Oral Exam

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Authors: Tessa Rae

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Oral Exam

Tessa Rae

Oral Exam

Copyright © 2012 by Tessa Rae

Kindle Edition

License Notes

This book is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or other unauthorized use of the material or artwork herein is prohibited.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental.

Cover Art by Tamra Westberry

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CyberWitch Press

To my husband, for the many wonderful years of ‘tutoring sessions’.

Chapter One

“A man’s body is a shrine. The penis is the altar where you worship.”

“What the hell are you talking about?” Throwing her backpack on the floor, Celeste fought to stifle a laugh. Nothing her Omega Chi sister and best friend, Lisa Lang said seemed shocking anymore.

Lisa lay on her side, propping herself up on one elbow on a cushy couch in their sorority house common room. One bronzed leg stretched atop another as she sucked on the end of a cherry popsicle. A group of freshman pledges sat on the floor next to her, eyes wide, eagerly hanging on their mentor’s every word. One girl was even taking notes.

“Blowjob 101.” Her tapered eyes sparkling with mischief, Lisa flicked the popsicle in the air. “Pay attention.”

Celeste shuddered at the image of a man’s long, sticky penis shoved down her throat. Sinking into the soft, leather couch, she turned to Lisa. “No thanks. I don’t do blowjobs.”

Lisa shot up while tossing her silky, black hair with a flip of her head. “Don’t do blowjobs?” Her copper eyes widened. “Don’t you know the way to a man’s heart is through his penis?”

Celeste shrugged. “That’s what sex is for.”

“Yes, but can your pussy do this?” Lisa closed her eyes and let out a soft gasp as her tongue traced the popsicle from bottom to top. Then she flashed Celeste a wicked grin as she thrust the entire treat down her throat. She moaned, continuing to face fuck the popsicle, thrusting it harder and deeper with each stroke.

Finally, she came up for air, tickling the tip with her tongue before going down again. Her swollen lips were stained with red juices that dripped down her chin, but she seemed oblivious to the mess. Pulling her mouth off the shaft, she licked her frozen treat from base to stem with fierce sexual hunger. Her eyes were foggy, as if she was in a trance, being compelled by the popsicle to suck it to oblivion.

When she finally pulled away, red juices had run down her slender neck and between her heaving breasts, and she was left with an empty stick. Tracing along her breasts, Lisa scooped up the mess, licking her fingers with long strokes of her stained tongue.

Setting the stick on the table in front of her, Lisa let out a long, satisfied sigh, folding her hands in her lap and batting her eyes. “Trust me when I say this. If you learn how to master the penis, you will master the man.”

Celeste was at a loss for words. How could Lisa make it look so—fun? Celeste had only given one blowjob in her life, to her last boyfriend, Asshole Number Two, and he’d come without warning. Gross. His cum was gooey and tasted like acid. But Lisa sure looked like she was having fun, so much fun that Celeste’s pussy swelled until it hurt just watching her friend’s erotic demonstration. Celeste wondered if she would have that much fun with the right guy.

What are you doing thinking about blowjobs? Hamilton’s exam is tomorrow.

Biting her bottom lip, Celeste thought of her hot Renaissance Literature teacher. Wavy dark hair slightly peppered with grey, broad shoulders and tanned skin.
What would it be like to give him a blowjob?

“Does that apply to my English 460 teacher?”

“Oh.” Lisa exhaled deeply. “That definitely applies to teachers.”

Celeste’s hands flew to her mouth. “Don’t tell me you fucked a teacher!”

Lisa folded her arms across her chest and tilted her chin. “How do you think I aced botany?”

The pledges on the floor dropped all their jaws simultaneously, and the one taking notes frantically tapped at her laptop.

Celeste laughed. “Is there anything you haven’t fucked?”

Lisa shook her head. “Jealous? You know, if you clean those cobwebs out of your crotch, you might find sex is actually, um, fun.”

