Passion By Control (Passion Series Book 2) (42 page)

BOOK: Passion By Control (Passion Series Book 2)
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“Fabian let me help.” Allegra pushed her way in. “Start the change. She’s not going to need much blood taken from her; she won’t have much left to give. Listen to her heart, it’s slowing. Quickly start the change; I’ll get your son delivered. She won’t live long enough to get this baby out of her first. We have to start the change; there’s no other choice.” She turned to Francesca. “I’ll need your help Fran. When she has the next contraction, I want you to bear down on her stomach, push as if you’re trying to squeeze toothpaste from the tube. I know, sorry, weird comparison, but since Sirene can’t push herself, we need to speed this delivery up. As you push, I’ll pull.” She shifted until she was kneeling between Sirene’s legs.

“Come on, we need to start the change. Don’t watch them.” Dominick grabbed at his arm to draw his attention away from what the two ladies were doing. “Quickly, start feeding her your blood; I’ll take more from her.” When Fabian glared at him Dominick snapped. “This is not the time for your macho bullshit. We need to save her and do it fast. We don’t have much time.”

His fangs descended and Fabian watched him bite into Sirene’s arm and start drinking, one hand holding her wrist so he could feel for her pulse. With the sound of Allegra ordering Fran to push, he dragged his dazed mind back to what was necessary and lowered his fangs, biting into himself, tearing a chunk of flesh away so he began to bleed freely.

Again he heard Sirene order Fran to push and as she did, suddenly his little witch gave a faint groan which made them all freeze.

“Quickly sire, get your blood in her now while she can drink it for herself, NOW SIRE, HURRY!”

“Hang on my beauty.” He whispered as he lowered his wrist to her mouth, using his other hand to part her lips so he could press his arm firmly against them. “Open your eyes for me, just once please. Let me see you.”

She moaned against his wrist, the vibration going through him and her eyelids flickered briefly before she suddenly opened her eyes, wide, just once and then they closed again, shutting her beautiful jade green gaze off to him.

He heard her start to choke and her breathing sounded more gurgled as she struggled with the blood he was feeding her but still he wouldn’t back off, determined to get as much into her as he could. She was losing a lot, or she had been. It appeared to be slowing now so he didn’t know if that was because she was literally running out of blood from her injuries and what Dominick had taken from her or his blood was starting to initiate the change.  

Still he kept feeding Sirene his blood even as he felt himself starting to weaken but he was determined to get enough into her to save her. “Sire, stop now, you’re going to deplete yourself too much. She’s had enough, she’s had enough, stop, come father stop.” Lucian grabbed his arm to pull him away from her mouth.

Suddenly a wail pierced the air and everyone froze, well, all of the men froze and all eyes turned to Allegra who held a bloodied but very much alive baby in her arms. Unable to control their initial response, fangs began descending at the smell of the blood and the foetal blood. The baby’s blood was going to be more temptation than most of them had ever had to endure.

Fabian’s eyes turned at the sound of his son’s cry and a tortured sob was torn from his throat. His son was alive. His focus shifted back to Sirene and he saw her eyelids flicker. He knew she could hear her child’s cry but she was too weak to respond now. Everyone could hear that her heart rate was slowing.

He noticed all eyes on his child, fangs down and he roared. “NO!” Staggering to his feet, he reached out to the infant in Allegra’s arms. Her fangs were not down which was a relief but he still pulled his son from her and cradled his wet, bloodied body in his arms.

“A blanket, we need something to cover him. In the boot, there’s a blanket and towels, someone get me some. I need to wrap him up.”

“Fabian, we should try and get him to drink from his mother before she turns. Babies need the first milk from their mothers.” Allegra said quietly. “Let me try and get him to feed from her ok?” She reached out for his child again and with a nod, he reluctantly handed his son back to her.

