One Wicked Night (13 page)

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Authors: Kelly Jamieson

BOOK: One Wicked Night
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“Yeah, and their vitamins are legit. Which is probably why the company has a good reputation.”

“This contract could make us financially secure,” Tyler said.

“Make us or break us,” Nick said. “We need to have some ethics.”

“You’re saying I have no ethics?” They locked glares.

“I see the problem,” she said.

“What’s your advice, Kaelin?” Tyler shifted his gaze to her, and it softened, a teasing light in his eyes.

“I don’t know anything about advertising,” she said, eyes flicking back and forth between them. “Other than you do make people buy things they don’t need.”

“Oh!” Tyler’s eyes widened. “You’re a critic of the advertising business too!”

She smiled. “No. But we live in a society that values consumption. Build more, manufacture more, sell more. Go into debt more buying things you don’t need.”

Nick laughed. “You are so right, honey. That’s what I’m talking about.”

“It’s the American way,” Tyler said.

She laughed. “Nick’s right. You have to have some ethics.”

Tyler sighed. “You’re so sweet, Kaelin.”

Sweet. Even after all that, they still thought she was sweet. Ah well. She snuggled down in between them again. She may have drifted off to sleep for a little while, and maybe Tyler and Nick did too, she wasn’t sure. When their hands started moving on her body in slow caresses, she floated on an erotic cloud of sensation. Hands on her shoulders, sliding between her breasts, over her arms. Her body stirred, her legs shifted on the smooth sheets. Fingers brushing over the curls at the juncture of her thighs, tracing around her navel, cupping her breast. She sighed.

A mouth opened on her shoulder in a hot kiss. A hand lifted her hand and she dragged her eyes open to watch Nick kiss her fingers. His own eyes heavy-lidded, he watched her face. She smiled.

Tyler moved beside her and she turned to him as he bent his head to one breast, taking her sensitive nipple between his lips and sucking. Heat spiraled from nipple to womb and she gasped. Then Nick sucked her other nipple, as they had before, both at the same time. Two mouths on her tender nipples. The overload of sensation made her shudder and her pussy clench as heat rippled through her body. But this time she looked at their two heads, so close together, Tyler’s tousled gold hair next to Nick’s short dark bristle. This time she set her hands on their heads, holding them there as they suckled her, and when they lifted their heads she gently pushed them together.

Tyler shot her a look, but he kissed Nick again, right there in front of her, only inches away, another long deep kiss and his tongue licked over Nick’s bottom lip. Kaelin moaned.

“Yes,” she whispered. “That’s what I want.”

“Mmm?” Tyler’s mouth slid off Nick’s. He lifted an eyebrow. “You want to watch us, sweet baby?”

She licked her lips and gave a short nod. “You can…touch each other. You know.” She searched for words. “Do whatever you want. With each other.”

Heat flashed into her face at her stumbling attempt to tell them what she wanted.

They both knelt beside her. “But this is all about you tonight,” Nick murmured, kissing her collarbone.

“It doesn’t have to be,” she protested, lifting her head from the pillow. Tyler pushed her back down, gently, with a smile.

“I know what you mean,” he said. “Thank you, Kaelin.”

He was thanking her? For wanting to watch them together? Her mind was a little fuzzy with lust, but, okay, whatever.

“Are you sore?” he asked, slipping his fingers between her thighs.

“Er…maybe a little.” She blinked up at them.

They did another of those wordless communications that she now knew went so deep. And then Nick reached for Tyler’s cock, already standing at attention. Kaelin swallowed as his big hand wrapped around the base. Tyler set a hand on Nick’s shoulder and his eyes closed and his head fell back as Nick stroked him above Kaelin’s body. She scrambled to sit up and lean against the headboard, pulling the sheet with her. It only reached to her waist and she looked down at herself. Guess it didn’t really matter whether she was covered at that point.

She turned her attention back to the tableau in front of her. Nick and Tyler moved closer together and kissed again, still on their knees, Nick still pulling Tyler’s cock. Nick’s own cock bobbed and, unable to resist, Kaelin extended her hand to stroke him. He was long and thick, smoother than Tyler’s heavily veined cock, with a pronounced ridge around the crown, both of them so, so beautiful. Her mouth watered at the sight and her lips parted. Nick broke the kiss to look down at her touching him and smiled at her.

“I want to suck you,” she whispered.

