Passion By Control (Passion Series Book 2) (21 page)

BOOK: Passion By Control (Passion Series Book 2)
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“Don’t be silly Fabian, this is your bed. Given all you’ve done for me, rescuing me, giving me your blood and watching over me, it would be unreasonable of me to keep you from your own bed; please get in.” She lifted the sheets and he knew he should have argued with her, but the truth was he wanted to lie with her. He was no martyr, despite trying to act like one.

He climbed to his feet and began to strip out of his clothes. Sirene’s eyes were on him and he cursed when he felt his damn cock stirring. Now the bloody thing was showing it had some life in it. It wouldn’t do a damn thing when he was with Cindy. In fact he was beginning to realise the damn thing barely showed any interest in anyone besides Sirene. It took work to get him hard when he trolled for women yet this little witch just had to flash those jade green eyes at him and his treacherous cock was standing to attention.

He shot a glance in her direction and was relieved to see her eyes had moved away from him. As he pulled his jeans down, he noticed colour bloom in her cheeks so she was not entirely immune to him either. Since he never wore underwear, when his jeans fell to the floor, he was left naked, and he took advantage of Sirene’s averted eyes, to slip under the sheets. He was semi erect but since she wasn’t looking directly at him, she hadn’t noticed. Just as well. If her eyes had been on him, he would have been hard as a bloody iron bar for sure.

Fabian lay there, rigid at first, unsure what to do and cursing how weak and unsettled this tiny woman made him feel. What was it about her that turned him to mush when he was around her? He cursed under his breath again. Whatever Sirene was doing to him, it was obvious he had no control over it and that alone unsettled him. He thrived on control; he needed it and yet frustratingly this tiny witch lying in his bed, robbed him of all that was familiar, and successfully turned his world upside down.

Even now, lying beside her, he didn’t know what to do and he lay stiffly, not able to move. When she finally rolled so her back was to him, he rolled over too, his eyes on her back, following the curve of her spine. Not game to touch her, he left a wide space between their bodies, his still rigid with tension. Fortunately his exhaustion returned and he welcomed it as his body relaxed. With the soft, steady breaths coming from Sirene, the only sound in the room, Fabian closed his eyes and let sleep finally claim him.




I couldn’t tell what time it was when I woke but all I knew was I no longer felt any pain in my cheek and when I ran my fingers over the skin, the swelling was gone. It was all gone actually, the blood had done its job, I was better. I was aware of two things. I couldn’t move and I was bursting with a need to go to the bathroom. When I glanced down, I saw the reason I couldn’t move. There was a tangle of dirty blonde hair with those almost white streaks spread over my chest. Fabian was still sleeping soundly, well, soundly was putting it mildly. He slept like the dead but then he was dead. It was a little eerie watching him since he didn’t breathe, so he would pass as dead to anyone who didn’t know what he was.

The next thing that registered and it was becoming urgent, was my bladder. I needed to pee and I needed to pee badly. I had to get up first, but I was pinned down by six foot, four inches of dead weight vampire. I started wiggling, trying to slip free from under him, but he groaned and an arm circled me, pinning me even more firmly to the bed. This wasn’t working. I would have to wake him or I’d end up peeing the bed, my bladder was full to bursting point as it was.

I tried sliding out from under him again but he moved, slipping one leg over mine and his head shifted, his whole body seeming to curl around me. I had to get out from under him or I seriously was going to pee myself. The pressure was building in my bladder and I knew I had no choice but to wake him if I couldn’t get out from under him.

With one stronger wriggle of my body, I finally pulled myself free and quickly climbed out of bed. I heard a deep groan and glanced down at Fabian, but apart from his eyes opening briefly and  a frown marring his gorgeous features, he promptly went back to sleep.

I quickly took care of business and then studied my face in the bathroom mirror. Any damage that had been done to me by that oaf from the club was gone. There was no bruising or swelling anymore fortunately.