In a daze, feeling quite weak now from blood loss, he watched her tear the dress Sirene had performed in, back from her engorged breasts. Gently she laid his son on Sirene’s chest, tilting him until a nipple was by his mouth and squeezed some deep yellowish milk out which sprayed over his son’s mouth. The tiny lips of his son parted and he pulled her taut nipple in, mouthing around with it until finally he attached to her and they all heard the sucking noises.

“He’s feeding? He’s really feeding? Is he getting milk?” He asked his voice weak.

“Sire, what is wrong? You don’t look so good.” Lucian’s face was suddenly up close to his, concern in his expression.

“He’s given too much of his blood to Sirene. We need to get him blood quickly.” Dominick said. “Damned fool he is. Save his woman and lose his own life if he’s not careful.” He turned to Francesca. “Go and find him a human to feed from, now.”

Fabian turned slowly, feeling like everything was in slow motion and stared down at Sirene laying so still, her body covered in blood and the sight of their baby suckling from her. He must have been close to having his fill as his eyes were closing. Allegra lifted him and wrapped him in the towels.

“Hurry we must get out of here. The disco will be closing in about twenty minutes so the first wave of people leaving will be coming soon. We can’t be here when they do. Sirene’s heart is close to stopping now, can you hear it? This baby has had his first feed from his mother so now we need to buy formula. Fortunately Sirene has already bought supplies for your child so we just need bottles and food for him as she will be unable to breast feed him any more once she’s vampire. Are you listening to me Fabian?” She snapped and he struggled to focus on her; he was feeling so weak now.

“Fabian, sire; for fuck sakes someone get him blood now!” He vaguely heard Dominick order but his knees began to buckle and he slipped slowly down as the darkness claimed him, never hitting the ground as Lucian and Damien caught him before he could hurt himself.


Chapter Twenty Four



The moment I opened my eyes I knew something was different. No actually several things were different. The first thing that was not only different but odd was the fact I was lying on the floor of Fabian’s Rolls Royce and my clothing appeared to be all torn up. The second thing I noticed was my baby belly was gone. Fuck, I wasn’t pregnant. I’d had the baby? I frowned, trying to remember but I couldn’t think.

“Sirene, how do you feel?” Dominick’s face suddenly came into my range of vision and I squinted at him.

“Where’s my baby? What happened? Did I have the baby? Dammit, I don’t remember.”

Dominick placed a hand on my arm. “Please cara, calm down. I will explain to you what has happened shortly. Do you not have any memory of what happened to you?”

I screwed up my face in an effort to remember and slowly bits and pieces of images began to fill my head. I’d been going out to wait in Fabian’s car when some men had attacked me, but after that I couldn’t remember anything.

“I remember walking out to Fabian’s car but some men, creepy, scary looking men attacked me. I’d seen them in the club earlier and they gave me the creeps. They hit me and robbed me. They were going to rape me but I made one disappear. I think that pissed off the others because they hit me again and then there was pain, so much pain and then I don’t remember anything more.”

A hint of a smile curved up Dominick’s lips. “I think making one disappear would probably piss off the others cara. What you don’t know is that Fabian found you bleeding to death and although you were unconscious, the baby was coming. Allegra and Francesca delivered your son.”

I felt my stomach clench with fear. “Is he ok?” I whispered my eyes wide as I looked up into his handsome face.

“He’s fine. The others have taken him back to the house since we had a problem. Not with your son.” He said quickly to reassure me. “They had to get formula and bottles so he can be fed.”

“I was going to breastfeed him.” I protested.

A sympathetic look flitted across his face. “I’m so sorry Sirene. Haven’t you worked it out yet? You were stabbed by the men who attacked you and left for dead. You had a punctured lung and were bleeding internally. You were dying, we had no choice and Fabian was adamant, we had to save you.”

As I stared up into his deep blue eyes, finally the reality of what he was saying hit home. I’d been dying and now I wasn’t. One hand shot up to my mouth, my fingertips grazing over my teeth but there was nothing, no fangs.

“You won’t feel them cara. They only come down when you need to feed or during sex. Blood and sex go hand in hand when vampire. We need to get you blood then get you home. I just couldn’t move you until the change had taken place. Lucian ran home and brought another car to take everyone else back to Fabian’s home. Once I get you fed, we will head back too.”

