Overcome (25 page)

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Authors: Emily Camp

BOOK: Overcome
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Chapter 52



“I understand that she’s injured, but, she’s only
.” Parker’s dad spoke through the phone.

Parker’s knee bounced. He was on Carly’s front porch, looking across the street at a man on a mower. As soon as Carly was in her own bed, she curled up in a ball and fell back to sleep.

He wanted to stay in there and watch her. Lie beside her and hold her, but he wasn’t sure how her mom would feel about that.

“I love her, dad.”

Parker heard his dad’s intercom beep in the background and the mumble of his secretary’s voice.

“Tell them one minute, Shelly.” His words were muffled. “Parker,” his dad’s voice came out much clearer this time. He sighed. “I just don’t want to see you get hurt again.”

Parker opened his mouth to reply when there was another beep in the background. This time he couldn’t understand his dad when he spoke to whoever interrupted.

“I have to go. You need to come home tonight. We can discuss this when I’m away from the office.”

“I don’t want to leave Carly,” Parker said.

Another sigh came from his dad. “You said yourself she was going to be okay. She needs to rest. What are you going to do while she’s resting?” Another beep. “I need to go. Tonight we’ll talk.”

Parker didn’t get a chance to respond before the line went silent. He let out a frustrated groan and dropped his phone on his lap. If he didn’t go home, there wasn’t much his dad could do being that he was eighteen, but he didn’t want to stir things up and cause more drama. He threw his head into his hands and rested his elbows on his knees. Carly wasn’t going to be up much. He reasoned with himself. All he had to do was go home later, stay the night and come right back in the morning. Amy, Hudson, Khloe and Bree would be there with her. It wasn’t like she’d be alone.

As Parker wrestled with his thoughts, the light rumble of an engine brought his attention to the driveway. A silver car pulled in. He shielded his eyes from the sun as he watched the driver climb out. It couldn’t be. Was he really that stupid?

Parker jumped as the door slammed shut beside him. A string of cuss words flew out of Hudson’s mouth as he stormed toward his father. Whoa. Parker didn’t blame him any, but he couldn’t even think about talking to his dad like that.

“Hudson, stop,” Amy cried as she followed right behind Hudson.

Out of instinct, Parker rose to his feet, ready to have Hudson’s back.

Scott lifted his hands in surrender. His clothes were wrinkled, like he’d been in them for several days. His hair was disheveled and he was in need of a shave.  He took a few steps backward as Hudson continued to advance toward him.

“I’m sorry, Amy.” When he spoke his words came out gruff and scratchy.

Parker couldn’t understand Amy as she spoke in a low squeaky rush. He descended the steps. Amy had a hold of Hudson’s arm.

“Sorry isn’t going to work this time, Scott.” Hudson spewed out his dad’s name like it was poison.

Scott lowered his hands and turned toward Hudson. “You’re one to talk.”

Hudson flinched toward his dad. Amy let out another cry. Parker clamped a hand on Hudson’s shoulder, the opposite side of Amy.

“It’s not worth it,” Parker said. Standing this close to Scott, Parker could smell the beer on him.

“If you don’t leave now, we’ll call the cops,” Amy spoke again, her voice still shaking.

“Whatever,” he scoffed at Hudson before turning to Amy. “This is my house.” He smacked himself in the chest. “I’m the one who paid for it. All you ever wanted was my money.”

“We were
. You didn’t have any money!”

Scott stepped toward her, his hand raised in the air as he let out curses. Parker and Hudson pushed between them. He glared at them as if sizing them up. Parker’s heart drummed in his chest. His fisted held tight at his sides.

Scott narrowed his eyes at Hudson, “You always were a piece of …”

The rant was interrupted by the sound of sirens. Parker glanced back at Amy whose eyes were wide with surprise as well. Scott cursed again. If Amy didn’t call … he looked toward the house and in the doorway stood Carly, pale with her hair a mess of curls on her head and cell phone in hand. She was supposed to be resting. Without another thought, he dashed toward her. Scott and Hudson continued to shout at one another over the sirens.

“You should be in bed,” he spoke when he reached Carly.

Her mouth was flat. Her eyes stared in a daze at her dad and brother. “I just called the cops on my dad.” Her tone was even.

“Someone needed to.” Parker put his arm around her shoulders. But it didn’t seem to ease her.

“This is embarrassing.” She blinked toward the other houses on the street. Porches, yards, and windows began filling with nosey eyes.

“Hey,” he spoke softly. The police car with flashing lights pulled against the curb, sirens now silent. “It’s not your fault he’s acting like this.” Parker kissed her temple. He wasn’t sure how much comfort that would bring her. He knew how much she cared about what people thought even though she never admitted it.