The blood had healed me but it didn’t do anything to improve the fuzzy feeling inside my mouth and I wished I had a toothbrush with me. I looked around the bathroom but couldn’t see a toothbrush or toothpaste for that matter so I wasn’t sure if a vampire still had to brush or not? They all had perfect white teeth as if they took care of them but I don’t know if it was natural, or that they did brush.

I opened the cupboards under the vanity and found what I was looking for, brand new toothbrushes and tubes of toothpaste. It was looking like Fabian didn’t need to brush but he must allow for human guests to have that many brand new toothbrushes in his cupboards.

I quickly brushed my teeth and tried to finger comb my hair so I looked a little less like I’d been dragged across a field and through hedges. When I got myself as presentable as I could, I opened the door and left the bathroom.

Fabian was still sleeping. He was on his back, one arm flung out over the other side of the bed and his other hand rested on his stomach. Even asleep he was stunning, his muscles clearly defined with abs that I could do my washing on.

Carefully I climbed back into bed with him. I wasn’t sure he’d want me there, but he had brought me to his home last night and he’d taken care of me. I didn’t know what that meant, whether he genuinely cared about me, or whether he had just helped, because he would have done it for any woman who had been in the situation I’d been in last night.

I didn’t want to lie there overthinking it, but it was nice to be in his bed at least for just a little while. Of course when he woke up, things could be different, and now that I had healed, the only thing he might be interested in was showing me the door.




The moment Fabian woke, he knew he wasn’t alone. He could hear the sound of quiet breathing alongside of him, and memories of the previous evening flooded his mind.

He turned his head to Sirene but she was asleep, on her side, one hand tucked under her cheek, her hair tumbling all around her face and spread over his pillows.

She looked so beautiful and peaceful sleeping in his bed. He noticed that all the injuries to her face had healed, and she was back to her perfect blemish free complexion. He turned over onto his side so he could watch her as she slept, and as he watched her, it suddenly dawned on him, that she was the first woman to share his bed purely just to sleep, since he’d become vampire.

He didn’t want to think about what that meant. He sure as hell didn’t want to think about why it wasn’t scaring the crap out of him having a woman sharing his bed. He should be running for the hills about now, and especially when the woman sharing his bed, was a witch. He also didn’t want to think about what it was about this tiny raven haired witch sleeping in his bed that ruined him for other women. He could barely show any interest in other women lately, but his damn cock was immediately sticking its fucking head up around this one.

Every ounce of self-preservation was telling him to wake her, and get her the hell out of not only his bed but his house and his life. The trouble was, although his head screamed one thing, his heart was telling him another, and the very fact that his heart was involved in this in any way at all, scared him more than anything else, to the point where he broke out in a cold sweat just thinking about it.

He couldn’t care for this tiny woman, dammit, he couldn’t. He didn’t get involved with women. They were only for fucking and feeding, nothing more, and it was wrong for so many reasons to care for her in any way. She was a witch, a fucking witch and she could kill him anytime she wanted, or at the very least curse him with a rotting dick or something. Hell, he’d been on the receiving end of her spells twice, with not being able to come then not being able to stop, not to mention the fact he couldn’t feed, fuck or mind control Cassandra or Chloe anymore.

He couldn’t care for Sirene. She was all wrong for him but then all women were. He didn’t want to have a permanent woman in his life. He was accustomed to his freedom and there was no way in hell, he wanted to have to answer to a bloody woman. No, the best thing he could do, was wake her and send her on her way. He’d done the chivalrous thing and helped save her last night. He’d healed her, his job was done.

Suddenly she stirred, her eyes opening. She blinked a couple of times before her jade green eyes met his. They were all soft and sleepy looking and that was all it took, for his stomach to tighten and his cock to grow hard.

