Out of the Blue (9 page)

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Authors: RJ Jones

BOOK: Out of the Blue
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“Fuck, yes, move it, I need to feel it move.”

I slid Bruce out so it rested on the inside of his ring, then pushed it slowly all the way in.

“Ungh… fuck.” Cam was a hot, writhing mess and it turned me on no end. I used my other hand to work Cam’s length and pushed my tongue into his slit, tasting his precome.

I worked the large dildo at a quicker pace, and Cam leaned up on his elbows, watching me with half-lidded eyes.

Quickening the pace, I sucked his cock to the back of my throat, unrestrained moans rumbling through his chest. Cam’s balls crawled up, and I knew he’d come soon. My own erection was painful and I ground my hips against the comforter, seeking some friction of my own. To watch Cam like this was beyond arousing, I couldn’t get enough and I wanted nothing more than to kiss him and suck him at the same time, but the need to have him come down my throat won.

As I sucked, I pushed the toy into his ass, and Cam’s hips jerked off the bed as the toy brushed his sweet spot, making his cock push farther down my throat.

“Fuck, yes. Take it… fuck me harder.”

My hips jerked on the comforter in time with my thrusts into his ass, my cock needing attention. I pulled back and Cam’s cock left my mouth for a moment. “Fuck my throat, Romeo. Use me.”

“Holy. Shit.”

Sucking his length back in, I increased the speed to his ass as Cam thrust his cock into my mouth, fucking my throat with abandon. He was so hard and swollen. His eyes never left me and my hips jerked clumsily against the bed.

One hand behind his knee, his other hand gripping my hair, I could tell he was close. I sucked and fucked him harder, the glass dildo pumping deep into his ass.

Cam’s hips stuttered and he clutched my head to his crotch with both hands as he shot his load down my throat, calling my name. I couldn’t breathe as his come filled my mouth and ran out the corners of my lips. All I could do was take it, and it was the most erotic thing I’d ever done. We had always had a passionate sex life, but this took it to a whole other level.

Cam’s chest rose rapidly as he dropped back to the pillows, weaving a hand through my hair tenderly. Sucking him clean, I slid Bruce out of his abused ass.

I tried to get some much-needed air into my lungs as I laid my head on his abs, trailing my fingers up and down his muscular thigh, making goose bumps appear on his skin.

“Uh, babe? I really,
wanna reciprocate, but do you mind if I catch my breath first?” Cam’s voice cracked a little, and I smiled as I kissed his abs.

“No need, Romeo, I already came.”

“You did? When?”

“About a minute before you.” Looking up at him, I grinned like an idiot.

“Get up here. I need to kiss you.”

I climbed beside him and wrapped my body around his, our legs entwining. We kissed slowly around our smiles. Being here in Napa was healing, it was exactly what we needed.



The weekend passed too quickly for my liking. Cam and I reconnected and the heavy weight we’d carried around the last month disappeared as we spent the weekend laughing, fucking, and drinking. The spring weather lasted all weekend, and we spent so much time together we should have been sick of it, lazing on the porch, sometimes with the aunts and sometimes not, and strolling through the vines hand in hand as we listened to the peace. We were in heaven.

Sunday morning Aunt Cece and I walked through the vineyard together, just the two of us. It was one of those rare perfect days, warm but not hot, the cloudless blue sky high above us, and with the freshly mowed lawn and the vines blossoming, it was a perfect day.

It was the most at peace I’d felt for the last month. Freshly fucked that morning, I grinned as I remembered how Cam teased two orgasms out of me in quick succession.

“You’re grinning like a loon,” Aunt Cece teased.

“It’s because I’m here,” I said honestly, putting my arm around her shoulder, giving her a quick squeeze.

“Are you sure it’s this place and not the hottie in your bed?” It was her way of asking if everything was all right without actually asking.

“Well, he put a smile on my face early this morning,” I chuckled. “But we needed to get away. We needed to reconnect, and this place has always been like home to me. I can’t help but feel relaxed here.”

“Needed to reconnect? You two are the most connected couple I know. You’ve been joined at the hip from the start.” Aunt Cece was a little quieter as she continued. “I know something’s been bothering you, but I’m glad you’re able to come here to find yourselves again,” she said, patting my hand where it was on her shoulder.

