Otherworldly Bad Boys: Three Complete Novels (59 page)

BOOK: Otherworldly Bad Boys: Three Complete Novels
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“Yes,” I said. “The initiation. That’s when we should go. We can take a nice little vacation. Someplace where we don’t have to hide. Where I can kiss you in public.”

She smiled. “And I can call you Carter someplace besides bed?”

I grinned back. “Say it again. Say my name.”


I kissed her fiercely.










When I woke up, Carter’s mouth was on my nipple. It was a very pleasant sensation to wake up to, and the waking up happened slowly. The first thing I thought was how nice it felt. I opened my eyes. I saw him. Saw that I was in his bed. And then I remembered what had happened the night before.

Professor Alexander—Carter—and I had made explosive love. It had been the most fantastically intense thing I’d ever felt.

I ran my hand through his hair. It was mussed from sleeping. I sighed.

He lifted his mouth. “I don’t think there’s anything better on earth than waking up to your perfect tits.”

I giggled.

And his mouth was on my other nipple.

I moaned. “Mmm... you have to stop. I have rehearsal.”

“What?” His voice was muffled because he hadn’t moved his mouth. “It’s Sunday.”

“Harper’s hardcore,” I said.

He kissed my nipple. It was hard now. “Let’s not talk about Harper when you’re naked with me, please.”

“Ooh, is that jealousy I detect?”

“I don’t like the way he looks at you,” he muttered.

I laughed. “Professor, I have to say, that’s highly inappropriate of you. You shouldn’t play favorites amongst your students.”

He kissed my other nipple. “Well, you’re definitely my favorite,
Miss Moss

A little thrill went through me.

He kissed me in between my breasts. “I love your nipples.” He kissed my collarbone. “I love your neck.” He kissed my chin. “I love your beautiful lips. Your delectable body.” He kissed me full on the mouth. His voice grew husky. “I love—”

Abruptly, he broke away.

He was on the other side of the bed.

Had he been about to say...?

Well, it was too soon to admit anything like that. Even though I knew that I... Maybe I always had. Maybe it started in the dreams. Maybe I’d been in love with Professor Carter Alexander before I met him.

I touched him tentatively. “It’s okay. I know you didn’t mean—”

He turned back to me, a look of horror on his face. “I don’t know what I meant.” He swallowed. He reached out for me, ran the back of his knuckles over my breast and belly, trailing down between my legs. “I want you to be happy and safe, Teagan. I don’t think I’ve ever quite...”

happy,” I said.

Swiftly, he caught my hips and yanked me against him, my back to his front. He caressed my bare thigh. “Can I make you happier?”

“I have to get ready for rehearsal.”

“So, you’ll be late,” he growled in my ear. “It isn’t until noon, anyway, right?” He lifted my leg, draping it over his.

“But I have to get food, and I have to—”

His fingers found my clit.

I gasped.

His other hand stroked my hip and thigh. “Have I told you how lovely your legs are?”

I wasn’t a big fan of my legs. I thought they were too fat at the top and too narrow at the bottom. I didn’t look like other people. “No.”

“It was so nice last night, having them wrapped around me.” He kissed the back of my neck, his fingers still working at my clitoris.

I closed my eyes, letting the pleasure wash over me.

“Are you happier now?”

I smiled. “Yes.”

“Good,” he said. “Listen to your professor next time, hmm?”

I half-giggled, half-gasped. “My
told me that I had to make time for rehearsals or I had no business being an actress. I don’t think he would approve.”

“Oh?” His voice was a rumble. “Well, if he’d known how sweet your pussy was when he said that, I think he’d have told you to make exceptions for him.”

And I could only moan in response to that. His fingers felt so nice.

“That’s right,” he said. “You see, this is where your priority ought to be right now. Letting me touch you. Don’t forget, I do have the power to give you a failing grade.”

I twisted to look at him. “You wouldn’t!”

“Don’t push me.” He gave me a wicked look, claiming my lips quickly with his own.

“That’s blackmail, Professor,” I said.

He just laughed. “Yes, it’s horrible. I demand that you allow me to pleasure you, or I’ll be very cross.”

I let out a little cry. Everything was feeling better and better the longer he played with me.

giving you pleasure, aren’t I?”

“Uh huh,” I choked.

“It feels like it,” he murmured. “You’re getting very wet. So slick and slippery. Feels like I could just slide right into you.”

I moaned.

“Would you like that, Teagan? Would you like it if I was inside you?”

“Yes.” I said.

“Say it again.” His voice was thick with desire. “Say please and call me professor.”

“Yes, please, Professor,” I said.

He grunted.

He moved away from me, and I could tell he was fumbling with a condom.

Then I felt his hardness pressing against me. We were still spooning on the bed.

He pushed into me, and he felt wonderfully huge from that angle. I was being spread open and filled.

“Oh, Professor,” I panted.

“Carter,” he gasped. “When I’m inside you, always Carter.” He began to thrust. “Always.”

* * *

Harper was smoking a cigarette on the steps outside of the rehearsal space. We were taking a break. “It’s only that you seem distracted. You had one of those Scales and Fangs functions last night, didn’t you?”

I glared at him. “Harper, I’m not in a secret society.”

“For such a good actress, you’re a really bad liar.” He cocked his head. “Tell me the truth. If I called off the end of rehearsal today so that you could go home, would you like that?”

“No,” I said. “I’m fine. I’m ready to work. I’m here, aren’t I?”

He puffed on his cigarette. “You’re thinking about something else.”

