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Authors: Crissy Smith

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

Pack Council (12 page)

BOOK: Pack Council
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“And funded,” Cody muttered.

“Yeah,” Jamie agreed. “They must have figured out I was a shifter somehow. I was coming home off shift one night and bam, I got struck on the head and woke up in that room.”

“Jamie had already started researching the Church and had dug out information on the main guy, Dan Carter,” Zak continued the story. “We tracked him to that house.”

“I was able to fly above the house to recon it,” Cody told them. “I didn’t know anyone was with Jamie. I could just tell there were two scents in the room. I was able to disconnect one of the cameras and get Zak in. Then it was just a matter of breaking them out and setting the fire. The fire was so they wouldn’t come after us. Although, I’m not really too concerned about it,” Cody stated with a smile. “The alarm should send in the cops and with a tip we left, Dan Carter will have some questions to answer from the local cops.”

“That’s incredible,” Kurt declared with admiration.

“Yeah,” Clint agreed. “We were lucky you guys were there. Even if you did get to have all the fun.”

“We were glad to help,” Zak said sincerely.

“I’ve been thinking about that,” Kurt mentioned. “I have to talk to my bosses, but we need a way to communicate with the other species. We could have warned you all about Dan Carter before this happened.”

Zak met his gaze in the rear-view mirror. “I’m with you.”

Kurt nodded back. He already knew how to present it to the Council.

Chapter Twelve

Savannah peered through the peephole and saw Kurt standing on her front porch. She yanked the door open. “Kurt.”

“Hey, baby,” he said with a small smile. He looked tired.

She reached out and grasped his hands, pulling him inside. The bitter cold night air came in with him. It was past midnight. That meant he’d been awake and working for over twenty hours.

“I didn’t think you would make it back so fast,” she said, pulling off his coat.

“I didn’t think so either,” he replied before he turned and cupped her face. His hands were chilled, but Savannah didn’t complain. Especially not when he dipped his head and pressed his lips to hers. The kiss was brief but enough to show her that there would be more heat later.

“Hi,” he said simply.

“Hi,” she repeated.

“I know it’s late, but I had a hell of a day and I needed to see you.”

She beamed, grateful that he had felt the desire to come wake her up.

“Come tell me about it,” she requested, pulling him into the living room.

Her rental unit wasn’t as spacious as his house, but the living room was comfy and warm. She pushed him down onto the couch and dropped to her knees to remove his boots and socks. Once she had them off and stowed under the coffee table, she grabbed the blanket from the back of the couch.

She sat close to him and pulled the blanket over both of them. “Are you injured?” she asked even as she was afraid of the answer.

“No, we didn’t even get to rescue Colt. Someone beat us to it.”

“What?” she cried. “What!”

He barked out a laugh. “Yeah, two shifters broke in to rescue their friend who was being held with Colt. We were outside still watching the house when they busted out.”

“That’s…uh…” Savannah’s thoughts raced. “Then… What does that mean?”

Kurt shook his head. “We didn’t even consider that other shifters were in danger. We were protecting our wolves but leaving everyone else out there on their own. There is no way to communicate between the hundreds of shifter species.”

“So what happens now?”

“I proposed an alliance for all shifters,” Kurt informed her. “I’ll start working on the logistics in a few days. The Council agreed it was a good idea. The three shifters who are staying at the compound said they would help.”

“And Colt and the other man were okay?”

“Yes, they were beat up some but will be fine.”

She rubbed her hands over his. “Good, that’s good at least.”

“The three shifters are at the compound. They are pretty good guys. I think you’ll like them,” he said as he slid an arm around her shoulder.

“Oh,” she replied, pleased. “Will I?”

“Yes, I plan to show you off while they’re here,” Kurt told her.

“Sounds good.” She cuddled into him. “I would be proud to have you
show me off

Kurt laughed at her tone, which was what she’d wanted. He’d had a hard day and it was good to hear his voice lose some of the tension it held.

“Kurt, what about Dan Carter and the other branches of the Church?” she worried. They might have made a big dent in the local branch, but there was still a danger to Kurt and the other shifters.

