Read Out of The Box Regifted Online

Authors: Jennifer Theriot

Out of The Box Regifted (42 page)

BOOK: Out of The Box Regifted
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Catching me looking, he laughably shakes his hips, “So whatcha think? Are ya with me? Sex and skyping all day?” I giggle, as he picks me up and carries me into the shower. He begins washing my hair with the wonderfully smelling vanilla shampoo, then lathers up the wash cloth and tenderly washes my body. Looking at his tantalizing naked body, I lather the soap on my hands, as I begin massaging him. I start at his shoulders and work my way down. Just before I reach my favorite spot, there’s a loud knock on the door. “Damn! Stopped by the bell.” Ash puts his forehead on the shower wall. “This WILL be continued.” Coffee and pastry in hand, I climb in bed with my laptop, eager to Skype. Ash bursts my bubble, when he reminds me that we’re six hours ahead of the US. He ruffles my hair, “Liv, we’re going to have to find something to do for a few hours until everyone wakes up.. hint hint.” I roll my eyes and swat him with the newspaper.

We spend the afternoon watching movies, emailing, texting, and skyping. Lainey was so cute on skype; rubbing her bulging belly, laughing while Kellan tickled her, telling me that she looks like she’s carrying a watermelon.

Last on the call list is Todd. He playfully salutes us, tipping his head. “Hey amigos, how’s Paris? You guys having a romantic time?” He puts his hands over his face, “And I don’t need sexual details, but tell me everything else.”

Ash playfully sticks his head into the screen and sticks out his tongue. “Oh I’ll give you details.”

I swat him away, as Todd chuckles and shakes his head. “ details, Mr. H. I’m already scarred for life.”

I wave Ash off and pull my laptop closer to me. “Don’t pay attention to him, Todd. I want to hear all about this record deal. Ash just got off the phone with Tommy and was telling me about it.”

Todd’s sitting on his couch, with his feet propped up on the coffee table, rolling his guitar pick through his fingers, as he responds with a huge smile, “We’re working with the producer and you’ll actually be hearing Fairy Tale Man on the radio, within the next month or so.”

I can’t contain my excitement, “Are you serious? On the radio? Oh my God. When did all this happen? And why didn’t you tell me before, you creep?”

“Haha. We only just found out. We didn’t wanna say anything until it was a done deal, and now it is done. Signed, sealed, and delivered baby!” He fist pumps and continues, “Hey maybe we’ll even make it big someday. I fucking hate this traveling, though - it sucks a big one. Living on a bus with a bunch of guys, scratching their balls, when you’ve got a hot babe at home, fucking sucks ass.” He grabs a beer from the refrigerator, as he walks back to his computer. “Oh and Kyra wants me to meet her family when I come home.” He looks into the screen with a silly face, “Not so sure about that, you know a lowly rock star with all negative attributes, tattoos, and a pierced dick.”

“Todd, don’t think for a moment that they won’t fall in love with you.” I roll my eyes and point at the screen. “But I definitely wouldn’t mention the piercing - that’s NOT something you want the parents to know!”

He laughs hysterically, “I know - right? For sure we don’t want them to know about that little pleasure tool. And I’m glad you think they’ll like me, but I ain’t so sure. Prolly gonna need some intervention.” He moves into the screen and winks, “Look, I gotta go babe - peace out and I love ya. Bye Mr. H.”

Once Ash and I have gotten all the updates, he takes me into his arms, as he rocks back and forth with me.

“Liv, we’re so blessed with such good kids, aren’t we?” His face lights up. “I want us to do the holidays at our new condo this year. I can picture you in the kitchen, cooking with everyone sitting around laughing, and having a good time.” He strums an imaginary guitar with his arms around me and taps his foot. “Me and the guys playing a little music, sounds wonderful, doesn’t it?” I look up at him and nod, “Umm sounds perfect.”

“Liv, what would you say if we stopped in Houston on the way home? The condo is 99% complete and...”

I sit up on my knees, bursting with excitement, and give him a huge hug, “Oh Ash, are you serious?”

