Our Occulted History: Do the Global Elite Conceal Ancient Aliens? (12 page)

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A series of complete circles have been located buried within the Göbekli Tepe complex reminiscent of reports by Michael Tellinger of the stone circles in South Africa. “As we walk around the recently excavated pillars, the site seems at once familiar and exotic. I have seen stone circles before, but none like these,” commented Sandra Scham, a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. She added, “Scholars thought that the earliest monumental architecture was possible only after agriculture provided Neolithic people with food surpluses, freeing them from a constant focus on day-to-day survival. A site of unbelievable artistry and intricate detail, Göbekli Tepe has turned this theory on its head.”

British author and explorer Andrew Collins stated, “There is no obvious explanation for a high culture existing in Upper Mesopotamia at the end of the last Ice Age, when the rest of the world was still populated by hunter-gathering communities concerned with day-to-day survival, and little more. However, these faceless individuals, known to archaeologists as the Pre-Pottery Neolithic (PPN) peoples, created some of the most mesmeric art in the ancient world, which would not be bettered for thousands of years.”

Collins pointed out that the similarities between this account of Göbekli Tepe’s formation and the mythology from the
Book of Enoch
are striking.

It is my belief that the trafficking between the suspected ruling elite and the peoples of Upper Mesopotamia is the story found in the Book of Enoch, where beings called Watchers are said to have gone amongst mortal kind giving them the forbidden arts and sciences of heaven. These were said to have included the use of herbs and plants, metallurgy, the fashioning of weapons, female beautification, and astronomy, many of the firsts accredited to the Early Neolithic world in Upper Mesopotamia.

Similar stories exist in the myths and legends of Sumeria, which speak of gods called Anunnaki coming among mortal kind and providing them with the rudiments of civilization. I believe there is strong evidence to suggest that the Watchers, and their offspring the Nephilim, were indeed the shamanic elite that founded the early Neolithic cult centres of Upper Mesopotamia. They are repeatedly referred to in pseudepigraphical literature as birdmen, and we know that the Neolithic period’s highly prominent cult of the dead was focused around excarnation, and the use of the vulture as a symbol of both astral flight and the transmigration of the soul in death. Clear carvings and depictions of vultures, as well as representations of birdmen, have been found at Göbekli Tepe and other PPN sites in SE Turkey and North Syria.

Klaus Schmidt agreed that the T-shaped pillars of Göbekli Tepe may represent mythical creatures or even ancient gods. Such speculation supports the Sumerian tablets, which state that agriculture, animal husbandry, and weaving were brought to mankind by ancient Sumerian deities. Göbekli Tepe sits at the heart of places from biblical mythology, and many nearby locations are clearly mentioned in Genesis. Turkey borders northern Iraq, placing it in proximity to the source of the Mesopotamian legends of the Anunnaki, visitors who came from the heavens. The Turkish town Sanliurfa, which is close to Göbekli Tepe, was once known as the city of Ur Kaśdim. Some believe it may be mentioned in the Old Testament as the hometown of the patriarch Abraham.

It is fascinating to note that Göbekli Tepe was not lost in the sands of time, but deliberately buried, hidden from succeeding generations. But buried by whom and why? No one knows. And if Klaus Schmidt is correct in believing that the builders of Göbekli Tepe came from elsewhere, where could that have been? They could not have come from the world’s oldest known civilization, Sumer, as that culture has been dated back only to 3300 BC, more than six thousand years too late to have built Göbekli Tepe.

Researcher and author Wayne Herschel stated, “Göbekli Tepe’s layout plan and even its builders’ motives are decoded. They had the same secret knowledge … hidden records of their star ancestors matching the same blueprint secret knowledge of a star of their ancestors like the empires of ancient Egypt, the Maya, the Inca and at Stonehenge.” As with structures in ancient Egypt and even carvings of the Dogon tribe in Africa, Herschel found that the layout of Göbekli Tepe is a match for the star systems of Orion and the Pleiades.