“The Council has called in the FBI.”

“Really?” She was instantly reassured.

“It’s time to take all the evidence we have to the big dogs. We have even more now that we have Zak’s, Cody’s and Jamie’s reports.”

“Zak, Cody and Jamie?”

“The shifters we met. The ones who rescued Colt. They are detectives with the Phoenix PD.”

Savannah scrubbed her hands over her face. “God! It’s all so much and for what? Why is this man doing all this?”

“Hey…” Kurt turned her head and forced her to look up at him. “It’ll be okay. Just wait and see. All this will work out.”

She closed her eyes and rested her forehead against his chest. “I just don’t want to lose you,” she confessed. “I’m pretty sure I need to see you, to feel you, every day.”

“You will,” he said, and she heard the promise in his words. She tilted her head back and reached up to bring his lips to meet hers.

She needed him. Had to have him right then.

She moved and straddled his hips without taking her mouth from his, gripping the back of his neck to hold him close. It wasn’t enough. She needed more. She rocked up into him, trying to get even closer.

“Hey.” Kurt gripped her chin, making her stop. “It’s okay.”

Savannah breathed deeply. Her hands were shaking. “Kurt…”

“I know,” he soothed her. “I know what you need.”


He scooted forward, pushing her off his lap in order to stand. He followed her up. “Let’s go to bed.”

She took his hand and pulled him through the small house to the bedroom. Once inside, she led him to the bed and urged him to sit. Savannah stood between his legs and pulled Kurt’s shirt over his head. She let the garment fall to the ground before leaning over and kissing up his neck.

His hands came to her hips, but now that he’d slowed her down, she was determined to show Kurt the greatest pleasure he’d ever had. She pressed against his shoulders so he would lie back then trailed her fingers down his stomach to his pants. She unfastened his pants and pulled them down. He lifted his hips to assist her.

She kneeled over him, kissing and sucking her way from his belly button to his hard cock. She grasped the base of him and tongued him.

His breath caught and his hips rose. She smiled before lowering her head and opening her mouth to engulf him.

“Yes,” he hissed out.

She bobbed her head, licking and sucking, paying close attention to the underside of his cock head where she knew he was sensitive.

Kurt bucked up into her mouth. She thrived on hearing the desperate sounds coming out of him. He tasted salty and just a tad bitter—good, a flavour that was all his own.

She stroked with her hand while going down on him, waiting until he was almost begging before popping off him. She released his cock and rubbed her hands up his thighs before she rose and skimmed her body up his.

When she reached his mouth, she took control, thrusting her tongue inside. She positioned herself over him, his cock at her entrance. She sat up and started to lower herself down.

He filled her.
Oh, God!
It felt so good to slowly take him inside.

Once he was in her completely, she paused. She looked down at Kurt. His bright eyes glowed up at her. She twined the fingers of both hands with his. Using her knees, she started to rise. Her head fell back at the smooth, arousing sensation. She slammed herself back down.

, she thought. That was it.

She rode him slowly, tenderly, rising and falling, with their fingers locked together and moans escaping from her throat. She warmed, heated, started to sweat. Her body tightened, her clit throbbed.

Almost there. Almost
. She released his hands to grip his chest for better leverage. She sped up her pace. Almost out of nowhere, the pleasure swamped her. Her body drew tight and she climaxed. It was huge. Her vision blurred and her head felt like it was full of cotton.

She came back to herself and Kurt was gripping her hard. She peered down at him.

He smiled back. “You back with me?”

She nodded weakly.

“Good.” He rolled them until she was under his body. He withdrew slowly, gaze locked on hers, before plunging deep. She cried out in ecstasy and bowed up.

The time for tenderness was over. Kurt thrust in quick, short bursts, demanding that her body come alive again. She scored her nails down his back, making him hiss. His hips moved faster.

“Again,” he panted. “Come with me again.”

She didn’t have a choice. She could already feel the next orgasm building. She grabbed the back of his neck and yanked him down. “Mark me.”

His mouth closed over the soft skin above her collar and he bit down.