“Honey, of course I’m serious.” With a devilish look on his face, he smirks, “I’ve actually already changed our tickets. We’ll be flying into Houston.” Seeing the exuberant look on my face, he kisses me. “Just needed to hear you’re okay with it.”

Dear God...this man is amazing. He knows how to make me happy, and how I happened into this romance, is beyond me. Every day I have to pinch myself and ask if this is real.

The next few days in Paris seem to just fly by. We visit so many places and I’m on sensory overload. I‘ve seen so many beautiful sights in this romantic city, shopped more than I could have ever imagined, and I’m more in love with this gorgeous man, if that’s even possible.

The night before we leave is upon us and while I’m sad about leaving, I’m so excited to get home. Something about being in your own house - sleeping in your own bed, is calling me. For our final night in Paris, Ash has made dinner reservations and arranged for a limo to pick us up. As I’m going in to shower, he stands in front of the door blocking it, and grins. He cocks his head to the side, with an intriguing look and he’s holding something in his hand. “Liv, I want our last night in Paris to be memorable for you.” He takes my hand and kisses it softly, giving me goosebumps. “You make this city and our time here wonderful and I love you my sweet Sunshine.” He holds out a bag. “Here, I got you something.” On the bag is a white logo reading Aubade. He proudly smiles, as he hands it to me and winks, “Open it and, I hope you like it.”

Excitedly, I tear open the bag and pull out the most exquisite and sexy pair of sheer lace red panties and bra to match.

I take his face into my hands and roll my eyes playfully, “Ash, you really don’t have to keep buying me things, you know…”

He puts his finger to my lips, “Honey, I know that, but I can’t help it. Plus, these just had your name written all over them, and they begged to come home with me.” He gets a pouty look on his face, “They practically jumped in the bag.”

I turn around on my heels and give him a little wink. “Well, then, lemme go put them on. I don’t have anything for you, though…”

“Honey, you gave me the best gift, ever, for my birthday. There’s nothing I need or want, except you and your love. Which you give me every day, so consider me gifted.” He rubs his chin and looks up at the ceiling, slowly inhaling through his lips. “Just know that I’m gonna be fantasizing all during dinner, of what I’m going to do to you, when we get back to our room.”

After a romantic dinner, we take one last drive around the city, then head back to the hotel. It’s all we can do to make it back to our room, before we peel off our clothes and make love. We fall asleep and at 5am, the wakeup call comes. The day has come to leave this beautiful city, and head home.


The Rolls Royce is waiting to pick us up, as we walk outside. Before I get in the car, I turn to take one last look at the beautiful hotel. I spread my arms and breathe in deeply, “Ash I had so much fun. This place…I… I’m thoroughly spoiled rotten now, thanks to you.”

He bows and gestures with his hand. “Well, can I tell you that I wouldn’t have you any other way? I love spoiling you and I’ll continue to do so.” He pats my behind playfully, as he points to the car. “Ready to roll in the Rolls?”


Before I know it, we’re at the airport and have boarded the plane. I’ve got my headphones on and settle into my seat, beside my dream man. I look into his eyes and he adoringly smiles, as he mouths,
‘I love you’
. Motioning me to put my head on his shoulder, he covers me with a blanket. I see he’s gotten his laptop out, which tells me he’ll be working. He nuzzles my head and I smile. “Why don’t you take a little nap, Liv. I’ve got some work to do. No snoring, though.”

My mouth drops open in surprise. “Ash I don’t I?”

He chuckles and kisses the top of my head. “No honey, I was only kidding. Sweet dreams.”

It’s only a matter of minutes before I’m fast asleep. It seems like I sleep on and off most of the flight home. I wake to find Ash’s seat empty. I stretch and look around, spotting him a few rows up and across, talking to a man about his age. He sees me and motions me to come sit by them.

“Liv, honey, this is Vic Salazar. He and I used to fly together back in the day. Vic, this is my fiancée, Olivia.”

