Overcome (28 page)

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Authors: Emily Camp

BOOK: Overcome
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All of a sudden, between her glancing at the posters on the walls of bands she’d only heard Bree and Garrett talk about and inspiring verses, Nate’s words seemed to penetrate her heart. How did he do that? She turned toward him.

“Anything you’re dealing with, He already knows and He’ll help you through.” Nate held his ratty Bible in one hand and moved his other animatedly.

She thought of Colten’s mom and how she said that without Jesus she couldn’t make it through, and that she knew she would see Colten one day. Could it be real? Her heart sped up and she tightened her grip on Parker’s hand. He squeezed back.

Nate talked about surrendering it all to God.

That sounded wonderful to Carly. She didn’t want to carry all the hurt and pain and the headaches that it caused.

When finally Nate asked if there was anyone who wanted to give it all to God, her heart was in full speed. She wanted to, but what would everyone think of her? How could a girl like her be Christian anyway?

Parker’s hand slid out of hers and out of the corner of her eye she noticed it inch up. If Parker was going to do this, she could definitely do it. She glanced at him and he gave her a small smile and a shrug and she lifted her hand right beside his.



















Thanks to all who continue to read and encourage me. This has been a roller coaster ride and any encouragement is great. Special recognition goes to my critique partner, Jessie Gussman. Also would like to thank all my beta readers. I had so many this time I wish I could personally thank everyone.

Brandy Dibert for doing the final proofread for me and Bobbi Jo Wilson for continuing to talk about my books to everyone.

















        Also look for Running Back by Emily Camp.


Chapter 1




Sweat poured from Garrett’s brow under his silver helmet. He loved the game, but every year after five eight hour days he was ready for the week to be over.

The whistle blew, letting everyone know they were done, at least until Monday evening. 

Colten pulled his helmet off his head as he jogged toward the fence with a smile Garrett had come to know as his ‘player face’.

Garrett looked toward Colten’s gaze.  Carly, the sister of the team’s captain, stood with her fingers curled through the holes in the metal fence and her eyes blinked brightly when Colten headed toward her. She tucked her curly blond hair behind her ear and kicked her leg behind her.

Garrett shook his head. Colten had been fooling around with Carly all summer. He wasn’t sure at this point if Carly was playing him or he was playing Carly because both messed around with other people.

That is when Garrett noticed the brunette again. She’d shown up with Carly a few times that week. She gazed longingly at Hudson, Carly’s brother, though Hudson didn’t seem to know she existed; at least not while at practice.

Garrett knew he should stay away from her. First he wasn’t supposed to date and second he didn’t feel like being in competition with Hudson.

Colten shook the sweat out of his blond hair, gripping his silver helmet in one hand while placing his other next to Carly’s through the metal rings. Carly gazed up all batty-eyed and flirty-smile.

Garrett couldn’t tear his eyes away from her as the rest of the sweat soaked team jogged past him to the locker room. Her long brunette hair blew away from her sun-kissed face in the breeze. Her denim shorts exposed most of her long slender legs. If only he could get the nerve to talk to her…

“Hey, Garrett,” a voice brought him out of the trance the brunette had him under. Garrett turned to see the bouncy cheerleader, Paige, who had been trying to go out with him since freshman year.

Her blond pony tail swung behind her head as she rocked on the tips of her toes in her white tennis shoes.  She chomped on her bubble gum and her silver and black pom-poms hung at her side.

“Hi, Paige.” He tried to be polite.

“You going to the party tonight? Maybe you could pick me up…”

“Uh,” he glanced behind him to get another look at the brunette, but to his disappointment, she was gone and Colten was jogging to him.

“He can’t, Paige. When are you going to get the hint he’s not into sluts?” Colten said, slapping a hand on Garrett’s shoulder. Colten should know he’d been with her more than once at the occasional party.


Paige rolled her eyes and huffed. “You’re such a jerk.”

Colten tended to get that reaction from girls when he wasn’t trying to get into their pants.

“You weren’t complaining last night,” he said with his normal cockiness.  Another huff came out of Paige before she stomped off.  “And you’re welcome.” Colten did a half-bow as he jogged backwards. “Trust me you don’t want that, loose as a goose.”

Garrett shook his head as he followed Colten to the locker room. “So who’s that girl with Hudson’s sister?”

“Bree?” he laughed and shook his head, “you don’t want her either, all talk and no action.” Colten tilted his head back in exaggeration. Garrett didn’t want to even know how Colten knew that one.  He turned and fell into step beside Garrett.