Strangely enough, the carvings and depictions of bird-headed figures at Göbekli Tepe are also depicted in carvings on the mysterious buried statues on Easter Island in the Pacific. Herschel found more amazing similarities between the two sites. “The thin arms art style [of Easter Island] is exactly like the … unearthed megaliths at Göbekli Tepe in Turkey. This alone speaks volumes and if this isn’t convincing enough, the two large symbols on the back of the Moai [Easter Island head statues] are of the same theme and style too,” he noted after visiting the island.

Herschel found it odd that the statues on Easter Island, which was originally called Rapa Nui, were excavated in 1915 but then reburied. “What could have been so shocking for them to have been completely covered up again?” After comparing much evidence at Easter Island with other ancient cultures, Herschel concluded, “Scholars hate this obvious but impossible-to-avoid theory and its simple … [sentence incomplete in source] Almost all ancient civilisations carry the same star visitor claim … show celestial ships and mostly bird head deities … built unique megalith structures … [and] show pieces of the same star map.

“All ancient civilizations had exactly the same obsession with star visitors … people who are most likely our ancestors returning to try and teach us who we are and where we come from. But what did our people do … they worshipped them as Gods.”


Herschel’s theories are astounding because they force us to reconsider our history in a new way. Did our ancestors descend from the heavens? How close to the truth was Herschel?

Years of war and terrorism have kept tourists away from the ancient ruins at Baalbek in Lebanon. The site was once known as the Roman city of Heliopolis and is one of the largest and best-preserved Roman ruins. Baalbek may also present some of the most significant evidence of prehistoric space flight.

While attention has been directed mostly to the wondrous Roman towers and columns, the puzzling aspect of Baalbek concerns the massive, multi-ton stone block undergirding the Baalbek acropolis, larger than the one that is the site of the Parthenon in Athens. Below the Roman Temple of Jupiter, a wonder in itself, lies a wall of some two dozen stone blocks, each weighing 300 tons. In one corner are three massive blocks, known as the trilithon, each more than sixty-two feet long and weighing an estimated 800 tons. Nearby is yet another stone block almost eighty feet in length and weighing 1,100 tons. A former curator at Baalbek, Michel Alouf, said of these blocks, “In spite of their immense size, they are so accurately placed in position and so carefully joined, that it is almost impossible to insert a needle between them. No description will give an exact idea of the bewildering and stupefying effect of these tremendous blocks on the spectator.”

Since it has become apparent that the gigantic stone blocks under Baalbek far predate Roman Heliopolis, the question arises of how could a primitive people move such weight? Conventional authorities have suggested the blocks were all moved with wooden rollers. Some have even demonstrated how this might be done. Steel rollers—it seems more than eight hundred tons will crush wooden rollers—and levers have been used to move a five-thousand- to six-thousand-pound stone on a concrete platform. Other researchers, straining to find an explanation, announced that they could move stone blocks by flipping them. They first pried up a two-and-a-half-ton block and placed shims under it. By repeating the process, they could flip stones up to about three fourths of a ton with only four or five men. In 1996, author Alan F. Alford asked representatives of Baldwins Industrial Services, a leading construction company, if they could move the thousand-ton Baalbek stone and place it at the same height as the trilithon.

“Although it is sometimes claimed that modern cranes cannot lift stones as heavy as 800 tons, this is actually incorrect,” Alford discovered. “Bob MacGrain, the technical director of Baldwins, confirmed that there were several mobile cranes that could lift and place the 1,000-ton stone on a support structure 20 feet high. … Unfortunately, however, these cranes do not have the capability to actually move whilst carrying such heavy loads.” Such a crane, fitted with crawler tracks, would require massive ground preparation to move such a block, including a level and sturdy roadway.

After hearing other plausible explanations as to how Baldwins might achieve the movement and placement of such a massive stone block, Alford noted, “This is all very interesting, and gives us some feel for the scale of the engineering challenge, but there is, of course, one slight problem with the Baldwins scenario, namely that none of this twentieth century technology was supposedly available when Baalbek was built.”

Noting that not one Roman emperor ever claimed credit for the Baalbek temple complex or for the construction of its massive foundations, Alford said, “What we do find instead are legends which suggest that Baalbek was built by super-human powers in an epoch long before human civilization began.”

According to local legend, Baalbek was once ruled by the legendary Nimrod, that Sumerian ruler who led the attack on the gods by building the fabled Tower of Babel. Nimrod was said to have been the great-grandson of Utnapishtim, Sumerian equivalent of the Biblical Noah. This suggests a sacred aspect to Baalbek.

