Out of Oblivion (10 page)

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Authors: Taren Reese Ocoda

BOOK: Out of Oblivion
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"As much as I would love to say yes, I will explode if I tried to eat another bite."

Dominic chuckled. "After the call with your parents then?"

The call. I'd almost forgotten. "That would be great."

My parents just returned from the communal Thanksgiving feast they served at the retirement village. Everyone brought a covered dish, and the management supplied the turkey. They raved about the wonderful time they had.

"So what did you do for Thanksgiving?" my mother asked, a hint of concern on her face.

"Dominic prepared me a wonderful feast," I told them.

"Oh? Didn't you spend the day with your family, Dominic?"

Dominic moved in next to me. "I was going to. My brother invited Haleigh, but she turned it down."

My father frowned. "Why would you do that?"

"I didn't want to be around a bunch of people I didn't know," I said, suddenly self-conscious.

"Haleigh, you won't get to know people if you stay home all the time," my father said.

"I realize that. It's just hard being around people right now."

"Baby, it's been four months, and you're getting worse instead of better. Maybe it's time you see someone about what happened to you. You can't do it on your own," my mother told me.

"Mom, I'm fine. Really. I've never been much of a people person."

"I know, sweetie, but I worry."

"I'll be okay. I promise. It's getting late though. I better let you guys go." It wasn't late for them, but I didn't like the direction our conversation took. I figured it would be better to end it before it went too far, and I ended up caving in.

"Okay, honey. Take care of yourself," my father said.

"We love you," my mom added.

"Love you too," I said and shut down Skype.

"Your parents are right. You should see someone. I know of a lifestyle friendly psychologist you might feel comfortable talking to."

I groaned. Not him too. I would never be comfortable talking with anyone about what Kurt did. "That wouldn't be a good idea. I've never done well with psychologists in the past. I always end up feeling worse."

"Just think about it, okay?"

"Okay," I said, but I doubted I would ever change my mind.


It took a couple of months to accept the outcome of Kurt's sentencing. I decided he would at least be locked away for seven years. My graduation was in two years, and I could go back to Hawaii, get a job there and be close to my parents again. I didn't even have to be here when he got out, and even if I was, I would be a stronger and more capable person by then. He could never hurt me again.

The only thing that bothered me was he would be free to do it to some other unsuspecting soul. Dominic assured me the police would keep closer tabs on him. The courts may not have been able to use my testimony alone to convict him of anything, but the police believed my story and were certain he was involved with that group too. I'd given them Steve and Jon's names too, so they would be watched as well, but it didn't stop them from relocating to a new area where they were unknown.

Christmas was coming fast, and other than Skyping with my parents I hadn't made other plans. I was looking forward to time alone. I enjoyed being on my own, despite Dominic's constant nagging that I needed to get out of the house more and be social.

Dominic strolled out of his office. I heard him on the phone with someone and judging by the animated way he spoke it had to be his brother or Jason.

"Brant's invited you to his place for Christmas," he told me. "The family is gathering there this year."

I groaned. They probably felt bad I would be alone for the holidays. "I appreciate the invite, but I'll be okay here on my own."

"Haleigh, hiding away in this house every day isn't healthy. You need to get out, get fresh air and be around people."

"I'm around people all the time at school, and I get plenty of fresh air when I walk to my classes," I argued.

"It's not the same thing. You should reconsider seeing that psychologist I suggested. You're letting your fears make you a prisoner in your home."

I groaned. It always came back to that. "Okay. If I promise to go to Brant's for Christmas, will you promise not to bring up the psychologist again?"

"If you go, make an effort to socialize and convince me you're having a good time, I might consider not bringing it up for at least two months."

"Fine," I said. It was the best deal I would get.

Dominic grinned triumphantly as he headed back to his office to finish his workday.


Christmas morning came, and I felt like a kid again as I raced down the stairs to Dominic's office for my Skype call with my parents. Then I looked at the clock and realized there was still an hour before they were due to be on. So to help pass the time I made a pot of coffee and sat down to eat a bowl of cereal.

"Cereal for breakfast on Christmas morning?" Dominic frowned as he joined me in the kitchen.

I shrugged. "It was easiest."

He chuckled and got himself a bowl. After he finished eating, he went to the small table top tree we set up and grabbed a gift, handing it to me.