She screamed as pleasure was ripped out of her. This time her sight actually blacked for an instant. Vaguely she heard him yell before feeling him find his own release.

He collapsed on top of her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and sighed. Making love with Kurt kept getting better and better. If this was what she had to look forward to, she wasn’t sure she would be able to survive it.

But damn, what a way to go.


Kurt glanced around the room and caught Savannah’s gaze. She looked up from the punch she was pouring and grinned at him.

It was a good night. Their friends were there celebrating Christmas Eve in the house that was now his and Savannah’s home.

Since she had been renting, it had been easy for her to move in with Kurt. She’d wanted to wait until the weather cleared, but Kurt had been determined to get her moved in completely before Christmas. With the help of their friends, he’d been able to.

The house was decorated beautifully. Red, blue and silver garlands and adornments were placed artfully around. Savannah had even hung mistletoe in the doorway of the living room. The light on the six-foot tree in the corner twinkled brightly with the seasonal music playing low.

It was a great party. He slipped away from where he’d been talking with Tony and Colt to make his way across the room to Savannah. She passed out two glasses, then seeing him, slid his way. She looked gorgeous in a long black dress with silver lining. Silver hung from her ears and swung as she walked. Her long blonde hair fell in small curls down her back and over her shoulder.

He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close. “You smell good,” he whispered in her ear before nibbling down her neck.

She laughed happily. “You just like marking me,” she teased.

It was true, but since she liked him marking her just as much, he knew she wasn’t complaining.

“Can’t help it,” he told her. “Have to make sure all the men know who you belong to.”

Savannah tilted her head back. “Trust me, everyone knows.”

He chuckled. So they did. He didn’t make any secret of his relationship with Savannah. He’d been working hard to get the new Shifter Coalition started and Savannah had been right there helping him every step of the way.

His plan to have an alliance for all the shifters to help one another was coming together and had even grown more than he’d have imagined. It seemed like every shifter they’d contacted had thought it was a brilliant idea.

His outline had been picked up and expanded on. A new branch of law enforcement had been started. Governmental backing and Federal assistance had funded the United States Shifter Coalition.

There was still a lot of work to do, but he was happy with the progress they’d made in just over three and a half weeks. Positions had already been filled and local divisions were being built. Colt was the new team leader of the wolf division. Their shifter friends from Colt’s rescue—Zak, Cody and Jamie—had also all been offered jobs.

It was a start in the right direction and Kurt was proud to be involved.

“What are you smiling about?” Savannah asked.

Realising his attention had gone to work, he shook his thoughts away. “You,” he said smoothly. “I always smile when I think about you.”

She slapped his chest, obviously not buying it. “This is our first Christmas together,” she said cuddling into his arms. “Why don’t you think about that?”

He cupped her face. “I have been. We’ll have many more Christmases together.”

She hummed in pleasure.

“Look.” He nodded towards Clint. “He’s going to do it.” Kurt watched as Clint rubbed his hands nervously on his slacks.

Clint was looking over at Sara, who was laughing with Alpha Babcock and his wife Jennie.

“Are you sure she doesn’t know?” Kurt questioned Savannah. He’d gone with Clint to pick out the ring and had sworn Savannah to secrecy.

“No, she really doesn’t,” Savannah said excitedly. “This is going to be great.”

Sheriff Webb stepped into the middle of the room and held a hand up for silence. The room hushed around him and Kurt reached over to turn the music off.

“I want to thank everyone for coming tonight,” Sheriff Webb stated. “I know this is not my house, but I asked Kurt if I could have a few minutes.” He tipped his beer in Kurt’s direction and Kurt nodded in appreciation.

“The last few months have changed this town and all the residents. Everything that we’ve been through was worth it, though. I look around the room at the new friends I’ve made and know I’m blessed.”

He paused before holding a hand out to his daughter. Sara smiled questioningly but walked to him when he motioned her forward. He took her hand in his.

“I’ve also seen some beautiful relationships grow. I’m proud my daughter has found the man she was always meant to be with.”

BOOK: Pack Council
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