Out of Oblivion (7 page)

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Authors: Taren Reese Ocoda

BOOK: Out of Oblivion
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It didn't take me long to settle into the routine, and when I did it wasn't as bad anymore. Knowing what he expected of me, and not having to think about what I should be doing, gave me a sense of peace I never experienced before. I had always been so stressed out, worrying about getting assignments in on time, whether I would stick to my chosen career or focus on my art, and a myriad of other things that plagued my mind. Now my life was simple, and the only thing I needed to worry about was making Master happy.

The happier he was, the less he punished me, and he must have been very pleased with me lately. Instead of scowling all the time, he smiled again. He even praised me on occasion, and he didn't handle me as roughly. Then one morning after taking me out to the yard, he brought me back in without replacing my tail.

"I've got a surprise for you," he told me.

I gazed up at him.

"You have been doing well, and I think it's safe to say your training is complete. I'll take you somewhere to celebrate. Wait here."

Master hadn't allowed me out of the house since—well, I didn't know how much time had passed, but I knew it had been a while. Maybe I wouldn't have to be a dog anymore. I wondered if he would get me dressed up and take me to dinner. I wouldn't dare ask though. He didn't give me permission to speak. When Master returned he carried a long coat. Well, it was better than nothing.

"Stand up."

I did as I was told. I was shaky on my feet after not being allowed to stand for so long, but I balanced myself as much as I could as he slipped the coat over my arms and did the buttons on the front. Then he pulled out a blindfold.

"I want it to be a surprise."

After putting the blindfold on me, Master led me outside and helped me into his car. After putting on my seatbelt, he put the seat back as far as it would go. I supposed he wanted anyone who passed us to think I was taking a nap. We drove in silence, but it didn't take long to get to where we were going. I caught the scent of pine and knew we left the city and were likely in one of the rural towns nearby.

Master helped me out of the car and led me inside of a building that reeked of antiseptic cleaner, like a hospital. He wouldn't have taken me to a hospital though. It didn't make sense. He undid the buttons on the coat and removed it, but left the blindfold in place.

"Kurt," an unfamiliar voice called out. "It's great to see you again, man. So, this is your new slave, huh?"

"Hey Steve. Yeah, what do you think?"

A pair of hands were suddenly on me probing, squeezing and reaching between my legs. I stayed as still as possible like he taught me and hoped I wouldn't disappoint Master by making a sound. Master considered any kind of sound, except sounds of pleasure, even when being punished, to be a sign of resistance and wasn't tolerated.

"Very nice. Very compliant."

"Women crave to be subjugated. They have just forgotten it."

"Hey, Kurt. Long time, dude." Another voice called out.

"It's good to see you, Jon. How have you been?"

I tuned out their conversation. Women shouldn't involve themselves in men's conversations. It was none of my business. Instead, I focused on how to please Master. These were obviously his friends, and he wanted to show me off, so I needed to be on my best behavior. I had to make sure I stayed quiet and did exactly as ordered, so while I avoided their conversation, I still had to make sure I didn't miss an order from Master.

He didn't speak to me though. Instead, he grabbed my arm and led me to another part of the building. I heard a door close, so we may have entered a room. The aroma of disinfectant was even stronger in here. Master turned me and told me to sit. It wasn't a normal chair. It was cold, like metal. I took a slow deep breath, so I wouldn't make a sound. Two sets of hands worked on strapping my arms above my head on the chair. Then another strap crossed my forehead and both arms again. The bindings pinned my head and arms in place.

I wondered what would happen that I needed to be bound in such a way. The more I thought about it the more my breathing increased. My heart pounded, and I wanted to ask Master, but I wouldn't dare embarrass him in front of these people that way. He wouldn't be happy if I spoke out of turn. Besides. Master loved me and would take care of me. He would never hurt me. Not in a permanent way. Next, two more straps tightened around my chest and abdomen.

A whirring of a motor coincided with the sensation of rising higher and tilting back slightly. When it stopped, someone lifted my legs, knees bent and wide apart and bound like the rest of me. By the time they finished, the only things I could move were my hands and feet.

Cold fingers slid down my labia, parting the two halves.

"You will feel sharp pinching. If you cry out, I will punish you," Steve told me.