"I thought we agreed no gifts?" I couldn't afford to get him one, and I told him not to get me anything.

Dominic wiggled it in front of me. "Just open it."

I grumbled while tearing into the wrapping paper. "A laptop?"

"Now you can Skype with your parents while I'm working if you want to. You won't have to wait 'til I'm done."

I didn't have to anyway with the phone my parents sent, but it wasn't the same as using a computer. Having them on the screen sometimes made it seem they were right there with me, only without the hugs. Dominic was waiting for my response. More to the point, he looked like he was waiting for me to freak out over the expensive gift. Instead, I set it aside and threw myself into his arms.

"Thank you."

The hug lingered and when he buried his face in my hair, I pulled back. I thanked him again, hoping he wouldn't suspect I was uncomfortable with the closeness, but the frown on his face told me I didn't fool him. I couldn't let him fall in love with me. It wouldn't be fair on him. Dominic pulled two more gifts from under the tree then led the way to his office. My parents would be on soon.

In fact, they were already waiting by the time Dominic booted up his computer and logged onto Skype. We wished each other a Merry Christmas.

"You go first," I told my parents.

My mother opened the envelope she held. "Airline tickets. Oh honey, this is so great! Thank you both."

Dominic bought them, but he signed both our names to the card. They could use them any time within the next year, and it was a gift for me as much as it was for them. He knew how much I missed them. I hadn't seen them since I left Hawaii a little over three years ago.

"We'll come right after the new year," my dad said.

"You're welcome to stay here with us," Dominic told them. "There is plenty of room."

I assumed Dominic meant for them to stay with us, but hearing him say it made me realize how different he was to Kurt. Kurt had never shown interest in getting to know my parents at all, even before he turned me into his slave. They may as well have not existed. I was thinking earlier I didn't want Dominic falling in love with me, but here he was getting to know my parents and doing everything he could to reunite us.

I couldn't help the smile that plastered my face as I watched him talking with my parents as if they were his own. When he gazed at me, I cleared my throat.

"It's your turn," my dad said. My parents sent us both gifts.

He tore into his gift like an excited little kid. It was the new Hobbit movie he wanted. Then he handed me mine, a Kindle reader.

"Now you can download all the books you want to read and take them with you," my mom said. "I know it doesn't replace the one's Kurt sold, but it should give you a quick and easy way to replace some of your favorite books, and if someone steals your Kindle, you will still be able to download the books from your account again."

"Thanks, mom. This is great. I've been wanting one of these."

"We better let you both go. I'm sure you've got a busy day planned, and your mother and I are off to the village's Christmas breakfast."

"Okay, Merry Christmas. Love you both."

"Love you too, sweetheart. Have a wonderful day."


Dominic's parents greeted us at the door before we climbed the steps. I never met them, but as much as Dominic spoke about them, it seemed like I had. They must have felt the same way because they greeted me with a hug and kiss on the cheek as though I was part of the family.

"It's nice to finally meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Hansen."

"It's just mom and dad. All of Dommie's friends call us that," his mom said, giving Dominic's cheek a pinch. Then, as if to add insult to injury, she kissed him several times all over his face.

"Okay mom, I missed you too," Dominic said, rolling his eyes. He didn't seem at all embarrassed by his mother's behavior.

"Dommie?" I whispered and giggled.

He sent a mock glare in my direction. Dominic's father winked at me, and I got the impression his mother was trying very hard to embarrass him in front of me.

"So is she your submissive yet?" his mother whispered in his ear, but purposely spoke loud enough for me to hear.

I gaped at Dominic. His face was bright red, and his father was chuckling. Yeah, they were definitely trying to get a rise out of him.

"We're just friends," he assured them.

"Uh huh," his mom said, then his father smacked her bum playfully as she headed towards the living room.

"You both have presents under the tree when you're ready," his father said.

Dominic hoisted the bag of gifts he brought over his shoulder as though he was Santa and walked to the living room saying, "Ho, ho, ho."

The last time I'd been in Brant's living room, it looked ordinary, except with the largest TV that I ever saw and more movies than any one person could watch in a year. Now it looked like a Christmas wonderland. The tree was at least ten feet tall, but it still didn't come close to touching the tall ceiling. White and silver decorations adorned the tree as well as dominating the room.

