Otherworldly Bad Boys: Three Complete Novels

BOOK: Otherworldly Bad Boys: Three Complete Novels
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Title Page

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-one




Title Page

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen




Title Page

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-one

Chapter Twenty-two

Chapter Twenty-three

Chapter Twenty-four

Chapter Twenty-five

Chapter Twenty-six

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Three complete novels

by V. J. Chambers


Three complete paranormal novels.

A werewolf serial killer. A magic-hungry professor. A tortured superhero.

Very, very bad boys, riding the edge of passion and peril, the way only V. J. Chambers serves them up. Add a dash of the otherworldly, and curl up with some boys you wouldn’t dare bring home to mama.


**Recommended for mature readers due to explicit sexual situations, coarse language, and disturbing violence.**


The Killing Moon

She knows she shouldn't want him. But she does.

Six months ago, werewolf tracker Dana Gray barely escaped from Cole Randall, the wolf serial killer who kept her in his basement torturing her. Toying with her. He almost killed her, but he couldn’t. He let her live.

Now, she finds herself obsessed with Cole. His voice haunts her, hypnotic and liquid, flowing through her, both horrifying and arousing. She can’t shut him up.

At her job, she struggles with a bewildering case in which rehabilitated werewolves are going astray and killing again. From his maximum security cell, Cole claims he has all the answers. But he'll only talk to Dana.

Maybe Cole knows something. Maybe he doesn’t. Dana doesn’t know. She only knows she’s grateful for the excuse to go to him. And once she hears his voice again, she’ll do anything to see him, whether it helps the case or not.



He meant to use her, not fall for her.

Professor Carter Alexander may have a sharp tongue and a reputation for reducing freshman acting students to tears, but he’s gorgeous. He’s the man of Teagan Moss’ dreams. Literally. She’s been having dreams about him since she was thirteen years old. Yes,
kind of dreams.

Teagan’s been sheltered, hidden away by her crazy aunts and her even crazier mother, all of whom have cautioned her that the man in her dreams wants to hurt her. But Teagan doesn’t believe in their stories of power and evil.

All she wants is to be normal for once.

One night, she’s compelled out of her bed by a force she doesn’t understand. She finds herself across town on Professor Alexander’s porch.

And he’s kissing her.



Fifty Shades of Batman

When newspaper intern Cecily Kane kisses a masked vigilante, she doesn’t realize she’s plunging headlong into a relationship with two separate identities.

As Vigil, he is dark, sensuous, and irresistible. His touch skyrockets her to heights of pleasure. As Callum Rutherford, he is a billionaire playboy—arrogant, cold, and untouchable. She looks good on his arm, but without his mask, he holds her at arm’s length.

Sex with a masked man. Dinner with a rich sophisticate. A fractured relationship with a complicated man.

Deep down, he is broken, twisted in some dark, hidden way. Some way he won’t reveal to her. She only knows that it is somehow connected to his obsession with The Phantom, the costumed villain whose murder spree has rocked the city.

She must unravel Vigil’s secrets. To make him whole. And to stop The Phantom.












The Killing Moon
by V. J. Chambers


Six months ago, werewolf tracker Dana Gray barely escaped from Cole Randall, the wolf serial killer who kept her in his basement torturing her. Toying with her. He almost killed her, but he couldn’t. He let her live.

Now, she finds herself obsessed with Cole. His voice haunts her, hypnotic and liquid, flowing through her, both horrifying and arousing. She can’t shut him up.

At her job, she struggles with a bewildering case in which rehabilitated werewolves are going astray and killing again. From his maximum security cell, Cole claims he has all the answers. But he'll only talk to Dana.

Maybe Cole knows something. Maybe he doesn’t. Dana doesn’t know. She only knows she’s grateful for the excuse to go to him. And once she hears his voice again, she’ll do anything to see him, whether it helps the case or not.




© copyright 2013 by V. J. Chambers
Punk Rawk Books

Please do not copy or post this book in its entirety or in parts anywhere. You may, however, share the entire book with a friend by forwarding the entire file to them. (And I won’t get mad.)



The Killing Moon
by V. J. Chambers









Dana Gray swallowed hard and averted her eyes from the blood-streaked pool table. A man, or what was left of him, was lying on his stomach on the green felt, head turned to the side, eyes glassy and gaping. Four long red furrows streaked down his back, parting his flesh. His throat had been ripped out. He was nothing more than glistening red meat. Dana wasn’t looking anymore, but the image of the mauled man seemed engraved onto the back of her eyelids.

