Our Occulted History: Do the Global Elite Conceal Ancient Aliens? (17 page)

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The Genesis verse may reveal two things about our history. The first is that the plural Elohim of the Old Testament, later interpreted as “God” by the monotheists who wrote Genesis, indeed may have referred to the Anunnaki Assembly. The second idea from this verse is that creating man “in our image” meant simply genetic manipulation of an existing species, not the creation of a new race. As Zecharia Sitchin explained, “As both Orientalists and Bible scholars now know … the editing and summarizing by the compilers of the Book of Genesis [was] of much earlier and considerably more detailed texts first written down in Sumer.”

The Anunnaki Earth mission’s medical officer was a female named Ninhursag, who had already been working with Enki in genetic experimentation. On at least one Sumerian cylinder seal, an illustration of Enki and Ninhursag depicted them surrounded by vials or vessels, a table, shelves, a plant, and a helper, looking very much like a laboratory. Enki and Ninhursag produced many mutated creatures, including animals, such as bulls and lions with human heads, winged animals and apes, and humanoids with the head and feet of goats. If true, it is obvious that these experiments may have been the source for the many legends of “mythological” creatures and superhumans, such as Atlas, Goliath, Polyphemus, and Typhon.

In addition to these fantastic creatures, the Sumerian tablets describe how Enki produced the first test-tube infant by combining DNA and producing a hybrid of human and alien origin in his laboratory. Could this be why recent studies of mitochondrial DNA indicate that all of Earth’s humans can be traced back to one primitive female who lived in Africa?

Michael Tellinger and South African researcher Johan Heine have added considerable strength to the argument that modern humans are the offspring of the Anunnaki gods from space.

The pair has unearthed startling new evidence that human civilization is far older than believed by conventional history and that large human habitants were flourishing within huge communities in South Africa more than two hundred thousand years ago. In fact, they claim that they may have found the location of Enki’s laboratory at the ruins called Adam’s Calendar on the Transvaal Escarpment.

Temples of the African Gods
, Tellinger and Heine wrote, “The discoveries we have been making right here since 2003 are so astonishing that they will require a dramatic paradigm shift in our perception of human history. … A new understanding of the real history of humankind may just provide some of the answers we have been searching for and deliver a new sense of comfort for many who feel betrayed by our historians and especially by our religions.”

Tellinger and Heine claim that even the Sumerian civilization may have been preceded by an African culture whose settlements covered most of South Africa and may have even known how to harness free energy from the Earth. An ancient petroglyph found in Africa, a circle containing a cross inside a sweeping boomerang shape, resembles the famous winged disc normally associated with Sumer, Babylonia, and Egypt. Another connection between Africa and Sumer may be found in the names of their gods, which bear a striking resemblance to the Sumerian overlords. “It is astonishing to discover that ancient Zulu culture and religion, including those of all other Bantu tribes, is directly linked to the Sumerians,” noted Tellinger and Heine.

“Our proof comes in the form of large stone monolith statues, petroglyphs and symbols, discovered in Mpumalanga and other parts of South Africa, which were previously believed to be of Sumerian and Egyptian origins.” Tellinger and Heine have also been careful to look at the Sumerian tablets to formulate their conclusions. “These tablets are the oldest written record of human history and the constant reference to southern Africa in these tablets leaves little doubt that there was a lot of activity here, long before Sumer or Egypt were established. It is now very clear that the first civilization merged many thousands of years ago in a land the Sumerians called the ABZU—the land of the FIRST [emphasis in the original] people in southern Africa—where the gold came from.”


The Sumerian account of the creation of the first man—written as Lu-lu in the Sumerian or in Hebrew, Adama, literally translated as Man of Earth or simply Earthling—is quite clear in light of today’s knowledge concerning cloning and in vitro fertilization. But up to twenty-five years ago or so, the whole concept would have been incomprehensible to even the most learned scholar.

It is written that Enki and Ninhursag took the reproductive cell or egg from a primitive African female hominid and fertilized it with the sperm of a young Anunnaki male. The fertilized ovum was then placed inside an Anunnaki woman—reportedly by one of Enki’s own wives, Ninki—who carried the child to term.