I bit my lip and took deep breaths as soon as something pierced my skin. Tears filled my eyes, and I had to fight back the compulsion to cry out. Before I could recover, it happened again. It became more and more difficult to stay silent. A small whimper escaped, but no one said anything. I wouldn't let it happen again though. After five times on one side, he repeated it on the other, the same number of times. Then it started on the upper part of my labia that covered my clitoris. It was different though. Like being sewn shut as both sides were pinched and drawn together. By the time he finished, my face and blindfold were wet with my tears, but I hadn't made a sound.

"Now, I will mark you as mine," Master said. "This will be quite painful, so you may scream, but no speaking."

I had no time to contemplate what came next. Someone pressed something into my right thigh as soon as Master stopped speaking. At first I felt nothing, but the scent of burning flesh filled my senses. Then the knowledge of what happened came at the same time as the searing pain. They burned me. I screamed so loudly it hurt my ears. I wanted to pull away from the source of the pain, but I couldn't move. The pressure disappeared, but the pain lingered. I sobbed hysterically.

"You are truly mine now," Master whispered in my ear.

"Would you like a beer, Kurt?" Steve asked.

"I would love one."

"We've got pizza being delivered as well," Jon said.

Their voices faded, and I knew they left me alone when the door clicked shut. I cried out, horrified. I didn't care who heard me. What else would they do before the day was out? When would this pain in my leg stop? When would Master come back for me and take me home? I just wanted to go home.


I didn't remember falling asleep, but when I woke, the first thing I noticed was the pain. It eased up a little, but my thigh still burned and everything between my legs throbbed. I opened my eyes to find the blindfold no longer there. We were home. As soon as we were inside, Master removed the coat and hung it up in the hall closet. Then he led me to his room on the second floor. It shocked me he didn't make me crawl.

At the foot of his bed was a dog bed.

"That's where you will sleep from now on," he told me. "I had your labia pierced with rings and as soon as they are healed, I will tie you closed until I want to make use of you. You are mine and now everyone else will know it too. I've also had smaller rings put in to cover your clit. Now you won't be tempted to touch yourself. Your pleasure and pain belong to me."

As if to emphasize the fact, he twisted both my nipples while lifting to force me to my toes. I winced, but made no other sound. Finally, he released me.

"I've also branded you with my initials."

Tears fell from my eyes, but Master showed me no sympathy. He never did. He expected me to just accept the pain and draw pleasure from it. My pain brought him pleasure, which should bring me pleasure. When I accepted the pain without complaint, it proved I was completely subservient to him and acknowledged men as the superior gender. This was the only way I would ever be content in my life. Master said pain passes after a time, leaving nothing but pleasure behind.

"One day you will know the pleasure of being a slave. Your only thought will be 'how can I please my Master' and you will crave giving me pleasure."

It felt good to give him pleasure. When I satisfied him, or especially when I did something that made him smile, my heart skipped a beat.

After that day I he allowed me to eat normal food again. He still required me to eat it out of a dog bowl, but it was better than the dog food. When Master finished his meals, he would scrape the rest from his plate and into my bowl. Sometimes his plate was empty, and I would have to go hungry, but I didn't complain or show disappointment. That would have angered him. He would never starve me.

Master allowed me to speak now too, but only to say "yes, Master" or "no, Master" and to answer his questions. Of course, he expected me to keep my answers as short as possible. A woman did not need to speak more than was necessary. He no longer expected me to go out to the yard to relieve myself. He allowed me to use the toilet, but the toilet seat had to be up while I squatted over the bowl. I still had to walk on all fours, though, unless told otherwise.

Still, I couldn't complain. Life was much easier for me, and he rarely punished me anymore. Master told me I was one of the best slaves he'd ever trained. That made me happy.


I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss my freedom, but things had fallen into a comfortable pattern in my life. I was content. There were times I cried over knowing I would never speak to my parents again, but Master had been right. As a woman, I was happier when a man was in control. Freedom brought me nothing but misery. Master saved me from that and had been showing me who I truly was meant to be. He said it was why I had such difficulty choosing a career path. Women weren't supposed to have careers. It was so obvious now. The whole women's liberation movement created a rift between men and women that broke down society, and it could be healed only by returning to a strict patriarchal system.

For a long time I thought Master didn't love me. He seemed so cruel, but now I understood it was necessary. I could have never reached this point without his firm guidance. Since I was a good slave for him now, he would hold me. Sometimes he would talk to me at night until I fell asleep, and he had even let me sleep in his bed a few times when I had been particularly pleasing to him. As hard and cruel as he was before, now he was loving and kind. At least that's what I thought until the night his friends, Steve and Jon, visited. They were curious to see how Master's newest slave was doing.

