destruction in, 197–99
exodus from, 220, 221
Fifth Dynasty, 183
Giza project in, 182–83
gold in, 214, 215
labyrinth of tunnels in, 181–83
mystery schools of, 218
mythology of, 184–92
obelisks in, xiv, 104–5
Osirion in, 84–88
pyramids in, xvi, 24, 98–105, 157, 159–60, 181, 186, 208
Sphinx, 65, 72, 86, 98, 104
Temple of Seti I, 68, 84, 86
wars of, 159–61
Ehrlich, Anne, 301
Ehrlich, Paul R., 301
Eirenaeus Philalethes, 219
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 13
Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC), 58
Elijah, 201
Eli Lilly and Company, 297
Elisha, 201
Elizabeth I, queen of England, 216, 217
Elizabeth II, queen of England, 288
Elohims, 202
Emanuel, Ari, 234
Emerald Tablet, 207–8
energy, transmission of, 177
energy-generating principle, 75
Enki and Enlil, 73, 85, 135–37, 139–42, 143, 146, 151–52, 154, 158, 160, 161–62, 186, 188
En-men-lu-ana, Sumerian king, 128
Enuma Elish
The Creation Epic
), 8
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 327, 334
environment issues, 325, 327–32
Eoanthropus dawsoni
(Piltdown Man), 47
Epperson, Ralph, 247, 249, 263
Eriksson, Leif, 114
ethos, 190
Eton, 336
eugenics movement, 237, 302–3
European Union, 264, 296, 336
Evelyn, John, 212
controversies about, 28–30, 33, 53, 58–60
“missing link” in, 34, 46, 47
mutations in, 29
natural selection in, 29
survival of the fittest, 29, 37
Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF), 271–75
exoscientists, 172
exploded planet cults, 97
extinction, 297, 326
extraterrestrial beings,
Exxon Valdez oil spill, 329
Ezekiel, 201
FAA, drones of, 307–8
Fabian Society, 336
Facebook, 332
FAIR (Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting), 313
Family, The, 284, 285
Farrell, Joseph P., 100–102, 175–76, 177, 253–54, 321
Babylon’s Banksters,
Fassbinder, Jorg, 168, 225
Fawkes, Guy, 287
FBI, and fossil evidence, 38
FDA, 293, 297, 299, 334
Feder, Abe, 250
Feder, Gottfried, 260
Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 277–78
Federal Reserve System, 243, 264, 265, 270, 272–73, 274, 331, 332
Fequiz, Pierpaolo Luzzatti, 248
Ferdinand I, Emperor, 242
Ferguson, Thomas, 303
Ferro, Robert, 116
Fertile Crescent, 135
Filer, George, 107
Fillmore, Millard, 287
centers of, 255
coinage, 213
conspiracy theory, 276–79
debt, 268–79
debt-free money, 256, 261, 264–65, 266
dynasties of, 177
and gold, 213, 229, 236–37
inflation, 177
interlocking directorships, 265, 276–77, 313–15
money management, 211–16, 218, 229–38
post-World War II, 262–65
and power, 171, 175–80, 258–59, 332
printing money, 254
and religion, 175–76, 253–59
Swiss banks, 212, 255, 271
talley sticks as money, 254–55
Fitts, Catherine Austin, 320–21
FitzSimmons, Dennis, 314
Flanagan, G. Patrick, 178
Flannery, Kent, 153
Fletcher, John, 217
Flower of Life, 87–88
fluoride, 291–93, 297, 333
Foerster, Brien, 80–81
Ford, Gerald R., 287
Fort, Charles, 124
The Book of the Damned
, xiii-xiv
Fourth Root Culture, 183
Frank, Hans, 249
Frank, Roslyn M., 240
Franklin, Benjamin, 256, 261
Franks, Tommy, 227
Franz Josef, emperor of Austria, 249, 251
Frederick I (Barbarossa), 243, 251
Freemasonry, 209, 210, 216–19, 280
Freestone, Ian, 66
Friedman, Manny, 234–35
Fullbright, H. J., 35
Funes, José Gabriel, 202–3
Gage, Tommy, 307
Gaius Sulla, 192
Galileo Galilei, 253
Gantenbrink, Rudolf, 99
Gardner, Laurence, 112, 194, 196, 207–8
on alchemy, 220–21, 223, 229
Bloodline of the Holy Grail,
The Shadow of Solomon,
216, 218, 219
