Our Occulted History: Do the Global Elite Conceal Ancient Aliens? (46 page)

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Justinian, Emperor, 248

Kalb, Jon, 56–57

Adventures in the Bone Trade,

Kamran, Mujahid, 275, 321–23

Karabulut, Hassan, 91

Kennard, William, 314

Kennedy, David, 74

Kennedy, John F., 265–66, 274

Kennedy, Robert F., 266

Kenyon, J. Douglas, 50

Khazarian Empire, 229–33, 242

King, Martin Luther Jr., 266

kingship, 155–57

bloodlines of, 159, 180, 190

as divine right, 172

and wars, 159–67, 172

Kingu, 9, 20

Kinkaid, G. E., 43–44

Kissinger, Henry A., 302

Klerksdorp spheres, 77–78

Knight, Christopher, 31

Knights of Malta, 280

Knights of the Gold Circle, 257

Knights Templar, 188, 209–12, 217, 282

Koestler, Arthur, 230–32

Korean War, 263–64, 266

Kot Diji, 165

Kozyrev, Nikolai A., 17

Krakatoa, 120

Kramer, Samuel Noah, 127, 166

Kuiper Belt, 7

Kukla, Fran and Ollie
(TV), xiii

land bridges, 33, 65

Langer, Walter C., 248

Laurentian Ice Shield, 119–20

Lazard family, 247

Lea, Henry Charles, 252

League of Nations, 237, 263

Leakey, Louis, 48

Lee, Thomas E., 48–49

Leedskalnin, Edward, 75–77, 78

Lemuria, 124

Lenin, V. I., 259

LEO IV, Emperor, 242

Leonard, George H., 24–25

Leonard, R. Cedric, 116–17, 118–19

Leonardo da Vinci, 241

Leo X, Pope, 241

Leo XI, Pope, 241

levitation, 223

ley lines, 74, 76, 89

Li, Jenny, 172

Lightfoot, John, 5

Lincoln, Abraham, 257–58, 261, 265, 266, 287

Lippmann, Walter, 316

Looseley, A. E., 216, 217

Lot, 161, 162

Lovecraft, Howard Phillips, xi

Lovelock Cave, Nevada, 40–41

L.S.B. Leakey Foundation, 53

Lubbe, Marinus van der, 262

Lübbers, Conrad, 68

Lucas, George, 14

Luciferian entity, 285

Lucy (
Australopithecus africanus
), 47–48, 53

Ludi Apollinares (Games of Apollo), 192

Lu-lu (first man), 143

Luther, Martin, 208

Luzzato family, 248

Lynton, Michael, 234

MacArthur, Douglas, 263

MacDonald, Gordon, 18

MacGrain, Bob, 96

Maclaren, Charles, 111

magic, 171–73


Malek-Wiley, Darryl, 328

Mallaby, Sebastian, 269

Maltese Cross, 188

Manias, Theophanias, 187–88

Manitoulin Island, 49

manna, 220

Marduk (Nibiru), 8, 135–37, 158–61, 163, 186

Marlowe, Christopher, 217

Mars, 8, 12, 24, 104

Allan Hills 84001 meteorite, 10

and cosmic war, 100–102

life on, 9–10, 22, 24

lost probes to, 26–28

moons of, 13

spaceships orbiting, 14, 120–21

Mars Observer, 27–28

Marx, Robert, 117

Marx, Roelf, 78

Mary Magdalene, 209, 210

Masada excavation, 54, 87

Mason, Robert, 74

Matvegeva, E. W., 66

McCann, Hugh, 6

McCanney, James M., 119, 120

McKay, Chris, 10

McMoneagle, Joseph,
The Ultimate Time Machine,


corporate-controlled, 269, 312–15

and First Amendment, 278, 314, 333

government-controlled, 311–12, 314

and mind manipulation, 318–21

news fabricated in, 315

social, 332

university connections of, 314–15

Medici family, 177, 211, 241–42

Meggers, Betty, 65

Meissner, Walter, 223

Meissner Field, 223

Melchizedek, king of Salem, 161

Mellon family, 51

Menes, King, 98

Mengele, Josef, 302

Menzies, Gavin, 31, 118

Mercury, 8

Mesopotamia, 126, 160

Mesopotamian gods, 228

Mesopotamian texts, 8, 122, 138–39, 144, 167–68, 218

meteorites, 164

Meyer, Barry, 234

Meyl, Konstantin, 177, 178–79


Microsoft, 317

Middle Ages, 208–9

alchemy in, 212, 221

Black Nobility in, 242–43

gold in, 213–16, 219–24

Knights Templar, 209–12

secret societies, 216–19

middle class, destruction of, 323–24, 337–38

Military Cooperation with Law Enforcement Act (1981), 304

mind manipulation, 282, 316–21

Minoan Empire, 118–19, 180

Minos, Cretan kings, 118