Vic and I exchange pleasantries and he tells me about the good old days, when they were pilots for Continental Airlines. Vic spotted Ash when he got up to use the restroom, and they struck up a conversation. Coincidentally, Vic was in Paris the whole time we were there. Now he works for a large computer consulting firm and was there on business. We talk for a bit, making idle conversation and then make our way back to our seats. Ash yawns, stretches, and puts his seat back. “I think I’ll take a little nap, Liv. You want to watch a movie?”

I curl my feet up and wrap my arm through his. “No, actually I’m going to finish the book I started.”

Looking interested, he glances at my Kindle and asks, “Good series I take it?”

“Awesome series. Controversial, but very good.”

“Honestly I don’t know how you read on that thing, Liv. I’ve got to read the real thing. I like the feel of a book in my hand. But what do I know?” I remove his glasses, as he smiles and mouths
‘thank you’
. Very quickly, he falls asleep with his ear buds in, and I look over at him, watching him breathe, looking at every feature on his face. The perfect shape of his nose, his flawless face and jawline, his perfectly styled gray hair, long eyelashes and his large, strong hand tucked under his cheek. He sleeps peacefully, until we’re about 30 minutes from landing. He wakes, to find me staring at him and smiles, “Whatcha looking at, beautiful?”

“Ummm, I was just looking at how perfect you are and thinking of what a wonderful time I had, and how lucky I am.”

He leans over to kiss me, “I’m the lucky one, Liv. Don’t ever forget that, because I won’t.”

The pilot comes on the PA system, letting us know we’ll be landing in Houston shortly. The flight attendant does her spiel about how happy she is that we’ve chosen United Airlines, blah blah blah, and I’m just excited to land and see our new condo.

Hello Houston! Vic and Ash are laughing, as they walk into the seating area to exchange phone numbers and talk for a bit. I’m excited and can’t wait to see Lainey. I’m eagerly anticipating the magic Marcus has done to the condo. My phone starts ringing, as soon as I turn it on and I notice there are missed calls, as well as numerous missed text messages. I laugh to myself, because I’m guessing it's the kids, wondering if we’ve landed yet. I should probably call Lainey and let her know we’re here.

I hit answer on my phone, as I swiftly switch my carryon bag and purse to my other shoulder. I put the phone to my ear. “Hello?”

Olivia, are you guys back yet?” It’s Emily and she sounds anxious and upset.

“Yes we are. We just landed, matter of fact. You sound upset, hon. Everything okay?”

I hear her harsh breathing into the phone, which is frightening. “No Olivia. There’s been a horrible, horrible accident in Seattle.” Her voice cracks and she whimpers, “A commuter plane crashed into the ferry this morning and exploded.” She’s begins rambling unintelligibly, as I attempt to calm her down. “Emily, tell me exactly what happened honey.”

She sniffles and whines in a high pitched voice. “It was foggy and people were killed - lots of people. It’s been on the news all day.” She’s now crying uncontrollably, as she drops a bomb, screaming into the phone. “Olivia, Hayden was on the ferry. He’s in the hospital. In critical condition.”

I gasp, as I drop my bags onto the floor. My heart is racing and tears start falling, as I shake my head in disbelief listening to her.

She wails into the phone, “I need to talk to Ash. I need to talk to him, before he talks to Tommy. Please Olivia, please put him on the phone.” She pleads. “I tried calling his phone, but it just goes straight to voicemail. Please!”

I put my hand to my mouth, “Oh Dear God Em, let me get him.” My heart is racing really fast and I start to panic. As I make my way over to where Ash is, he looks at me confused. My chest is heaving, and the look on my face tells him that something is very wrong. He holds up a finger. “Vic, excuse me just a minute.” He walks over to me and lifts my chin with a worried look. “Olivia - who’s on the phone? What’s wrong honey?”

I stand there shaking my head, unable to speak, as I cover my mouth with my hand. He puts his hands on my shoulders and lowers his face into mine, imploring me. “Liv, honey what is wrong? Did something happen to one of the kids?”

BOOK: Out of The Box Regifted
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