Celeste squared her shoulders. Was Lisa implying that she sucked in bed? How would she know? Her assholes called her a ‘lame screw’ and a ‘dead fuck’. She certainly didn’t need the slams from her best friend, too. “I like sex.”

“Well, you’ve got to
it, and let
see how much you love it.” Lisa picked up the stick, licking one side, then the other.

“Who’s the him?” one of the pledges asked. “Do you have a BF Celeste?”

“No, she doesn’t, but we all know she has her sights on Corbin Thomas.” Pointing the stick at Celeste, Lisa narrowed her eyes. “And you know what, Celeste? If you want to catch him, and keep him, you’ve got to master him in bed.”

Corbin Thomas. That stud was so totally out of her league. He was president of Alpha Pi, the hottest, richest fraternity on campus. Not to mention he led his fraternity to victory last spring in the tug-of-war, flag football, and water sports competition.

And Celeste had it for him bad. But he’d never go for her. She was twenty-two years old, yet she still had little experience with guys. And after Asshole Number Two told her she was a ‘dead fuck’, Celeste didn’t know if she was ready for sex again.

“How do I master him in bed?” Celeste lowered her eyes. “I’ve only had sex with two guys.”

“Only two guys?” The pledges chimed in unison.

Celeste could feel herself turning ten shades of red. Even little freshmen got it more than her. What was she thinking, spilling her secrets in front of them?

“Okay, that’s enough blowjob 101 for today. Celeste and I need to talk—alone.” Lisa shot the pledges a glare before pulling Celeste off the couch, and dragging her upstairs to their private bedroom.

Slamming the door behind them, Lisa’s eyes sparkled with mischief. “You need to find a mentor.”

Celeste strode to the other side of the room, then slumped against the wall, relieved to be alone with Lisa. For the past few weeks, she’d been thinking about getting the nerve to ask her for help. Her best friend was well known as the sex guru on campus. Wherever you found Lisa, you could count on a throng of males fighting for her attention.

Between studying for exams and completing term papers, Celeste didn’t have the time for that kind of attention. Besides, she knew that without Lisa’s exotic features, she could never make men fall at her feet. Her limp hair was too pale, her skin too chalky, and her green eyes hid behind small features. She was simple, plain Celeste. A chalk mark on a wall. One swish of an eraser, and she’d be gone.

Would anyone even notice? Would Corbin notice?

She had to make him notice, but with graduation right around the corner, when would she get the chance to see him again?

“Will you be my mentor?” she asked Lisa.

Lisa’s lip twitched, as she shot Celeste a hardened stare. “I meant a mentor with a cock.”

Celeste sighed. “You mean I’m just supposed to find a guy to teach me how to fuck?”

Celeste turned, leaning her head against the window, watching as the pledges spilled out the door onto the concrete walkway in front of their house. They were probably going to share the latest gossip with the rest of the world.

Celeste has only had sex with two guys. She doesn’t know how to fuck.

“Yeah,” Lisa shrugged. “How do you think I got so good?”

“Where am I supposed to find a guy like that?”

“Not a guy, Celeste—a man. And you said it yourself.” Lisa ran her tongue across her top lip. “Start with your English teacher.”

Chapter Two

Celeste’s limbs shook as she faced her best friend. Standing in front of her instructor’s office, she realized this was a crazy idea. What if Hamilton didn’t go for it? She could get kicked out of school.

What would her parents say? Probably that they expected her to fail. And that she did this just to shame them. Then they would rehash all of her shortcomings, including the time she was three and pissed her pants in the car. Was seducing Professor Hamilton worth destroying her future, her chance at financial independence and freedom? Was all this worth incurring her parents’ wrath?

“I don’t know if I can go through with this.”

Lisa tilted her head, grinning. “Of course you can.”

“Easy for you to say,” Celeste huffed. “You’ve got more nerve.”

