Out of Oblivion

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Authors: Taren Reese Ocoda

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Out of Oblivion

Copyright 2015 Taren Reese Ocoda

Published by Taren Reese Ocoda

Kindle Edition


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Thanks to my family for all my support, and also to Kathryn Jenkins from The Book Stalkers for my great cover and all her help.


Thanks for taking the time to read my first novel. In the future, I will be writing mainly sci-fi romance, but this is a story that's been on my mind for a long time, and I wanted to get it out. While the characters and events are fictitious, it's based on some personal experiences. It's my way of confronting my demons and making peace with my past, and writing this has been a very healing experience for me. So I hope you enjoy it.


I hated parties. I always have. It's not that I wasn't a social person. I didn't like loud, crowded spaces that reeked of smoke and stale alcohol with drunk and high people running around like idiots. And, okay, I wasn't a social person. I didn't mind spending time with friends, but most of the time I was happiest on my own, in my quiet room with a good book. My best friend, Alexis Dalton, on the other hand, was a complete social butterfly.

"We're going to a party tonight," Alexis announced the minute I walked through our shared dorm room's door as she primped herself in front of a mirror.

She wore her black mini skirt, which she could pull off with her body, and a black lace top with nothing more than a black lace bra underneath. She completed the ensemble with her favorite fishnet stockings and black high heeled boots. Alexis was planning to get laid, which meant one of two things. She would leave the party in tears, in which case I would spend the night trying to console her. Or she would stay the night, in which case I'd be too worried to leave her. Either way, if I went, I wouldn't be getting much sleep that night.

I groaned. "What party?"

"You remember Jason Hansen?"

I fell onto my bunk and pulled the pillow over my face. After the day I had, all I wanted was a nap. "You mean the junior you're all hot and bothered over and don't shut up about? Yeah. How can I forget?"

Alexis yanked the pillow away, rolling her eyes. "Well, yeah. He invited me, and I think he might finally ask me out."

"You keep saying that every time you invite yourself to whatever party he's planning to be at," I said as I lifted myself onto my elbows.

"Yeah, but this time I didn't invite myself. He told me he likes me, but he can't date me until I understand something about him."

I narrowed my eyes. "That sounds a bit ominous. What? Is he a vampire or something?"

"You read too much," Alexis said, then laughed. "So will you go?"

"If you're going with Jason, why do you need me there? I'm not in a party mood."

Alexis sighed. "You're never in a party mood, and Jason won't be there until later. He has to work, but he said I can go early if I want so I can… explore."

She knew more about this party than she was telling me. What could there possibly be to explore? It was a party. I started to object. There was nothing I wanted less right now than to be near other people.

"Please, Haleigh. I don't want to go alone." She got down on her knees, her hands folded in front of her chest as though she was praying.

I sighed. She would not give up. "You know you're a pain, right?"

"The biggest pain in the world. Please, please, please?"

"Fine," I said. I didn't like her going to parties alone anyway. Trouble seemed to follow her. "I'll go."

She jumped up and wrapped her arms around me. "Thank you, thank you, thank you. You won't regret it."

My gut told me I would.

"Okay, get dressed. We have to leave soon."

"I am dressed."

"Jeans and t-shirt is not dressed, Haleigh," Alexis scolded.

"It's just a party, right?"

She sighed. "Fine. Wear that. You might be the most covered person there. That won't draw attention."

She was trying to bait me into dressing up, but it wouldn't work. People ignored me at parties because I didn't dress up. It kept me safe. Well, until they were too drunk to care anyway.


As we pulled up to the house, I double checked the address. It was the right place. There were at least a dozen cars lining the street, but I didn't hear the telltale sounds of partying. There wasn't even music playing. These people probably partied a lot and sound proofed the house, so they wouldn't disturb the neighbors. It looked like a posh neighborhood with people who wouldn't tolerate the shenanigans of college students.

The man who greeted us at the door didn't look like he'd still be in college though. In fact, he looked like he was in his mid to late thirties. He may have been a late bloomer or decided on a mid-life change of career.

"Good evening, ladies," he said, combing his fingers through his unkempt hair, which looked out of place with his cotton slacks and polo shirt. "My name is Phil."

"Hi," Alexis said eagerly. "This is Haleigh, and I'm Alexis."

"Nice to meet you. You're both new here. Do you have invitations?"

This was getting weirder by the minute. I gazed at my friend who was reaching into her handbag. She pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to the doorman.

He frowned. "This invitation is for only one person."

"I know. Jason Hansen invited me, but he won't be here until later. I didn't want to come to one of these parties on my own the first time, so I thought it would be okay to bring a friend."

Phil smiled. "Well, that's a smart thing to do. Since you both know Jason, it should be okay. Just head down the stairs and see the man at the bar. He'll explain how things work and get you settled in."

Okay this definitely wasn't a normal party. What was Alexis was getting me into? It reminded me of one of those crazy cults you read about. Alexis led the way through the door, but I hesitated on the threshold. She turned, folding her arms over her chest.

"Don't chicken out on me now, Lucas."

I sighed and followed her to the stairs that led the way to what looked like a finished basement. That bad feeling grew with each step, but I ignored it. It was probably just nerves anyway. It wouldn't be the first time I overreacted about something. At least I could hear music now, but it wasn't as loud as I'd expect with a party. As soon as we walked through the door at the bottom of the steps, it was like being transported into some kind of warped alternate universe. At first I would have thought it was a costume party when I saw the way people dressed, but the common theme seemed to be leather or nothing at all.