"When they arrive, slave, you will do whatever they ask. You will call them Master. All men are your masters. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Master."

It seemed a simple request, but I wasn't prepared for what they had in store. As soon as they arrived Master gagged me, and they took turns raping me. After they'd gotten their fill, I was passed around and roughed up. Whenever I cried, they laughed. When they grew bored with playing with me, they sent me to get them food and drinks. They displayed me in an uncomfortable and humiliating position on the coffee table for their amusement while they ate. Then they talked for a while, and it all started again.

At first I tuned out their words, unless it was orders for me, but something Steve said made me shudder. I wasn't sure I'd heard him right until Jon glanced at me and confirmed it. I pretended I wasn't listening.

"Yeah she might make good breeding stock. She's built well for carrying," he said.

"Were you planning to keep her, Kurt?" Steve asked.

"I haven't decided yet, but you know how I get bored after a while."

I almost fell over, but righted myself. Master glared at me, but I avoided his gaze. He said he loved me. It never occurred to me he would get rid of me. I assumed I was his personal slave and had no reason to believe the training had been for any other purpose.

Jon looked me over again. "She may carry mostly girls though. We need more boys for growing our cause. Slaves always come in handy, but it's men who will change our world to be as it should."

Master and Steve nodded.

"There's no real way of knowing whether she'll give birth to boys or girls though, or whether she's even capable of conceiving. I've been having unprotected sex with her for months now, and she has not conceived."

"That is a concern, but there are always the brothels, or she can be a domestic. One of the compounds up north needs domestic slaves," Jon said.

"Or she could be used to help teach some of the younger boys how to train a slave. We've got some boys who are nearly old enough to start learning the ropes," Steve added.

"We've almost reached a point where we can stop taking girls from the outside, too, which will be good since we've attracted too much notice of late," Master said.

"It will make things simpler having the girls trained from birth, but it will take some of the fun out of training girls like this." Steven gestured toward me. "I'm ready for more fun, slave. Get in my lap."

"Yes, Master," I said and did as I was told, hiding the repulsion and fear that twisted my gut as best as I could.


I was glad when Steve and Jon left until I saw the glare on Master's face. I had done something wrong, and I didn't know what. He grabbed a fist full of my hair and led me to the basement.

"I don't know what all that frowning and blubbering was about today, but you showed little appreciation for all the attention you received. You exist to bring men pleasure, not to carry on and cry when we take our pleasure from you."

Master didn't bother removing the gag. He cuffed me to the ceiling as he had on the first day. Then whipped me relentlessly. At first I tried to stay quiet, but soon it was too hard. I lost control, and the screams came despite my attempts to stop them. After a while my head drooped, but the blood spatters on Master and the floor made me shriek and struggle against the cuffs with renewed purpose. If he didn't stop soon, he would kill me. My struggles compounded my exhaustion and soon I hung there, limp and moaning softly.

Finally, the endorphins kicked in, allowing me to withdraw into myself. I realized, now, Master didn't love me. How could he if he was willing to send me away? He'd get bored with me eventually. It made me wonder how many other slaves he trained and sent away to be bred. The thought of living that way horrified me, but even more horrifying was giving birth to children who would grow up in this sick and twisted world they were creating. Boys who would be taught to disrespect and abuse women. Girls who would be taught to fear men and do whatever the men wanted despite the pain and suffering it caused them.

Master—no, not Master, Kurt—Kurt didn't love me. He never did. From the beginning the only thing he cared about was acquiring me for his cult or whatever it was. I had to find a way out before it was too late. I hoped it wasn't too late already.


It was days before I could walk again. Kurt kept me locked in the cage in the basement, treating my wounds twice a day and feeding me. He didn't allow me to use the toilet, nor did he take me outside, and since he only hosed the cage out once a day, I was often left sitting in my urine and feces. I tried not to think about the pain, instead focusing on a plan to escape. The problem was, I couldn't come up with anything. The best I could do was play along until an opportunity presented itself.

I worried my wounds might become infected, but thankfully they didn't and whatever Kurt put on them helped them to heal quickly. I doubted it would keep me from scarring though. After a few days, he let me out of the cage again. I was careful to be as pleasing as possible.

He barely acknowledged me though, for almost two weeks. Then one evening he brought me the coat he had me wear the day I was pierced and branded.