Tossing her black mane behind her shoulder, Lisa placed a hand on a jutting hip. “Celeste, what’s your major?”

Celeste sighed, remembering the horrified looks on her parents’ faces when she responded to the same question. “I’m a double major, English and theater.”

“Exactly. You know how to pick the right words and how to deliver them.” Lisa grabbed Celeste by both shoulders, coming within inches of her face. “Pretend you’re at
The Audition
. The role that will make or break your entire acting career.”

“But I want to write screenplays, not star in them,” she protested.

“You’re losing focus, Celeste,” Lisa growled. “If you can pull this off, there’s nothing you can’t do.”

Twisting her fingers together, Celeste bit her lower lip. If she had the skills to pass Professor Hamilton’s test, she could pitch her screenplays to any director. “Okay.”

“Do you know how hot you look right now?” Lisa traced a finger over the curve of Celeste’s hip. “You were made for this role.”

“I was?” Celeste rocked back and forth on her heels, hardly believing her friend.

“Would you get a good look at yourself?” Pulling out her cosmetic mirror, Lisa slapped it in Celeste’s hand.

Even though she had studied her reflection for almost an hour back at the dorm after Lisa did her magic, Celeste could hardly believe the image was her. Her long limp hair, had been transformed to shiny, full blonde locks, and her makeup looked like she’d spent the day at a spa. Lisa used just the right tones to bring out the various emerald hues in her eyes. And nothing said ‘fuck me’ better than that deep, bronze lipstick on her plumped lips.

“You are the temptress, Celeste,” Lisa whispered in her ear.

“I’m the temptress.” She nodded, willing herself to believe it. Lisa had more confidence in her than she did in herself. Celeste couldn’t have wished for a better friend.

“That’s it.” Lisa smacked her on the ass. “Now, just a few adjustments.” Lisa grabbed her by the collar.

Before Celeste could protest, the top two buttons of her white, chiffon shirt were undone.

She stared down at the fabric. “What are you doing?” She felt more like a whore than a temptress.

“It’s not enough to tell him you’re horny. You’ve got to show him.” Lisa held one hand out. “Now, off with the panties.”

“My panties?” She rasped.

“Give them to me.” Lisa snapped her fingers. “Hurry, I think I hear someone coming.”

Mortified, Celeste did her best to balance herself on each high heel while removing her underwear. She handed them to Lisa, then tried to pull her black spandex skirt lower. How far was Lisa going to take this? Any more ‘adjustments’ and she’d be auditioning for a porn flick.

“Hello, Kitty?” Eyeing the little pink briefs, Lisa rolled her eyes. “What am I going to do with you, Celeste?” She tossed the underwear in the garbage can behind her. “After you suck this one, I’m taking you underwear shopping. And it won’t be in the children’s department.”

“If I suck this one,” Celeste muttered.

“Oh,” Lisa purred, “you’re going to suck him.” Leaning forward, she squeezed Celeste’s nipples.

“Hey!” Celeste pushed away. “That hurts.”

“Gotta get those nipples nice and hard.” Lisa grinned. “You want them to be the first thing he notices when you walk through the door.”

Turning Celeste toward her instructor’s office, Lisa pounded her fist on the door three times. Then she grabbed Celeste’s spandex skirt and yanked it up so high, it barely covered her ass.

Before Celeste had gathered her wits, Lisa was half-way down the hall, and Professor Hamilton was standing in front of her, his gaze roaming the length of her body.

Too late to back out now.

“Hello.” He smiled, leaning one arm on the doorframe. He was wearing the usual suit and tie, an uneven match for his gorgeous bronzed skin and chiseled features. This guy belonged on horseback or climbing mountains, not buried in books.

Looking into her professor’s eyes, Celeste was at a loss for words. She had no idea they were so blue. Her jaw dropped and she tried to speak, but nothing came out.

One black eyebrow shot up. “Do you want to speak to me, Celeste?”

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