Garfield, James A., 271, 287
Gates, Bill, 294–95
Geithner, Timothy, 270–71, 273, 331
genetically modified organisms (GMOs), 293–97, 299, 326, 334
Genghis Khan, 199
geolyphs, 74
geo-politics, 168
George, Dony, 226
George III, king of England, 256, 288, 289
George IV, king of England, 254
George V, king of England, 288
Georgia Guidestones, 303
eugenics movement in, 302–3
Reichstag fire, 262
Weimar Republic, 259
Getty, Ann, 55
Getty, Gordon, 55
Getty family, 51, 55
Giaever, Ivar, 56
fossil evidence of, 38, 40–41, 200
hybrid species of, 135
legendary, 142
Gibson, Donald, 265
Gibson, McGuire, 226
Gifford, John, 117
Gilbert, Adrian, 102
Gilgamesh, Sumerian king, 3, 128, 130, 148, 151, 168, 225
Giustiniani family, 248
Glattfelder, James B., 276–77
Global 2000 Report, 302–3
globalization, 268–69, 312
GlobalSantaFe, 330
global warming, 301
Göbekli Tepe, 89–94
and angels, 173
belief in, 203
omnipresent, 172, 196, 202
Godboldo, Maryanne, 300–301
Godfrey de Bouillon, 209, 210
gold, 138–43
and alchemy, 212, 215–16, 219–24, 229
London gold pool, 274
and monatomic matter, 221–23, 228
and money, 213, 214–16, 236–37, 270
Golden Fleece, 221
golden ratio/golden section, 84, 178, 188
Goldman family, 247
Goldman Sachs, 277, 278, 330–32
Gold Reserve Act (1934 and 1978), 272
Goldsmith, Donald, 15
gold standard, 215
Gonzalez, Henry B., 272
Gore, Al, 286
Gould, Stephen Jay, 29
Grand Canyon, 43–45
Grant, Ulysses S., 287
Graves, Robert, 15
Gray, Jonathan,
Dead Men’s Secrets,
Great Depression, 215, 243, 261, 266, 273, 275
Great Flood, 65, 112, 128, 133, 150–53, 158
Great Recession, 269–70
Great Serpent Mound, Ohio, 64
Great South Sea Bubble (1721), 255–56, 270
ancient mythology, 15, 115, 130, 178, 184–92
classical, 183–84
pyramids of, 186–87
greed, 279, 324, 327, 337
Grey, Brad, 234
Griffin, G. Edward, 236
Grotefend, Georg, 127
Groves, Colin P., 48
Grumley, Michael, 116
Gucciardi, Anthony, 294–95, 296
Gulf of Mexico, 327–32
Gulf War (1991), 225, 319
Guthrie, Dale,
Frozen Fauna of the Mammoth Steppe,
Habsburg bloodline, 249–51, 286
Haile Selassie, 56
Halliburton, 330
Hambro, Sir Jocelyn, 248
Hamilton, Joshua, 298
Hammered Bracelet or Firmament, 9
Hammer of Texas, 79
Hammurabi, king of Babylon, 126, 132, 135–36
Hancock, Graham, 71
Han Ping Chen, 65
Hapgood, Charles, 42–43, 70, 122, 124
haplogroups, 31
Harappa, 164–65
Harding, Anthony, 106
Harriman, Edward, 237
Harriman family, 247, 302
Hart, Will,
The Genesis Race,
Hartmann, William Kenneth, 19–20
Hartman, Steve, 313
Hathor, 222
Hawass, Zahi, 100, 103–4
Hawking, Stephen, 229
Hawkins, Gerald, 72
Hayes, Rutherford B., 287
Hedges, Chris, 337–38
Hegelian dialectic, 320
Heine, Johan, 142–43
Heinlein, Robert A.,
The Puppet Masters
, xii
Heinrich, Paul V., 78
Heiser, Michael, 136, 203
Heliopolis, 95
Henry, William, 158
Henry I, king of England, 254, 255
Henry III, king of England, 288
Henry VIII, king of England, 208
Henry the Lion, Duke, 243
Herakleios I of Byzantium, 213
Hermes Trismegistus, 207–8
Herod, King, 210, 211
Herodotus, 185–86
Herschel, Wayne, 93–94, 95
The Hidden Records,
Hesiod, 188–89
hexane, 299
Hidden Hand, 284–85
Hiedler, Johann Georg, 248
Hiedler, Johann Nepomuk, 248
Higham, James, 247–48
high-fructose corn syrup, 299, 333
Hinckley, John Warnock Jr., 287
Hinckley, Samuel, 287
Hindenburg, Paul von, 260, 262
Hindu Vedic writings, 34
destruction of, 197–99
mistranslations of, 199–204
myth vs., 129–33, 167–68, 169–75
rewriting, 170
truth vs., 203
