Passion By Control (Passion Series Book 2) (22 page)

BOOK: Passion By Control (Passion Series Book 2)
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At his huskily spoken words, so filled with emotion, so alien to hear, coming from the lips of someone like Fabian; sudden tears choked me up, thickening my throat so much, all I could do was nod at him. He wanted me. I don’t think he wanted to want me, but he couldn’t help it. I could accept that. Fighting attraction I understood, because I was doing the same thing myself with him. As much as he didn’t think we belonged together, I didn’t think we did either, but I was tired of fighting it. I wanted him, he wanted me, for now, it was enough.

Fabian parted my legs and his eyes shifted until he was looking between my thighs. He brushed a couple of fingers over my clit and I jerked, my back arching off the bed as his touch sent sparks of pleasure through me. What was it about him that affected me so? His touch was like a current of electricity passing through me. He lit me up, turned me on, he awakened a burning need in me. He did things to me, made me feel things no other man had ever been able to make me feel.  

“Fuck, what is it with you? What makes you different?” He mumbled and my startled eyes shot to his. He had just said out loud the very thing I’d been thinking about him. Inside a tiny flicker of hope sparked to life. I made Fabian feel things he was not accustomed to feeling, exactly as he did to me. I was not alone. We were in this confusing jumble of emotions together.

He started speaking again and I tried to focus on what he was saying. “You’ve ruined me dammit. I used to fuck any woman I wanted. Now it’s a struggle to get hard for anyone but you. I’m as hard as a rock the minute I see you.” He whispered and my eyes widened at his admission.

Did he know what he’d just said, what he’d admitted to? He only wanted me? He couldn’t get hard for anyone else or he had trouble, at least? So did that mean he hadn’t been fucking anyone over the last month? Surely not? He was a vampire. He needed the sex as much as the blood. He had to have fucked some women, but it sounded like he’d had a lot of failed attempts from what he’d said. How would he take that? Not well I bet.

Fabian was a proud man, an arrogant man. This was a big thing for him to be confessing. If I made light of it or joked about it, he would close off; probably throw me out of his home. He was a constant roller coaster of emotions; hard to keep up with sometimes, but I cared about him, he was worming his way in, finding his way into my heart, slowly but surely. I had to tread carefully with him and not rush him, not react to his words, just let him speak. He was like a skittish race horse and one wrong move on my part would have him running for the hills. I didn’t want him running I realised. I wanted to see where this went, see if it was possible for a witch and a vampire to have a relationship. I needed to say something to him. He was eyeing me off as if already regretting his admission to me. I needed to meet him on his level.  

“Shut up and fuck me.” I said huskily, opting for something that should get his attention straight away and it did; his expression cleared, his eyes filling with lust again.

“Fuck yes.” He groaned, rolling me over onto my stomach. He pulled my hips up until I was on my knees, my elbows resting on the bed, which pushed my ass up in the air. He nudged my legs apart further and I felt the mattress dip as he moved up behind me. His hands grabbed my hips, sliding his palms over my skin, caressing my ass briefly.

One hand left my ass to slide between my legs, his fingers dipping into me, testing my readiness for him. He had no worries there, I was more than ready for him. I was aching and desperate for him.

His fingers were suddenly gone again, only to be replaced with the long length of his cock, pressing between my legs. I felt the blunt head graze through my folds and a tiny moan made its way past my lips. With one smooth thrust of his hips, he speared into me, the metal bar, teasing and rubbing inside me as he filled me, opening my body up to receive him. There was a lot of him to receive too and when he was finally buried deep inside, I gasped at the sheer overwhelming size of him, the incredible feeling of being as full as I could possibly be. There was nothing modest about Fabian. The man was hung like a horse, that’s for sure.

He must have known I needed time because he didn’t move his body still behind mine. He leaned over me, his chest against my back, his lips finding my shoulder, dropping a trail of light kisses over my skin. I felt the sharp points of his fangs just before he bit down, sinking them into my shoulder and I cried out at the pain. As he began to suck my blood into his mouth, the pain faded, only to be replaced by pleasure. Something about the bite of a vampire triggered the most intense pleasure. Perhaps it was nature’s way of ensuring they had no trouble getting their blood feeds, but when mixed with sex, it was unbelievable.