Brant waved to us as we entered, and he came over to greet us, his girlfriend—now fiancé judging by the ring on her finger—in tow.

"Hey bro," Dominic said, giving his brother a manly hug, then he turned to the girlfriend, giving her a hug and kiss on the cheek. "And soon to be sis. This is Haleigh."

"It's nice to meet you, Haleigh," Brant said giving me a quick hug and peck on the cheek. "This is my fiancé, Rachel."

Rachel was more reserved though and held out her hand. "Good to meet you."

I shook her outstretched hand.

"Make yourself at home," Brant told me.

Dominic brought the gifts to the tree, so I followed him. After placing them under the tree, adding each one to a pile or starting a new one, he grabbed two stacked gifts and set them on a sofa next to where I stood. Then he grabbed another pile and sat on the nearest seat. "Those are yours."

I wasn't expecting gifts from his family, and I felt even worse that I couldn't get anyone anything. Dominic frowned at me, probably noticing my expression.

"Get used to it. My family loves to give, and they expect nothing in return. Every one of us have been in positions in the past where we had nothing to give, so we all know what it's like. You have nothing to feel bad about."

I was sure I would never get used to people just giving me things, especially people who never met me before, but I reasoned that I would have a job soon enough, and I could return the favor. I opened the first gift, which had a little card from Brant and Rachel attached. They bought me the Twilight Saga. It was something I've wanted to read for a while. Dominic must have told them. The second gift was from his parents, a crocheted blanket.

"My mom made it for you. It won't replace the one your grandmother made for you, but she hoped you would love it anyway."

I bit my lip to keep the tears from forming. His families' generosity was very overwhelming. I wasn't sure if I could express how much it meant that they gave me such personal and well thought out gifts, but watching them all together, it wasn't too surprising. They were a close family and obviously adored one another. It was easy to see why Dominic was so generous. I wished more than ever I had chosen him from the beginning. Once I was sure my emotions were under control I said, "I love it."

"Hey, hey," a familiar voice called from the other side of the room.

I turned to see Jason charging towards us, Bekka right behind him. He pulled me into a bear hug.

"Merry Christmas. I'm glad Dominic talked you into coming."

"It was more blackmail, actually. Merry Christmas, Jason." I waved to Bekka. "Merry Christmas, Bekka."

"Blackmail, huh? Nice," he said as he hugged Dominic.

Dominic chuckled. "Sometimes you have to go with what works."

Jason handed me a gift. I smiled while groaning inwardly.

"It's from me and Bekka," he said.

I opened it. It was a sketch pad, pencils and charcoal.

Jason grinned. "You've been saying you wanted to draw again, so we figured we would get you started."

I wrapped my arms around him and Bekka in a group hug. "Thanks, guys."

With Bekka there it wasn't all that difficult to keep up my end of the bargain by socializing and having fun. It was much easier for me to be social with someone I already knew, and she, Jason and I met for lunch every day during the semester. I even considered the possibility of having a girls' night with Bekka. We hadn't seen each other in almost a month, and I realized I missed her company.

"We should go out for New Year's Eve," Bekka suggested.

"That would be fun," I said, but then hoped Dominic wouldn't see it as a date or something. "So how have things been going?"

"Great, actually. Jason asked me to marry him, but we're gonna wait until after we graduate to say anything to anyone."

"Oh my god, Bekka. I'm so happy for you guys."

"I know. It's killing me to keeping it quiet, but I told Jason I'm telling you. I need someone to talk to about it."

"Why doesn't he want to tell his family yet?"

"Mainly because, if you haven't noticed, they make a huge deal of everything. He said it's between having to deal with them being in our faces for a couple years or a few months. I think the hype would wear off eventually, but he assured me it wouldn't. Apparently even Brant had been engaged for the last year and a half and announced it only recently."

"Wow, yeah, I'm not used to this big family thing. It was always just me and my parents."

"I'm from a big family, but we're not this close. In fact, for me family gatherings means a lot of fighting. So what about you and Dominic? You seem to be getting closer. Jason's surprised you're not a 'thing' yet."

"Yeah, I don't think that will ever happen. We're just friends."


I shrugged. "After what I went through with Kurt, I can't have the kind of relationship he would want."

"What do you mean?"

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