They watched as Scott was handcuffed and pulled into the car like they were on some sort of reality cop show. Parker had never been around someone like this. Sure he had been taken in for questioning after his whole date-rape accusation. That was different. Parker didn’t make a scene and he went quietly.

Hudson’s face was red as he stomped past them into the house, though he should be talking to the cops it was probably best he cooled off first.  Tears poured down Amy’s face and Parker’s heart clenched for her. She crossed her arms across her chest as the police continued to ask her questions with his notepad in hand.

“Carly, you should probably go back to bed.” Parker tilted his head down enough to whisper in her ear. With his hand now in the middle of her back he made light circles.

“Like I can sleep now.” She kept her gaze on the police car, and her tone flat as she spoke. He stared at her. Her round jaw clenched and her cracked, pale lips pursed. He kissed the side of her head.





Chapter 53



“At least you could be resting.” Parker’s voice was light and sweet and the way he touched her back ever so gently, did soothe her some. But as she watched the commotion, on her front lawn of all places, she regretted even calling. All the eyes staring into their dysfunctional life made her want to disappear.

She nodded, though she didn’t want to be resting. She knew that she should be. She moved with the slight tug Parker gave. As badly as her head hurt, and as humiliated as she was, the butterflies still bounced around her stomach. His face prickled against hers, when he kissed her cheek.

He walked her to her room. Hudson dashed back outside, not saying a word, but wearing a scowl on his face. Her room was dim and cool and it smelled like a mixture of hospital, her passion fruit body lotion, and Parker. 

She turned to him and flung her arms around his neck, having to stand on her tiptoes to reach. He bent down and slipped his hands around her back like she was in a Parker cocoon.

When he turned his head and kissed her cheek again, he whispered in a raspy voice, “I’m going home soon.” That was enough to make her ignore her sore mouth. She turned her head so their lips connected. She cupped her hand on the back of his head, so he couldn’t pull away.

She could forget about her mom and brother right outside talking to the law. She could push away the thoughts of her dad being hauled off to the police station. Parker was receptive too. His large hands were splayed across her back pulling her closer.  So close she felt his heart beat against her chest. Despite the pain searing through her head, she stepped back, toward the bed, keeping herself attached to him. When she gave a gentle nudge for him to come with her, his lips rose off of hers.

“What?” Her heart thundered. Her breaths came out fast.

His forehead fell on to hers. His hands still moved over her back. He let out a small groan and she listened to him swallow air. “I … Carly,” he rasped, “This isn’t going to happen like this. I’m not going to let it.”

“What do you mean?” Her voice came out soft and weak, and she hated herself for it.

His hands … if he would just quit moving them … his left hand slid around her waist and up her side until he was cupping her face. “I love you … and …” His brown eyes bore into hers and she blinked away the tears she didn’t want him to see. “I’m not going to let it be a distraction. When you kiss me, when we do anything else, it’s going to be an act of how we …” His right hand wrapped around hers and he pulled them in between them, resting them against his chest. “I want it to be about how we feel about one another.”

Carly’s heart swelled and those stupid tears that’d been trying to break through, got their way. She quickly wiped them off her cheek.  Was he even real? Maybe she was still in the hospital dreaming this.

“Parker,” the knock on the door sent Parker flying away from Carly, and he shoved his hands into his pockets like they’d been caught doing it. Khloe peeked in with a soft smile. She smirked at Carly. “I’m sorry if I interrupted, but Amy asked me to get you. The police need your statement.”




Carly missed Parker as soon as he pulled out of her driveway. He lectured her and told her to get back in bed, but she couldn’t let him go without taking advantage of every second he was still there. She walked him out to his Jeep, hugged him before he climbed in, leaned in the driver’s window, and gave him a goodbye kiss. So she was being one of those crazy-sappy girls she always made fun of. She could blame it on the medicine or the head injury.

She watched him drive down the street, thankful that the nosey neighbors were back inside their air conditioned houses and minding their own business. Parker’s Jeep turned the corner and she could no longer see him. She started to turn back toward the house when Bree’s car caught her attention. She still hadn’t spoken to her since they fought at Parker’s though Parker told her that Bree was worried. Carly had said some ugly things to Bree and hated herself for it. 

Carly couldn’t even remember a time she’d gone this long without talking to her best friend.  Her heart was heavy and her head throbbed. Her cell phone, which was tucked into her bra because of the lack of pockets in her cotton shorts, buzzed against her. She reached into her shirt and pulled it out. Parker’s smiling face flashed on the screen.
You better be back inside now.

She smiled and typed out a reply.
You better not be texting and driving.

His response was almost immediate.
At a stop sign.

