Our Occulted History: Do the Global Elite Conceal Ancient Aliens? (13 page)

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“The discovery of electrical contacts and wiring inside the Great Pyramid, along with markings that show how to connect them, do not fit anywhere in conventional Egyptology but confirm the theory first published in my book,
The Giza Power Plant: Technologies of Ancient Egypt
, in 1998,” said Dunn. In his book, Dunn proposed that the Queen’s Chamber “served as a reaction chamber and the shafts leading to this chamber supplied two chemicals that when mixed together created hydrogen.” Dunn has pointed out that at the end of the pyramid’s southern shaft, in what is now known as Gantenbrink’s door, there are two metal pins.

While the metal pins have been described as ornaments or door handles by some, no one has explained why ornamental metal pins would have been placed out of sight in small shafts within the pyramid. It is possible that they are actually electrodes.

In May 2011,
New Scientist
magazine published new images of these shafts, including a stone block in one—possibly a door—near the outside of the pyramid. The two small shafts have been described as “the last great mystery of the pyramid” by Zahi Hawass, Egypt’s former minister of state for antiquities affairs. The latest exploration also revealed abnormal hieroglyphs in red paint and odd carvings thought to be marks made by the original builders. “If these hieroglyphs could be deciphered they could help Egyptologists work out why these mysterious shafts were built,” said Rob Richardson of the University of Leeds.

Christopher Dunn has produced a compelling argument that the Great Pyramid, far from being simply a tomb, was instead a giant power source.

There was no immediate explanation for what these red symbols mean, but they are a significant discovery and have the potential to open up an entirely new area of research in gaining an understanding of ancient Egyptian symbolism. When considered along with the metal pins the symbols provide all the evidence necessary to prove the electrical use of the pins and also give us a roadmap for exploration into the future. Not only did the ancient Egyptians leave us with the physical evidence that proves this to be so, they also provided us with an electrical schematic that showed how the pins were wired!


Joseph P. Farrell also believes the pyramids were power sources, and he has even taken Dunn’s conclusions a step further. In a series of books, Farrell postulated that in the remote past, the power of the Great Pyramid was used as a weapon in a great cosmic war that encompassed our entire solar system. After calling attention to a huge gouge on Mars, Farrell stated, “Certainly impacts from comets and meteors have occurred and can wreak untold destruction on the planetary bodies that endure them. But so can wars fought with weapons of sufficient power to scar whole regions. …”

Farrell’s thesis received strong support in 2011 with the publication of
Life and Death on Mars
by John Brandenburg, senior propulsion scientist at the Orbital Technologies Corporation and one of the early researchers on the Cydonia project, a private study of the strange monuments on Mars. Brandenburg states that Mars was actually earthlike for most of its geologic history. It contained a massive and evolving biosphere but experienced a mysterious and astonishing nuclear catastrophe.

Hoagland also saw the asteroid belt as an exploded planet, a notion entertained by many. “What mechanism can explain why planets should suddenly explode? The problem is not a small one, nor will it go away,” said Hoagland.

Farrell’s scenario is not as implausible as it may sound on the surface. The notable astronomer Tom Van Flandern, referring to the possibility of an exploded planet, stated, “This speculative possibility might result from magnetic separation and storage of the antimatter in a planet over billions of years before the explosion; or from some sort of chain-reaction high-energy antimatter generation process; or from the intervention of intelligent beings. In my opinion, the last possibility should not be dismissed out of hand.” Farrell noted, “Van Flandern is gingerly and delicately implying that his exploded planets might have been blown up in deliberate acts of war. Yet … it is precisely this model that the abundance of ancient texts actually supports!”

After listing the previously mentioned strange formations on the moon, Mars, and elsewhere, Farrell has stated that these anomalies are “very real, very artificial structures that are no mere metaphors. This implies, however unbelievable it may seem, that the war was also real, that it was interplanetary, and that it happened millennia ago.”