She smiled at him in what he suspected was an unguarded moment since she wasn’t fully awake; her eyes gentle, her expression soft as she looked at him. Her hand came out towards him and she tunnelled her fingers through his hair, pushing it back from his face. She leaned towards him, brushing his lips with hers and as he felt their warmth and softness against his, he knew one thing for sure. He was right royally screwed! She was getting to him, getting under his skin and he was powerless to stop it.


Chapter Twelve



I gently ran my fingers through Fabian’s hair. God, it was so soft and silky, he must use good conditioner or maybe it was just a vampire thing, since they were so physically perfect. I did it again, tugging gently on the long dark blonde strands, watching them tangle around my fingers. When he didn’t pull away from me, I leaned towards him and gently touched my lips to his. It was little more than a fleeting brush of mine over his, before I pulled back to see his reaction.

His eyes were glowing and there was something in them, a look I couldn’t decipher as he stared back at me. Thinking I may have overstepped some hidden boundary, I rolled over onto my back and stared up at the ceiling of his bedroom, seeing my troubled expression staring back at me from those damn mirrors.

I heard Fabian grow, that low sexy sound he made in his throat and my body was instantly covered in goose bumps, a shiver working its way up my spine. I turned my head towards him just in time to see him roll over and onto me pinning me down on the bed.

“Damn you.” Was all he whispered before his lips slammed down on mine, forcing them apart and I felt his tongue invading my mouth. He kissed me passionately, savagely, exploring every inch of me before he nipped along my bottom lip. His tongue followed, soothingly, tracing my full lip before roughly forcing its way between my teeth, seeking out my tongue, duelling with it, caressing it. It was sexy, it was hot and with every lick and caress, he turned me on, until I was writhing under him, wanting him.

I heard him groan just before he rolled his hips and thrust, pressing his erection against me. It was frustrating; teasing and tempting me, to feel him his hard length against me, but unable to do anything due to the tangle of sheets around our bodies, effectively acting as a barrier between us. Fuck I wanted the sheet gone, I wanted his cock in me and I wanted it in me now.  

Fabian abruptly sat up, his eyes wild. They flashed their unusual silvery colour at me as he stared down, trapping me in the intensity of them. He didn’t move for a few moments, watching me, his gaze shifting over my face until finally he closed his eyes.

I wasn’t sure what was wrong with him but he seemed tormented, almost unsure what to do next, and it suddenly dawned on me that he didn’t really want this; he was fighting the attraction between us.

I couldn’t let this happen if he didn’t really want it. Reaching for him, I tried to push him away. I would make the decision easier for him, since he seemed to be at war with his emotions. Before I could even get my hands on him, he grabbed them, lifting them above my head and pinning them down against the pillow.

“No!” He snapped. “Don’t stop this.” He reached down to the sheet that covered me, dragging it off my body before tossing it impatiently to the floor.

I lay before him naked, my nipples erect and straining up to him. My heart began to race as his eyes moved over me, working their way down my body. I couldn’t do anything but lie there, watching him, watching the fire in his eyes, his pale gaze searing me, leaving a trail of heat over my skin as if he were actually touching me. He was erect, his cock standing up long and hard; the steel bar in the head of it, glinting in the light of the bedside lamp.

My fingers reached out, caressing the swollen head, dipping a fingertip into the little slit in the end, to scoop up the drop of pre cum that hung there. I slipped it into my mouth, sucking the fluid from it, savouring the intoxicating flavour that was all Fabian, before reaching out again, curling my hand around him. Slowly I slid him up and down through my fist, snagging the metal rod that pierced him and flicking it with my fingers. I was so engrossed in what I was doing, that when I heard a ragged groan, my eyes shot to him, surprised to see him staring down at me, his lips parted, brow furrowed, looking very much like his control was being stretched to its limit.  

“This is crazy.” He whispered. “A witch and a vampire can’t be. It’s always ended badly for me. The trouble is, I want you. Dammit, I want you so much. I want to fuck you. I need to fuck you so badly. Will you let me? Will you let me take you this time without using any witchcraft on me? Please my beauty, I need you.”

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