What I saw across the large room immediately quelled any thoughts of a costume party. A girl was lying over an odd looking bench, her leather skirt pulled up revealing a naked bum. Another woman stood over her with a paddle, rubbing the girl's bright red cheeks. Closer to where I stood was another girl lying naked across a man's lap while he spanked her. Then she startled me by giggling about something. What could be so humorous about the situation? I had wandered into the twilight zone.

Most of the people engaged in quiet conversation or watched the events taking place on the medieval looking torture devices. My first instinct was to run back up the stairs and get out of that place as quickly as I could, but as if she was anticipating my reaction, Alexis grabbed my hand and pulled me to the bar. My breath caught in my throat. The guy behind the bar had to be the sexiest man on the planet, with his dark wavy hair that fell to his chin and hazel eyes that seemed to pierce my soul. He wore a tight black t-shirt that outlined every contour of his shoulders and torso. It was obvious he worked out, but he wasn't overly muscular. He was perfect.

"I'm Dominic Hansen," he said, holding out his hand.

Hansen. Was he related to Jason?

"Alexis and Haleigh," my friend said, pointing to herself and then me. "Jason invited me."

"Jason's my cousin. Did you meet him at school?" Dominic asked.

"Yeah," Alexis said at the same time I nodded. "We're sophomores, but he and I have some of the same classes."

"Well, it's nice to meet you both." Dominic handed us a sheet of paper each. "These are the rules for the party. You will need to read them, then sign stating you understand and will abide by them."

I sat at the bar and looked at the first rule on the list: Everyone is to be treated with respect. No exceptions!

Well, that seemed reasonable enough.

Rule number two: Do not assume just because someone is at the party, they are available for play. All scenes are to be negotiated before play. Do not participate in a scene unless you have been invited to do so.

Well, at least this rule made me feel a little safer. If they consider the stuff I had just witness "play" I wanted no part of it.

Rule number three: Privacy and discretion is expected. No pictures or videos are to be taken, and all information about the party and the people attending is strictly confidential.

There were no problems there for me. I wouldn't have wanted anyone to know I was there. In fact, I would have been happy to just wipe the entire experience from my memory.

Rule number four: Please use discretion with your dress to and from the party. If what you are wearing would not be considered socially acceptable, please make sure you cover yourself before you arrive and when you leave.

I wished they would have just stayed covered.

Rule number five: Genital and anal penetration is allowed for known and established partners. That means if we don't know you and aren't aware of your relationship, there will be no penetration. Also, private rooms are set up for this purpose. Public penetration is not acceptable. Ask the host or dungeon monitors for the key. There are rules for using the private rooms, and if it's your first time, they will be explained to you.

Wow! Did they need to have that one in there? I would have thought it would have been obvious. Why would anyone want to have sex in public?

Rule number six: Do not ask or coerce anyone into having sex with you. If you do, you will be asked to leave and banned from all future parties.

I would certainly hope so. In normal society that would be called rape, and I was certain we were not truly transported to an alternate universe even if it was how I felt.

Rule number seven: Do not touch anyone, or their personal equipment and belongings, without their permission.

I would prefer if the people I this place didn't even look at me.

Rule number eight: Safe words must be used. "Red" is the default safe word. If you don't know what a safe word is or how to use one, ask a dungeon monitor and be sure to discuss it during your scene negotiation.

Safe word? What in the world was a safe word? The rules said to ask, but I was sure it was information I didn't need or want in my head.

Rule number nine: Be respectful and clean up after yourself. There is sanitizing spray in each of the play areas along with clean towels. There are also clean sheets for use if you believe your scene will be messy. Place all dirty sheets and towels in the laundry bins stationed throughout the room.

I didn't even want to think about this one.

Rule number ten: No scenes allowed outside of the play areas.

What in the world did they mean by "scene" anyway?

Rule number eleven: Show respect to those participating in scenes. Do not crowd. There is plenty of seating areas around to watch if you wish. Do not speak to those taking part in scenes and limit conversation around the play areas. Stay behind the white lines unless you are a participant. If you cross the white line without being invited, you will be asked to leave.

Well, I wasn't planning to watch anything, so I didn't have to worry about that one.

Rule number twelve: Weapons of any kind are prohibited. If you are caught with a weapon, you will be asked to leave and banned from future parties.

Well, thank goodness for that!

Rule number thirteen: The dungeon monitor's word is law. They have the authority to stop any scene they feel has gone too far or is unsafe. Drawing blood or exchanging bodily fluids is not allowed unless you are known to the host or dungeon monitors. If you're unsure, ask first!

Okay, dungeon? Was this some kind of re-enactment of a medieval torture chamber? Maybe that's what they meant by scene.

Rule number fourteen: There is no smoking allowed in the house. A designated smoking area has been set up on the patio for your convenience. Ask the host or a dungeon monitor if you don't know where to go.

I didn't smoke, nor did I like the odor, so that wasn't a problem for me.

Rule number fifteen: Drinking alcohol on the premises during the party is strictly prohibited. Those who do not show up sober or smell of alcohol will be asked to leave. No exceptions!

I didn't get drunk either, so no problems there, though at the moment I could have used a Scotch and Coke. I needed something to calm my nerves.

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