“Oh yeah,” he groaned. Nick moved on his knees closer to her, straddled her body, and she adjusted her position on the bed to be able to take him into her mouth. He groaned again as she sucked on just the head then licked him, holding his throbbing heat in her hand. She loved doing this, loved the feel of him pulsing and alive in her hand, in her mouth, loved the texture of his skin on her tongue, the salty taste of precome leaking from the tip.

“Perfect,” Tyler said from above Nick’s shoulder. He’d moved up behind Nick and watched. Kaelin looked up at both of them, her mouth full. She hummed her agreement and Nick’s body jolted.

Tyler’s hands slid down over Nick’s chest, rubbed over his nipples, and Nick twitched again in her mouth. She tightened her mouth on his shaft, trying to keep the rhythm while she watched Tyler caress Nick’s chest, rub his face against Nick’s jaw, and kiss his shoulder. It was like a dream, watching that, seeing Tyler, always so tough and mocking and cynical, now tender and gentle. Once again, emotion rose in her and she closed her eyes as she sucked on Nick, so delicious, filling her mouth so perfectly.

“Gonna fuck you,” Tyler muttered, one hand going to Nick’s forehead and pulling his head back. “While Kaelin sucks you.” A long groan tore from Nick’s throat as Tyler released him then pushed him forward. Nick braced his hands on the headboard above Kaelin’s head and bent forward as much as he could. She had to adjust a little, squirmed a little lower, shoved pillows behind her. Heat flowed through her veins, anticipation sizzling through her at what was about to happen. Tyler crowded up behind Nick, on his knees, slid an arm around his waist. Nick’s eyes were closed. Kaelin paused in what she was doing to catch her breath, to wait for it…she couldn’t see but knew Tyler had his cock in his hand and was pressing against Nick’s ass. She kept stroking Nick, though with her hand.

“Yeah,” Nick said. Perspiration shone on his chest and shoulders, every big muscle in his arms hard and defined as he tensed up, gritted his teeth. “Oh yeah.”

She found his balls with her other hand, cupped them gently, rolled them against her palm, and then curiously, daringly, she slid her fingers farther back over hot damp skin stretched taut until she bumped against Tyler’s cock buried in Nick’s ass. And then she reached farther still and stroked over Tyler’s testicles, tight in their sac.

“Kaelin.” Tyler bent over Nick’s back, now both arms around him, rubbing his chest and abs. “Christ, Kaelin.”

She smiled, licked her lips and resumed sucking hungrily on Nick, fingers playing delicately over male flesh, fingernails scraping. Tyler’s rhythm picked up pace, pushing Nick’s cock deeper and deeper into her throat, too deep, and she had to pull off with a gasp.

“Sorry,” he grunted. “Sorry, sweet baby.”

“Fuck me, Tyler,” Nick groaned. “Harder. Oh god, both of you like that…unbelievable.”

This time Kaelin lifted Nick’s cock and used her tongue to explore his balls, and Tyler’s too, drawing curses from the two men as Tyler fucked Nick, faster and harder.

“Gonna come,” Nick gasped. “Kaelin…”

She’d wanted him to come in her mouth, but his orgasm exploded so fast, he came on her shoulder instead. She shifted back, held his cock, stroked it as he came, more spurts landing now on her breasts. Oh lord, that was hot, so damn hot, she was going to burst into flames.

Tyler rose up straighter, pulling Nick with him, one hand on his chest, the other on his forehead, and Nick twisted to kiss him as they went still, low sounds of pleasure rumbling in Tyler’s throat as he came too. She cupped Tyler’s balls and felt them pulse in her hand and he tore his mouth away from Nick’s to give a wordless shout.

“Fuck,” Nick gasped. “Holy fuck.”

Kaelin stroked his hips, the strong square bones, the soft skin beside his groin, his hair-roughened thighs, then slipped her hands around him to caress Tyler’s ass, the muscles there rock hard. She pressed her cheek to Nick’s thigh and hugged them both.

Oh lord. Oh lord. Eyes closed, breathing in the scent of semen and sweaty male skin, Kaelin’s mind tumbled. This was more than she’d ever fantasized about, hotter and more wicked than her imaginings, but on top of that it was deeply, emotionally moving. She couldn’t analyze why, not just then, her head spinning, her brain short-circuiting. Maybe sometime she’d think about it. Or maybe not. Maybe it was better not to.

She took a deep breath and released them from her embrace, fell back onto the mattress. “Oh my god,” she said.