Mogen David (Star of David), 175, 214

Mohenjo-daro, 160, 164–65

monatomic matter, 221–24, 228

Mongols, 230

Monroe, Robert A., 61

Monsanto Chemical, 293–97

Monte Verde, Chile, 65


anomalies of, 15–19, 102

hollow, 18

maria (seas) on, 16–17, 21

mascons (circular masses) on, 17, 21

nonhumans on, 22–25

orbit of, 19, 20–21

origin theories, 18–22

size of, 21

spaceship theory of, 22

Tower of, 23

moonquakes, 17

Moonves, Leslie, 234

Moore, Stephen, 279

Morgan, J. P., 75, 259

Morgan family, 247

Moses, 160, 221, 223, 224

Mount Ararat, 157

Mount Catherine, 157

Mount Horeb, 222

Mount Moriah, 158

Mount Moses, 157

Mount Sinai, 157, 163

MSG, 297–98, 299, 333

Mu, xv, 64, 124

Murray, Margaret Alice, 85


ancient gods, 15, 184–92

history vs., 129–33, 167–68, 169–75

use of term, 168

Nalco Holding Company, 328–29

Naquin, Doug, 310

NASA, 7, 9, 10, 24–25, 183, 201

National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), 323

National Geographic Society, 49, 53, 117

National Guard, 304

National Science Board, 52

National Science Foundation, 52–53, 58

National Security Agency (NSA), 310–11

NATO, 291

Nazarenes, 194

Nazca lines of Peru, xvi, 64, 74, 169

Nazi party, 198, 211, 232, 248, 252, 259, 260–62, 293, 302

Nazlet el-Samaan, 180–81

Neanderthals, 48, 147, 148, 150

Neander Valley, Germany, 48

Nebuchadnezzar, 228

Nefilim/Nephilim, 63–64, 134–36, 147, 154–61, 200, 284

Negussie, Bekele, 56

Neptune, 6, 8

Neugebauer, Gerry, 7

neurophone, 178

Newman, Steve, 330

Newton, Sir Isaac, 212

New World Order (NWO), 290, 319, 321–25

New York Stock Exchange, 317

Nibiru, 6, 7, 134–38, 151–54, 202

and Anunnaki, 134–36

as Planet of the Crossing, 12

and Tiamat, 8–9, 20, 158

Nicean council, 174, 197

Nimrod, Sumerian king, 54, 96, 155–56, 232, 236

Ninevah, 155

Ninhursag (medical officer), 141–42, 143, 146

Nin Puabi (Queen Shubad), 83

Nixon, Richard M., 215, 287, 304

Noah, descendants of, 156–57, 208, 232

Noah’s Flood, 65, 112, 128, 133, 150–53, 158

Nommos, 132

Nunes dos Santos, Arysio, 119

Nunn, Sam, 314

Nuremberg Code, 292

Obama, Barack Hussein, 273, 287, 293, 327, 328, 331

occult, use of term, xii, xvii

occulted, use of term, xii, xvii

Occupy protestors, 276, 323, 336–38

O’Connor, Sue, 31

Ohlmeyer, Harold Z., 70

Ojibwa Native Americans, 31

O’Keefe, John, 164

Oklahoma bombing, 323

Olmec civilization, 65

Olney, John, 298

Oltissis, 190

O’Neill, Ian, 7

O’Neill, John J., 22

Operation Paperclip, 262

Oracle of Delphi, 187

Orion, 6, 94, 102–4, 187

ORME (orbitally rearranged monatomic elements), 222, 223

Ortolani, Umberto, 248

Orwell, George,
335, 336, 338

Osirion, 84–88

Osiris, 85, 103–4

Osmanagić, Semir “Sam,” 105–7

OSS (Office of Strategic Services), 273–74

O’Toole, Thomas, 23

Ott, A. True, 319

Ottoman Empire, 199

Ovid, 208

Owen, Tobias, and Donald Goldsmith,
The Search for Life in the Universe,

Oxnard, Charles E., 48

Oz, Mehmet, 298

Pagels, Elaine, 173–74, 194–95

paleoanthropology, 52–53

paleocontact, 13

Palestine, Hebrew exodus into, 218, 221, 237

Pangaea, 113

Papaherakles, Peter, 237, 238

Paracas culture, 80

Paracelsus, 112

Parent Civilization, 183

Parker, Annise, 308

PATRIOT Act, 262, 305–6

Patterson, Mark, 331

Paul, Saint, 194

Paulson, Henry, 271, 331

PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls), 293

Percy family, 287

Perkins, John, 267–69, 275, 338

Peter the Hermit, 209

Petrie, William Flinders, 85, 221–22

PGMs (platinum group metals), 221

pharmaceuticals, 300–301

Philip, Prince (England), 303

Philip II, king of France, 209

Philip Mountbatten, 288