Searching for perhaps a religious meaning in the artifacts at Baalbek, Alford suggested that “the Roman gods are only part of the answer to the sanctity of Baalbek, for the town was in fact named after Baal, the Storm-God of the Canaanites/Phoenicians. And the legends of the god Baal provide numerous fascinating parallels to the gods of the ancient Mesopotamian exploded planet cults. … Indeed, my own private research suggests that the Canaanite/Phoenician religion could itself be described as an exploded planet cult.”

Matest Agrest, a Russian-born ethnologist and mathematician, once proposed that the giant stone foundation at Baalbek was at one time used as a launch site for space vehicles and that the destruction of the biblical Sodom and Gomorrah was caused by a nuclear blast. Agrest, who in 1970 became head of Leningrad University’s laboratory and in the early 1990s immigrated to the United States, came to believe that the monuments of early cultures resulted from contact with extraterrestrials.

Zecharia Sitchin, in his copious works concerning ancient Sumerian texts, also asserted that the massive stones of Baalbek constituted an antediluvian landing pad for the shuttle craft of ancient astronauts. Could its builders have been ancient astronauts, or might they have been from some prehistoric civilization?

And Baalbek is not the sole site of massive stone blocks whose size and weight would seem to be beyond the ability of primitive people to move and lift. The megalithic ruins of Tiahuanaco lie twelve miles south of Lake Titicaca in western Bolivia. Amazingly, the immense stones are joined with modular fittings and complex breach-locking levels not found in any other ancient culture. Many of these blocks are joined together with T-shaped metal clamps that were poured into place from a portable forge. Some of these blocks weigh between 100 and 150 tons. One stone weighs about 800 tons!

Known variously as the Baalbek of the New World or an American Stonehenge, Tiahuanaco’s huge stoneworks are considered by some to be the oldest ruins in the world. In fact, the recent discovery of underwater structures indicates that Tiahuanaco was built, not as a port on the lake, but prior to Lake Titicaca’s existence. Legends in the area say that the city was a gift of the ancient sky gods but was drowned in a flood long ago. It is also said that at the time that Tiahuanaco flourished, the moon was not in its present orbit.

Near Tiahuanaco are ruins known as the Puma Punku, which is strewn with giant, precisely shaped blocks, many of which appear machine-made. The stones, composed of granite and diorite, are harder than any other material except diamonds. The ruins at both Tiahuanaco and Puma Punku lie scattered about as if destroyed by a catastrophic event.


Structures throughout the world give evidence of ancient man’s fixation on the heavens and his fascination with harnessing the powers of the Earth, none more so than the Great Pyramid of Egypt—the only survivor of the original Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Mysteries and questions abound regarding this pyramid, even as to who constructed it.

Many geologists now agree that water erosion on the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx indicates that both structures sat under heavy rains, which have not occurred on the Giza Plateau for more than ten thousand years. In other words, the Egyptian civilization, which is dated to the beginning of the Early Dynastic Period of King Menes about 3100 BC, could not have built the Great Pyramid. It had to have been created much earlier.

Though characterized as a burial place for the Fourth Dynasty pharaoh Cheops (alternately called Khufu), no hieroglyphics adorn the walls of the Great Pyramid, unlike every other ancient Egyptian structure. Furthermore, no evidence of a burial has been found, except one cartouche, which has been called into question as a possible modern addition, reportedly found in 1837 by British Egyptologist Colonel Howard Vyse, who was haunted by suspicions of fabrications as he was desperately in need of justification for his Egyptian expedition expenditures.

After viewing evidence from German robotics engineer Rudolf Gantenbrink, British engineer Christopher Dunn believes that the Great Pyramid might be a giant power generator based on harmonic resonance. In 1993, Gantenbrink sent a remote-controlled robot named Upuaut II (Upuaut, or Wepwawet, was a deity whose name means Opener of the Ways, probably in the sense of Scout) to explore the southern shaft in the Queen’s Chamber. The robot traveled up the shaft and revealed what Dunn interpreted as electrical terminals, cables, and even ancient wiring diagrams etched on the walls.

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