She hugged the phone against her just as Bree crept in the drive. She was thankful Hudson and Khloe moved her dad’s car, dropping it off at grandma’s house.

When Bree’s engine shut off, the street went silent.  Carly watched Bree climb out of the car, a lump rising in her throat. Bree smiled slightly and began to walk toward her. Bailey must have been with Garrett. She obviously didn’t have her.

By the time Bree was standing in front of Carly they both had teary eyes.

“I’m sorry,” they spoke at the same and instantly fell into a hug, sniffling and shoulders shaking against one another.

“Oh my gosh, I was so scared.” Bree stepped away and wiped the tears from her face. Her chestnut hair hung over her shoulders in waves. Her wrists still decorated with those rubber band bracelets

Carly nodded. “I miss you, Breanna Rae.”

“I miss you, too, Carly Sue.” Bree smiled and looked down at her feet. “Things are different now.”

Carly glanced back at the house. She should probably get back in bed. “I know.”

“It’s not that you aren’t still my BFF.” Bree tilted her face back toward Carly. “But … Bailey comes first. I don’t want to be like my mom.”

“You’re nothing like your mom.”

“Thanks.” Bree nibbled on her bottom lip and glanced at her cell phone after digging it out of her pocket.

“We’ve been friends way too long to let anything come between us.”

“Yeah, my brother wants me to make sure you get back to bed.” Bree giggled holding the phone, screen toward Carly.

“Ugh, I know,” Carly laughed with an eye roll. “Tell him he needs to be driving instead of texting.” Carly hooked her arm through Bree’s like old times and they headed into the house.

It wasn’t long before Khloe and Hudson were back. Carly was in bed, but she hadn’t been resting. Bree and her were talking, laughing and watching funny video’s on the internet like old times. Parker sent a text every chance he got at stop lights, gas stations and rest areas. Carly and Bree both were receiving them. He wasn’t just a sweet boyfriend, he was a sweet brother as well.

When Khloe knocked, Carly felt bad she thought she had to. There was a time when the three of them were inseparable, and maybe just recently Carly realized that the distance placed between them was more her than her friends, but that didn’t mean today couldn’t be different.

Khloe’s hands were folded together as she took a slow step into the room her big eyes darting from Carly to Bree like she was stepping into foreign territory.

“Come in already.” Carly waved her hand, motioning her toward them. She slid over making room on the bed for another person.

Khloe’s smile widened into the expression she wore almost twenty-four-seven. Carly had always been jealous of Khloe’s plump lips and perfect white teeth.

“This is weird,” Khloe said, curling her legs underneath her.

“It’s like we’re twelve again,” Bree giggled.

Carly handed Khloe the purple peace sign pillow. Khloe nestled it on her lap.

“I’m sorry. I’ve been a bi…”

Khloe waved her hand in the air. “You had a right to. Besides if you wouldn’t have even gone after Jake … you would have never told me and I may have given him my virginity.” Khloe curled her nose up on the last word.

“Wait a minute. You’re a virgin?” Bree gasped, her eyes wide.

Khloe’s cheeks turned pink, she looked down at her lap. “Yeah.” She spoke quietly.

“Good for you.” Bree tilted to the side and nudged Khloe’s shoulder with her own.

“Yeah, but if you plan on offering it up to my brother, please don’t come ask for my advice.” Carly grimaced and Bree and Khloe burst out in laughter.

“Seriously, I can’t believe you’re with my
,” Carly said.

“You’re with my brother,” Bree smirked. “Who just so happens to be texting again.” She glanced down at her phone. “If you don’t go back to sleep soon, I think you’re going to give him a panic attack.” 

“Oh shush it.” Carly tossed a pillow at Bree’s head. She attempted to duck away from it, but it still slapped against her.

“You’re lucky you’re hurt.” Bree crinkled her brow and pursed her lips. More laughter filled her room and Carly was happy to have her two best friends back even if it did take a few years and a couple of boys to bring Khloe and her back together.

“I can’t believe how long it’s been since …” Khloe gazed up at the wall.

“It’s been too long.” Bree placed a hand on Khloe’s shoulder.

“Yeah, last time we were all worried about what flavor lip gloss to wear for our first kisses and now …” Khloe sighed, her big eyes blinked at Bree then Carly. Carly’s head began to fog, and she leaned back against her headboard.

“Now I have a baby,” Bree whispered and a faint smile was on her lips.

“How is she?” Khloe asked.

“Adorable.” Carly grinned, meeting Bree’s eyes.

“Do you want to see a picture?” Bree held out her phone.

“Yeah,” Khloe leaned closer to Bree. Carly’s eyes slid shut.

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