"We're going out," he told me as he placed the coat around my shoulders.

My heart clenched. I had no idea what it might mean. Maybe he decided to get rid of me after all and was taking me to one of those breeding places.

"There is a play party at a club in the city. I want to show off my slave if she can behave."

"Yes, Master." This could be my chance.


As soon as we arrived at the club, Kurt removed the coat, displaying my body for everyone to see. Before we left, he had also replaced the dog collar with a steel one he locked in place. I kept my head bowed, not making eye contact with anyone. In part it was because it's what he expected, but I also felt vulnerable in my nude state.

"You are not to speak to anyone. I will speak for you if necessary."

I didn't look up, but I saw a pair of legs approaching and guessed right away who it would be.

"Steve, Jon, great to see you again. Slave here is remorseful over her behavior during your visit. She will be on her best behavior if you would like to have time with her this evening."

"If she doesn't, I will make sure she regrets it," Steve said.

Jon said nothing, but I was sure he nodded in agreement.

"Kurt, would you be interested in doing a flogger demo? Jon was supposed to do it, but he hurt his wrist earlier. We already have a model. One of my own slaves. She's well trained and won't flinch regardless of how hard she is whipped, so you don't have to go easy on her. I know how you like to let loose," Steve said then chuckled.

"I'd love to. Just let me get this slave settled first."

Kurt grabbed my arm and led me to an armchair. "Remember, you are to speak to no one. I won't be long. If you keep your head low, no one will approach you."

As soon as Kurt walked off, I scanned the room without moving my head too much. This might be the best time for me to make my escape. He was distracted and might not see me move right away. Plus, there were many people around. Some of them as naked as I was. Then it occurred to me. Where would I go? I had no clothes, and I didn't know if these people were part of the men's psychotic group. If they were, I'd be stopped, and my punishment would likely be worse than the whipping I received weeks before. Suddenly, escape seemed much less appealing.

"Haleigh," a familiar voice whispered behind me, somewhat muffled by the chair.

It was the first time I'd heard my name in, who knew how long. I almost forgot I had one. No one spoke near me again for a while though, it could have been my imagination.

"Haleigh, it's Dominic. Can you hear me?"

I glanced toward Kurt. His back was to me so I whispered a quick, "yes."

"I need to know if you want help. Do you want me to get you out of there?"

My heart beat faster. I could escape, and Dominic would protect me. I knew he would. Kurt faced me this time, but his attention was elsewhere. "Yes."

Just as I opened my mouth to say it, Kurt looked up. His face contorted in rage and he handed Jon the flogger and stalked towards me.

"Shit, he's coming," I whispered.

Kurt was already pulling his arm back to throw a punch, and at first I thought he would hit me, but at that moment Dominic stood and Kurt punched him in the face.

The last I saw of Dominic as Kurt grabbed my arm and yanked me to my feet, he was on the ground, blood gushing from his nose. Kurt dragged me out of the building, naked, to his car. He threw me into the back seat without bothering to buckle me in and the tires squealed as he peeled out of the parking lot.

"You stupid, fucking bitch. You've really fucked up now."

He said nothing else as he sped through the streets. I hoped he'd get stopped, but luck was not with me. Where the hell were all the cops when you needed them? As soon as he pulled into the driveway, he grabbed my arm and dragged me towards the house. I considered calling out for help but decided it would make things worse than they already were.

Kurt shut and locked the door, then spun around and slapped me in one motion. "What did you say to the prick?"

"He asked if I was okay, and I said yes. That's it. I swear."

"Lying, fucking bitch," Kurt yelled and punched me. "You've screwed everything up. I'll have to send you to one of the compounds now and make you disappear."

I fell to the floor. "Please, Kurt. Stop."

"Shut the fuck up," he said, kicking me.

He stopped when someone knocked at the door.

"Haleigh," Dominic called.

I tried to crawl towards the door, but Kurt grabbed me by my hair and dragged me to the basement door. I cried out. He flung the door open and threw me down the stairs.

"Now, because of you, I'll have to kill the nosy fucking prick."

Kurt closed the door, leaving me in darkness at the bottom of the steps. I tried to move, but a sharp pain in my chest stopped me. Kurt's heavy footsteps pounded through the house followed by a loud crash at the door and a gunshot. Please don't let it be Dominic. He doesn't deserve to die because of me, I thought before my mind went blank and all sounds vanished.

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