My eyes shifted around. I was lying on the floor in Fabian’s Rolls Royce, it was still dark but a hint of the coming dawn could be seen in the sky and we were still in the car park outside the club. Why wasn’t Fabian here?

“Where is Fabian? Why is he not with me?” I asked, sitting up.

Dominick gave a deep sigh. “There was a problem. Fabian…was very upset. You can imagine. You know what he is like when he’s upset and when it comes to you, he tends to be more easily upset. He thought he was losing you and well… he passed out.” He finished on a rush.

“What? How? Why?” I asked.

“Fabian was the one who turned you cara. I helped by drinking from you and he gave you his blood. Unfortunately he gave you nearly all his blood and ended up so weak he collapsed. We were forced to find him a human to feed from urgently before the fool killed himself.” He nodded at my raised eyebrows. “Yes we can die with no blood in us. It takes longer but we will eventually waste away and die.”

“Oh he is such a stupid man.” I whispered. “Is he ok now?”

“He will be alright but he couldn’t drink the blood for himself so it ended up taking Francesca to feed from the human then feed it to Fabian. He’s been taken back with the others as he was still unconscious, but trust me cara, he will be ok. I’ve never seen him like that before. I hope you realise how much he loves you. None of us have ever seen him the way he is with you. To say he doesn’t normally treat women well would be putting it quite mildly.”

I climbed out of the car and stood up, feeling a rush of power, strength and dammit, hunger surge through me. I was torn, torn by an almost overwhelming urge to feed, to see my son and to see my idiot man who had been so determined to save me he’d nearly killed himself.

Oh my God but the feelings in my body. Was this how it felt to be vampire all the time? Was I still a witch or did I lose that when I became vampire? Damn, so many questions that needed answering but I needed food, I was so fucking hungry. “Food.” I mumbled.

“Come, we will get you blood but I will watch you. We don’t kill people ok? You must be very careful how much blood you take. Fabian has always been extremely clear on this. We don’t ever do anything to draw attention to ourselves. We never want the humans to become aware of our existence.”

I nodded but then I would have agreed to anything just to shut him up and be one step closer to finding food. I could feel a tingling in my mouth and suddenly my fangs descended which drew a startled gasp from me and I put a hand up to my lips.

“Now that response you must learn to control. If you did that around humans, our secret would be revealed and it would all be over for us. Come, I will go and bring food for you. Eventually you too will learn how to mind control but for now, I will use that control to bring a human out for you to drink from.” He frowned at me. “Can I trust you to wait for me and not do anything impulsive?”

I nodded. I might be vampire and finding this surge of power and strength, plus an overwhelming hunger, very intense, but I wasn’t an idiot. These people were my family, even before, when I was still human. I didn’t want to be the one, who brought trouble to them, plus I wanted to get home to my son and Fabian and the quickest way to make that happen was to co-operate now.

“Stay in the car, I won’t be long.” He ordered and left me, heading towards the club with long strides. While he was gone, to try and keep my mind off the hunger that clawed at my stomach I tried to remember as much of the evening as I could.

I looked awful. My dress was torn and soaked with blood. In fact the smell of my own blood all over me and all over the floor of Fabian’s car was not helping me get my hunger under control. I felt my way over myself and couldn’t find any injuries, nothing. In fact my body was totally free of all blemishes, my skin smooth. Was this what being vampire did for me? I wondered if I looked any different, my hair, my face but without a mirror, I had no idea. I was just about to climb to the front of the Rolls to look at myself in the mirror when I smelled blood, warm, sweet blood and the steady beat of a heart moving that beautiful life force around a human body. Dominick was back with breakfast.




When Fabian opened his eyes, he was disorientated for a few moments as he looked around him; finally realising he was in his bed, in his home. As he lay there looking around, suddenly the events of the evening came flooding back and he threw the sheet off himself and leapt from his bed, staggering slightly.

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