Although a Cesarean section was required at birth, a healthy young male Adama hybrid was produced for the first time on Earth, bypassing natural evolution by millions of years. According to the ancient Sumerian reporters, “When Mankind was first created, they knew not the eating of bread, knew not the dressing with garments, ate plants with their mouth like sheep, drank water from the ditch. … ”

Human antiquity lends much support to the legitimacy of the Sumerian accounts of humankind’s beginnings. And consider that both the Dogon tribe in Africa and the aborigines of Australia—continents apart—both claim knowledge passed down for more than fifty thousand years of human creation by beings who came from the stars.

If this seems like a far stretch of the imagination, consider that the
Encyclopaedia Britannica
tells the same story, only it is under the heading of Mesopotamian mythology.

Until about 1996, when Dolly the sheep was cloned in Scotland, scholars reading the Sumerian texts regarding the hybridization and cloning of humans are excused for believing the stories were all fanciful myths. But today, cloning, gene splicing, and in vitro fertilization are commonplace procedures.

In July 2011, a modern parallel to the Sumerian story of humankind’s creation became apparent when it was revealed that human-animal hybrids were secretly being created by scientists in Britain. According to reports, 155 embryos, containing both human and animal genetic material, had been created since the introduction of Britain’s 2008 Human Fertilisation Embryology Act. This research, conducted in hopes of finding cures for disease, was carried out in labs at King’s College in London, Newcastle University, and Warwick University.

Lord David Alton of Liverpool criticized the research, proclaiming, “I argued in Parliament against the creation of human-animal hybrids as a matter of principle. None of the scientists who appeared before us could give us any justification in terms of treatment.” Although officials said the scientists were not concerned over the human-animal hybrid embryos, because legally they must be destroyed within fourteen days, the experiments were stopped, reportedly due to lack of funding.

Continuing the Anunnaki narrative, Enki and Ninhursag went on to produce a number of Adamas, both male and female, although at this time they were incapable of reproduction and lived very short lives compared to the Anunnaki. This was apparently done in a conscious effort to prevent any competition from the new human race. It is interesting to note that, according to Genesis 3:5, the very first order of the Elohim was that man—in the allegorical form of Adam and Eve—was to remain ignorant, lest “ye shall be as gods” (King James Version).

The “laboratory” which produced the first Adamas was called Shi-im-ti, or “the house where the wind of life is breathed in,” by the Sumerians. Compare this phrase with Genesis 2:7, in which God, after forming man from “the dust of the ground” or
, meaning “earth,” “breathed into his nostrils the breath of life.”

“Adam was the first test-tube baby,” proclaimed Sitchin after the birth of the first modern test-tube baby in 1978. He saw this modern birth as support for his Sumerian translations.

That the ancient Sumerians passed along symbols representing the long-forgotten science of cloning is suggested by the caduceus, the logo of physicians even today. This ancient symbol of life-giving medical treatment represented by entwined snakes along a winged staff bears a striking resemblance to the double spiral strings of DNA molecules. DNA, discovered only in 1946, is the compound within nucleated cells that stores that individual organism’s genetic blueprint. It is the manipulation of DNA that can produce a duplicate (clone) or hybrid.

The first human workers were like mules and could not procreate. The Anunnaki had to constantly create new batches, a time-consuming procedure considering the span of time between in vitro fertilization and birth. So Enki and Ninhursag set about to create an Adama race that could reproduce itself.

Genesis 2:8–15 makes it clear that the Adamas were created elsewhere and then placed in the Garden of Eden, or that area of the original Anunnaki colony called E-din, described as the plain between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. The Sumerian texts relate how an envious Enlil raided Enki’s African lab and returned with captives to E-din, where they were put to work producing food and serving the Anunnaki. It has been theorized that in retaliation for Enlil’s raid on his African lab, Enki traveled to Eden, where he created a human-reproduction lab for Enlil but secretly manipulated the genetic code to allow sexual reproduction.