Hitler, Adolf, 248–50, 252, 259–62, 302
Hitler, Alois, 248–49
Hitler, William Patrick, 249
HIV, 274
Hoagland, Richard C., 14–15, 24
Hodges, Dave, 181, 330
Hoernlein, Carol, 298
Hohenstaufen dynasty, 243
Holden, John, 301
Holdren, John P., 139
Holmyard, E. J., 212
Holocaust, 231, 232, 235, 252, 302
Holy Roman Empire, 250–51
Homeland Security, Department of, 262, 293, 304, 306–8
Homer, 111, 197, 208
hominids, use of term, 48
Homo erectus,
46, 48, 140, 149
Homo sapiens sapiens,
Hoover, Herbert, 287
Horn, Arthur, 149, 170
House of Hanover, 288
House of Windsor, 287–89
Houston, Lawrence, 274
Howe, Linda Moulton, 148, 191
Hoyle, Sir Fred, 11, 72
Hudson, David, 222
Hueyatlaco, Mexico, 35–37
Huffington, Arianna, 234
Hugh de Payens, 210
Hughes, Count of Champagne, 210
Human Genome Sequencing, 239
humankind, origins, 28–64
chronology of, 30–33
control of research in, 33–46, 48–56
controversies about, 28–30, 58–60
creationism, 30
Darwinism, 28–30
fossil records, 29, 32, 35–37, 38–46, 48, 59, 82–83, 200
gods from space, 142–43, 144, 155, 156, 169–74, 179
Greek myths of, 15, 184–92
hoaxes, 42–44, 46–48
hybrid, 143–49, 160, 168
intelligent-design theory of, 30
irreducible complexity theory of, 30
and longevity, 147–48, 150, 201
mounds, 40, 64, 107–8
remote viewing, 61–64
worldwide anomalies, 64–71
Humphreys, Todd, 308
Hurtak, James J., 182, 183
Hussein, Saddam, 227–28
Huxley, Aldous,
Brave New World,
335–36, 338
hyperspace energy, 224
Iapetus, 14–15
Ice Age, 33–34, 92, 119, 150
ice cream cone phenomenon, 77
ice sheets, 34, 152
Icke, David, 175, 254, 285, 286, 288, 290–91
The Biggest Secret
, xii, xiii
Iger, Robert, 234
IG Farben, 293
Illuminati, 175, 211, 216, 241, 279–84, 290–91
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
(movie), 80
Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS), 6–7
Innocent III, Pope, 209
Inquisition, 198, 208, 252–53
Institute of Human Origins, 55
International Atomic Energy Agency, 225
International Institute for Strategic Studies, 321
International Monetary Fund (IMF), 267, 272, 274, 317
Internet, control of, 332
Invasion of the Body Snatchers
(movie), xii
Invisible College, 207, 216–19
Ionnides, Fredrico,
Ancient Greek Gods and Lore Revisited,
Iran, central bank of, 237–38
Iran-Contra, 274
destruction in, 199
white powder in, 224–29
Iraqi National Museum, 225–27
Irwin-Williams, Cynthia, 37
creation of, 231–32, 237
name of, 169
Israelites, 169–70, 201
Istanbul Archaeology Museum, 78–79
Jackson, Andrew, 258, 332
Jacob/Israel, 169
Jacobites, 218
James I, king of England, 170
James IV, king of Scotland, 213
Japan, tsunami/earthquake, 324, 326, 327, 334
Java Man (
Pithecanthropus erectus
), 46
Jedidiah, 218
Jefferies, Cynthia, 232
Jefferson, Thomas, 261, 335
Jenner, Edward, 69
Jerusalem, 158, 175, 210–11, 214
Temple of, 221
Jesuits, 175
Jesus of Nazareth, 170, 174, 175, 193–94, 197, 210, 214, 278
Jewish Revolt (AD 66), 211
anti-Semitism, 251
Ashkenazim, 231–32
in Babylon, 214
exodus of, 218, 221, 237
in Hollywood, 233–36
and the Holocaust, 231, 232, 235, 252, 302
homeland for, 231–32, 237
interest charged by, 230
Orthodox, 232
Jiang, Peter, 172
Joanna of Austria, 242
Johanson, Donald, 47, 48, 53, 55, 56–57
Johmann, Kurt, 33, 34
John Paul II, Pope, 242
Jones, Alex, 325
Jones, John E. III, 30
Jones-Kern, Kevin, 51, 52
Jonson, Ben, 217
Jordan, Robert, 309
Jordan, S. A., 44
Julius Caesar, 193, 198, 214
Julsrud, Waldemar, 41–43
Jupiter, 8, 12, 69