It didn’t take long for the heady mix of pleasure and pain to trigger my first climax and as it exploded through me, I cried out, my internal walls clamping down firmly around Fabian’s cock. He growled against my shoulder, his hips bucking and I knew he was struggling to stay in control.

Tipping my ass higher, I pushed back against him, encouraging him to move, displaying my readiness for him to fuck me and he didn’t disappoint. He ripped his fangs from my shoulder, straightening again, his fingers biting painfully into my hips to steady me. He tilted his, pressing deeper inside me, so deep, I could feel the head of his cock against my womb. For a moment he didn’t do anything but grind himself against me, an endless tirade of growls and groans coming from him.

Again his hold on my hips tightened, clamping me firmly in place. His head fell back, a loud guttural growl bursting from him and finally he began to move. He didn’t just move though, he pounded into me, thrusting with long, deep strokes that didn’t just fill me, they claimed me. He was marking me, owing me and totally possessing me.

He settled into a punishing rhythm and I could do nothing more than hold on as he slammed into me, the huge size of him stretching me to my limits, the head of his cock beating up against my cervix, driving me crazy with the pleasure that was rapidly building in me again. I could feel the metal bar brushing over my special spot, pushing me to my limits with the constant teasing and I found myself gasping from the sheer sensory overload that was Fabian. I could do nothing but give myself over to him and hope I survived the climax that was about to consume me.

Finally with a scream that would have woken the dead probably, I came again, my muscles clenching at him, pulsing along his vast length until I felt him stiffen behind me, his body stilling inside mine. I felt his cock jerk and he started to come, his hips circling as he ground himself against me.

In what felt like an endless release, he filled me, pumping into me, flooding me with cum. Feeling him, knowing it was me that had reduced him to this, excited me and again I tightened around him, squeezing him, milking him, hearing him groan softly, the sound low and deep in his throat.

Finally he stilled, his hands shifting to either side of my body as he rested his chest over my back again. I felt his lips moving over me and I braced myself for the bite of his fangs again, but it didn’t come. He simply trailed tiny nipping kisses over my shoulder, in an uncharacteristic act of tenderness, while he finished emptying into me.

I could feel his cum running down my legs, so when he said he’d had issues with fucking other women, I realised he hadn’t been lying. Not that I was going to point that out to him though. I was enjoying the gentler side to this brooding, moody vampire too much to risk spoiling the moment now.        

He pulled out of me, still hard despite already coming and I cried out, my body bereft without him inside it anymore. Before I could do anything, he threw me over onto my back, roughly spreading my legs and with one fluid thrust he was inside me again. This time there was no waiting for my body to adjust to his invasion of it; he immediately began to pound into me, grunting loudly with every violent plunge of his hips.

I felt him pause briefly to bury his fangs in my neck, feeding from me again. As he sucked, his fangs rough in my neck, he fucked me, his hips like pistons, driving that huge, pierced cock of his so deep, I gasped from the powerful mix of pleasure and pain. God, it was too much, the intensity of it was overwhelming and I cried out when another orgasm tore through me.   

“Oh’s too much...I...I love….fuck I love this.” I hastily corrected, my already out of control heart lurching violently in my chest when I realised I’d almost told him I loved him. I didn’t love him. He was a vampire, a ruthless, selfish vampire. I could never love someone like him. It was the sex, the intensity of it. It was nothing more than the heat of the moment that nearly made me confess to something that wasn’t true. I didn’t love Fabian. It was just the sex that was all. Good sex, great sex in fact that made me feel emotional. I didn’t love Fabian.

So why did I feel the need to keep telling myself that? I didn’t want to think about it. I just needed to focus on the moment. Simply enjoy my time here in his bed. I would be a fool to make it out to be more than it was. I would be doomed to heartache if I thought of this as something romantic and loving. No, it was great sex, nothing more.

Fortunately Fabian didn’t seem to notice what I’d said, or that I was suddenly conflicted by a confusing array of emotions. He was too fixed on reaching his own orgasm; still pounding into me. I tried to glance up at his face, which wasn’t easy given he was so much taller than me but from my angle, pinned under him  as he fucked me like a possessed man, all I could see was his chest.

When I turned my head I could at least see past him to watch him in the mirrors and fuck was it hot. To see that tight ass of his flexing as he drove into me, the muscles in his back and shoulders shifting under his smooth expanse of skin; seeing them bunch and tighten. There was no doubt about it; he was a work of art, his body poetry in motion.