“All the team’s going to a party tonight.  You comin’?  Haven’t seen you at one.”  Lewis Miller snapped a towel at Garrett as he shoved his practice jersey in his metal locker.

              “Yeah, you’re missing out, Gare.” Colten chimed in as he pulled his shoulder pads over his head.  “Come on.”  Colten leaned down just enough so only Garret could hear him.  “Sneak out.  Your parents don’t have to know.”

              “Where is it?”  Garrett asked, keeping his jaw stiff.

              “Guys, Garrett won’t come.  He’s a Jesus boy!”  Hudson hollered as he stepped out of the shower with his hair dripping wet and a black and silver towel wrapped around his waist.  As his words echoed through the locker room, Garrett’s blood boiled.  He was tired of Hudson thinking he was God’s gift to girls and the game of football.

“Oh yeah!  That’s not what your girlfriend, Miley, said last night.”  Garrett stood to his feet.  Miley was really Hudson’s ex-girlfriend.  She was best friends with Garrett’s brother, Declan.

Hudson threw his arm back as he advanced toward Garrett to attack. 

“Hey, hey now.”  Coby Jenkin’s dark hand wrapped around Hudson’s wrist. “Don’t let some chick come between the team.”  Coby said as he turned to Garrett.  “Hey man, if you don’t come to this party it’s your choice, but you’re the one missin’ out.” 

Garrett would be there.  He was done with all the grief for not going to those stupid things. He unlaced his pants and turned back toward his locker.  His heart still pounding from the adrenaline floating through his veins.

“I’m supposed to pick up Carly and Bree. I’ll swing by and pick you up too.” Colten said as he grabbed his Axe body wash off the shelf.



“I’m coming, I’m coming.” Garrett’s mom, Robin gushed as she scurried down the hall. His dad teased her as he waited; his elbow was propped on the kitchen counter. Garrett retrieved a blue Gatorade from the fridge.

“How was conditioning?” His dad, Randy asked turning toward Garrett, with the same blue eyes and light brown hair as Garrett.

“Coach thinks we’re going to have an undefeated season.” Garrett tipped the Gatorade back.

“Awesome.” Randy nodded. “I think my senior year was the last time the Raiders were undefeated.”  His dad gently rapped his fingers on the wooden counter top.  “Can’t wait to see the team this year.”

“I mean we don’t have Ethan.” Garrett said.

“Well, you still have Colten, Coby, and Hudson.” Randy nodded.

“All right, you ready?” Robin rushed into the room in her little black dress.

“Wowza, I got one hot date tonight.” Randy exaggerated with a head-bob. Garrett groaned at the thought of his mom and dad. She pushed on her high heel as she leaned up and planted her lips on his dad’s.

“Garrett, I left pizza money for you boys and there is popcorn. I believe Isaac plans on a Commander Cooper marathon.”

“Commander Carter?”  Garrett corrected his mom on the name of his little brother’s favorite video game.

“Yeah that.” She waved her hand in the air.  As she threw her hair over her shoulder, her long silver earrings made a dangling sound. Garrett was relieved his mom and dad had date night. It would make it easier to get out of the house.

He could hear the war music playing from the living room, sounded like Isaac was already in front of Commander Carter. “We’ll be back later.” His dad winked.

Garrett made his way into the living room where Isaac was on the floor with video game controller in hand, his feet curled under him. Declan had the second player controller and he leaned forward his elbows resting on his knees. Isaac’s blond hair stuck out in every direction; whenever he played he constantly gripped his hair when he was losing.

Garrett was surprised his mom let him get so attached to a game at only eleven years old.  He rolled his eyes at Isaac and lowered himself on the couch, propping his feet up. “When do you want to order pizza?” he tried to act casual.

“Whenever,” Declan said, not taking his eyes off the game. Isaac bounced as his character jogged in the dark forest.

“Calm down, Zeke.”  Declan laughed at him while tossing the pillow at his head. The collision made Isaac jerk, resulting in his character dying. He turned around with a red face.

“Stupid!” He screamed at Declan.

“Whoa, what did mom say about your temper?” Declan held his hand with the controller hanging from it, letting out a chuckle. Garrett couldn’t help but join in the laughter.

“You guys are buttholes!” He said while clenching his jaw and tears forming in his eyes.

“Don’t cry, little Zeke.” Garrett teased as he leaned up.

“I’m not.” He snapped back at Garrett. “You guys are stupid. Stop making fun of me.” He held his hands in tight fists at his side as he screamed at them; this only made them laugh harder.