She felt a heavy hand land on her shoulder, and she turned to see the grinning face of her partner, Avery Brooks. “Can’t stand to look, Gray?” he teased. “I know it’s been six months, but you used to have the strongest stomach in the Sullivan Foundation.”

“It’s not that.” Dana forced her gaze back to the body. She drew in steady, even breaths, and let them back out again. She could handle this. Six months ago, she wouldn’t have even blinked at a body, even one in worse shape than this. She’d seen people ripped up so bad they weren’t recognizably human, just piles of gore—glistening organs mixed with blood and clumps of hair. She was a werewolf tracker for the northeastern branch of the Sullivan Foundation, and inspecting bodies like this was her job. She got paid to find whatever werewolf had done this, to track him or her down, and to bring the wolf in to the SF.

“No shame in it.” Avery’s eyes were dancing. “You be the little woman and stand back. Let me get a closer look.”

Six months ago, teasing like that would have been par for the course. She would have tongue-lashed Avery into submission, and the both of them would have been laughing. But things were different now. So Dana only nodded. “Maybe that would be wise.”

She turned away from the body and took a few steps in the opposite direction. But she was greeted by another body. A woman, flung over the back of a chair. Her neck had been broken, and she resembled a rag doll. A rag doll with its guts strewn out all over the table, anyway.

Dana twitched. She made fists and dug her fingernails into her palms. Six months ago, this crime scene wouldn’t have disgusted her.

Not that she was disgusted now. She was excited.

She could feel the tickle of her wolf at the base of her spine, a hungry, eager itch. It wanted her to let it out. The wolf liked the carnage. It gloried in it.

She slammed her eyes shut, focused on her breathing.
I am in control
, she thought.
I am stronger than the animal.

Avery’s hand on her shoulder again. This time, his touch was gentle. “Hey, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t push. I know it’s your first case back.”

She’d been on leave for six months, ever since she’d brought in Cole Randall, the first werewolf serial killer that anyone knew of. Cole had nearly killed her. He’d kept her in his basement, torturing her, toying with her. Talking to her. It was the voice she couldn’t shake. His voice found her no matter how hard she tried to block it out. Cole’s voice was rich and seductive. He murmured suggestions to her that made her feel both disgusted and aroused. And no matter what she did, she couldn’t seem to shut him up.

She’d begged to come back to work in the hopes that having something to occupy her would drown out the memory of Cole. Her psychiatrist, Chantal Hernandez, had expressed concern that she was moving too fast. Standing here, the wolf clamoring to be let out, Dana wondered if Chantal hadn’t been right.

She forced herself to smile at Avery. “I’m fine.”

Avery shifted from one foot to the other. “Gray, no one wants you back more than me, you know that. But if you’re not up to it yet, then I don’t want to push it.”

Dana reached under the hem of her shirt and fingered the scar tissue on her belly, where Cole had used his claws to tear into her.
Deeper inside you than any man’s ever been
, he’d whispered, his voice like velvet. Touching the scar always made her think of him, but it steadied her as well. It reminded her of pain, and pain drove the wolf off.

“You’re sweet, Brooks,” she said. “But I’m back, and I’m fine.” She rolled her shoulders, and found she was able to let just a little of the wolf out again, the way she usually did. Her training had taught her how to suppress the beast, and when she’d mastered that, she’d learned how to let out certain small aspects of it, without letting the entire brutal animal control her. Now, she let out just her heightened sense of wolf smell. She sniffed the air. “One wolf. Male.”

Avery folded his arms over his chest. “You’re skipping ahead, Gray. We haven’t checked all the bodies. We could have a live one.”

She sniffed the air again. “Nope. They’re all dead.” After a wolf attack, it was standard procedure to investigate the victims and see if any had survived. Survivors were almost certainly infected with the lupine virus and would have to be quarantined at the SF until they’d completed training and learned to suppress their wolves. If not, they’d be a danger to everyone at the next full moon.

Once, Gray had been one of those survivors. She’d stayed with the SF after her training was over, wanting to help others the same way she’d been helped. That was how she’d become a tracker.

Avery raised his nose as well. “I think you’re right. But let’s do this by the book. Eyeballs on every victim before we move on.”

She nodded. “Sure. By the book.”

Avery stepped around the dead woman hanging over the chair. “One wolf. He tore this place apart. There are so many bodies.”

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