“Things haven’t been great, to be honest. Something’s… bothering Cam. I guess bothering isn’t the right word but… he’s struggling. Something he saw when he attended that accident has him spooked. I’ve asked him and he’s told me about it but not anything that I didn’t already know from the news reports. There’s a vulnerability about him now I’ve never seen before.”

Remembering the distance that had been between us, my shoulders dropped and I lowered my head.

“He’s having nightmares where he’s completely distraught and screaming my name. The first time it happened, it scared the absolute crap out of me. It still freaks me out. It doesn’t happen every night, and I don’t know if he has them when he’s sleeping during the day. If there’s any mention of a car accident on the TV, he changes channel like he’s Flash Gordon. I can’t imagine what he’s like at work.” Sighing, I looked at my aunt, hoping she had an answer for me.

“What does he say is wrong?”

“He doesn’t. He can’t or
tell me what it is. He says he’s scared and he has trouble switching the images off in his head, but he won’t tell me what those images are or why he’s scared. I think he believes he’s supposed to be strong one hundred percent of the time. He hides a lot from me about what he’s seen, but I know he does it to protect me. Cam says he needs time and I’m hoping it’s
time he needs. Being here, though”—I waved my hand, indicating the vineyard—“has helped us remember what we used to be like. But being here has also reminded me of how hard it’s been the last month.”

I must have had a grave look on my face to trigger her next question. “Do you think he’s lying to you?”

“Not lying, per se… more avoiding, I think.”

“Avoiding you?”

“No, he’s not avoiding me, I think he’s more avoiding
. Whatever

Aunt Cece stopped walking, and cupping my face in her hands, her eyes searched mine. “Problems don’t go away by avoiding them. They’re patient bastards: they’ll wait for you. Keep avoiding them and they’ll invite their friends, and
wait for you too.”


Chapter Nine





From the cottage window I saw Jake and his aunt as they ambled through the vineyard chatting. Cece stopped and cradled Jake’s face and whatever she said had Jake slumping forward.

Despite his smile when he returned to the cottage, he was quiet and thoughtful, and I worried that our weekend was about to end on a gloomy note. I grabbed Bruce and waved it in the air. “Hey, babe. You know I never thought we’d have a ménage, but I’d like to see a bit more of Bruce if that’s okay?”

Jake winced.

What the…?

Before I could think much on it, Jake’s wince was replaced with a bright smile. Throwing Bruce on the bed, I looked him in the eye and kissed him hard. A shudder ran through his lithe body, from the shock of the kiss or something else, I wasn’t sure.

I was trying. The pure blue of his eyes was as beautiful as ever, but they still reminded me of a dead ten-year-old boy. We fell to the bed in a tangled heap. I swallowed against the lump in my throat and wrapped my arms around him, attempting to kiss away the image.

Jake’s body heaved beneath mine and I looked at him in confusion.

He was laughing.
His eyes were closed, and he laughed so hard his mouth was wide open but no sound escaped, tears trickling over his temple.

“S-sorry,” Jake said, laughing harder. It was contagious, and grabbing him again, I buried my face in his neck, laughing with him. Relief shook me. What could have been a major downer turned out to be funny instead.

“Sorry,” he said again, a little more composed. “But you stood there waving this large dildo in the air… then you… you…” He laughed again as he struggled to finish. “You threw it away and hurled yourself at me. The look on your face was priceless.” Jake stood awkwardly as the laughter ran through him.

“Well, I’m glad you’ve had a good chuckle at my expense,” I mocked.

“Aww c’mon, Romeo. If it’d been me, you’d be laughing so hard your balls would ache.”



We drove home on Sunday afternoon and the silence wasn’t uncomfortable, but a darkness lingered in the air around us. Jake was contemplative as he stared out the passenger window, his hand resting on my thigh, and he drew small circles with his thumb in a comfortable and familiar way, just like on the drive up.

Our good mood followed us into the next week, and although the dark, lingering presence reminded me that things were not how they used to be, I managed to ignore it.

Night shift all week meant I didn’t see Jake much. This was the part of the job I hated the most, when Jake and I were like two ships passing in the night. No time for lovemaking or chilling out together, we just shared the odd breakfast as I came home and he headed to work. We’d talk on the phone and texted often, and sometimes I would wake up early and prepare dinner for him before I started another shift, but our physical interaction that week was minimal at best. The only upside to this was I didn’t have a nightmare all week.