Farrell went on to theorize that this war devastated the Earth, reducing the population to a primitive state, produced bomb craters on the moon, and left Mars a desolated world. A small group survived, according to Farrell, and throughout our history has attempted to manipulate humanity into re-creating the super science of this former age so that this remnant can dominate and subjugate the Earth. Again he is supported by Brandenburg, who wrote that in the distant past, survivors on Mars fled to Earth and that we are the “children of Mars,” both culturally and biologically.


Symbologist Wayne Herschel believes that the Great Pyramid, among other monuments, provides a map to the stars. Proceeding from the conclusions of Robert Bauval and Adrian Gilbert’s 1994 work,
The Orion Mystery
, Herschel believes that the Giza Plateau pyramids reflected the constellation Orion, which was said to be the home of reborn pharaohs. Bauval had determined that the configuration of the three Giza pyramids—two in line while the third is offset—indeed matched the configuration of Orion’s stars and that a small tunnel or air shaft inside the Great Pyramid aligned with the star cluster of Orion’s belt. Shockingly, Bauval and Gilbert realized that the arrangement of the Giza pyramids reflected the position of Orion as it would have appeared about the year 10,450 BC—a date that is consistent with the growing body of evidence suggesting that the Great Pyramid was built thousands of years before we originally thought.

In his graphics-laden 2003 book,
The Hidden Records
, Herschel presented seven years of research, which showed that a wide variety of pyramids, temples, and ancient texts worldwide all represented maps of the stars that served as the original homes of our progenitors. Studying a number of primary sources, including fifty star maps found around the world, Herschel concluded that the “gods” of early humans originated from other solar systems and their sun was depicted on star maps left on Earth.

British author Colin Andrews has offered an alternate explanation for Bauval, Gilbert, and Herschel’s pyramid configurations. Andrews has argued that while the three Giza pyramids do resemble Orion’s Belt, they don’t match it exactly. However, the constellation Cygnus
precisely match the Giza Plateau’s layout. In fact, every star of the Cygnus constellation matched an Egyptian structure on the overlay map, except for the star Deneb. He speculated that something heretofore unknown must be at that location.

Supporting each of these researchers’ hypotheses, a new tomb with a nine-foot-long sarcophagus was discovered in Egypt in 1999, considered by Egyptian antiquities minister Zahi Hawass to be the “symbolic” tomb of the ancient god Osiris. “It is at least interesting that the tomb of Osiris was located directly under where the star Deneb … strikes the Giza Plateau,” noted UFO radio commentator Kevin Smith. “It is interesting because it rather indicates that the fact that the Giza Plateau and the constellation Cygnus match is not an accident. Not only does the constellation Cygnus match the layout of the pyramids, but it marks the precise spot where Osiris’ tomb lay deep under the ground.”

Though the discovery of Osiris’s tomb was an incredible find, Smith noted that there was something odd about its retrieval. There are numerous photos showing the workers lifting the sarcophagus from its resting place in the tomb’s lower pit to the workers’ level. In addition, there are photos of the workers preparing to lift the sarcophagus’s lid. Yet oddly enough, there isn’t a single released photo showing the inside of the sarcophagus at the instant when the lid was removed.

Smith noted that Hawass later said the sarcophagus was empty when the lid came off. “But was it?” he asked. “This is not to imply that Hawass was lying, but it does seem more than odd that there are photos of all the work leading up to taking the lid off the sarcophagus, but no concurrent photo of what was seen inside the instant the lid came off.” Smith believes that what Hawass may have been covering up was that the mummy of Osiris was inside. If so, this would mean that Osiris was in fact an extraterrestrial—after all.

In addition to Colin Andrews, conventional academia also rejected the idea that the three pyramids at Giza fully align with the three stars of Orion’s Belt because the Giza pyramids and the Sphinx do not match up with every star in the Orion constellation. Wayne Herschel believes there is an explanation for this, however—that the ancient Egyptians intended to encompass much more than just the system of Orion. Near the pyramids are piles of ruins that may have been pyramids long ago. With these ruins, Herschel devised a match between pyramids at not only Giza but also at Abu Rawash, Zawyet el-Aryan, and Abusir with the star systems of Sirius, Aldebaran, the Pleiades, and Orion, including Rigel and Betelgeuse. He explained that the ruin to the south of the Sphinx had been slightly offset to avoid protruding into the Nile. Other than that, the positions of the pyramids were a perfect representation of the star systems.

