said. You don’t want to give strangers anything. We don’t know what kind of people will call. Most of them are just lonely men wanting someone to talk to,” Lane explained. “We will confirm they are of legal age before passing them onto you. On your computer, the receptionist will post anything they’ve told her about what scenario they want. It will appear here as a message.”

He tapped the screen and brought up the call tracking software. “It’s pretty self-explanatory.”

“Thanks, Lane,” Oliver said.

“No worries. It is an easy process.”

“No.” Oliver put his hand on Lane’s thigh. “I mean I appreciate you giving me a job. I’m pretty much a hopeless case. I can’t stand for very long. I have no higher education. I really needed to help pay off my bills. I-I can’t thank you enough.”

Lane smiled and patted Oliver’s hand. Oliver couldn’t help but notice the large erection Lane sported.

“I don’t want you to be thankful to me, Oliver. I’m just giving you the chance. You don’t owe me anything. I like you, but I want you to know that you can always tell me to leave you alone, I won’t force myself on you.”

Oliver blushed. He could feel the heat staining his cheeks. God, he was such a loser. He couldn’t even accept the knowledge that Lane wanted him.

Shifting uncomfortably in his chair, Oliver took slow breaths to hold back his panic.

“Lane,” he began.

“Oliver, don’t worry. Like I said, if you have no interest in me, I’ll understand. I’m not going to pressure you.”

“Lane, hush!” Oliver lost patience with Lane’s understanding tone. “I’m not trying to say I’m not interested. I’m trying to tell you I haven’t been interested in anyone since Dave. He died in the accident with me.” He barely choked out the words before Lane dropped to his knees to wrap Oliver in his arms.

“I’m sorry, baby, I’m so sorry,” Lane murmured in his ear as he hugged Oliver close.

Oliver sighed against Lane’s chest. Dave hadn’t been much larger than Oliver so he’d never been completely engulfed in another person’s arms before.

“Boss. Oh, sorry,” a female voice intruded on their moment.

Lane separated from Oliver but he didn’t rush to step away as if he were ashamed, he took his time before turning to the speaker.

“Candy, I want you to meet Oliver Lansing. Oliver, this is Candy O’Shea. She’s our receptionist. She’ll be forwarding your calls and helping you with anything you need.”

“Nice to meet you, Candy.” He shook hands with the perky blonde who gave him a friendly smile.

“Nice to meet you too, Oliver.” Her eyes flickered between Oliver and Lane and her smile widened.

Unlike Eddie, he could feel nothing but good vibes coming from Candy. He liked her right away.

Just as he was about to speak, the sound of a phone ringing filled the room. Candy’s eyes went wide. “I guess it’s starting.”





Chapter Five



Oliver started when he realized that his line was one of the many phones ringing. With shaking hands, he put on his headset, then hit the button to connect the call.

“Hello?” he said, wincing when his voice cracked just a bit.

“Oh, you sound delicious,” the caller said, letting out a slobbery sounding lick.

Well you don’t,
Oliver thought with a shudder. He had an image of some guy, hiding out in his parents’ basement, living off them and running up their phone bill. Call him judgmental, maybe it came from hanging out with Becca too much.

“What’s your name, pretty thing?” the caller asked.

Remembering Lane’s warning not to use his real name, Oliver scrambled to come up with something, “Uh…it’s Bec…Becker”

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