Without the horrible dreams, work was easier, which bolstered my mood. I wasn’t normally happy to be on the night shift, but I couldn’t help but grin when I walked into the break room, and although I still didn’t feel like my normal self, I was a pretty good actor.

“Well, it looks like someone had a good weekend. Did you win the lottery?” Kris teased. He had been off shift the entire week, and it was the first time I’d seen him since our weekend away to Napa. He sat at the table drinking coffee with the rest of our crew.

“Would I be here if I did?”

“True. So what gives?”

“Nothing big, went to Napa last weekend. The weather was good and the wine and company even better, and this week has been relatively quiet, call-wise anyway.”

“That’s right, you know someone who owns a vineyard, don’t you?” Brandon asked.

“Yeah, we have family up there and we visit as often as we can. It’s a great spot to relax and do nothing, you know?”

“Wish I had family who owned a vineyard, it’d make my paycheck go a bit further at least.” Brandon chuckled.

Storing my gear in my locker, I changed into my uniform, then headed to the truck bay to make sure the day shift had stocked the trucks correctly. We were told enough times there was no excuse for not replenishing the supplies. It could literally mean life or death if a piece of equipment wasn’t where it should be and we had to hunt around for it. The last thing I wanted to do was lecture someone on this issue yet again, but the task kept my mind busy as I counted the equipment and stores.

Brandon and I finished our check as a call came in for a three-alarm fire at a club on Howard Street. The sound of the alarm still made my heart race and the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. Sometimes one of the crew would question me. I would shrug them off, but it was a long time before the chill down my spine went away. We changed into our turnout gear, then scrambled into the trucks as the alarms continued to scream.

The popular club supported local live bands, and even though it was a weeknight, the club could get crowded. I hoped that wasn’t the case tonight. Mason focused on driving us to our destination as I made sure everyone on the team was ready and had correct equipment. I was reassured with nods of confirmation that we were good to go.

We arrived and started to scramble, piling out of the truck as soon as it stopped. I glanced around at the scene, but we weren’t the first unit to respond, so I headed in the direction of the Incident Commander for a quick rundown so I could direct my team. Chief Watson was new to the area, but from what I’d heard, he had extensive experience and was well respected.

“Chief. Lieutenant Cooper, Engine Thirteen. What do you need?”

“Get your guys around the east side.” He pointed in the direction he wanted us to focus on. “Fire started when some stage pyrotechnics went wrong and the flames spread when the acoustic foam on the walls caught a spark. All patrons are out and the building is clear. No one goes in. The roof is unstable and with the amount of water going on it, it’s about to collapse, so stay well outside of the zone.”

I relayed the information to my crew, shouting over the noise of the sirens and sounds of the fire, and directed the relocation of the truck closer to the east side.

Adrenaline surged through my veins as raging flames crackled and licked at the darkening night sky. There were various ambulances parked all over the street, lights flashing and uniformed paramedics treating the walking wounded. Several fatalities were reported, as well as numerous serious injuries, and I thanked a god I didn’t believe in I didn’t have to deal with any burned bodies. The intensity of the fire held my attention long enough I was able push away any wayward thoughts.

The fire raged and a lack of windows hampered our efforts since we couldn’t get direct access to the flames. We worked the east side, but with the amount of flammable material in the club plus the lack of access, it was slow going. Kris stood close behind me as we battled the acrid smoke and hefty weight of the hose to keep up the steady stream of water.

As I glanced toward Brandon and Mason operating the other hose close by, an ominous groan rose from the building, that familiar crack just before the support beams give way.
I turned to shout to the guys to pull back, but before I could voice a warning, the roof collapsed. The gush of hot wind and flames that followed had me stumbling and I lost my footing. I staggered, my boot catching a lip in the pavement. The power of the hose hindered my balance and I fell backward. The cumbersome equipment prevented me from stopping the fall and I went down heavily, landing on top of Kris. The air was forced from my lungs as my ribs took a pounding. I released the hose, stopping the flow of water, as I scrambled to my feet. My ribs screamed again as I reached for my helmet that had been knocked from my head and landed a few feet away.
Fuck, that hurt.

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