“It can be said with a certain amount of finality that all the pyramid star maps you have evidenced around the globe and even on another planet—Mars—marked the start of something utterly monumental in our solar system.
They were probably built in celebration of the epoch of the genesis of the human species in our solar system … as an ‘arrival’ scenario from the ‘ak,’ the star of the ‘gods’
[emphasis in the original],” wrote Herschel, explaining that Ak is the name of the sun from which the sun god Ra originated.

He elaborated: “The ancient Egyptians revered a Sun … but it was not our Sun! Astronomers can confirm that the Solar Temple obelisk is the only monument in the entire pyramid field to emulate a ‘Sun-like’ star … and it is relatively nearby. The correlation occurred only at its most precise position 17,250 years ago, perhaps documenting the dawning of humanity. All the other pyramids match bright stars that are nothing like our Sun.” Herschel suggests that the Sun Temple was named after a sunlike star (HD 283271 in the Pleiades) and has nothing to do with Sol, our sun, at all.


Other pyramids also have generated controversy. An ongoing dispute was generated in late 2005 when it was announced that the world’s largest pyramid had been found near the town of Visoko (literally, High), northwest of the Bosnian city of Sarajevo. Semir “Sam” Osmanagić, a Houston, Texas, manufacturer who was born in Bosnia and a foreign member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences in Moscow, said he first found two pyramids earlier in 2005 when he noticed that what had been thought to be merely hills had triangular faces and obvious edges.

After his creation of the nonprofit Archaeological Park: Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Foundation, Osmanagić said a team of international scientists found five pyramids at the site, the largest of them rising 722 feet, which makes it higher than the Great Pyramid, which is 481 feet tall. He also said radiocarbon dating conducted by the Institute of Physics of the Silesian Institute of Technology in Gliwice, Poland, indicated the pyramid was constructed more than ten thousand years ago, making it the oldest pyramid in the world by conventional standards. This date could mean its construction was contemporary with what some people believe was the construction of the Great Pyramid. Most astonishing of all were Osmanagić's further claims:

A team of physicists detected an energy beam coming through the top of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun. The radius of the beam is 4.5 meters with a frequency of 28 kHz [kilohertz]. The beam is continuous and its strength grows as it moves up and away from the pyramid. This phenomenon contradicts the known laws of physics and technology. This is the first proof of non-herzian technology on the planet. It seems that the pyramid-builders created a perpetual motion machine a long time ago and this “energy machine” is still working.

Almost everything they teach us about the ancient history is wrong: origin of men, civilizations and pyramids. Homo sapiens is not a result of evolution and biologists will never find a “missing link,” because intelligent man is the product of genetic engineering. Sumerians are not the beginning of the civilized men, but rather the beginning of another cycle of humanity. And finally, original pyramids, most superior and oldest, were made by advanced builders who knew energy, astronomy and construction better than we do.

Mainstream scientists were quick to deny anything unusual about the mounds in Bosnia, describing them merely as natural geologic formations—hills. Anthony Harding, president of the European Association of Archaeologists and holder of the anniversary chair in archaeology at Exeter University in England, was encouraged to verify the find. “Since such claims obviously belonged to a fantasy world, I was inclined to ignore the affair, … ” he later wrote. “I called in at the hill of Visocica, on the edge of the town of Visoko, and looked at the excavation trenches that had been opened. We did this solely in order to avoid the charge, already laid at our door, that we had condemned the project without seeing it for ourselves. As we expected, we saw areas of natural stone (a breccia), with fissures and cracks; but no sign of anything that looked like archaeology,” said Harding. However, he and other scoffers failed to explain the accounts and photos of Osmanagić and others depicting tunnels and chambers within this “natural geologic formation.”

“Mainstream scientists, archaeologists, historians and anthropologists, are often the main obstacle for scientific progress,” argued Osmanagić. And the controversy continued.

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