Finally he threw his head back and I got to see his expression in the mirrors, a fleeting look of agony and his lips curled back revealing his fangs. The agony left his expression and I saw pleasure spread over his beautiful features, just as he bellowed loudly.

“FUCK, FUCK! What you do to me.” Before collapsing onto me and I felt him pumping into me again as he came just as spectacularly as the first time. Fuck he was beautiful, amazing, magnificent, a truly stunning creature to watch when in the throes of passion.

Feeling his body shuddering over mine, triggered another rush of emotions through me, and my arms came around him, holding him close to me. As he trembled and shook on me, my fingers combed through his hair, enjoying this chance to touch him. He seemed in no hurry to get off me and I wasn’t complaining, although he was heavy.

I couldn’t help the moment of disappointment I felt, when he finally pulled out of me and a flood of his cum ran out soaking the bed. Fabian sat up looking down between my legs, and when his eyes met mine, he grinned. He grinned? I wasn’t used to a grinning Fabian since he tended to be such a moody arrogant arse most of the time. Still, my heart leapt when I saw the humour glinting in his pale eyes.

“You’re wetting the bed.” He told me, his voice husky sounding and I smiled.

“Well, it’s not entirely my fault you know.” I laughed, my eyes shifting over his incredibly handsome face. He looked quite relaxed, the tension gone from around his eyes and I hoped that was because of me and not just because he’d got his rocks off so to speak.

“Hmmm.” He murmured. “So we got to fuck without your witchcraft my beauty. I have to say, I enjoy it greatly when you’re not using a spell on me.”

“I told you I wouldn’t use any more spells on you Fabian.”

“You have your spell in place to keep me away from Cassandra and Chloe I noticed.” He frowned. “Still, that proved to be beneficial to me in the end. It kept me away from you.”

At his words, I felt pain lance through me. So he wanted to be away from me? Well what the hell was I doing in his bed now? I sat up and crawled to the edge ready to get up. I needed to get out of here now. Fabian didn’t want me around him. He’d helped me out and probably saved my life last night, but he wasn’t looking to have me around him for too long obviously from what he’d just said.

“If I could just take a shower and then I’ll be on my way.” I said quietly, looking over at him, trying not to notice how gorgeous he looked sprawled out in his bed.

He frowned at me. “What? Why are you leaving? You can shower of course, but why do you suddenly wish to leave? I thought you enjoyed being here with me? We just fucked and it was amazing. I had hoped we might do it again.”

“I thought you were saying you wanted me to leave? You said that the spell I have on Cassie and Chloe to keep you from doing anything to them was good, because it kept you away from me.” I said turning away from him again, trying to keep the hurt I was feeling out my voice.

I let out a squeal when arms suddenly closed around me, pulling me back down onto the bed, the beautiful scent that was Fabian rising around me as he rolled over, pinning me beneath him. His hands cupped me, either side of my face, holding me still as he gazed down at me.

“You misunderstood me Sirene. The spell you put on your housemates did help me. It helped me stay away from you for a couple of reasons and one of those reasons being that for a long time, I wanted to kill you. You have no idea just how angry I was at you for what you did to me. You hurt me and unmanned me and you had me furious with you. If I had been able to come to the house with no spells to make life difficult for me, I may have given into my more basic instincts and taken your life. I wanted to stay away from you too because you make me feel things I am not accustomed to feeling. It makes me uncomfortable. I have made it over 500 years without a woman managing to get under my skin, but somehow you have done what no other woman has been able to do, you make me feel things I’ve never felt before. For fuck sakes, I haven’t been able to properly fuck a woman in a month, even when I’m feeding off her. This thing,” He grabbed at his still partially erect cock. “This has stayed soft with nearly all the women I’ve fed from. The most I’ve been able to do is get semi hard. I tried to fuck, dammit but it was embarrassing and I would be forced to wipe their memories completely so I didn’t get a reputation for being a soft cock. Do you have any idea how humiliating that is to a vampire? How humiliating that is to me? Then I run into you in the club, or you run into me and suddenly I’m hard as a fucking rock. That blonde woman I was with when I was watching you sing, she tried to get me to fuck her, but I couldn’t. Damn you woman, you unman me constantly. You cast your spell over me and you don’t have to use fucking witchcraft to do it. What is it about you?” He reached out and ran his fingers down my cheek.

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