Although the Sumerian texts describing the details of this process have been either lost or are as yet undiscovered, researchers have assumed that the procedure involved obtaining life-producing Adama DNA, possibly by extracting a rib while the subject was under anesthesia. This time the male Adama’s DNA was combined with a female Adama rather than an Anunnaki, possibly with some accompanying DNA-sequence cutting and splicing, a procedure within the abilities of our technology today.

The result was a male Adama with the ability to reproduce through sex with an Adama female, or to “know” a woman, as the Bible euphemistically puts it. The man Adam had gained the “knowledge” of reproduction, a fact that many Elohim/Anunnaki, including Enlil, deplored. They complained that next the humans would want to live as long as they themselves. “The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil,” reported Genesis 3:22 (New International Version). “He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever.” Therefore, DNA manipulation drastically reduced the human life span along with the ability to make full use of human brain capacity.

Such manipulation may explain the telomeres, caps on the ends of the human chromosomes. These caps, something like the protective caps on shoelaces, after a certain length of time prevent cells from reproducing, leading to oxidation, aging, and eventually death. No one knows for certain how or why these caps were placed in the DNA, but they prevent extended life. Furthermore, in 2011, researchers at Johns Hopkins University announced that telomere shortening is linked to diabetes, cancer, lung disease, and other age-related illnesses.

With the ability to reproduce, the human population exploded, both in the far-flung Anunnaki mining operations and in Mesopotamia. Many Adamas were taken to work in the other cities growing up along the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Some were returned to mining chores, and others may have escaped into the wild or may have been sent away for population control. In any case, the Adama were sent out of E-din.

The result of this human population growth and increasingly close human contact with the Anunnaki was perhaps predictable. Genesis 6:1–4 related, “When men began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them, the sons of God [the Nefilim/Anunnaki] saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose. … The Nefilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them” (New International Version). Apparently, the term
was applied to both pure Anunnaki and their later hybrid offspring.

Over the centuries, the Adama race, in addition to such interbreeding, was the object of continued experimentation by the Anunnaki, which eventually resulted in changing Neanderthal to Cro-Magnon, or modern man. But some specific deficiencies remained, including a progressive decline in the human life span. Descendants of the early Adamas lived for thousands of Earth years, thanks to their Anunnaki genes. The extreme life spans of the more pure-blooded Anunnaki rulers made them appear as immortal.
The Epic of Gilgamesh
states, “Only the gods live forever under the sun. / As for mankind, numbered are their days: / Whatever they achieve is but the wind!”

In 2012, a group of genetic scientists, attempting to pinpoint telltale variants in the genetic code, found surprising evidence that supported the idea of ancient genetic manipulation of human DNA. They turned up 13.4 million genetic variants in three African groups—3 million of which had never before been seen in humans. They sequenced the genome of five individuals from three different African hunter-gatherer populations including pygmies from Cameroon and Khoesan-speaking Hadza and Sandawe from Tanzania. As expected, the scientists found that ninety percent of the gene flow from one species into the gene pool of another, by the repeated backcrossing of a hybrid with one of its parent species, traced back to the Neanderthal. But surprisingly, the other ten percent came from what they could only describe as an unknown “foreign group.”

The three selected African groups represent some of the most ancient lineages in the world and the findings support the idea that modern humans evolved out of Africa. Such findings also lend support to the Sumerian account of human hybrids being bred by the spacefaring Anunnaki.

Joshua Akey, one of the science team, told Linda Moulton Howe, reporter and editor of the award-winning science and environment news website, www.Earthfiles.com, “[W]e can detect in the genomes and DNA of present-day Africans these bits of DNA that seem like they came from another (unknown) group. … We don’t know anything really about this group. … If we collect more genome sequences from African individuals, we think we will be able to learn more about this unknown group. … The group that we think contributed this foreign DNA to these African populations was much more closely related to anatomically modern humans than
Homo erectus.
I think it is more appropriate to think of this foreign group as about as different as Neanderthals were to Cro-magnon
Homo sapiens sapiens.

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