That was when Declan’s phone chimed. His attention diverted as he lifted his cell to his ear and walked out of the room. Garrett was sure it was Miley.

“What’re you going to do about it, Lil’ Zeke.” Garrett sat up straighter, not ready to ease up on him yet.

“Stop calling me that.” Isaac’s nostrils flared.

Garrett didn’t know why he found his little brother’s short fuse so amusing, but it gave him something to do.

“Well, guys.” Declan said, as he carried his faded black Chucks in his hand. “Sorry, I’m out tonight. Miley needs me.” He sat on the sofa and began to push his feet in his shoes.

“What? You aren’t bailing. I had plans with Colten.” Garrett stood up.

“Sorry, man, she’s having a crisis. Looks like you’re babysitting on your own tonight.” He replied as tied his shoe.

“I don’t need no babysitter.” Isaac chided as he crossed his arms in front of him.

“You need an English teacher.” Garrett raised an eyebrow, receiving a scowl from Isaac.

The thought did cross his mind. All Isaac would do was play games the whole time, it wasn’t like he would get into anything.

“Miley isn’t even your girlfriend.” Garrett pointed out.

“And Colten isn’t your girlfriend.” Declan stood up with a smug smile.  Garrett had to look up at him being a few inches shorter than his older brother. “Your point is?”

“You’re stupid.” Was the best comeback Garrett could think of at that moment.

“Whatever, Gare.” Declan said as he rushed out the door.  Garrett followed him, ready to argue.

“That isn’t fair.” Garrett grumbled. “What if I would have left before she called?” He shouted out the screen door as Declan jumped in his truck.

“You didn’t.” Declan shouted back before his truck roared to life. 

Garrett took in a deep breath and stalked back to the kitchen. He could hear the music to the game start back up. He stared at the pizza money. What if he just called in the pizza, made sure it was delivered, and then left?


As soon as he was off the phone with the pizza place his phone rang. “Hey.” Colten said from the other end. “I got Bree and Carly and we’re on our way to pick you up.” He could hear girls giggling in the back ground.

“Well, I can’t leave yet. I have to wait for the pizza guy for Isaac first.” He glanced into the living room where Isaac’s eyes were glued to the television.

“Sweet, man, we’ll just hang out until you’re ready to go.” Colten said.

A pang of guilt stabbed Garrett’s chest, if his mom and dad ever found out he would be dead.  That meant he really had to pay attention to the time at the party so he would make it home before the parents.  He didn’t figure Declan would be home anytime soon.

“Zeke, I got pizza coming then I’m taking off with Colten.” Garrett said as he walked back in the room.

“Okay.” Isaac nodded to the television.

“Don’t tell mom and dad or Declan.” Garrett gave out a slow warning his fingers curled around the back of the sofa.

The little angel on the right shoulder told him it was a bad idea. The little devil on the other told him to go for it.

“I’m not stupid.” Isaac growled right before he banged on the buttons of his controller and bounced.

The front door swung open. A loud giggle filled the air. He didn’t realize Colten was going to bring the girls inside. He rushed to the kitchen where Colten, Carly, and Bree were wandering in.

“Colten,” Garrett whispered as he glanced back at the living room. “They can’t be in here. Isaac.”

“He won’t say nothin’ if I talk to him.” Colten laughed as he draped an arm over Carly’s shoulder.

Garrett couldn’t help but stare at Bree. He couldn’t believe she was actually standing in his house. She followed Carly and Colten to the sofa.

“Hey, Zeke, my man.” Colten drawled out as he lowered himself on the couch.

“Girls aren’t supposed to be here when mom and dad aren’t home.” Isaac said without missing a beat.

Garrett’s face burned when he noticed Bree staring at the gigantic canvas portrait of him and his brothers when they were little. Garrett sat tall with a big gap-toothed smile and brown cowlick. Declan’s smile was so wide his eyes were shut as he held little bald baby Isaac on his lap. He didn’t understand why his mom liked that picture so much she just had to get a giant print and plaster it right above the fireplace for the whole world to see.

“And you aren’t going to tell them are you?” Colten spoke slowly.

“Why? What’s in it for me?” Isaac continued to play his game while speaking.

“You get to live.” Colten replied as he kicked his feet up on the coffee table.

“Wait a minute…” Bree spoke turning her attention from the embarrassing photo. Garrett’s heart sped up even more at the sound of her voice.  “You’re not leaving him here by himself are you?” She glared at Garrett. Out of all the things he imagined her saying to him for the first time that definitely was not one of them.

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