Was I that transparent? I couldn’t stop thinking about Carter. I wished I was still in bed with him. I was planning on going straight back there the minute rehearsal was over. Honestly, when he’d suggested cancelling the end of the practice, my heart had leapt. “I’ll do better. I promise.”

“Nah,” he said. “Sunday rehearsals are a waste of time. I’m starting to think that I need to stop scheduling them.”

“So, what’s that mean?”

“It means get out of here, Teagan. Go enjoy the rest of the day.”

I grinned at him. “Seriously?”

He nodded. “I’ll go in and tell everyone else inside. You want me to bring out your stuff?”

“Oh, sure,” I said. “Thanks.”

“No problem.” He made his way to the door and paused to stub out his cigarette. “Hey, Teagan, have you thought anymore about the date I asked you on eons ago?”

Damn it. My heart stopped. “Um...”

“You’re not interested, are you?”

“I didn’t say—”

He smiled. “It’s cool. I’m okay with it. Really.”

I debated denying it. But I didn’t want the complications of trying to go on a date with him. “Are you really?”

“Yeah,” he said. “I mean, maybe at first, it seemed like there was something between us. A little spark, maybe? But lately, whatever that was, it’s gone.”

He was right. I hung my head. “I’m sorry if I led you on or whatever.”

“Don’t be sorry,” he said. “I’m a big boy. I can handle it.” He opened the door and disappeared back inside.

I took a deep breath. That had gone well. Too well? Was he really that okay with it? And should I have encouraged him? Did I need a cover to hide what Carter and I were doing?

I’d completely stopped thinking about leaving the college now. I didn’t want to be away from Carter. Besides, I no longer believed he was a danger to me. He’d been too sweet to me last night for that to be the case.

There was definitely something weird going on, though, and it had something to do with Scales and Fangs. I wasn’t sure what it was, but I thought Carter knew more about it than he was letting on.

“So, there isn’t anything between you two after all.”

I jumped.

Reba was standing at the edge of the steps. “You and Harper aren’t as together as Nell says you are.”

“You were eavesdropping on me?”

Her lips twisted into a smile. “I saw you leave Professor Alexander’s house this morning, Teagan. You went out the back door, trying to make sure no one would see you. But I saw you. And I talked to one of his neighbors. He said that you and him were kissing in the rain last night.”

I squeezed my eyes shut. This couldn’t be happening. “What is your problem, Reba? Why are you doing this?”

“Because there’s something off about you,” she said. “Something about you isn’t right. You come from nowhere. You’re too old to be a freshman. And everyone keeps treating you like you’re hot shit. But there’s nothing all that special about you, Teagan Moss. You’re just a girl, like I am. You’re not even that talented. You don’t deserve this.”

I hesitated for a minute. Was I getting special treatment? Was it strange that I’d be tapped for Scales and Fangs, that I’d get a lead role in a student-directed play, that two men would find me attractive at the same time? I went down a few of the steps towards her. “Maybe you’re right.”

She made a confused face. “What?”

“But it’s not me, Reba. It’s this place. Something about this school...”
It drove my mother crazy.

Maybe it wouldn’t be wise to stay here. Carter had been talking about a vacation last night, where we’d go away together. But he wasn’t telling me everything. And maybe we needed to extend that vacation.

“Don’t be stupid,” said Reba. “Of course, it’s you. You’re sleeping with Professor Alexander. That explains all of it.”

“You can’t prove any of it,” I said. “I happened to be leaving Professor Alexander’s house this morning because I needed some props for the show.”

“And why were you kissing him last night?”

I shook my head. What was I going to do about this?

“Doesn’t matter what I can prove,” she said. “They’ll investigate. He’ll lose his job. You’ll lose your scholarship. It’ll all fall apart. Just wait and see.”

What if she was right? What if this ruined Carter? I couldn’t let that happen. “Please, Reba, there’s got to be some way to convince you not to say anything.” She smirked. “It’s already done. I went to Dean Surber this morning.”

My jaw dropped open. She couldn’t be serious.

And Harper came out of the door to the rehearsal space, holding out my purse. “Here you go.”

Absently, I took it. Was she telling the truth? I swallowed. She probably was. She hated me.

“What’s going on out here?” said Harper. “Reba, you look like you just won the lottery.”

She laughed. “I did.”

I shut my eyes. This was bad. I had to go and warn Carter. I had to tell him what happened. “I have to go.”

“Okay,” said Harper. “Next rehearsal is Tuesday. Don’t forget.”

I scrambled down the steps.

“You okay, Teagan?” he said. “Reba, did you say something to her?”

“I have to go,” I said. And I broke into a run.

* * *

Carter was standing on his porch gazing blankly into space. When he saw me running up his lawn, he turned to me slightly and shook his head.

“Carter,” I wheezed, struggling for breath. “There’s something—”

“You shouldn’t be here.” His voice was cold.

I stopped at the edge of the porch and panted. “You don’t understand. Someone saw us.”

“I know,” he said.

The door to his house opened and Dean Adelaide Surber and Professor Bancroft came out of the door.

Adelaide folded her arms over her chest. “Well, Teagan, it’s advantageous that you’re here. It saves us the trouble of trying to hunt you down. Let’s all go inside, shall we?”

Carter massaged the bridge of his nose. “Can’t you leave her out of it?”

“Of course not,” said Professor Bancroft. He opened the door wide and gestured for me to go inside. “After you, Teagan.”

I looked from Carter to Professor Bancroft. Carter avoided my gaze. I went inside. I was still breathing hard, and the stairwell inside caught the echo of my noisy breaths.

The door banged shut behind Carter, and he went into the kitchen.

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