Philip of Macedon, 184

philosopher’s stone, 219

Phobos, 12–13, 26–28

Picknett, Lynn, 210

Pierce, Franklin, 287

Pierce family, 286–87

Piltdown Man (
Eoanthropus dawsoni
), 47

Pindar, 190

Piri Reis maps, 69–71, 122

Pisistratus, 197

Pithecanthropus erectus
(Java Man), 46

Pius IV, Pope, 241

Pius XII, Pope, 242

Planet of the Apes
(movie), 171

Planet X, 5–8

Plato, 113–15, 118–19, 120, 184, 189, 208

Platonic year, 129

Pleiades, 94, 104, 132

Pleistocene epoch, 33, 48, 152

Pliny, 115

Plum Bayou culture, 107

Plutarch, 115

Pluto, 8

Pompey the Great, 211

Popovich, Marina, 27

population control, 301, 302–3, 325

Posidonius, 115

Posilac (milk with hormones), 296–97

Posse Comitatus Act, 304–5

Powell, Neil,
Alchemy, the Ancient Science,

Pre-Pottery Neolithic (PPN) peoples, 92

Preslav, Bulgaria, 87

Press, Frank, 18

Prince, Clive, 210

printing press, 254

Priory of Sion, 280

Proclus, 115

Project Camelot, 280

Project Censored, 313–15

Prometheus, 15

Ptahhotep (Egyptian sage), 183

Ptolemy, 139

Puma Punku, 98

Putnam, Bill, 158–59

Pye, Lloyd, 81–83, 138

Pythagoras, 84, 208

Pythian Games, 187

Qing Dynasty, 64–65

Qin Shi Huang, 69

quantum entanglement, 229

quantum mechanics, 229

Quetzalcoatl, xv, 131, 132

Quigley, Carroll, 259

Ra, 158, 159, 162

racial differences, 156–57

radioactivity, 163, 166, 324, 326, 334

Reagan administration, 266–67, 297, 304

Rebikoff, Dimitri, 117

Reconstruction, 305

Red Deer Cave People, 32

Reese, John Rawlings, 316, 317

Regan, Donald, 266–67


Christianity, 175, 193–97, 253

and finance, 175–76, 214, 253–59

fundamentalism, 29

Great Schism, 208

Inquisition, 198, 208, 252–53

and power, 171–75, 179, 207

and priests, 171–72, 195, 213

secret sects, 207

supernatural, 172–74

and suppressed evidence, 45

Ten Commandments, 199–200, 224

see also
Roman Church

Renaissance, 254

RFID (radio frequency identification) chips, 304, 321

Rhodes, Cecil, 237

Richardson, Rob, 100

Rigel, 104

Riley, Pete, 295

Ritter, Scott, 225

Rivero, Michael, 270

Roberts, Gary Boyd, 287

Roberts, Paul Craig, 331

Robert the Bruce, king of Scotland, 208

Rockefeller, David, 245, 312, 331

Rockefeller, John D., 53, 237

Rockefeller, Nick, 321

Rockefeller family, 53–54, 232, 245, 247

Rockefeller Foundation, 49, 51–52, 53, 302, 316, 317

Roman Church, 45, 174–75, 193–97, 202–3, 207, 208–10, 218, 252–54

Roman Empire, 174, 175, 184, 192–97, 208, 211, 214–15, 253, 254, 315

Rome, sack of, 211

Romney, Mitt, 287

Romulus and Remus, 192, 289

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 215, 270, 273, 287, 332

Roosevelt, Theodore, 287

Rosenberg, Alan, 234

Rosicrucians, 216, 280

Rothschild, Albert Anselm Salomon Nimrod, 54

Rothschild, Baron Edmond de, 53–54

Rothschild, Mayer Amschel, 232, 236, 322

Rothschild, Nathan, 254, 257

Rothschild, Baron Salomon, 248

Rothschild, Baron Walter, 237

Rothschild family, 53–54, 177, 211, 232–33, 236–38, 247, 251, 254, 257, 286, 288, 316

Rothschild Fellowships, 54

Round Tables, 237, 263

Rouse, Lori, 315

Rubin, Robert E., 331

Rudolf II, Emperor, 213

Ruml, Beardsley, 52

Rumsfeld, Donald, 297


and collapse of communism, 264

communism in, 259

development of, 230

finance in, 264

Russo, Aaron, 321

Ryan, Bill, 280

sacred sites, 84–108

Baalbek, 95–98

Carnac, 88–89

destruction of, 197–99

Göbekli Tepe, 89–94

Osirion, 84–88

pyramids, 98–108, 186–87;
see also

Sactya Grantham,

Sadat, Anwar, 182

Sagan, Carl, 132

The Dragons of Eden
, xii-xiii

Intelligent Life in the Universe,

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