She looked up at them, Tyler’s arms sleek with muscles and golden hair still around Nick’s torso, his big muscular body. Nick’s head was back on Tyler’s shoulder, their eyes were closed, and then they opened their eyes and looked down at her. She gazed helplessly back at them, struck speechless by the beauty of their bodies and their feelings for each other.

“Kaelin.” Tyler and Nick separated and fell to the bed on either side of her. “That was unbelievable.”

She gave them a shaky smile and a nod. They’d done this before, though, probably lots of times, with women hotter and more sexually experienced than she. And she had to wonder, why did they even need a woman? They obviously loved being together. For some reason, that thought made her eyes sting and her throat go tight.

But why? It wasn’t as if she was ever going to see them again after this weekend. They never came back to Mapleglen and Tyler apparently had no intention of trying to patch things up with his parents. Probably the next time she’d see him would be at a funeral, in about twenty or thirty years.

“Kaelin.” Tyler repeated her name again, his arm across her breasts, his hand on her cheek. “We’ve never done anything like that before.”

She turned to him wide-eyed. “What?”

He met her gaze steadily. “We’ve had threesomes before,” he said, his voice low and husky. “But no girl has ever done that for us…touched us both…let us do that.”

She opened her mouth, but nothing came out. She blinked. Then finally she said, “Really?”

Nick moved on her other side, stroking her shoulder and arm. “Really.”


Wow. Once again, she wasn’t sure what it all meant. And then, as they lay there quietly, the overload of sensation and emotion took over and she fell asleep.



Tyler stretched in bed, a warm body next to him. A soft, warm body. Nice. He reached for it, pulled her closer. Mmm. Kaelin. Her butt fit perfectly in his groin, and his hand found a soft breast, tipped with a velvety nipple. Really nice. He nuzzled into her hair, smelling sweetly of honeysuckle and apples, and prepared to drift back to sleep in that position.

She wriggled her ass enticingly and his morning erection stirred. He smiled against her hair. God, could they really go another round? She was pretty amazing.

“Oh my god!” Her voice split the silence in the dark hotel room and she bolted out of his arms. Adrenaline flashed through his veins and he sat up.

“What? What’s wrong?”

Nick sat up too on the other side of the bed, rubbing his eyes and squinting.

“It’s almost noon!” Kaelin stood beside the bed, staring at the hotel alarm clock. Yep, those red numbers spelled out 11:52.

Oh Jesus. The wedding.

Tyler scrubbed a hand over his face. “Don’t panic,” he said. “The wedding’s not until four.”

“I know, but I have things to do! I have to pick up flowers, decorate the banquet room, the church, put out the favors. I have to get ready…omigod, omigod, omigod.”

She frantically searched the room for her clothes, finding her dress, her bra. She struggled into the little black dress, now wrinkled as hell, then picked up her bra and stared at it. She stuffed it into her purse.

“I can’t find my underwear,” she muttered, turning in a circle. Twice. Tyler hauled himself out of bed and caught her as she turned her back to him, then drew her zipper up, resisting the urge to drag his tongue up her bare back. “Oh, never mind. Omigod.”

Bright sunlight glared around the edges of the heavy drapes over the hotel window. Shit. They did a good job of blocking the light and they’d all slept like they’d died, right through the morning. “What do you need us to do?” he asked, handing Kaelin her sandals. She grabbed them.

“Nothing. I don’t know. Omigod.” She tried to get the strappy high-heeled sandals on, stumbling and almost falling. Tyler let her use him to balance on while she slipped them on.

“Yes there is. We’ll do whatever.” He glanced at Nick who nodded and threw back the covers. “Where are you going first?”

“First?” She gazed blankly at him. “First I’m going home. I can’t go around like this! In the same clothes I wore last night! What will people think?” She closed her eyes. Her hair hung in long tangles down her back and her mascara was smudged under her eyes in a way Tyler thought was damn sexy, but yeah, she probably didn’t want to be running around town like that.

“I’ll come with you,” he said.

“No! Jesus. Are you crazy?”

“No one knows what happened last night,” he tried to soothe. He attempted to smooth her hair. She swatted his hand away. “I’ll drive you home. Nick’ll meet us at the flower shop. We’ll help you decorate. Don’t worry, it’ll all get done.”

She sucked in a long shaky breath, staring at him with those big brown eyes, so sweet and sexy.

A buzzing sounded in her purse. She blinked, then groped in the big leather bag and pulled out her cell phone. Still looking dazed and disoriented she peered at her phone. “It’s Maddie,” she whispered. “Omigod, she’s staying here in the hotel.”

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